It's finnicky. There are special conditions for it. Sometimes my killstreaks stack, sometimes they don't.
Yeah, I still can't figure it out. People told me Assault killstreaks stack but I have yet to have them stack.
It's finnicky. There are special conditions for it. Sometimes my killstreaks stack, sometimes they don't.
I'd love to see the ratios of the other players in that game.
Guessing there's a token 3-30 in there.
I don't usually complain about teammates, but I just went 63-9 with 4 caps in a game of domination and still lost.....
Say what you will about Treyarch, but they did an absolutely fantastic job communicating with their users about the changes and shit going on with Black Ops constantly. David Vonderhaar was answering people's questions on Twitter nearly 24/7 for the first month.
On the other hand, Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer has done a piss poor job again of staying connected to their community. Robert Bowling didn't respond to anyone (or post anything at all for that matter) on Twitter from November 12 until yesterday.
Also, Treyarch's games don't have the amount of bullshit glitches that IW's do (MW2 Care Package/MW3 Stealth Bomber). Treyarch is also much quicker at fixing any map glitching issues.
Believe me, I used to be a big "I <3 IW, fuck Treyarch!" guy, but considering how both companies have treated their last round of games, I have more respect for Treyarch at this point. If Black Ops had stopping power on all the weapons, it's the best CoD game since CoD4.
I bet so many players online just now were confused as to how they were getting out-sniped by my MP7 with an ACOG (w/ Range).
Thing is unreal. Easily the best SMG imo.
What level does that unlock at? I'm at a 51 right now.
And what's up with that infinite grenade launcher shit? Is that a glitch or a real weapon? It has this large red crosshair thing I saw someone just kept shooting it over and over.
That's what you get for playing Hardcore. The thing is worthless outside of hardcore.
The problem I have with normal mode is unless you shoot in the chest half of the time the barret takes 2 shots to kill which infuriates me tremendously. I always end up getting a shit load of assists just because I hit someone in the hip or stomach. Snipers have been made useless in normal because of the damage + small confined maps, especially in respawn modes.
Then I use my pistol as my secondary and it's nerfed completely in normal it takes 4-5 shots to kill someone but normal machine guns kill me in 2 so I automatically lose. In hardcore this is fixed and I can have some fun with my rifle + pistol combo. Those fucking noob tubes though. I don't understand why IW/Treyarch won't just TAKE THEM OUT. It's an absolute crutch for weak players.
I don't quick scope and I don't care to learn. It looks cheap and kills the challenge.
I would've gotten BF3 on PC but my video card can't max it out, and that's one of those games I feel I'd want to max out at 60fps to play right. They're both great but I got COD in the end because it was 60fps and I prefer the twitch based arcadey physics.
I have officially gone prestige and regretted it hard the next match after, this game more then any other COD I feel is really unbalanced for lower levels. Sure you get something to take with you when you prestige, but this doesn't help very much. Man I love the game, but I still think Black ops is the better game.
I prestiged and saved my token thinking I'd need to bring Assassin along with me, but I had no problems at all and got back to 28 (I think?) pretty damn painlessly. Maybe it's worse in other game types, I mostly play TDM/KC/FFA.
Sniping in this game is a joke it's so easy. I'm not a sniper at all, and on Mission I chose the default Sniper Recon class and went 8-0 before they finally flanked me from two directions at once.
but I still think Black ops is the better game.
Oh hell no.
Just played against a guy with a blue name.
Fighting a bunch of Support users are the worst thing ever.
Fuck that shit.
Come at me, bro.
nah, your UAV and CUAV only gives me challenges points since I got Assassin Pro.
But those Stealth Bomber + EMP support are my nightmare.
Yes even with Assassin.
Fighting a bunch of Support users are the worst thing ever.
Fuck that shit.
Akimbo FMG9's are fucking OP as fuck.
Yep, and the community has officially found out... Guess there was a video on it or something, because last night was an explosion of FMG9 akimbo spam for me. Felt like fucking everyone was running with them.Akimbo FMG9's are fucking OP as fuck.
YES. They need to remove the stupid offensive rewards! Why are there offensive rewards in the support killstreak setup to begin with? Yesterday, we had a tight match of Demo against a team who all ran support. It was going well and we finally managed to move them out, plant and win a round. So they decided to win the next round by calling in FOUR support juggernauts at once. That was unwinnable!Fighting a bunch of Support users are the worst thing ever.
Fuck that shit.
But those Stealth Bomber + EMP support are my nightmare.
After finally getting my gold SCAR, I switched to the G36C for the first time. Wow, what a revelation! People actually DIE when I shoot them! It just feels so much better, even without any attachments or proficiencies. I thought I liked the SCAR, but I guess that was just because I hadn't used any other ARs I was just so intent on leveling it up.
Fighting a bunch of Support users are the worst thing ever.
Fuck that shit.
The lag in this game is fucking unacceptable.
nah, your UAV and CUAV only gives me challenges points since I got Assassin Pro.
But those Stealth Bomber + EMP support are my nightmare.
Yes even with Assassin.
It isn't something you can be proud of. Assassin/Dead Silence users are the worst people I've ever met.
The PS3 version of this game looks so bad compared to the 360 version. Yes I have both versions. Yes I have a nice TV (Samsung 55'' D8000 LED). It's night and day to me. The PS3 version looks washed out and more muddy to me than the 360 version. The 360 version has more punch and pop to it. Awful.
Works even better with Steady Aim.yes they are, and without realizing it until today I've been whoring the shit out of them.
The PS3 version of this game looks so bad compared to the 360 version. Yes I have both versions. Yes I have a nice TV (Samsung 55'' D8000 LED). It's night and day to me. The PS3 version looks washed out and more muddy to me than the 360 version. The 360 version has more punch and pop to it. Awful.