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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


Had a lot of fun sniping today and even got my first collateral. Even though these maps aren't designed for sniping it IS possible to do really well with the sniper once you find their spawn. I was playing dom on Mission and managed to get 5 or so kills just by popping my head in and out of cover on the A side hill. Did the same thing by abusing the long line of sight of the B flag on Resistance.

You act like sniping is hard...


So you'd rather have commando lunges from across the map? Get out of here. Now.

across the map? get the fuck out here. commando range is twice of normal range. if you think its over powered then its your fault not equiping it in mw2.
i perfer to have a better knife than something works 50% of the time, something can get yourself killed instead of getting a kill.


across the map? get the fuck out here. commando range is twice of normal range. if you think its over powered then its your fault not equiping it in mw2.
i perfer to have a better knife than something works 50% of the time, something can get yourself killed instead of getting a kill.

Lol you're asking for trouble. There's a reason they took it out of the game.


You act like anything in this game is hard...

Yeah, I guess running around with a single, silenced pistol would be pretty tough.

nothing in this game is hard, especially sniping. You can just equip the OP machine pistols and go to town. Not my fault you stick to a semi-auto pistol...
"Akimbo" anything in a marine combat game just takes me right out of it. May as well be a cartoon. How many soldiers in the field do you see sprinting around like idiots with guns in each hand?
IW isn't even trying anymore.

Why not Akimbo M60s? Hell Akimbo death machines for all! Mutant perk gives you THREE ARMS so you can be TRI-KIMBO !!!!!!

*edited* Trolliest comments best left for the "other" thread

Eh, I prefer it this way. Modern Warfare is now purely in action movie territory, with little interest in realistic military norms other than gun kit. It does that real well, too. I'd be more upset if it happened in GR, but even then... I guess I'm past all of that.


across the map? get the fuck out here. commando range is twice of normal range. if you think its over powered then its your fault not equiping it in mw2.
i perfer to have a better knife than something works 50% of the time, something can get yourself killed instead of getting a kill.
OK then, explain these:


2 examples but shit like that happened all the time. Saying "Just use the perk yourself" doesn't excuse the fact that it was broken.
across the map? get the fuck out here. commando range is twice of normal range. if you think its over powered then its your fault not equiping it in mw2.
i perfer to have a better knife than something works 50% of the time, something can get yourself killed instead of getting a kill.

Ok Clown. You're a fool if you think commando isn't overpowered, there's a reason why it got taken out of BLOPS and MW3.


it's seems many people are going to prone as soon as they see me, i've never seen this tactic on cod4 or mw2. maybe a BLOPS thing? it hilarious.


from the slowmo you can clearly see its twice the range of normal knifing. stop bitching, you bitches. why not equip yourself? like in a battle field, if your enemies are using assault rifles, why would you use a pistol, not an assault rifle?


it's seems many people are going to prone as soon as they see me, i've never seen this tactic on cod4 or mw2. maybe a BLOPS thing? it hilarious.

People see it on machinima and from people like seananners and think they can do it. Most fail miserably, it's pretty funny.
from the slowmo you can clearly see its twice the range of normal knifing. stop bitching, you bitches. why not equip yourself? like in a battle field, if your enemies are using assault rifles, why would you use a pistol, not an assault rifle?

Ahahahaha, flawless reasoning right here folks.

Commando is BS because the knife is an insta-kill. Including a perk that allowed you to do this in rapid succession from pre-patch 1887 range is stupid. Why do you think it got removed from every subsequent COD? Oh I don't know...maybe because the devs realized this was unfair?

Your argument that we should be forced to use a broken mechanic because a few d-bags are using it is stupid. Seriously, that's one of the dumbest things I've read on here.
Knife sucks total ass in this game. Like everything else people bitched about in MW2, they nerfed the ever loving shit out of it.


I still get lunged from five to ten feet away and the hit detection radius of the lunge is much too large. I often get killed when drop-shotting and the killcam will show the dude stabbing the air above me as I lay prone and still get the kill. Hell, sometimes I'll be strafing around a guy as I'm hip-firing and he'll lunge forward and stab me even though I'm to his immediate right.

Case in point: The knife is an overpowered pos that often results in bad players getting kills that feel cheap.


I just came across a pretty insane video


I don't know who dude is, but here he goes 67-7, gets a MOAB, all while playing the objective. Further proof that rushers make for the best players.
Rushing is more fun and all I do when I play for fun is run-and-gun, but camping is where it's at from a competitive standpoint. A rushing team is going to lose to a camping team at least 80% of the time (all else being equal) since it's very hard to coordinate a team rushing attack and it's very easy to coordinate a team camping defense.
You act like sniping is hard...

The act of pulling up your sights and shooting a guy with a sniper rifle is easier than ever, but given how small and cluttered the maps in the game are I feel that you're putting yourself at a huge disadvantage when sniping against a team full of assault rifle and smg users. So while sniping might be easy, the ability to pull good scores with a sniper I feel is more difficult than ever before in the series' history.

Even zzirgrizz is having trouble maintaining a 1.0 k/d ratio with a sniper when in past CoDs he would hover around 2.0.

Nelo Ice

What is with the PC dumbasses and using the N word. Just played a game of tdm and this guy who kept going negative was complaining about camping and calling everyone the N word every 2 mins. He also kept saying everyone on his team sucked even though he wasn't doing well at all.
Rushing is more fun and all I do when I play for fun is run-and-gun, but camping is where it's at from a competitive standpoint. A rushing team is going to lose to a camping team at least 80% of the time (all else being equal) since it's very hard to coordinate a team rushing attack and it's very easy to coordinate a team camping defense.

well I meant more in the context of objective gamemodes. If we're talking strictly deathmatch style modes in a competitive setting you're probably right


The act of pulling up your sights and shooting a guy with a sniper rifle is easier than ever, but given how small and cluttered the maps in the game are I feel that you're putting yourself at a huge disadvantage when sniping against a team full of assault rifle and smg users. So while sniping might be easy, the ability to pull good scores with a sniper I feel is more difficult than ever before in the series' history.

Even zzirgrizz is having trouble maintaining a 1.0 k/d ratio with a sniper when in past CoDs he would hover around 2.0.

I agree the maps are a clusterfuck, but I still hate snipers in this game. They compensate them so much.
What is with the PC dumbasses and using the N word. Just played a game of tdm and this guy who kept going negative was complaining about camping and calling everyone the N word every 2 mins. He also kept saying everyone on his team sucked even though he wasn't doing well at all.

XBL is worse. Anonymity brings out all the e-thugs who wouldn't dare say that in real life.


What is with the PC dumbasses and using the N word. Just played a game of tdm and this guy who kept going negative was complaining about camping and calling everyone the N word every 2 mins. He also kept saying everyone on his team sucked even though he wasn't doing well at all.

It's not the PC bro, it's the game. Play Black Ops and you won't hear a peep. Play MW2 or 3 and you get mic spam from idiots.

Nelo Ice

XBL is worse. Anonymity brings out all the e-thugs who wouldn't dare say that in real life.

Yeah I'm glad on PC no one really uses their mic or has one so people just complain in chat. On xbl I'm usually in party chat or mute everyone lol. Also forgot to mention this guy just kept spamming the chat box just like all the other guys I've run into that just constantly complain and use that slur.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I was wondering why I've been seeing so many low rank players today — turns out it's a free XBL Gold weekend. Happy noob hunting!


Golded my MP7. Thing is a beast, I love it.

I see so many gold P90's, SCAR's, Type 95's, ACR's, .. that I want to gold some guns that are a bit more under appreciated.

I think I am going to go with the G36C and MK14 for the AR's next.

I spawned underneath a friendly falling friendly care package, damnit.

Hahaha. That's a "you gotta be kidding me" moment.


PS3 patch 1.05 didn't fix lag, when you're the host you have even more lag. I have been switching MW2 and MW3 back and forth today, it's night and day difference. Even your character when on the run feels sluggish like you're passing through the swamp or something.
PS3 patch 1.05 didn't fix lag, when you're the host you have even more lag. I have been switching MW2 and MW3 back and forth today, it's night and day difference. Even your character when on the run feels sluggish like you're passing through the swamp or something.

worked like a charm for me earlier today with 6 man party and I probably have a shittier connection than you do. Not saying you are not having issues btw.


Yeah, I guess running around with a single, silenced pistol would be pretty tough.
It's stupid how hard they nerfed pistols in this game. They were the strongest they had ever been in MW2 and no one used them and now they're equally as overshadowed but the weakest they've ever been so even fewer people use them.
it's seems many people are going to prone as soon as they see me, i've never seen this tactic on cod4 or mw2. maybe a BLOPS thing? it hilarious.

Yeah, people pulling drop shots seems waaaaaaay more frequent in MW3 for me too. Sure, you'd see it in the past games but even on day one everyone seemed to be doing it in MW3. I honestly think I see more people doing it during a single session in MW3 than I would over an entire week in Black Ops.
strafing while shooting>>>>>>dropshotting.

The people who dropshot all the time would be better off learning how to shoot on the move instead trying to prone all the time
strafing while shooting>>>>>>dropshotting.

The people who dropshot all the time would be better off learning how to shoot on the move instead trying to prone all the time

Definitely. A lot of the time all going prone does it make it easier for a headshot, so they're not really at as much as an advantage as they'd think.


So the people they lost to Respawn... quite a few of those were map designers, eh?
respawn played against IW?
well, not surprised they lost, devs are always rather shitty at their own games....
edit: get it now, respawn the new devs not respawn the youtube community
and again, MW3 maps are fine, spawns are the problem
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