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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.

you shouldn't be looking to any one weapon as a crutch to help you, it won't help you become a better player in the end. Instead, think about how or what's killing you the most or what situations you're finding yourself in that is getting you killed the most, and start there. Are you coming around corners and getting shot? You getting outdrawn in one on one situations? killed from behind? people catching you in the open, picking you off from cover?

I'll give you some nuanced tips if you need it rather than just general ones if you can elaborate a bit.

I am getting killed from behind on occasion. Second, I like to run around and hunt foes so I get killed by campers/snipers.

I see pro videos and seems like they know exactly where the enemy is or is coming from w/o UAVs and they wait for them or hunt them down. That is level I'm looking to be at. I have a basic understanding of the maps and where are the hotspots.


I am getting killed from behind on occasion. Second, I like to run around and hunt foes so I get killed by campers/snipers.

I see pro videos and seems like they know exactly where the enemy is or is coming from w/o UAVs and they wait for them or hunt them down. That is level I'm looking to be at. I have a basic understanding of the maps and where are the hotspots.

That's actually relatively easy. If you notice a deadspot on the map where none of your teammmates are, that's where the enemy is. People also tend to rush in particular patterns and so it's pretty easy to predict how they're going to rush.

However due to the shitty ass spawns and small ass maps in this game, battles tend to get chaotic. Someone on this board said if you kill someone, prepare to kill two more people and that is the absolute truth in this game. I've literally rushed a spawn point and had three guys spawn less than 10 feet ahead of me.
The game already does this. I spend every single night fighting the same damn 10 teams over and over and over. Those of us in smaller countries are desperately wishing for the opposite option!

This is false. You don't dropshot when someone's like 60 feet away, where this applies. Also, you guys do know that there's a control scheme for it, right? They're not really "trying to drop," lag just makes it look like you're killing them before they do.

works well for me at all ranges. When people are shooting at you they're most likely aiming at your abdomen or chest area, dropshoting is just as likely to land the other guy a lucky headshot on you than it is to work. When it comes to strafing, people just aren't very good at tracking a moving target no matter the range, and strafing is a little less predictable than dropshoting. Also, considering how quick lateral movement is in this game, it's alot harder for a player that actually has good aim to land shots on a player that's veering off to the left or right than it is to hit someone who is dropshoting.

The downside to strafing close range is that you have to hipfire while strafing in order to maintain speed, or have a smg equipped if you wanna ads while strafing. steady aim alleviates this issue a bit, and stalker totally makes ads while strafing a non issue.
I am getting killed from behind on occasion. Second, I like to run around and hunt foes so I get killed by campers/snipers.

I see pro videos and seems like they know exactly where the enemy is or is coming from w/o UAVs and they wait for them or hunt them down. That is level I'm looking to be at. I have a basic understanding of the maps and where are the hotspots.

If you're getting killed from behind on occasion, first you have to anticipate where the enemy is coming from. actually, Jarmel hit it right on the head for me, so no need to paraphrase.

Second, use the various building and other structures to limit the number of angles you can be attacked from.That why you always here people mention to flank around on the outside of the map, it lessen the angles an enemy has on them because, well, there side is towards the boundary of the map.

Make sure to move from cover to cover, you do this and you don't give the other guy a clean target, plus you can retreat quickly back to cover if you're hurt this way. Don't move over open ground unless you have to. If you end up having to move over open ground, do it with conviction, don't hesitate and give a sniper an easy target. If need be, follow behind a teammate ( but not to close! ) and use him as bait of sorts( this sounds mean, I know ). Both snipers and corner campers don't always anticipate someone trailing their teammate, so they'll usually shoot at the first guy they see, and that's when you light em up.

One last tip for corner campers, or anybody who catches you off guard coming around a corner. Hipfire the moment you see them, and immediately after you start hipfiring, bring up your sights for more accuracy OR before you even come to a corner, pull up your sights THEN walk around the corner.


Being a team player is shit. I'm playing Sabotage and winning most matches but it's killing my KDR and most times I'm finishing negative.


Being a team player is shit. I'm playing Sabotage and winning most matches but it's killing my KDR and most times I'm finishing negative.

I'll tell you a secret: Everyone else playing Sabotage uses it as TDM where they have instant intel on where the dumb person who picked up the bomb is

(there's a reason its the least popular objective mode - that and the lack of a halftime side swap, which favors one side on every map)


Isn't it weird how this game and Black Ops seem to have entirely different crowds, despite both selling like a billion copies each? In Black Ops, I received rage/congrats/friend requests very rarely. Basically never. In MW3, just like in MW2's heyday, I'm getting 3 friend requests per night from little kids who want me to join their clan. Getting A LOT of hate messages here too, where I think I received like 5 in the whole year I played Black Ops.

I got a bunch yesterday after what might be my best MW3 match so far. When we entered the second round of Demo, I was still on a 15-ish streak in one life, was one kill away from my second Reaper that life and was still carrying the first AC. Got one kill, launched the AC, then launched the Reaper and got a second AC and then launched that. Shortest demo round ever! :lol

works well for me at all ranges. When people are shooting at you they're most likely aiming at your abdomen or chest area, dropshoting is just as likely to land the other guy a lucky headshot on you than it is to work. When it comes to strafing, people just aren't very good at tracking a moving target no matter the range, and strafing is a little less predictable than dropshoting. Also, considering how quick lateral movement is in this game, it's alot harder for a player that actually has good aim to land shots on a player that's veering off to the left or right than it is to hit someone who is dropshoting.

The downside to strafing close range is that you have to hipfire while strafing in order to maintain speed, or have a smg equipped if you wanna ads while strafing. steady aim alleviates this issue a bit, and stalker totally makes ads while strafing a non issue.
I'm a little confused by this post. First of all, why talk about strafing like it's some special skill not everyone has? To me, it's as basic as being able to walk forwards. Who just stops and stands still when they see someone, except for snipers?

I don't see your logic about how it's hard to hit someone's who's strafing at all - you can just wave the gun back and forth across a horizontal line if you can't follow with precision. It's what I do if someone's lagging like hell and I'm not getting all the hitmarkers I should. Someone who drops, on the other hand, turns into a much smaller target (unless the opponent is to the side, obviously) and that's just automatically harder to hit. Especially if you're flinching from the bullets he's putting in your legs.
I'm a little confused by this post. First of all, why talk about strafing like it's some special skill not everyone has? To me, it's as basic as being able to walk forwards. Who just stops and stands still when they see someone, except for snipers?

I don't see your logic about how it's hard to hit someone's who's strafing at all - you can just wave the gun back and forth across a horizontal line if you can't follow with precision. It's what I do if someone's lagging like hell and I'm not getting all the hitmarkers I should. Someone who drops, on the other hand, turns into a much smaller target (unless the opponent is to the side, obviously) and that's just automatically harder to hit. Especially if you're flinching from the bullets he's putting in your legs.

I didn't imply strafing is a special skill, or at least I didn't mean too. Shooting accurately while strafing doesn't seem like something everyone can do though. Waving the gun back and forth isn't a great counter to strafing either, doesn't sound like much more than wild shooting. Of course it's harder to hit a smaller target, but the person dropshoting is gonna take some hits on the way down if the other guy's natural inclination is to aim at the chest unless the guy has bad aim. dropshoting is really only effective on players caught off guard by your presence and miss their first shot.
Im working on a new style of play that invloves me taking the portable radar with me wherever I go on the map. I've been deploying it in multiple situations such as guarding my back, checking out a building im about to enter or a corner im about to go around.

Anyone else experimented with this tactic?


Im working on a new style of play that invloves me taking the portable radar with me wherever I go on the map. I've been deploying it in multiple situations such as guarding my back, checking out a building im about to enter or a corner im about to go around.

Anyone else here tried this tactic out?

I saw a video of Whiteboy7thst doing it when he going for a MOAB. Seems like a pretty good strategy.

Nelo Ice

So is anyone else getting a moderate nat consistently on the PC version? I've opened all the necessary ports and I usually get a moderate nat and at times it'll be open. Not going to turn off my firewall but its kinda annoying when one day it shows open then the next day its moderate.


Im working on a new style of play that invloves me taking the portable radar with me wherever I go on the map. I've been deploying it in multiple situations such as guarding my back, checking out a building im about to enter or a corner im about to go around.

Anyone else experimented with this tactic?

I've been doing the opposite, dropping the radar jammer wherever I go and it has been met with disastrous results. :lol


So is anyone else getting a moderate nat consistently on the PC version? I've opened all the necessary ports and I usually get a moderate nat and at times it'll be open. Not going to turn off my firewall but its kinda annoying when one day it shows open then the next day its moderate.

Me. I've opened all ports in router and even disabled firewall to see if it had something to do with moderate NAT.

No success at all.
I don't see your logic about how it's hard to hit someone's who's strafing at all - you can just wave the gun back and forth across a horizontal line if you can't follow with precision. It's what I do if someone's lagging like hell and I'm not getting all the hitmarkers I should. Someone who drops, on the other hand, turns into a much smaller target (unless the opponent is to the side, obviously) and that's just automatically harder to hit. Especially if you're flinching from the bullets he's putting in your legs.
I'm not wishing to crack open this chestnut once again, but I genuinely believe you exist in some sort of perspective sieve. What you just said there was nonsense, almost every word of it.

Most people are found out by strafing, especially when the strafer goes in a direction the opponent is deceived by. It's criminally underused by the majority of COD players. I find it's one of my most useful tactics.

Dropshotters, on the other hand, are almost a guaranteed headshot for me. Coupled with the fact they're now stationary and on the ground, all I have to do is jump in the air and they're fucked.

In regards to your level of rage messages in MW3, I assume you didn't get any in BO because you weren't very good. I used to get rage daily. I did today, after going 42/3 and 30/0 in consecutive games on Hanoi and Nuketown. In MW3, from the small portion I played, I'm too rubbish yet to be hated.


to people outside the us: are you still locked to playing with your own countrymen? it's disappointing that after many patches i still can´t play team defender, ground war or headquarters. no one in my country is playing those modes so i can´t find matches.
it's weird because BLOPS did this but restricted us to playing with southamericans, but mw3 restricted this even more.
is anyone still experiencing this?


Golded my MP7. Thing is a beast, I love it.

I see so many gold P90's, SCAR's, Type 95's, ACR's, .. that I want to gold some guns that are a bit more under appreciated.

I think I am going to go with the G36C and MK14 for the AR's next.

I got SCAR, ACR, T95, AK. I'll gave the G36C another chance since the sound of that gun is badass imo. But my first experience of it was terrible. Took half a clip to kill again most of the time. :/


I got SCAR, ACR, T95, AK. I'll gave the G36C another chance since the sound of that gun is badass imo. But my first experience of it was terrible. Took half a clip to kill again most of the time. :/

Got my gold G36C yesterday. Easily my favorite gun in the game. I had it outfitted with a silencer and default red dot.

Gonna work on the AK then ACR.

Fully automatic weapons (assault rifles or machine pistols) seem to be the best weapons in this game. It seems if u miss with a burst fire weapon (M16) or handgun you're pretty much dead. Am I right?
Got my gold G36C yesterday. Easily my favorite gun in the game. I had it outfitted with a silencer and default red dot.

Gonna work on the AK then ACR.

Fully automatic weapons (assault rifles or machine pistols) seem to be the best weapons in this game. It seems if u miss with a burst fire weapon (M16) or handgun you're pretty much dead. Am I right?
type 95 my friend, type 95.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
P90 + Silencer + Range + Steady Aim = oh god so good I don't even have to use the sights. It's like those akimbo machine pistols everyone uses except with a silencer and 50-round magazine. It does require rushing, though, so I have it running Support Streaks, which I don't mind.
Is the G36C any good? I loved the AK47 so much my first time leveling up that I used a prestige token to unlock it.

Also, does anyone know if I prestige again, is the AK unlocked again?
I picked that gun up from someone and it felt like the FAMAS w/ Stopping Power in MW2 (which is a good thing). Might have to try it for a few rounds.
it's easily the best gun in the game. Can drop people in a single hit, amazing accuracy range. Definitely way overpowered and causes many to rage.


it's easily the best gun in the game. Can drop people in a single hit, amazing accuracy range. Definitely way overpowered and causes many to rage.

Yeah, that gun had me scratching my head when I got killed with it.

Me: "One shot, WTF!!!"

So the Type 95 is the most powerful weapon. What's the second most powerful? M16?
Yeah, that gun had me scratching my head when I got killed with it.

Me: "One shot, WTF!!!"

So the Type 95 is the most powerful weapon. What's the second most powerful? M16?
not really, I'd say after the type 95, the best gun for taking people down quickly is the g36c and acr, not including sniper rifles of course.

Another fun one is the pp90m1 with steady aim. For the smaller maps you don't even have to bother aiming 95% of the time and you'll get quick kills.
Kind of hard to strafe in an ADS shooter, Kermit

Aim down sight?
I pull up my sight perhaps once in every 5 encounters. Most of the weapons I use have excellent hipfire attributes, so ADS is rarely necessary. Thus, strafing becomes integral.

I've always found not ADS'ing in close close and mid-range firefights is often a gamechanger.
Aim down sight?
I pull up my sight perhaps once in every 5 encounters. Most of the weapons I use have excellent hipfire attributes, so ADS is rarely necessary. Thus, strafing becomes integral.

I've always found not ADS'ing in close close and mid-range firefights is often a gamechanger.
Really? You must have a really unique playstyle, as I find the inverse to be true. With my AR classes anyway...
Really? You must have a really unique playstyle, as I find the inverse to be true. With my AR classes anyway...

Well, I honed my craft using the P90, MP5, MP40, PPsh90, Commando, AUG , the G11 (especially, such an underrated and very versatile weapon) and the FAMAS, which all had excellent hipfire capabilities. I'm a run and gun, flanking style of player, so I tend to avoid long range firefights where possible.


Really? You must have a really unique playstyle, as I find the inverse to be true. With my AR classes anyway...
smgs are imo more about getting into peoples face and firing from the hip, especially if you have a silencer on since it kills pretty much any long range capabilities and as close as you have to get ADS becomes kinda useless anyway, so flank and hip spray

ARs on the other hand work best from mid-long range


Is the G36C any good? I loved the AK47 so much my first time leveling up that I used a prestige token to unlock it.

Also, does anyone know if I prestige again, is the AK unlocked again?

I think the G36C is phenomenal. The recoil is very manageable -- someone said it has the least amount of horizontal recoil out of all the guns except for the MP7 SMG.


It's finally starting to really click with me. 22-6 and 12-2 in TDM. It doesn't change the fact that this is extremely connection dependent. You will not have a good game if your connection is weak and/or your teammates suck. Your connection and the spawn system will do you in every spawn.

Prestiging is a rat's ass without any good lethal/tactical/perk/gun options.

The first good assault rifle is at 32 followed by 42 and 50.
Stinger at 40!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bouncing Betty at 37, Claymore at 53, C4 at 69!!
Blind Eye 11, Assassin 27, Dead Silence at 55!

Too bad I 10th prestiged MW2 on 360, I'd have an extra unlock by now.
It's finally starting to really click with me. 22-6 and 12-2 in TDM. It doesn't change the fact that this is extremely connection dependent. You will not have a good game if your connection is weak and/or your teammates suck. Your connection and the spawn system will do you in every spawn.

Prestiging is a rat's ass without any good lethal/tactical/perk/gun options.

The first good assault rifle is at 32 followed by 42 and 50.
Stinger at 40!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bouncing Betty at 37, Claymore at 53, C4 at 69!!
Blind Eye 11, Assassin 27, Dead Silence at 55!

Too bad I 10th prestiged MW2 on 360, I'd have an extra unlock by now.

The best Assault Rifle in the game has to be the M4, it's so easy too use and with the little recoil, you put Red Dot Sight and Silencer on it and it kills almost everything with the right class combination.

I think the G36C is phenomenal. The recoil is very manageable -- someone said it has the least amount of horizontal recoil out of all the guns except for the MP7 SMG.

I agree, third best AR(I dont' count type 95 since I don't use it) after M4 and ACR.
It's finally starting to really click with me. 22-6 and 12-2 in TDM. It doesn't change the fact that this is extremely connection dependent. You will not have a good game if your connection is weak and/or your teammates suck. Your connection and the spawn system will do you in every spawn.

Prestiging is a rat's ass without any good lethal/tactical/perk/gun options.

The first good assault rifle is at 32 followed by 42 and 50.
Stinger at 40!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bouncing Betty at 37, Claymore at 53, C4 at 69!!
Blind Eye 11, Assassin 27, Dead Silence at 55!

Too bad I 10th prestiged MW2 on 360, I'd have an extra unlock by now.

No good rifle til 32?

The first good assault rifle is at 32 followed by 42 and 50.
Stinger at 40!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bouncing Betty at 37, Claymore at 53, C4 at 69!!
Blind Eye 11, Assassin 27, Dead Silence at 55!

Oh wow. Your comment made me realize I haven't even tried the Claymore or C4. I used them both so heavily in MW2 & BLOPS. This game really has turned me into a run and gunner.


not really, I'd say after the type 95, the best gun for taking people down quickly is the g36c and acr, not including sniper rifles of course.

Another fun one is the pp90m1 with steady aim. For the smaller maps you don't even have to bother aiming 95% of the time and you'll get quick kills.

Thanks. I'm gonna try the Type 95 and P90 today.


Who cares about the iron sights? They give you a red dot within minutes.

Why would I use a weaker gun with shitty iron sights when there's one with great iron sights and is one hundred times better. Seriously, think for a second. Also, why would I waste an attachment on a red dot sight when there's a much better gun that doesn't need it? Seriously, think for a second.
Why would I use a weaker gun with shitty iron sights when there's one with great iron sights and is one hundred times better. Seriously, think for a second. Also, why would I waste an attachment on a red dot sight when there's a much better gun that doesn't need it? Seriously, think for a second.

You've got an interesting philosophy there. Clearly you've thought it out well.
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