Calling out rumors, insiders and "sources"


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'Insider' sources here.


It's insane to me that a single person outside of Youtube live comments thought Sony would waste Ragnarok on SGF.

TBH a release date at this point shouldnt be special. It was meant to come out last year, so they just better hurry up with it and not try and make it sound like its something ground breaking


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
It's insane to me that a single person outside of Youtube live comments thought Sony would waste Ragnarok on SGF.

I said the same thing a while back.

I don't see why Sony would opt to have their marquee first party game have a release date announcement at Keighley's event and not their own.

Some of our fellow brethren on GAF were sure Keighley would deliver.

Release date announcement at Geoff's show, gameplay in their own show.

Geoffs got the release date trailer I bet. Perfect timing coming hot off the recent state of play. Keeps the momentum going.
How to game journalism:

- Twitter "personalitiy" (further reffered to as Twit) makes several guesses.

- People that want what Twit said to be true fall over themselves defending Twit.

- People that don't want it to be true fall over themselves denouncing Twit.

- Twit gets clout when the guess is correct. Followers decree Twit to be Nostradamus.

- Twit goes into radio silence when wrong. Followers point out Twit has been correct in the past.

- Don't forget to like a subscribe.


yes I am aware of that and I agree. My point was simply to say that real insiders do exists. Just because one insider is wrong or consistently not accurate doesn't mean that every leak is fake from other individuals and that every rumor should be cast out and called a lie.

I have no clue where those people went. Right now the only ones I believe the most is Shinobi (who's still around) and Tom Henderson.

As far as Shpeshal Ed goes, he is inconsistent, and tends to be very strange. I do not trust his sources, not enough consistency.
AFAIR Schreier has 100% clean track record.
Jeff Grubb also has rather good track record. For now he had two things wrong. Prices of new PSPlus (but rest about that was correct) and Goldeneye which wouldn't be first game moved due to world events (Motorstorm Apocalypse). There is also another thing to consider. He sometimes is reporting about things he is not 100% certain, but in that case he clearly states that it's rumor that he cannot confirm (like Square Enix one)


it's pretty much good guesswork to say we'll get some sort of announcement

They use the broken clock strategy. Their MO is to say "Something" is happening once a week. Eventually they'll be right, which is what the simple minded pay attention to...

While forgetting the other 48 weeks of the year where the exact same prediction was posted, which turned out to absolutely false.
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They use the broken clock strategy. Their MO is to say "Something" is happening once a week. Eventually they'll be right, which is what the simple minded pay attention to...

While forgetting the other 48 weeks of the year where the exact same prediction was posted, which turned out to absolutely false.

It must be really annoying to follow those people on Twitter. Imagine seeing them post the same prediction week after week. It would certainly drive me crazy.
Ohh Schreier bites his first ❌

Issue is it’s Tom, Jason and The Snitch. And they all had similar information.

So I’m not sure what happened here but it might be true the date was either fake from Sony or they delayed the announcement.

I wouldn’t write this off as Jason making up info just yet.
None of the insiders were wrong lol. They all had same info and Jason never lies and Snitch has a perfect track record. This is Sony's change of mind.


Is that a fair strike though? Jason technically wasn't wrong with the information he initially reported on. Sony changed plans last minute, possibly to bait the leaker.

Reminds me when Disney released the Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame trailers in the same week. It leaked earlier that one would come out on Monday and the other on Wednesday. But then George H.W. Bush died and they had the national day of mourning on that Wednesday and Disney, not wanting to look bad promoting an Avengers movie during a national funeral, pushed it to Thursday. 24 hours. But that didn't stop the Twitter psychopaths and Reddit shitheads from screaming for blood over a 24 hour delay for the trailer.


Lol why would I give Jason a special treatment?
He called a date, he put the rumor up. Rumor turned out to not be true, and that's an ❌ for me.

Just to remind you, we've had nothing official from Sony regarding news late June, it was Jason who put that date up and all followed suit.

He started acting like an official Sony community manager this month quicky running after GoW delays rumors.

Sorry to show the truth, but not even the most trusted "insiders" aren't 100% accurate and to be trusted. This is exactly the point of this thread.


There is no proof that Sony changed plans last minute though.
I don't know for certain. Going by what was being corroborated it seem that there was a change, unless they are all just making it up. Either the source for the GOWR rumor was either intentionally misleading them or the info that source obtained was no longer applicable.

Reminds me when Disney released the Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame trailers in the same week. It leaked earlier that one would come out on Monday and the other on Wednesday. But then George H.W. Bush died and they had the national day of mourning on that Wednesday and Disney, not wanting to look bad promoting an Avengers movie during a national funeral, pushed it to Thursday. 24 hours. But that didn't stop the Twitter psychopaths and Reddit shitheads from screaming for blood over a 24 hour delay for the trailer.
Tbf I'm not going to pretend that I wasn't pissed off when Sony delayed the PS5 unveiling back in 2020 due to BLM's bullshit lol

He called a date, he put the rumor up. Rumor turned out to not be true, and that's an ❌ for me.
I don't think anyone is asking for special treatment, that would obviously defeat the purpose of your thread if that were the case.
Just seem misplaced here is all I'm saying since he didn't give out false info if things changed from what was initially planned.
It's not that serious, I just wouldn't put that in the same category as being straight-up wrong from the get-go. Since this is tracking the person's credibility or lack thereof.
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How do you know he’s making up the information?

He’s been right about Sony stuff before so he probably has sources.

I'm not the one claiming insider info fella. That's to say, how do you know he's NOT making up info?

Can you corroborate there were official plans by Sony?

Official being the key word here, not something coming from insiders mouth. I'll gladly wait.
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I'm not the one claiming insider info fella. That's to say, how do you know he's NOT making up info?

Can you corroborate there were official plans by Sony?

Official being the key word here, not something coming from insiders mouth. I'll gladly wait.

I highly doubt he made up everything and got lucky a few times. He must have some sort of source to have gotten those things correct in the past. He’s no Serrano and the same can be said about other insiders like Tom for example.
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I highly doubt he made up everything and got lucky a few times. He must have some sort of source to have gotten those things correct in the past. He’s no Serrano and the same can be said about other insiders like Tom for example.
Do you think I believe all he speaks is being made up just because one of his rumors turned out to not be true?

Please point out where do I say he's making stuff up, or that he suddently becomes not reliable at all?. I'm just trying to corroborate how accurate these people are. He just missed this one. I won't give them a free pass just because they backpedal on their initial statements (Just like I did with Grubb and his GoldenEye rumor).
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Gold Member

End of an era /s

It would be better to have more of a foundation for rumors before trying to throw shit on a wall expecting it to stick.. Or better yet, not ride the coat tails of others for clout.

He knows he struck out one too many times. That's the real reason he's 'disappearing'.
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God of War Ragnarok release date announcement late in June.

June goes by, no release date.

How's that not false?
Hey, it's your thread, man. I think he deserves a more reasonable asterisk penalty than saying he is "backpedaling" if the info was accurate right up until recently, that's all.
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