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Can I send a fax online?

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I've got to send a fax to a company, is there any way to do this online? I've got dsl. I've also got a fax/modem but if it comes to that I'd rather just pay the $0.50 at the Mailboxes Etc. Can anyone help?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I have this program called Snappy Fax 2000 Version 3 that allows me to send faxes online. I can't remember wher i found it though, sorry. But it can be done quite easily, I don't believe you can use a dsl or cable modem though, so its good that you have fax modem...even a dialup modem would work.


Thanks for everyone's help, but after some searching, it appears that to send a fax online, I'll have to sign up for a free 30 day trial.

There were some free services to send a fax with, but after trying three of them it appears they went out of business. Can't imagine why (dot com bust).

Guess I'll head up to MBE.
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