Amazon E3 deals rules:
Nothing gets charged right away + price guarantee .
Its worth noting, though, that Amazon doesn't allow you to cancel preordered titles, or at least they wouldn't allow me to do it.
Amazon E3 deals rules:
Nothing gets charged right away + price guarantee .
Its worth noting, though, that Amazon doesn't allow you to cancel preordered titles, or at least they wouldn't allow me to do it.
Its worth noting, though, that Amazon doesn't allow you to cancel preordered titles, or at least they wouldn't allow me to do it.
Its worth noting, though, that Amazon doesn't allow you to cancel preordered titles, or at least they wouldn't allow me to do it.
Its worth noting, though, that Amazon doesn't allow you to cancel preordered titles, or at least they wouldn't allow me to do it.
Yes, no, and this doesn't even apply in the first place.So being logical is shitposting but whining about a discount being too low when you're not owed anything isn't?
Yeah essentially you get 31.25% of your purchase back through RZ points (IE: $14.06 on a $40 game. Better than 20% right? ... not really). The issues of course are:
-Points are only issued 36 days after each release
-Points can only be used in store
-Points can only be turned into RZ certificates in multiples of $5, so if you earn $39 worth of RZ, you're only gonna be able to use $35 worth
Yeah, I can easily say that the vast majority of RZ certificates I ever earned expired long before I was ever able to use them. Felt like they had a 6-8 week usage window if that.The thing I hate about the certificates is that they expire REAL fast.
I don't remember the expiry on the last certificate I had, but it was definitely less than half a year. Maybe 3 months? And that's not even when you redeem it. It's expiring when you become eligible for the certificate for whatever denomination you set.
Did it multiple times. Only time you can't really is when it is in preparation.
Had pages crash when trying to cancel though and that came from the database so I had to contact the CS. Did it by chat, was fixed ten minutes later and every other item was moved to a different order with 30% (last year E3) already applied.
For Honor for 47.5$ <3.
How?Yes, no, and this doesn't even apply in the first place.
A handful of games went off pre-order during the discount window in past years. Often these were heavily discounted titles already and sometimes only the PS4 SKU. I want to say Black Ops III PS4 went off pre-order last year sometime around Tuesday of E3 week while the Xbox One version remained available. Once the E3 sale ended, boom it went back up for pre-order at full price. How about that?
yo dubs, I must be blind cuz I don't see a link to the list of eligible games on Amazon in the OP
yo dubs, I must be blind cuz I don't see a link to the list of eligible games on Amazon in the OP
Best Buy isn't 40% off, it's 0% on your main purchase!
80$+tx gives you 25$ off another purchase, only in store, so you get (using QC tax of 15% total) 92$ (game) +25$ (other purchase) = 117$. You save 25$ on that, or 21.3% (25$/117$). And that assume you're buying something at exactly 25$, and doesn't count the gas or time spent going to the store.
The thing I hate about the certificates is that they expire REAL fast.
I don't remember the expiry on the last certificate I had, but it was definitely less than half a year. Maybe 3 months? And that's not even when you redeem it. It's expiring when you become eligible for the certificate for whatever denomination you set, and they don't even tell you if you have a certificate with an email. They have been showing reward points in recent emails though, probably for getting in shit because they've been purposefully made it so that customers would forget about their certificates expiring.
i salute those who still have their $40 FFXV preorders from 3-4 years ago at BB/FS
Here it is:
Hit on the "Up to $30" tab up top to get to the price drop games.
added thanks
Thanks for the heads up, made a new order just because.Pokemon SuMo back to $59, but now available as part of the 20% off promo. (Amazon)
Soo, are we allowed to make multiple orders or no?
I don't mind making one big order but if we can do split into multiple small ones, would prefer to do that.
Its worth noting, though, that Amazon doesn't allow you to cancel preordered titles, or at least they wouldn't allow me to do it.
Really hope Amazon puts up Detroit become human, I forgot all about that game.
Soo, are we allowed to make multiple orders or no?
I don't mind making one big order but if we can do split into multiple small ones, would prefer to do that.
I'd like to just take a moment to commemorate that my last remaining Future Shop preorder, TMS #FE (SMTxFE) at $40 from E3 2013, will releasing later this month.
Goodnight sweet prince
I have canceled so many games after receiving beta keys.
I think this year, I'm not ordering anything. I don't like Bestbuy's RZ, I don't like Amazon shipping.
I still have FFXV and KH3 from years ago, and TLG, Horizon, FF7:R from last year. I feel pretty covered for most big releases.
80 dollar games at 20% off... it's like you're paying pre-crash prices for games I guess.
"Group my items into as few shipments as possible."
will amazon really wait until the final game releases to ship my order with this checked?
Are CEs being covered for this? Wanna know if I'm covered for P5's Take Your Heart edition.
Man, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse at $64.99 !!!![]()
Are CEs being covered for this? Wanna know if I'm covered for P5's Take Your Heart edition.
Meh, Ill still purchase it, along with Zero Escape Volume 3.
Also, I hope that Etrian Odyssey Untold 1 and 2 will be on discount during Nintendo's eShop E3 sale.
there may be a chance BB's got you covered. some CEs get the discount there. wait until they put it up
Are they doing discounts? I thought they were just giving extra points for their membership thing.