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Canada's government has fallen

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MPs topple Liberal government, trigger election
Last Updated Mon, 28 Nov 2005 19:01:42 EST
CBC News
The opposition parties banded together Monday to defeat the Liberal minority government and set the stage for an election that is expected to culminate in a mid-January vote.

In a 171 to 133 vote, the House passed an historic no-confidence motion exactly one year and five months after Canadian voters elected the Liberals.

Prime Minister Paul Martin will now have to go see Governor General Michaëlle Jean Tuesday morning and ask her to dissolve Parliament.

As the vote was conducted, parliamentarians stood up to applaud MPs who will not be running in the next election.

The Liberal defeat marks the first time a government has fallen on a straight motion of no-confidence in Parliament.

Other minority governments have been forced into elections after losing budget votes or censure motions interpreted as loss of confidence.

Last week, Opposition Leader Stephen Harper officially tabled the motion of no-confidence which read: "That this House has lost confidence in the government."

The Liberals have 133 seats, followed by the Conservatives with 98, the Bloc Quebecois with 53 and the NDP with 18. There are four seats held by Independents.

According to a poll conducted by Environics Research for the CBC, 35 per cent of decided voters said they would vote Liberal. The Conservatives came in at 30 per cent and the NDP were picked by 20 per cent.

With a margin of error +/- 2.5%, 19 times out of 20, the poll puts the Liberals and Conservatives at a virtual dead heat.

Federal elections have to be held on a Monday and the campaigns have to be at least 36 days long. Martin is expected to call for a slightly longer campaign, setting the vote for mid-January, either the 16th or the 23rd, with an agreement among the parties to take a holiday break and stop campaigning between Dec. 23 and Jan. 3.

An eight-week campaign would be the longest the country has seen in two decades.

The last time a government fell at the hands of the opposition was Joe Clark's Conservative government in 1979.

Monday's vote means a number of bills will die on the order paper, among them an act to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana and an animal cruelty bill.


Stephen Harper is an uncharismatic, power hungry douche-bag. Jack Layton (NDP) is a turncoat and everyone still hates the French.

Man, I'm voting Liberal in January, but I shouldn't have to vote for them again in such a short period of time.

I like Canadian governmental system, but it can be frustrating as well.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Time for another Liberal minority government so we can do this all again in 18 months. :(


Banstick Emeritus
Fuzzy said:
Time for another Liberal minority government so we can do this all again in 18 months. :(
...yeah. :(

Nobody to vote for without holding my nose...guess I'm going Green. Shit.


Tagged as I see fit
Well, we all knew this was coming, but it still sucks. I'm just happy I don't have to vote before Christmas. Now...who to vote for. The criminals, the unfeeling robot/lizards, or the not so smart spendthrifts?


Guess I'll write a randomizer algorithm in Java to make my choice. *sigh*


Fuzzy said:
Time for another Liberal minority government so we can do this all again in 18 months. :(

Fuck this. I'll vote the same way I did last time. I'm not changing my damn vote just because they're a bunch of whiney brats. Christ, run the country, don't waste my time with gay marriage and elections.
I'm voting Liberal again. Harper is a selfish idiot who only uses this shit as a power grab for himself and not for the good of the country. Same thing when he tried to set this up 4 months ago by trying to defeat the budget which was only going to help Canadians.


I don't care if Paul Martin and his cronies are erradicating Jews, I still wouldn't vote Con. NDP or Green. I wouldn't want to give Stephen Harper leadership over the country. Just to spite him. I think he thinks more of himself than the good of the Canadian people.

I sincerely like Martin. He still has my trust. As stupid as I may be for giving it to him, I still beleive in him and the Liberals.
What's so bad about Stephen Harper? I'm not voting for him, but I'd seriously like to be educated since I (sadly) follow American politics more than Canadian.

Here are the reasons I'm aware of:
-against gay marriage
-against abortion (I think)
-wanted to take us into Iraq
-is ugly
Sapienshomo said:
I don't care if Paul Martin and his cronies are erradicating Jews, I still wouldn't vote Con. NDP or Green. I wouldn't want to give Stephen Harper leadership over the country. Just to spite him. I think he thinks more of himself than the good of the Canadian people.

I sincerely like Martin. He still has my trust. As stupid as I may be for giving it to him, I still beleive in him and the Liberals.

Erradicating Jews? What do you mean? Martin's time in power has shown a new willingness to support Israel.

But I think now is the time to make my move at running this country...its time, its time its...




BigJonsson said:
Erradicating Jews? What do you mean? Martin's time in power has shown a new willingness to support Israel.

But I think now is the time to make my move at running this country...its time, its time its...



I mean that..do I have to spell it out or your being fecitious? It's hard to tell somtimes on the internet...


I would bang a hot farmer!
The worst part of the government falling is that the bill to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of pot has also died. :(
Sapienshomo said:
I mean that..do I have to spell it out or your being fecitious? It's hard to tell somtimes on the internet...

Ohhh...but I actually have Jewish Conservative friends who believe that the only way to protect Israel is to vote CPC :S


OpinionatedCyborg said:
What's so bad about Stephen Harper? I'm not voting for him, but I'd seriously like to be educated since I (sadly) follow American politics more than Canadian.

Here are the reasons I'm aware of:
-against gay marriage
-against abortion (I think)
-wanted to take us into Iraq
-is ugly
He used to be president of the National Citizen's Coalition. This upstanding group has led campaigns against the Canada Health Act (hell, it was originally founded to oppose universal health care), against allowing Vietnamese "boat people" refugees", against labour unions, and is generally for large tax and spending cuts.
Oxymoron said:
He used to be president of the National Citizen's Coalition. This upstanding group has led campaigns against the Canada Health Act (hell, it was originally founded to oppose universal health care), against allowing Vietnamese "boat people" refugees", against labour unions, and is generally for large tax and spending cuts.
heh, just reading their website right now:
"The Conservative Party will stand up for:

* Improving the universal public health care system to prevent the drift towards a two-tier health care system.
* Establishing maximum acceptable wait times through an arm's length process based on clinical evidence, not political decisions.
* Insisting that all jurisdictions be held accountable for meeting wait time reduction targets.
* Examining a care guarantee that would ensure that patients received treatment within the clinically acceptable maximum waiting times."

Call it scare tactics, I don't care, but I honestly don't believe Harper's a changed man. If I knew the Conservatives really believed this stuff -- and I'm sure some do -- I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. I want the old PC party back :(


Im going to vote conservative even though i disagree with them on almost everything. The liberals have just been in power too long. =P

A conservative minority wouldnt be a terrible thing.
dem said:
Im going to vote conservative even though i disagree with them on almost everything. The liberals have just been in power too long. =P

A conservative minority wouldnt be a terrible thing.

Yes it would, the CPC would have to rely on support from the BQ to gorm a government :S


Rosa Parks hater
I'm voting Conservative.

However, be aware that the Liberals could run a rapist and still win by 10,000 in my riding. I'm also assuming I'll have to vote using an absentee ballot, why couldn't the election be one week earlier... simply might not bother to vote at all.

Maybe I should vote for Martin because he hates power, Harper is the only one in it for the power. In fact he's the only politician who likes power in the very least. Stupid power hungry Harper. *yawns*

BigJonsson said:
Yes it would, the CPC would have to rely on support from the BQ to gorm a government :S

Edit: More fear tactics. The Bloc is more left wing than the Liberal party, they have little in common with the Conservatives. Even if they did work together, that wouldn't mean Quebec seperates. Stop using guilt by association, one that is very tenuous at best.


Honorary Canadian.
they could close the borders and piss off thousands of 19 year old americans who need a place to drink legally... the economy of ontario would crash though.


Rosa Parks hater
whytemyke said:
they could close the borders and piss off thousands of 19 year old americans who need a place to drink legally... the economy of ontario would crash though.

It's 18 in Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Mike Works said:
what does that even mean?

if everyone voted liberal this wouldn't have happened either.

Uh. If everyone would have voted you'd have a completely retarded government. Conservative is the only sane party.
Well that's highly debatable, but I, along with most people in this country, seem to prefer an "insane" party/government to one composed of people with anti-gay, anti-abortion, leader looks like an extra in House of Wax what the fuck those eyes morals.


My point was if everyone voted liberal, they wouldn't have had a minority stake, and this couldn't have happened either. It was just a dumb statement to begin with.

I doubt the Conservatives even had a chance to win a majority government last (and this) election anyway, so there's a good chance this would've happened anyway if they'd come into power.

I'd say God bless Canada for voting left, but one of the reasons I love this country and our political sway so much is because we don't let religion cloud our minds when it comes to politics (unlike a certain other batshit country that keeps electing him), so uh... Rock On Canada.


DopeyFish said:
Uh. If everyone would have voted you'd have a completely retarded government. Conservative is the only sane party.

Sane in your point of view.

Which would leave it rather quite fucking buffoonishly insane by everyone elses measure.


Rosa Parks hater
Zaptruder said:
Sane in your point of view.

Which would leave it rather quite fucking buffoonishly insane by everyone elses measure.
Since when have the masses been a measuring stick of the liberal?
Problem with the Conservative party is it's split within it's ranks. Some of the Reformers (ie. wingnuts) don't sit too well with the traditional Conservatives. Right now they're putting on a uniformed front, but it would be interesting if they took power to see how many of them towed the party line.


To be honest...meh. There is no way the Conservatives can make enough of a gain in Ontario to stop a Liberal minority, and there is no way the Liberals can regain enough seats in Quebec to capture a majority. In other words, the real stories will be how gains of the NDP and Bloc change the minority situation.


A fallen state on our borders? Time to spread some democracy and stabilize that state lest dem turrists come across the border.


Memles said:
To be honest...meh. There is no way the Conservatives can make enough of a gain in Ontario to stop a Liberal minority, and there is no way the Liberals can regain enough seats in Quebec to capture a majority. In other words, the real stories will be how gains of the NDP and Bloc change the minority situation.

Actually, I'm meh too, but someone must attempt to counter BigJonsson's incessant Liberal cheerleading ;P


Rosa Parks hater
koam said:
Since we technically don't have a government right now, can I kill the people on my list?
You are #1 on my list, so if anarchy occurs, you won't like the results as much as you had previously thought.

Boogie said:
Actually, I'm meh too, but someone must attempt to counter BigJonsson's incessant Liberal cheerleading ;P
I'm very meh. I'm a centrist, and since the Liberals are going to take my riding by 10 000+ votes it doesn't matter if I vote for the Tories or not.


Boogie said:
Actually, I'm meh too, but someone must attempt to counter BigJonsson's incessant Liberal cheerleading ;P

Here I am thinking you'd be above that tonight. Canuck Boogie, you disappoint me. :lol


Gas Guzzler
I'm voting conservative. Martin is a power hungry douche bag and the Liberals are corrupt thieves who spend our tax dollars to maintain their power base.


Well, that about does it for the Conservatives.

Paul Martin will win again, but this time, he'll win without a minority government. People are pissed that they'll be going back to the polls so soon. People don't like Harper, if they did, he would have won last time.

Oh, and for the record, I used to be a conservative. Now, I'm not interested in any of the parties. I might not even bother to vote this time...


Fatghost28 said:
I'm voting conservative. Martin is a power hungry douche bag and the Liberals are corrupt thieves who spend our tax dollars to maintain their power base.

*Guffaw* Ya don't say! Oh Fatghost, welcome to the discussion.

For the record, corrupt thieves is a bit redundant. ;)


This one will be interesting to see. People don't like Harper, and the sponsorship scandal is not on people's minds at the moment.
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