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Canada's government has fallen

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insert blank space here
malek4980 said:
It's 18 in Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta.

hahaha every teen in Ottawa is well aware of that ;). And honestly... the money that was lost in the sponsorship scandal is such a small amount compared to what is spent every year.... I don't give a shit. I'd go as far to say that bringing about the fall of the government is going to cost Canadians more than the value of the money that was lost in the sponsorship scandal. God Harper pisses me off.


Rosa Parks hater
TheQueen'sOwn said:
hahaha every teen in Ottawa is well aware of that ;). And honestly... the money that was lost in the sponsorship scandal is such a small amount compared to what is spent every year.... I don't give a shit. I'd go as far to say that bringing about the fall of the government is going to cost Canadians more than the value of the money that was lost in the sponsorship scandal. God Harper pisses me off.

Yes, democracy is a waste of money. So what if the Liberals didn't get a majority of seats or the majority of the vote? They should still get to run things like they did in fact get one. Afterall they are the natural governing party. /Canadian


Big picture, my vote doesn't matter. My riding is conservative and will continue to be conservative (hey, I'm in Alberta!).

Will I vote Tory? Absolutely not. It's not that I don't trust the party (although I don't entirely), but for a Tory candidate to get my vote, he or she would have to be something special. The same standard goes to the Liberals, although I'm probably decently aligned with them philosphically (i.e: when corruption isn't factored in)

Since the last election, I moved into a new riding and any hopes the Conservatives had for receiving my vote have been dashed. The MP here may be the worst (or one of the worst) the party has in all of Canada.

As for the last election, I knew our portfolioed but hackish Tory was going to get in, but a few local things he did and his mostly-rhetoric approach to debating ensured he wasn't going to get my vote. Our Liberal candidate was even worse. I voted for the surprisingly well-spoken and (better yet) free-thinking NDP candidate, who did surprise me with a second-place show in our riding.

I really hate our electoral system. My vote means nothing and I doubt the any of the candidates will be up to par with the last guy I voted for. Maybe there'll be a good protest-worthy candidate on the ballot.
Sounds to me like the glorious canadian political system is as fucked up as the American political system. I mean down here we have two parties who have no skill in drumming up an honest to goodness, GOOD LEADER, and my fate between the two shitty options is NOT in my hands, but in the hands of florida, where senile old people go to die.

MrAngryFace said:
Sounds to me like the glorious canadian political system is as fucked up as the American political system. I mean down here we have two parties who have no skill in drumming up an honest to goodness, GOOD LEADER, and my fate between the two shitty options is NOT in my hands, but in the hands of florida, where senile old people go to die.

We may be screwed up, but we don't screw up the rest of the world at the same time.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Voted NDP in May, and my riding lost by like 100 votes :lol Let's see if they can win this time around.

I dont think you can fully experience what its like to be a hostage to the whims of an insane administration till you live in America for a while.

Nothing like being blamed for something you have no control over haha.


insert blank space here
malek4980 said:
Yes, democracy is a waste of money. So what if the Liberals didn't get a majority of seats or the majority of the vote? They should still get to run things like they did in fact get one. Afterall they are the natural governing party. /Canadian

I have no problem with them toppling the government if that is in fact the will of the canadian public. But it isn't. Hell, I doubt most conservatives even want to go to an election now.

Haha... as a side note... I'm part of the only conservative riding in all of Ottawa :lol.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
What's so bad about Stephen Harper?


"Canada doesn't like black people."


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
To be honest, everyone's making such a big deal about the sponsorship scandal. The only thing another party COULD do better is do a better job at hiding corruption. It's going to be there if you have people in positions of power. I look across the border and look at the problems that the US have, and I suddenly don't care really all that much about the relatively measly amount of money lost ($72 million total so far). That's like 3 days of costs of going to war with Iraq! :lol


I seriously believe we're set for Liberal Minority 2.0. If that does happen, I hope there is an effort in earnest to govern coalition-style for a while. (same will have to happen if it's Conservative Minority 1.0). If the parties aren't willing to find middle ground, then we could be stuck on a non-stop merry-go-round of votes every 18 months.

I think building a coalition that works would be a beautiful thing. But I just don't see it happening. And I think if it doesn't, that falls on all the leaders in Ottawa.

Unfortunately for the Tories, I don't know if it will ever get much better than this for their anti-Grit scare tactics (corruption!). If they don't win a minority this time around, it will be harder for them to do it in the future, yet the Liberals' anti-Tory scare tactics (hidden agenda!) will still pack some weight.


If Jim Prentice wasn't screwed over in the CPC leadership race, we would have seen a Conservative majority this last election.

He represented a slightly right of centre part of the CPC that would have brought in so many voters...
See that's the thing with the Conservative party, there is no way I will ever vote for them so long as they're anti-gay and anti-abortion.

The second they get a leader who's (at least somewhat) open minded on the issues, but retains the fiscal responsibility that, in the past, the Conservatives have brought to the table, I'll have to seriously consider voting for them.

It's too bad, because the Liberals could fuck up gun registration twice as bad next year and I'd still vote for them over the Conservatives because of those two basic issues. I can see sticking to your guns over gay marriage in the States where religion is more important than anything, but this is Canada.

I do hope Harper gets run out of town after this debacle is over and they get a respectable leader, because I would like a legitimate choice in who runs my country.


Rosa Parks hater
Mike Works said:
there is no way I will ever vote for them so long as they're anti-gay and anti-abortion.
The second they get a leader who's (at least somewhat) open minded on the issues.

Open minded = agrees with me.
Yeah, I'd be up for a decent Conservative government in Canada as long as it wasn't run by an idiot like this one is. The guy is just such a frickin knob. Canada is in pretty good shape right now for the majority of people and I'm interested to see what Martin is going to do over a proper term.
I know different people have different ideals, and I don't dislike people who are Pro-Life or feel the constitution of marriage should be restricted to a man or a woman, I can totally see where they're coming from, and no one is "wrong" on the issue.

I just worry about seeing Harper the head of Canada, and seeing stuff like gay marriages get repealed and next time Bush lies and goes to war under false pretenses in order to hike up oil prices seeing Harper order our troops in alongside an unjustified fight... God, it just makes me scared.

Canada does politics like THIS and USA does politics like THIS. I love Canada, and I don't want our country to be like the States politically at all.


Mike Works said:
See that's the thing with the Conservative party, there is no way I will ever vote for them so long as they're anti-gay and anti-abortion.

The second they get a leader who's (at least somewhat) open minded on the issues, but retains the fiscal responsibility that, in the past, the Conservatives have brought to the table, I'll have to seriously consider voting for them.

It's too bad, because the Liberals could fuck up gun registration twice as bad next year and I'd still vote for them over the Conservatives because of those two basic issues. I can see sticking to your guns over gay marriage in the States where religion is more important than anything, but this is Canada.

I do hope Harper gets run out of town after this debacle is over and they get a respectable leader, because I would like a legitimate choice in who runs my country.

Prentice, a Conservative, was more left leaning on those issues. Despite this he was still a strong runner for leadership, he just got fucked over by whatshisname...and then McKay won the leadership race. It's late, my memory is failing me. :p

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Man, if ever there was an opportunity for the Rhino Party to leap to power this is it. For those unfamiliar with the party, here's the rundown, and why they're so awesome:


The Rhinoceros Party of Canada, also known as the Rhinos, was a registered political party in Canada from the 1960s to the 1990s. Operating within the Canadian tradition of political satire, the Rhinoceros Party's basic credo was to "promise nothing", although in fact they often promised outlandishly impossible schemes designed to amuse and entertain the voting public.

The Rhinos were started in 1963 by Doctor Jacques Ferron, "Éminence de la Grande Corne du parti Rhinoceros", a famous separatist writer. In the 1970s, a group of artists joined the party and created a comedic political platform to contest the federal election. Ferron (1979), poet Gaston Miron (1972) and singer Michel Rivard (1980) ran against Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in his Montreal seat.

The party, which claimed to be the spiritual descendants of a Brazilian rhinoceros who had been elected member of São Paulo's city council in the 1950s, listed Cornelius the First, a rhinoceros from the Granby zoo east of Montreal, as its leader. The party claimed that the rhinoceros was an appropriate symbol for a political party since politicians, by nature, are "thick-skinned, slow-moving, dim-witted, can move fast as hell when in danger, and have large, hairy horns growing out of the middle of their faces."

Rhinoceros Party platform

Bryan Gold of the Rhinoceros Party described the party platform as two feet high and made of wood. "My platform is the one I'm standing on." A candidate named Ted "not so" Sharp ran in Flora MacDonald's Ontario riding with the campaign slogan "Fauna, not flora", promising to give fauna equal representation. Sharp's platform on the then-controversial abortion issue was clear: "If elected, I promise to never have an abortion." Party Member (and singer) Michel Rivard once went on tv (during free air time given to political party) and stated: "I have but two things to say to you: Celery and Sidewalk. Thank you, good night."

The Rhinos have also promised to break every promise (a platform plank they claim has been copied and put into execution by the mainstream parties) and have promised, if elected, to immediately demand a recount.

Other platform promises released by the Rhinoceros Party included:

* repealing the law of gravity,
* reducing the speed of light because it's much too fast,
* paving the province of Manitoba to create the world's largest parking lot,
* providing higher education by building taller schools,
* instituting English, French and illiteracy as Canada's three official languages,
* offering to retrain those constituents who want to become illiterate by enrolling them in a state educational institution,
* tearing down the Rocky Mountains so that Albertans could see the Pacific sunset, or moving them one metre west as a make-work project,
* legalising pot. And pans. And spatulas. And other kitchen utensils,
* building sloping roads and bicycle paths across the country so that Canadians could "coast from coast to coast",
* responding to the energy crisis, reducing energy costs for transportation by moving the cities of Montréal 50km west and Toronto 50km east,
* abolishing pumping oil out of the ground as that oil is there to keep the earth moving smoothly on its axis and if you withdraw the oil, the whole thing will grind to a halt,
* abolishing the environment because it's too hard to keep clean and it takes up so much space,
* annexing the United States, which would take its place as the third territory (after the Yukon and North-West Territories) in Canada's backyard, in order to raise the mean temperature of Canada by one degree Celsius,
* replacing the Canadian Armed Forces with clones of Vladislav Tretiak,
* making bubble gum the national currency, so that it could be inflated or deflated at will,
* breeding a mosquito that would only hatch in January so that "the little buggers will freeze to death",
* turning Montreal's Saint Catherine Street into the world's longest bowling alley,
* adopting the British system of driving on the left; this was to be gradually phased in over five years with large trucks first, then buses, eventually including small cars and bicycles last,
* as an energy-saving idea, putting larger wheels on the back of all cars so that they will always be going downhill,
* selling the Canadian Senate at an antique auction in California,
* putting the national debt on Visa,
* declaring war on Belgium because a Belgian cartoon character, Tintin, killed a rhinoceros in one of the cartoons,
* offering to call off the proposed Belgium-Canada war if Belgium delivered a case of mussels and a case of Belgian beer to Rhinoceros "Hindquarters" in Montréal (the Belgian Embassy in Ottawa did, in fact, do this),
* painting Canada's coastal sea limits so that Canadian fish would know where they were at all times,
* counting the Thousand Islands to make sure none were missing,
* running a Penny Hoar in Toronto on a safe sex platform,
* running more than one candidate per riding as an MP's salary is certainly enough to support more than one person,
* exploiting acid rain as an electrical energy source by placing dissimilar-metal electrodes in Canadian swimming pools in order to use them as batteries,
* making Canadians stronger by putting steroids in the water,
* banning lousy Canadian winters,
* moving the Vatican to Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec to promote tourism,
* putting the West Edmonton Mall on wheels and rolling it to areas of the country suffering from economic depression,
* turning the Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine tunnel in Montreal into a free carwash by poking hole in the ceiling.

A British Columbia splinter group proposed running a professional dominatrix for the position of party whip, breaking with the province's colonial heritage by renaming "British Columbia" to "La La Land", moving the provincial capital and merging with the Progressive Conservative Party so as not to split the silly vote.

Despite the obvious appeal of banning winter, the Rhinoceros Party never succeeded in winning a seat in Parliament. In the 1984 federal election, however, the party won the fourth-largest number of votes, after the three main political parties, but ahead of several well-established minor parties. Rhino candidates sometimes came in second in certain ridings, humiliating traditional Canadian parties in the process. In the 1980 federal election, for instance, the Rhinoceros party nominated a professional clown/comedian named Sonia "Chatouille" Côté ('chatouille' means tickles in French) in the Laurier riding in Montréal. Côté came in second place, after the successful Liberal candidate, but ahead of both other major parties: the third place New Democrat, and the fourth-place Progressive Conservative candidate. Chatouille received almost twice as many votes as the PC candidate.

Early in the party's history, when it was mainly composed of French-speaking Québécois, they chose as their official translator a party member who was the only unilingual anglophone party member at the time.

Although not recognized in the United States, former baseball pitcher Bill Lee ran for President of the United States in 1988 on the Rhinoceros Party ticket.

Political successors

The party disbanded in 1993, when it chose to boycott that year's federal election due to new rules that deregistered any political party that did not run candidates in at least 50 ridings at a cost of $1,000 per candidature.

François Gourd, a prominent Rhino, later started another political movement, the entartistes. The entartistes attracted attention in the 1990s by planting cream pies in the faces of various Canadian politicians.

Other Rhinoceros Party members founded the Parti citron (Lemon Party), which attempted to bring a similar perspective to provincial politics in Quebec, with much less success. Recently however, the Parti Citron became a federal party, and has enjoyed widespread support from silly people nationwide.

In 2001, veteran Rhinoceros Party organizer Brian "Godzilla" Salmi, who received his nickname because of the Godzilla suit he wore while campaigning, revived the Rhinoceros Party to contest the British Columbia provincial election. While they pulled some pranks that earned some media coverage, none of their prospective candidates appeared on the ballots, as the party claimed the $1,000 candidate registration fee was a financial hardship. The party disbanded shortly thereafter.

More recently, the Absolutely Absurd Party has attempted to revive the traditions of political satire that the Rhinoceros Party originated. This new group, however, is related to the Rhinos only in spirit.

The Rhino Party received some posthumous media attention during the 2004 federal election campaign when Ben Mahoney attempted to run under the party's banner in the Yukon. When election officials denied Mahoney a place on the ballot due to his inability to provide an accountant willing to certify his election expense account, Mahoney vowed to go before the Yukon Supreme Court to either be put on the ballot or stop the June 28, 2004 election. He was unsuccessful on both counts.

If I was obscenely wealthy and could fork out $1,000 to every person who planned to run under the Rhino banner in an election I'd do it in a heartbeat. :)
Fight for Freeform said:
Don't want to put words into his mouth...but perhaps he meant "tolerant"?
Tolerant would've been the better choice of wording.

But off the top of my head, I don't think I've ever heard someone call anyone who's anti gay rights "open minded" (nor anyone who's pro-gay rights close minded), so I'm interested to see him argue that one.
im an NDP in Alberta...so no one gives a fuck what i think :p

edit: and my vote doesnt really mean shit...but i will vote for my NDP anyway !


ah hell, Bono is pissed.


Bono takes a verbal jab at Canadian prime minister

Irish rocker Bono says Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin's inability to further increase foreign aid mystifies him, especially when he's facing an election in a country that clearly favors more foreign aid. ``I'm mystified,

actually, by the man,'' the U2 lead singer said at a news conference Friday. ``I like him very much, personally. I just think that it's a huge opportunity that he's missing out on. This is important to the Canadian people. I think the prime minister will find out if he walks away from the opportunity'' to boost foreign aid ``he will hear about it in the election. I am absolutely sure of that.'' Bono was in Ottawa for a U2 concert but spent the day meeting with politicians.


see.. i was all ready to vote conservative... but theyve already started on the gay marriage crap.

fuck em


insert blank space here
I'm going to see the Sens and the Leafs play on January 23rd but you can bet I'll be there to vote Liberal :lol. First vote ever wooo :lol!

EDIT: And my dad's an idiot for thinking that if I vote for NDP I'm throwing my vote away... clearly NDP are going to end up with some form of power. If anything they're the only sure bet.


Well easy for me, I'll be voting for the PQ yet again :D
I want the rest of Canada to vote Liberal so that it'll piss peeps even more here.


Soon my friends, soon!


Mike Works said:
Canada does politics like THIS and USA does politics like THIS. I love Canada, and I don't want our country to be like the States politically at all.
Then don't vote conservative :) Anti-gay and anti-abortion are always red flags for your typical super-strict, arrogant conservative mindset.

Also, why are your liberals messing up the gun laws?


Rosa Parks hater
Mike Works said:
Tolerant would've been the better choice of wording.

But off the top of my head, I don't think I've ever heard someone call anyone who's anti gay rights "open minded" (nor anyone who's pro-gay rights close minded), so I'm interested to see him argue that one.
Conservatives are a priori closed minded no matter how much they reflected on an issue or how many different viewpoints they considered, while a liberal is automatically open-minded, even if he or she hasn't ever really thought about the issue. Also open-minded seems to almost be a synonym for liberal anyway. Sure under a dictionary definition that seems correct, but I think it applies more to classical liberalism in general and less so to contemporary liberal ideology.
Note: I'm pro choice, and on the fence on gay marriage, but support civil unions.

Malakhov said:
Well easy for me, I'll be voting for the PQ yet again :D
I want the rest of Canada to vote Liberal so that it'll piss peeps even more here.


Soon my friends, soon!

Without Alberta and Ontario to prop you up you won't make it alone. Anyway, the demographics are not in your favor.


Malakhov said:
Well easy for me, I'll be voting for the PQ yet again :D
I want the rest of Canada to vote Liberal so that it'll piss peeps even more here.


Soon my friends, soon!
I'm beginning to think that the PQ should branch out. Who knows what kind of support they could drum up with everyone pissed off at our current selection.


The Bloc, who are NOT the PQ, are probably the party with the strongest combination of social values and compotent leadership in all of Canadian politics right now. If they dropped the whole Quebec separation thing, and expanded, they could replace the NDP in about 10 seconds.


Quebec seperation is ridiculous. The place would be a fucking disaster in 10 years.

Alberta is the only province with a real case for separatism.


I bet Amercians wish they could go to the polls right now.. I love Canada. I'm going to vote Liberal though. Bush chuckles a little every time he thinks about the fuss the sponsorhip scandle has caused up here.


You bet I wish I could. Why is it that other countries have more interesting politics overall, dammit? Even if the people are still pissed, it just seems so much more... beneficial to pay attention to.

Watching the UK Parliament Live on television is fucking awesome. :lol
They go INSANE. Someone says one little thing that's somewhat upsetting and you hear one or two parties just start screaming a bunch of bullshit across the room, it's beautiful :lol

And then you watch American politics on C-SPAN... ZZZzzZzzZZzz... someone get a new director for the Soap Opera, I'm fucking falling asleep here.


Rosa Parks hater
Diablos said:
You bet I wish I could. Why is it that other countries have more interesting politics overall, dammit? Even if the people are still pissed, it just seems so much more... beneficial to pay attention to.

Watching the UK Parliament Live on television is fucking awesome. :lol
They go INSANE. Someone says one little thing that's somewhat upsetting and you hear one or two parties just start screaming a bunch of bullshit across the room, it's beautiful :lol

And then you watch American politics on C-SPAN... ZZZzzZzzZZzz... someone get a new director for the Soap Opera, I'm fucking falling asleep here.

If they get upset, the soccer moms might not vote for them.
Memles said:
The Bloc, who are NOT the PQ, are probably the party with the strongest combination of social values and compotent leadership in all of Canadian politics right now. If they dropped the whole Quebec separation thing, and expanded, they could replace the NDP in about 10 seconds.
If they dropped the seperation issue, they'd definitely be vying for leadership of this country. I know I'd vote for them.


Why do people from Quebec feel as though they've been discriminated against so much? Is it true, or are they just a bunch of crybabies?

I've heard of some things said and written by French Canadians trying to explain their situation... one going as far as calling his book something like ... (edit: Well, something really offensive) or something crazy like that. Reeeediculous. :\ I wish I could find the link for it.


Rosa Parks hater
Diablos said:
Why do people from Quebec feel as though they've been discriminated against so much? Is it true, or are they just a bunch of crybabies?

Short answer: Yes
Long anser: Fuck yes!


With regards to the BQ, Gilles Duceppe may be the most "prime ministerial" federal party leader. He did great in the debate last time round.

As for Quebec's feeling slighted, I'll contend that almost every region outside of Ontario feels slighted by the federal government in some way shape or form. Alberta may soon approach Quebec levels of whininess, if it hasn't already.


Diablos said:
You bet I wish I could. Why is it that other countries have more interesting politics overall, dammit? Even if the people are still pissed, it just seems so much more... beneficial to pay attention to.

Canadian politics....interesting? wtf? You know not what you speak.
Canadian politics are actually very very interesting if you study it, lots of very interesting things have happened in this country that aren't well known by the majority of Canucks

PS - OT Team Liberal!


Diablos said:
Why do people from Quebec feel as though they've been discriminated against so much? Is it true, or are they just a bunch of crybabies?

As a Québécois I'd say we've been discriminated in the past, but it's no longer the case. Unfortunately some people still feel oppressed, so they whine about everything and only piss the rest of Canada off.

I'm voting NDP.


Olivier said:
As a Québécois I'd say we've been discriminated in the past, but it's no longer the case. Unfortunately some people still feel oppressed, so they whine about everything and only piss the rest of Canada off.

I'm voting NPD.


Welcome back, buddy!

btw, on IRC you exposed a definite prejudice against English speaking Canadians for whatever it was that they did in the past!


dem said:
is that... jotaro? :lol

Nope... but wait, I actually worked on a french gaming site with a Jotaro guy. Named "Olivier" like me, too. I'm pretty sure I know the guy. Why?

Diablos said:


Welcome back, buddy!

btw, on IRC you exposed a definite prejudice against English speaking Canadians for whatever it was that they did in the past!

Ahahaha, is that sarcasm? Is he some kind of legend over here?

And yeah Jotaro was most definitely a separatist IIRC.
BigJonsson said:
Canadian politics are actually very very interesting if you study it, lots of very interesting things have happened in this country that aren't well known by the majority of Canucks

PS - OT Team Liberal!

Have any links that cover all that unknown stuff? I'm always trying to keep up to date with our politics but, more often than not, i find myself wanting more info.
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