Ivan? I just sent you invites to both groups! The chat one and the alert one
Sorry it's gaymer1, I'm new here lol. No I'm not Ivan. Can you invite me again? Sorry for the mix up
Ivan? I just sent you invites to both groups! The chat one and the alert one
Sorry it's gaymer1, I'm new here lol. No I'm not Ivan. Can you invite me again? Sorry for the mix up
Still can't log into my best buy account, is everyone else still getting
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
The page may be temporarily unavailable or may no longer exist.
Thinking they locked or banned my account.. I can't login on my main but I had no problem making a new one and signing in.
Someone on Reddit was able to get her in their cart but can't checkout. Are we on the brink of another glitch to get them early? Hahaha. Would be hilarious if it happened again this morning.
I managed to do the same yesterday but there's no way to force the checkout process.
How did you get it to force into the cart? Code changing shenanigans?
Sweet, my registration went through this morning! Hello Canadian Amiibo discussion thread. I've been into Amiibo since around a week before wave 3 started. I currently own every Amiibo released for Smash (though I went through Japan sellers for the hard ones) and have everything but Jigglypuff and Greninja pre-ordered for wave 4. I was third in line at my EB Games for the Smash wave 4 pre-orders and confirmed that my order is safe. Oh and I'm located in Edmonton.
For anybody in the Edmonton area, I have the following that I got extras of and would be happy to sell at cost. Or cost + shipping for those outside of Edmonton:
DeDeDe (Japanese so it'll cost more: $35)
Sheik (Japanese so it'll cost more: $32)
Sonic (Japanese so it'll cost more: $33)
Sonic (I have 2)
Megaman (I have 3)
Lucario (I traded a Japanese Rosalina for this, so I'll need the Japanese Rosalina price of $30.Note: the card has a bend in the top left)
At least I have two extras that aren't common haha... Oh yeah, and I'd like to be a part of the Line group as well. I have the same username on there as I do here.
I look forward to being part of the community, thanks everyone!
Sweet, my registration went through this morning! Hello Canadian Amiibo discussion thread. I've been into Amiibo since around a week before wave 3 started. I currently own every Amiibo released for Smash (though I went through Japan sellers for the hard ones) and have everything but Jigglypuff and Greninja pre-ordered for wave 4. I was third in line at my EB Games for the Smash wave 4 pre-orders and confirmed that my order is safe. Oh and I'm located in Edmonton.
For anybody in the Edmonton area, I have the following that I got extras of and would be happy to sell at cost. Or cost + shipping for those outside of Edmonton:
DeDeDe (Japanese so it'll cost more: $35)
Sheik (Japanese so it'll cost more: $32)
Sonic (Japanese so it'll cost more: $33)
Sonic (I have 2)
Megaman (I have 3)
Lucario (I traded a Japanese Rosalina for this, so I'll need the Japanese Rosalina price of $30.Note: the card has a bend in the top left)
At least I have two extras that aren't common haha... Oh yeah, and I'd like to be a part of the Line group as well. I have the same username on there as I do here.
I look forward to being part of the community, thanks everyone!
I think you should totally buy them. In fact I think you should get 2 of each so you can open one pair and keep a second pair sealed.Slightly off topic but please talk me out of this Canuck Amiibo GAF. As a figure collector (of Amiibo) and a Dragon Ball Z fan, I don't think I can walk away from this.
I think you should totally buy them. In fact I think you should get 2 of each so you can open one pair and keep a second pair sealed.
I'm evil.
$14 is dinner. Just go hungry for a couple days.
I disagree. He should buy three. One to open, one to keep in package, and one to sell when it's worth a lot of money.
<--- More Evil.
Agree. You'll digest the meal by morning and have nothing. This at least, will last longer.![]()
Should be five then. One to open, one to keep in package, one to sell, one for backup, and one for whatever use you want to do.
Slightly off topic but please talk me out of this Canuck Amiibo GAF. As a figure collector (of Amiibo) and a Dragon Ball Z fan, I don't think I can walk away from this.
It begins! Wave 4 showing up in stores in Europe
Official release is on Friday
I guess that my EU Jigglypuff and Greninja will ship soon then.
Aren't those going to be release May 29th?
When exactly does Wave 4 release in NA?
So first day after the weekend. Will Best Buy realize some orders were snuck in for wave 4?
So mass cancellations? lol
Well so long as it happens before the orders officially go live then there's nothing really lost.
Is anyone actually expecting BB to actually go through with the order?
Well, nothing has gone as expected this far into it, why get things sorted now?
Oh-oh. Someone snitched.
Bottom post.
What am I looking for? Don't want to read all the posts.
Basically someone says that people were able to add it to cart and order wave 4 amiibo.
Some people say that they "hack" bestbuy to get their orders in.
One says that the entire thing was made up and people who was able to order were lying.
Nothing "official"
I am a hacker then! Wooohooo!
Spamming a button is hacking!
Hey Byron, any clue how yesasia's policy is for cancelling preorders? Thinking of preordering Robin/Lucina as a backup since ebgames flaked out
mrGREEK360 -3 points 41 minutes ago
Well I just called a friend who is a BestBuy District Manager, he says they are aware of the issue and the reason preorders haven't gone up is because you tools tried to glitch, he says the preorders should of been up but they had to delay it as they are in the process of cancelling all the orders.
He also said unless they use a new IP/nee bb account/new cc with different name and different address when the real preorders go up there you used your 1 quantity limit and you are getting nothing.
Well my mind is at ease, have fun paying scalper prices because you were to impatient to wait your turn. Patients is a virtue.....
I believed it until the IP part, doubt they would go through that trouble. I guess we will see though.With a grain of salt...from reddit...
With a grain of salt...from reddit...
because you tools tried to glitch,
I believed it until the IP part, doubt they would go through that trouble. I guess we will see though.
Dude just sounds bitter lol
Well I still can't even log into my BB account since I tryed to check out on saturday and they can't log into it either. Really annoying.