are you fucking kidding me?
I'm angry tbh
are you fucking kidding me?
retweet if you got it they say lol
it's like if you're lucky enough rub it on most people's faces lol
It was really surprising how fast it went.
Sorry guys, I ordered 100 of each
lol jk
Hey guys, ready for that Lucas amiibo? I'm sure he's gonna be relatively easy to get.
Congratulations to those 3 people!
Nice, I'm willing to kill Kuro.Are you willing to kill a man for an Amiibo? Then Lucas could possibly be yours..
And everyone's will get cancelled.Keep trying. Some people are getting orders in despite what BB's twitter says.
Agh, got even further this time but it's giving me shit over my postal code now.
Well fuck I missed out on this.
They cancelled my order of 1 each. This is BS.
What will a reprint entail, anyway? Two extra inventory?Man this is insanity, does Nintendo not like money?? I just can't comprehend how they can short change NA so badly when there is a massive demand right now for them. If and when they ever get around to reprints most of us will be so pissed off that we won't be bothering with them anymore.
We might be fine everyone.
The site screwed up and the dumb bb twitter dude said that they were SOLD OUT IN LESS THAN A MINUTE PLEASE RETWEET BLABLABLL... but there is no way that all of them sold out within a minute.
most of us will be so pissed off that we won't be bothering with them anymore.