Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 4: That $70s Show


Hmm dece price for watch dogs day 1 (last gen).

anyone been keeping up with the downgrade stuff though? i remember seeing some vids of last gen version and it looked really underwhelming.


Man, I don't even want Watch Dogs. But I preordered it anyway just so I can buy a video game in Canada for $49.49.


Unconfirmed Member
Best Buy doesn't charge you until the games have shipped right?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I'd seriously consider holding off on buying an XB1 before E3. After today's NPD I'd be shocked if the price doesn't get dropped now.

I'm not so sure that they'll drop the price here in Canada. They're already losing money on the exchange rate by keeping the price at $500(vs raising the price).


I'm gonna use credit on Kirby so I think I'll be ok, passing on this "deal".

Think I'll wait for a promotion on Wolfenstein until I get it too.
I'm not so sure that they'll drop the price here in Canada. They're already losing money on the exchange rate by keeping the price at $500(vs raising the price).
If they drop it $100 in the States, which is what I'd expect, I think you'd still see at least a $50 price drop in Canada.


Best Buy website broken for anyone else? Can't preorder anything...

Yup can't preorder anything either :/

You guys on Firefox?

I switched to safari and it worked

Same thing for me as well. Can it be because of web traffic? Just need to get The Last Guardian preorder in and I'm good. So strange Wii U preorders aren't apart of this.


Just saw Final Fantasy XV (formerly versus 13). Strangely enough I just got that preorder in. BB, wtf is going on?


Yeah, not really bothered about Kirby. And I've got Mario Kart 8 and Watch_Dogs PS4 preordered from last E3.

ah fair enough. there's also Tomodachi Life but as I said above the add to cart button is greyed out at the moment. hopefully that'll change before the promo ends...


Switch browsers for anyone can't seem to preorder. I used Chrome to complete the remainder of my preorders. Still can't preorder The last Guardian though :/


The Aliens: Colonial Marines WiiU preorder I tried to put in today on Amazon has a better shot at shipping a game than a Last Guardian preorder, and A:CM got canned a year ago.


Subete no aware
Never heard of this until now. Seems pretty interesting. How is the PSP or 3ds one?
It's very much an otome VN, so it really depends on whether that's for you or not. I bought both previous versions but didn't play the 3ds one yet. The PSP one was good though.


It's very much an otome VN, so it really depends on whether that's for you or not. I bought both previous versions but didn't play the 3ds one yet. The PSP one was good though.

Ever since DanganRonpa, I've been searching for new visual novels to try. The more variety the better. Just ordered the PSP one from Amazon. Also pre-ordered the PS3 version from BB.


Subete no aware
Ever since DanganRonpa, I've been searching for new visual novels to try. The more variety the better. Just ordered the PSP one from Amazon. Also pre-ordered the PS3 version from BB.
I actually don't know if the PS3 version contains the PSP content as well as extras. It might be worth checking unless you want both versions.

You could always buy Sweet Fuse as well.


I actually don't know if the PS3 version contains the PSP content as well as extras. It might be worth checking unless you want both versions.

You could always buy Sweet Fuse as well.

Crap, I thought they were 2 completely different games. Thanks for letting me know. Yeah, Sweet Fuse looks pretty interesting too.


Same thing for me as well. Can it be because of web traffic? Just need to get The Last Guardian preorder in and I'm good. So strange Wii U preorders aren't apart of this.


Just saw Final Fantasy XV (formerly versus 13). Strangely enough I just got that preorder in. BB, wtf is going on?

Yea I preordered a couple PS4 games (so funny how its back to the old pre-inflation prices after the discount), but it sucks to see that Wii U games are not apart of this deal.


I'm not so sure that they'll drop the price here in Canada. They're already losing money on the exchange rate by keeping the price at $500(vs raising the price).

Eh, after today's NPD results, they'll need to eat a greater loss in a sense. I'm guessing at least a $20-$50 price drop for Canada. At least to match the PS4. It's funny how Best Buy and Future Shop salespapers don't show the PS4 price now at $449. If they don't drop price, at least expect new bundles with more packed games in for sure (Forza, Ryse digital codes) etc.


So Origin is having "Gigabytes of Deals" right now. I'm tempted to pick up Sim City, since I do like city builders, and it's only twenty bucks for a pack that contains the game and the expansion. I also think it might be in CAD too, although I'm not sure. (I don't remember if I was charged in CAD or USD when I bought Titalfall)

So tempting. I almost got SimCity but I know I'll never get around to playing it.


So Origin is having "Gigabytes of Deals" right now. I'm tempted to pick up Sim City, since I do like city builders, and it's only twenty bucks for a pack that contains the game and the expansion. I also think it might be in CAD too, although I'm not sure. (I don't remember if I was charged in CAD or USD when I bought Titalfall)

Hmmmm. The dlc's are tempting. I wonder what should I get.
Oh you guys. You're not seriously considering picking up SIMCITY, are you? Or should I say, SimTown? The single biggest disappointment of 2013 for me.

That said, maybe for $20 it won't seem as awful. But seriously, I can't in good conscience allow all this talk of people considering SimCity without at least trying to warn you all!
How likely do you guys think is the possibility of better deals from BB at E3? I'm not familiar with the E3 pre-order bonanza they hold. Only game worth preordering at BB online (during the current sale, I should add) for me would be MK8 since that's a May release, but I'm curious about future PS4 games


Unconfirmed Member
Oh you guys. You're not seriously considering picking up SIMCITY, are you? Or should I say, SimTown? The single biggest disappointment of 2013 for me.

That said, maybe for $20 it won't seem as awful. But seriously, I can't in good conscience allow all this talk of people considering SimCity without at least trying to warn you all!

I kind of want to buy it, as I don't mind the more casual approach myself. I don't really want to support EA though considering eveything else they did with the game.
Hello everyone, I was wondering about Futureshops exchange policy. I bought Call of Duty Ghosts last year, and now I am getting disc read errors. Is it possible to exchange my copy with another one?
Hello everyone, I was wondering about Futureshops exchange policy. I bought Call of Duty Ghosts last year, and now I am getting disc read errors. Is it possible to exchange my copy with another one?

I don't think Futureshop can do anything if it's like several months after you bought it from them. If it died within their standard return policy thing you could probably have it replaced... but that late...

I don't know, you could try and contact the publisher or something....
I kind of want to buy it, as I don't mind the more casual approach myself. I don't really want to support EA though considering eveything else they did with the game.

It's not so much that it's more casual, it's that SimCity's simulation layer was fundamentally reworked to theoretically give you the ability to zoom all the way down to the individual sim level and see what each of your citizens is up to (which is great!). The problem is this is extremely expensive computationally, and to compensate Maxis scaled down the game significantly to suit. So cities must be built inside a 2km x 2km square (or the equivalent of SimCity 4's medium maps, if I remember correctly), and anything larger is impossible.

Also, you'll run into weird issues with supply and demand--things like sims complaining there's no schools when there's a school right across the street, or sims not finding any place to shop despite having commercial strips everywhere. At least some of these issues seem to be due, in part, to a bizarre decision to make it so sims have no permanent homes, jobs or shops--they simply find the closest suitable job when they wake up, and at night they find the closest suitable home to sleep in. All your sims are transients with no history, only an everlasting present. This is a great illustration of how weird the system is. No one's come out and said it, of course, but this seems like another way the simulation was simplified in order to get it to run reasonably well on modern computers.

The joke, of course, is that SimCity only ever uses a single core of your CPU, presumably so it would run well on old computers. Which is fine, but when the minimum spec has huge impacts on the game design, you wonder if all the trouble was worth it.

All that said: I spent a good 20 hours playing SimCity at launch, even with all the network issues (which are another story, sheesh), and I don't remember having an awful time. It's just that once you grow your cities to a certain point, you have to optimize things so much and really rebuild large portions of your city to squeeze as much as you can out of your small land plot. And that's fine if you're the type who's always played SimCity that way, but I haven't. Sure, I like to optimize police station placement and whatnot, but I also like to build different types of cities (this one's an agricultural outpost! this one's more suburban! this one's the downtown core!) and have them grow together and not always focus on growth at the expense of everything else. In SimCity, if you don't optimize for growth and revenue, you will get to a point very quickly where there's nothing else to build unless you start another city in the region and play that as well. And then very quickly that city starts to experience problems until eventually you have to build a third city to give jobs, resources, whatever to the first two. And so on and so forth. It's a never-ending cycle and your reward is maybe you get one city full of skyscrapers--a 2km x 2km plot of extremely high density, surrounded by empty greenfields.

Fuck this Best Buy deal, pretty much all the worthwhile pre orders are sold out. How do you sell out of preorders for just regular editions of games?

Seems to me they only put a limited number of each to preorder. Lame.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if this was posted or not, but Watch_Dogs is $49.49 for PS4 on Amazon Canada.

I just pre-ordered it to guarantee the price.


Just realized I wrote Watch_Dog without the s. lul.


Fuck this Best Buy deal, pretty much all the worthwhile pre orders are sold out. How do you sell out of preorders for just regular editions of games?

Seems to me they only put a limited number of each to preorder. Lame.

Wait. Really? Which ones?

I don't know if this was posted or not, but Watch_Dogs is $49.49 for PS4 on Amazon Canada.

I just pre-ordered it to guarantee the price.

Just realized I wrote Watch_Dog without the s. lul.

Sweet. Just preordered. Better than whats offered at BB. I hope they do the same for final fantasy xv. I've been wanting that one since it was announced on the PS3.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
There's a "trade 1 game and get Kirby/Mario Golf free" promo at EBgames. I think the game must be worth $15 or more in their system however.

I think I'll trade my PS3 version of GTA5 (should be worth more than $15... I hope!), and re-buy the game when the super-deluxe-all-DLCs-and-60fps version will be out on PS4. It's more or less confirmed at this point, right?


There's a "trade 1 game and get Kirby/Mario Golf free" promo at EBgames. I think the game must be worth $15 or more in their system however.

I think I'll trade my PS3 version of GTA5 (should be worth more than $15... I hope!), and re-buy the game when the super-deluxe-all-DLCs-and-60fps version will be out on PS4. It's more or less confirmed at this point, right?

Using app, $18 TIV for PS3 and $20 for 360.

hmm apparently TLOU is worth $15 at EB (as of a few days ago). I think I'm gonna do it then, for Kirby.
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