Sounded like it. Got awkward quickly lolWas that Justin that said that?
Sounded like it. Got awkward quickly lolWas that Justin that said that?
Was that Justin that said that?
the guy is the boss right now and have been through many debates
Yep. I hate him, but he's been through lots of these. He may lie, but he knows how to get through these.
it's creepy when they reply to the camera instead of replying directly to other candidate that challenged them
Unsurprisingly, Elizabeth is thrown under the bus.
"Just talk over whoever, I don't give a shit anymore" - Paul Wells
Haha can't wait till we just see his head buried in his hands."Just talk over whoever, I don't give a shit anymore" - Paul Wells
I love how Harper says now isn't the time to spend more, but his only proposal so far is to bring back a home reno tax credit that would hurt the budget.
Hahaha that last dig by Mulcair at Harper
meh she's coming off as more of a fact checker than a candidate. At least to me.So far, May's somehow winning this
Elizabeth May looks kinda lost here. I don't think putting her in the debate was doing her any favors, she has no business being there and it shows.
Elizabeth May looks kinda lost here. I don't think putting her in the debate was doing her any favors, she has no business being there and it shows.
what is sad is that Trudeau should be the one bringing up the deficits since the Liberals ran surpluses 10 years ago
I feel like he's trying to come off as nurturing. It kinda sorta works, but also a bit awkward.I disagree. I think she's performed well so far. I really like how she looks at Wells directly, rather than the camera.
Mulcair trying to look happy is really weirding me out.
Dan Gardner ‏@dgardner 30s30 seconds ago
Tom Mulcair has a voice made for FM. I can see him doing a late night jazz show.
Yeah, Mulcair should stop trying to be Jack Layton.
I miss Jack
Trudeau sounds like he is regurgitating the same thing so far.
Really loving May so far. I think Trudeau is going after Mulcair too much, sounds cat fight-y. Mulcair and Harper need to stop smiling. Other than the smiling, they're not very inspiring or truthful
Lmao the moderator had one job. Mess.
Dan Gardner ‏@dgardner 26s27 seconds ago
The G7 comparison class is (often) deeply misleading. (True fact: Canada is in the G7 only because it suited US political interests.)
Paul Wells: He's just not ready.
I'm not gonna keep talking forever, just not now.DO YOU THINK MODERATING WILL STOP ISIS?