I get so distracted by the misaligned party logos...they have to have done that on purpose, or they gave that task to a blind person.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/french-language-debate-five-party-leaders-1.3242417Subtitles? Took French all throughout high school (though not extended or immersion) and I still hardly understand.
the moderator's time limit for answers is stupid as fuck
I like Mulcair's new response to Trudeau's 'Long term begins now' line
We shouldn't be using now to make future generations pay
Okay, Trudeau's translator is amazing. I wonder if they tried to match translators with the people's personalities?
Trudeau suggesting rebooting the Avro Arrow?
The deficit proposed is like... nothing, from what was described to me earlier in this thread. Really the financial stuff seems to be more fluff than anything practical or useful. I like the idea of spending now, during a recession, but apparently while not a bad idea it's probably not going to change much.
That was already suggested many times by opponents of the F-35. Really anything is better than the F-35. I'm all for military spending but buying into this project was just dumb on all levels.
The English dub makes me so sleepy.
Mulcair's mimicking the Mastercard ad talking about Trudeau, "Pour le reste il y a Mastercard". Ouch
Caliss... disgusted is a bad word now.
Caliss... disgusted is a bad word now.
Duceppe's strategy reminds me of Francoise David's from the last provincial debates: seeking promises from the parties that have the real power.
Mulcair: "Senate = British Tradition"
Is this the sort of subtle thing that will play well in Quebec or am I reading too much into this...?
Mulcair going on the offensive on Duceppe HARD after he called everyone out on the monarchy
Using the senate as sympathy against a british construct was smart
Trudeau is such a goddamn broken record.
He's losing this debate horribly.
Wow. Trudeau tried to pull a May right now and tell everyone else to focus on the economy instead of the constitution and the senate
Trudeau gonna lose hard on that.
Trudeau gonna lose hard on that.
Harper trying to take this conversation out of sovereignty back to the economy.
In a Quebec debate.
We'll he's right. Quebec will never separate.