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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Seems like everything he's done so far has been carefully practiced to get on Trump's good side.

I think it's a fine stance to take. Remind the old crazy guy how he had a good time with his dad, compliment the old man on having business leadership skills, point out to the old man that he has had a lot of women ceo's and his daughter happens to be one too, give the old man an alpha male handshake that no other world leader has given him yet.

As long as he just kinda forgets about Canada, and our countries continue to do our things with little to no change would be best for all of us here.
Disgusting, cozying up to a fascist.

I agree, it's disgusting. I'd really rather Trump just wasn't there at all.

But I assume the plan for the next four years is to squeeze by without any major incidents impacting our relations with our nearest neighbor and trade partner, and since Trump seems to favor personal relations and stroking his ego above all else it's pretty savvy. Gifting him a photo of himself is genius.


Disgusting, cozying up to a fascist.

The alternative is him destroying NAFTA? Trudeau is hopefully showing Trump Canada isn't just going to roll over. They should be milking the fascist for all he's got and keep being progressive themselves. They aren't going to enact regime change in America. That's their job.
That's my prime minister. Apparently Justin have trump an old picture of PET with trump from back in the day. Seemed trump liked it, reminding him of his old days.


Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
That handshake was fantastic, just looked like two confident men, neither had that old diplomatic obsession with gaining the upper hand in a handshake, grabbing the shoulder was good enough for both.

Actually a good sign. Sometimes people on different parts of the political spectrum can get along.


The alternative is him destroying NAFTA? Trudeau is hopefully showing Trump Canada isn't just going to roll over. They should be milking the fascist for all he's got and keep being progressive themselves. They aren't going to enact regime change in America. That's their job.

Yes. Trudeau just needs to go in there and do what's best for us, spiting Trump for the sake of spiting him will not get us anywhere.


That handshake was fantastic, just looked like two confident men, neither had that old diplomatic obsession with gaining the upper hand in a handshake, grabbing the shoulder was good enough for both.

Actually a good sign. Sometimes people on different parts of the political spectrum can get along.

I mean it happens daily. I'm sure you and I and everyone here interacts and like the people they see every day and that aren't on the same side of the political spectrum. I think too often we forget that and lately it gets even further away from each other. Just because we are may be left right or center, at the end of the day we're all still humans and the vast majority of us just want to be comfortable with work and our families while we're on this giant blue marble going around a huge exploding star that will eventually consume our planet.


Disgusting, cozying up to a fascist.

For now I do think a "don't poke the beehive" approach is best for Canada. Once we start getting more American refugees in, and it's clear that America is on an expansionist kick to start annexing Mexico and Canada, then it's time to fight back.

For the moment, I think the Canadian approach is the right one. Respond to the Trump administration without acknowledging it. Taking in additional refugees and such are good, humanitarian moves, and being more open to immigration strengthens the economy while making the country look good. Canada is in the spotlight as the conscience of the Western world right now, which is not a position I ever thought this country would have, but there you go. It's better to be a guide or beacon of hope to the rest of the world, rather than doing anything puts the cross hairs on us.


Americans made this mess, they should repair the mess. Not Canada. Fix your damn country.

I'm sure we will do our part to defend the values of liberty, free trade, and human rights. If not, then I will fight our own government.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I mean it happens daily. I'm sure you and I and everyone here interacts and like the people they see every day and that aren't on the same side of the political spectrum. I think too often we forget that and lately it gets even further away from each other. Just because we are may be left right or center, at the end of the day we're all still humans and the vast majority of us just want to be comfortable with work and our families while we're on this giant blue marble going around a huge exploding star that will eventually consume our planet.

Well, posts like Razorskin's are what I worry about. Some people on both sides of centre care more about ideological purity than getting business done.

O'Leary and Bernier's policies are a huge concern, and I am disappointed there are GAFers here who think that's okay just because they're not racist, it's embarrassing. You need people who develop rational, fact-based policy, not people like them who would gut Health Canada and the social safety net. That poll that just came out is a huge concern, yet we have posters who don't want a good relationship with our closest neighbour, something both those men would exploit. That is a huge concern imo.



It does kinda look like Trump tried to jerk the handshake back, but Trudeau held his ground.

This is the kind of thing that the PM is briefed on before a photo op with pandas or something, but it's with the POTUS.

"Now be aware Mr. Prime Minister, the North American Orange POTUS, upon making contact, will instinctively pull back sharply while maintaining his grip. It's important to lock your elbow to the side of your body and to resist the force by using your free hand to brace against the POTUS' shoulder. While this specimen is over 70 years old, he can still cause injury, and has nuclear capability."

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Given that this reads like a generic-as-hell- statement, this is perhaps the best outcome for Canada since reinforces the status quo between the two countries going forward.

I don't think it's that generic. Those differing health, environmental, and safety standards for certain things are very important in Canada, and that statement reaffirms that they don't seem to a be considered a problem for the new administration.
Given that this reads like a generic-as-hell- statement, this is perhaps the best outcome for Canada since reinforces the status quo between the two countries going forward.

it's a good thing that Trudeau wasn't the first world leader to deal with Trump,
give that Orange time to get used to not pissing off allies like he did with Peña Nieto on week 1.

I'm pretty sure Congress told him not to fuck this up, LOL


Lol, Trump totally tried to yank in that handshake not once but maybe twice. He got shut down with the hand in his shoulder then you can see him try again but Canada is having none of it.


We finally have a decent poll on the CPC leadership! 5400+ CPC members, so not just people who say they vaguely support the party -- these are actual voters. It's...odd.

(The actual percentages are also in the linked story, but points is what matters in this contest).

O'Leary & Bernier on top sounds about right. Leitch in third place doesn't shock me too much, given her fundraising totals.

What's shocking, though, is fourth: Chris Alexander?! He doesn't even have a campaign manager. His fundraising totals are nothing special. How is he in fourth? If that continues on to May (which is still a long way away), he could be someone to watch as a darkhorse. I'd have thought it would be Raitt, O'Toole or Scheer in that spot, but...nope, it's Chris Alexander. Weird.

And poor Deepak. Dead last, even behind the nobodies. I'm seriously considering joining the CPC just to give him a pity vote.

Uninformed voters are going to repeat the same mistakes Americans made last November if O'Leary gets to be leader of the CPC. He needs to get the boot in the leadership vote.

That's my prime minister. Apparently Justin have trump an old picture of PET with trump from back in the day. Seemed trump liked it, reminding him of his old days.

If true, that's incredibly amusing considering Pierre was considered a "radical leftist" back in the day for decriminalizing homosexuality and wanting to make Canada a bilingual nation and Trump is, well, a living Breitbart article.


Ha, nice.


Don't want to jinx anything, but Trump is sticking hard to the script. They must have really drilled him not to fuck this up.


This is actually going pretty well by Trump standards.

Kudos to Trudeau for showing a nuanced approach to position ourselves well. This speech is hitting all the right notes in emphasizing how us doing well will benefit people down there.
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