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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Today is the birthday of the five Dionne sisters who were snatched by the government of Ontario in 1935 in order to make a public human zoo out of them. Between 1935 and 1945, the sisters brought in more visitors than the Niagara Falls, and generated 500 million dollars for the province. Six thousand people a day paid to see the quintuplets. After the zoo, the government made a Museum out of the natal home of the sisters, containing pictures are other things related to them, which also brought in a lot of money. The museum was closed... in October 2016, last year.

Radio-Canada made a short video yesterday talking about it.
Wow, why is Sikhism so unpopular in Quebec, even compared to most other religions?
Is it just because it requires visible symbols of religious belief?

Well, I'm not in Quebec, but the only time there's a Sikh in the news, its because of a violent crime like the Air India Bombing or the OC Transpo murder. Exception being the current Trudeau cabinet, but the defense minister is making the news for false representation...
Today is the birthday of the five Dionne sisters who were snatched by the government of Ontario in 1935 in order to make a public human zoo out of them. Between 1935 and 1945, the sisters brought in more visitors than the Niagara Falls, and generated 500 million dollars for the province. Six thousand people a day paid to see the quintuplets. After the zoo, the government made a Museum out of the natal home of the sisters, containing pictures are other things related to them, which also brought in a lot of money. The museum was closed... in October 2016, last year.

Radio-Canada made a short video yesterday talking about it.

It's funny how they took them away from their parents because they wanted to show them in the US and then put them in a local zoo.
In other Alberta news:

Lethbridge high school grads criticized for Cowboys and Indians costume party

Before venturing out into the world and becoming adults, students from Chinook High School in Lethbridge, Alta., had a party over the May long weekend, where they toasted to their successful completion of Grade 12.

The theme of the costume party was Cowboys and Indians and that prompted objections on social media after photos and video of the event were posted online.


Tieja Medicine Crane, a Grade 12 student at a different high school in the city, said she felt offended when she saw the posts online.

"The story behind the headdress is that every feather means something. It was an act of bravery. You earned all those feathers in order to make the headdress," Medicine Crane said.

"I will never be able to wear a headdress because I haven't earned it … So someone else, not from my culture, is going to wear it? That's really offensive."

In addition to costumes of feathers and headdresses, many at the party wore imitation war paint and hollered stereotypical chants by the bonfire.

In response to Medicine Crane's objections on social media, many students who attended the party tried to defend it, while also criticizing her. One student wrote: "It's a stupid thing to get mad about."

"If they're allowed to use all of the things white people use, why can't we do this? It's like saying no one can use electricity or something because white people invented it," one poster said.

Yes... using electricity is white culture appropriation.

This cultural appropriation thing is difficult to grasp.

I understand that natives don't like to be exploited by sports team like the Cleveland Indians. the Washington Redskins or the Chicago Blackhawks. I agree with that.

I see that they resent people wearing copies of native costumes, down to single items like make up or feathers. I have mixed feeling about this. This isn't quite like blackface. It's more like white teenagers wearing crooked hats and oversized pants. It's like you can dress your little girl as a Disney princess as long as it's not Pocahontas.

To me, it's all in the nuances. If it's in a workplace, you try not to offend anyone and you apologize if you do. If it's with friends, you ask them how they feel. In a school, you check the rules. It's like that girl in Montreal who was sent home for wearing a Senators jersey.

In fiction, if should be OK to write about natives as long as you do your research and don't write falsehood.

Now, cowboys and Indians were popular themes in the 70s. We barely see new Westerns movies being made now. Might just be people running out of ideas, although in some places, people have stuck to the cowboy identity.
So as an aside...is it easy to ditch my membership in CPC now, or is it easiest just to let it lapse?

The CPC member database, CIMS (the Constituent Information Management System) works -- and I swear I'm not making this up, and I've heard it from multiple people who didn't know each other -- on a smiley face/frowny face system. If you're an active donor who gives regularly to the party, you get a smiley face. If you quit dramatically over a policy difference or because you were upset with the party leadership, you get a frowny face. There are middle ground facial expressions for people who fit between those extremes.

All of which is to say: quit now, unless you're okay with the party contacting you again to renew/hitting you up with donations from now until forever/begging for your vote at the next election. Quitting gives you a frowny face, whereas letting it lapse presumably gives you some kind of neutral face. I was a PC Party member way back, and I let it lapse rather than join after they were taken over by the Reform Party. They were contacting me periodically for years afterwards until I finally told them I loathed Harper and would never vote for, contribute to, or join a party led by him.

Man I was not even thinking about Scheer winning.

All I can think of is


Yep. Their electoral strategy for the next election, apparently, is hope people get sick of Trudeau and are willing to go for someone completely and utterly forgettable.

EDIT: If anyone has a leadership contest addiction and needs another hit today, the NDP leadership debate is today at 2, streaming on their Facebook page. It'll​ be the first time that Jagmeet Singh is in one of their debates, so it could be interesting.


The CPC member database, CIMS (the Constituent Information Management System) works -- and I swear I'm not making this up, and I've heard it from multiple people who didn't know each other -- on a smiley face/frowny face system. If you're an active donor who gives regularly to the party, you get a smiley face. If you quit dramatically over a policy difference or because you were upset with the party leadership, you get a frowny face. There are middle ground facial expressions for people who fit between those extremes.

All of which is to say: quit now, unless you're okay with the party contacting you again to renew/hitting you up with donations from now until forever/begging for your vote at the next election. Quitting gives you a frowny face, whereas letting it lapse presumably gives you some kind of neutral face. I was a PC Party member way back, and I let it lapse rather than join after they were taken over by the Reform Party. They were contacting me periodically for years afterwards until I finally told them I loathed Harper and would never vote for, contribute to, or join a party led by him.

How do you actively quit? Just looking around at their site and it's obviously buried deep lol. Or do you have to call them?
Reading the comments on CBC was a mistake. Sure there are some Liberal comments, but there are a lot of Conseratives saying some pretty dumb things. And the odd crazy talking about the "alt-left" and WikiLeaks.

Here's one (removed name to respect the commenter's privacy):

"I am delighted. Andrew Scheer will be an excellent leader and I hope we win the next election. If there was some way to impeach Trudeau between now and then it would benefit all Canadians. And, yes, I really mean that. He is the worst Prime Minister in the history of this country. He is damaging this country day-by-day. We need to be vigilant that the next election is valid. Hand counted paper ballots avoid conflict. Any of you criticizing me, check WikiLeaks for Trudeau's communication with Podesta and Clinton to write a speech for him - just before he won the election. That behaviour is far too suspect."

I'm pretty sure thats a copypasta. I saw the exact same comment repeated on r/MetaCanada yesterday when I wanted to get a good laugh.
How do you actively quit? Just looking around at their site and it's obviously buried deep lol. Or do you have to call them?

Calling/mailing them should work. Not sure about email, but presumably they'll take that if you email through the same address that you signed up with.

I have a feeling that a lot of the people who joined to stop O'Leary/Leitch will be quitting now too, so it wouldn't shock me if someone posts the process either here or on Reddit fairly soon.
This cultural appropriation thing is difficult to grasp.

I understand that natives don't like to be exploited by sports team like the Cleveland Indians. the Washington Redskins or the Chicago Blackhawks. I agree with that.

I see that they resent people wearing copies of native costumes, down to single items like make up or feathers. I have mixed feeling about this. This isn't quite like blackface. It's more like white teenagers wearing crooked hats and oversized pants. It's like you can dress your little girl as a Disney princess as long as it's not Pocahontas.

To me, it's all in the nuances. If it's in a workplace, you try not to offend anyone and you apologize if you do. If it's with friends, you ask them how they feel. In a school, you check the rules. It's like that girl in Montreal who was sent home for wearing a Senators jersey.

In fiction, if should be OK to write about natives as long as you do your research and don't write falsehood.

Now, cowboys and Indians were popular themes in the 70s. We barely see new Westerns movies being made now. Might just be people running out of ideas, although in some places, people have stuck to the cowboy identity.

there is a simple way to self judge on cultural apropration:

WRONG) when you dress up in a stereotypic manor that in parodic manor that demeans the group. when you use stereotypical imagery to reduce a culture as a mascot.

RIGHT) when you educate yourself on that culture's history, customs and traditions and try to honor them by joining with them.
Even in the absence of representation; you use taste and judgement while borowing another's culture by being accurate and respectful

in conclusion: intent is the the key word.

if your intent is to get drunk while dressing up in costumes using stereotypes = that is wrong.
if your intent is to honor history, culture and traditions = that is doing it right

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Québec loathes religion because of hundreds of years of cultural suffocation at the hands of the Catholic Church. Public secularism has been injected in Québec's culture by the Quiet Revolution, and any Public Display of Religion evokes a deep malaise in the Québécois. Female muslims and male sikhs happen to bring about this more often than other groups of religious people, because of their beliefs demanding certain very visible clothing. But make no mistake, they aren't the only ones.

One of the original instigating events of the public debate on reasonable accomodations (which lead to the PQ's Charter of Values a decade later), was the mayor of Saguenay, Jean Tremblay, who did catholic prayers before public reunions. Mouvement laïque québécois brought him to court on behalf of a Saguenay resident. It went all the way to the Supreme Court, and the Court (rightfully) sided with them. Tremblay was then forced to stop that shit.

You can read the Supreme Court's decision here.
Nah dude it's just the Québécois being racist rednecks don't you now


Calling/mailing them should work. Not sure about email, but presumably they'll take that if you email through the same address that you signed up with.

I have a feeling that a lot of the people who joined to stop O'Leary/Leitch will be quitting now too, so it wouldn't shock me if someone posts the process either here or on Reddit fairly soon.

Cool, thank you! Gonna go get that frowny face.
This cultural appropriation thing is difficult to grasp.

I understand that natives don't like to be exploited by sports team like the Cleveland Indians. the Washington Redskins or the Chicago Blackhawks. I agree with that.

I see that they resent people wearing copies of native costumes, down to single items like make up or feathers. I have mixed feeling about this. This isn't quite like blackface. It's more like white teenagers wearing crooked hats and oversized pants. It's like you can dress your little girl as a Disney princess as long as it's not Pocahontas.

To me, it's all in the nuances. If it's in a workplace, you try not to offend anyone and you apologize if you do. If it's with friends, you ask them how they feel. In a school, you check the rules. It's like that girl in Montreal who was sent home for wearing a Senators jersey.

In fiction, if should be OK to write about natives as long as you do your research and don't write falsehood.

Now, cowboys and Indians were popular themes in the 70s. We barely see new Westerns movies being made now. Might just be people running out of ideas, although in some places, people have stuck to the cowboy identity.

Honestly, the main problem is that "cultural appropriation" is too vague of a term. People "appropriate" culture all the time, and claiming something as bad by virtue of "cultural appropriation" is a bit crude.

"Cultural fraud" might be a better way to describe negative appropriation of culture. It isn't just the taking of other people's cultures, there's a falseness to it as well, and a negative treatment to the original culture they're taking from.
Honestly, the main problem is that "cultural appropriation" is too vague of a term. People "appropriate" culture all the time, and claiming something as bad by virtue of "cultural appropriation" is a bit crude.

"Cultural fraud" might be a better way to describe negative appropriation of culture. It isn't just the taking of other people's cultures, there's a falseness to it as well, and a negative treatment to the original culture they're taking from.

intent is everything.

and if getting shit faced drunk while dressing up is part of the internt, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it's wrong

Is there a link to the leadership debate?
it is airing Live on CBC Newsorld on TV.


*god, there is a translator talking over the candidates. I hate translators, all Canadians should be bilingual


This cultural appropriation thing is difficult to grasp.

I understand that natives don't like to be exploited by sports team like the Cleveland Indians. the Washington Redskins or the Chicago Blackhawks. I agree with that.

I see that they resent people wearing copies of native costumes, down to single items like make up or feathers. I have mixed feeling about this. This isn't quite like blackface. It's more like white teenagers wearing crooked hats and oversized pants. It's like you can dress your little girl as a Disney princess as long as it's not Pocahontas.

To me, it's all in the nuances. If it's in a workplace, you try not to offend anyone and you apologize if you do. If it's with friends, you ask them how they feel. In a school, you check the rules. It's like that girl in Montreal who was sent home for wearing a Senators jersey.

In fiction, if should be OK to write about natives as long as you do your research and don't write falsehood.

Now, cowboys and Indians were popular themes in the 70s. We barely see new Westerns movies being made now. Might just be people running out of ideas, although in some places, people have stuck to the cowboy identity.

Taking someone's culture and traditions and turning them into a costume like these morons did is appropriation.
there is a simple way to self judge on cultural apropration:

WRONG) when you dress up in a stereotypic manor that in parodic manor that demeans the group. when you use stereotypical imagery to reduce a culture as a mascot.

RIGHT) when you educate yourself on that culture's history, customs and traditions and try to honor them by joining with them.
Even in the absence of representation; you use taste and judgement while borowing another's culture by being accurate and respectful

in conclusion: intent is the the key word.

if your intent is to get drunk while dressing up in costumes using stereotypes = that is wrong.
if your intent is to honor history, culture and traditions = that is doing it right

So you're anti-Halloween?
So you're anti-Halloween?

culturally apropriating ghosts, zombies and vampires is not a problem.

but culturally apropriating ethnic costumes in a stereotypal fashion to parody them or to reduce them as a mascot is a problem

why don't you dress up as a biohazard scientist or a xenomorph?

do you really have to dress up as an"Indian"? in the cowboys vs indians context?

can't you guys just lay off First Nations people and stop dressing up as them or using them as Sports Logo Mascots?
Taking someone's culture and traditions and turning them into a costume like these morons did is appropriation.

You got assimilation which is trying to rob someone of his culture and traditions.
That's very bad.
Then you got appropriation which is borrowing part of someone's culture and traditions.
Is that very bad? It don't think so. You're welcome to appropriate anything from my culture. I don't mind.

I was looking for something different to do on a Sunday back in 98.
There was a Pow-wow at the National Equestrian Park on Moodie, and it seems everyone was invited, so I took my wife for a drive there.
There were 3 or 4 campers and half a dozen old men sitting outside.
There were also a dozen dogs running wild and my wife was too afraid to get out of the car.

That's basically the sum of my personal experience with natives and my family has been in Canada for something like 13 generations.

I also remember dressing as a cowboy for a play in grade 6. I had a real cowboy hat that my aunt brought from the Stampede in the sixties. I don't think anyone dressed as an indian, but that's just because nobody would have wanted to.


Subete no aware
culturally apropriating ghosts, zombies and vampires is not a problem.

but culturally apropriating ethnic costumes in a stereotypal fashion to parody them or to reduce them as a mascot is a problem

why don't you dress up as a biohazard scientist or a xenomorph?

do you really have to dress up as an"Indian"? in the cowboys vs indians context?

can't you guys just lay off First Nations people and stop dressing up as them or using them as Sports Logo Mascots?

Given that we as a society automatically condemn anyone who decides to cosplay as a Nazi for Halloween, to the point where it's a scandal if some dumb prince does it, I don't understand why people don't understand that there's shit you probably shouldn't wear.

I still don't get how there are blackface stories every year. lol
culturally apropriating ghosts, zombies and vampires is not a problem.

but culturally apropriating ethnic costumes in a stereotypal fashion to parody them or to reduce them as a mascot is a problem

why don't you dress up as a biohazard scientist or a xenomorph?

do you really have to dress up as an"Indian"? in the cowboys vs indians context?

can't you guys just lay off First Nations people and stop dressing up as them or using them as Sports Logo Mascots?

I'm totally against the use of mascots by sport teams.
There is at least one First Nation which has granted the use of its name to a baseball team. (Saugeen Red Men?)

I'm on the fence with stereotyped characters like Pocahontas or Tiger Lily (In Peter Pan). My granddaughter is mixed, so these types of costumes fit her quite well.
I feel we drifted away from politics, so I will say this.
I was shocked when I watched the results of the Conservative race.
I thought Erin O'Toole was a woman!
I'm totally against the use of mascots by sport teams.
There is at least one First Nation which has granted the use of its name to a baseball team. (Saugeen Red Men?)

I'm on the fence with stereotyped characters like Pocahontas or Tiger Lily (In Peter Pan). My granddaughter is mixed, so these types of costumes fit her quite well.

at the end of the day, it's all about intent.

if the intent is honor an historical character or a positive fictional character in a poistive light than it's okay

if the intent is to parody or ridicule, then we arlready know the answer


You got assimilation which is trying to rob someone of his culture and traditions.
That's very bad.
Then you got appropriation which is borrowing part of someone's culture and traditions.
Is that very bad? It don't think so. You're welcome to appropriate anything from my culture. I don't mind.

I was looking for something different to do on a Sunday back in 98.
There was a Pow-wow at the National Equestrian Park on Moodie, and it seems everyone was invited, so I took my wife for a drive there.
There were 3 or 4 campers and half a dozen old men sitting outside.
There were also a dozen dogs running wild and my wife was too afraid to get out of the car.

That's basically the sum of my personal experience with natives and my family has been in Canada for something like 13 generations.

I also remember dressing as a cowboy for a play in grade 6. I had a real cowboy hat that my aunt brought from the Stampede in the sixties. I don't think anyone dressed as an indian, but that's just because nobody would have wanted to.

I can't tell if this is a deeply racist attempt at humour or a rambling tangential story from a senile old man but either way what the fuck


You got assimilation which is trying to rob someone of his culture and traditions.
That's very bad.
Then you got appropriation which is borrowing part of someone's culture and traditions.
Is that very bad? It don't think so. You're welcome to appropriate anything from my culture. I don't mind.

I'm going to ignore the "i'm not racist look at how many events i've been to" portion of your post and instead focus on the following: You have a very unique definition of "borrowing" if you think dressing up in a bonnet and making stereotypical chants like those students did. They clearly don't understand nor have any respect for their culture and were just using it because they wanted their party to have a costumed theme. They could have gone with any other theme, but instead they chose to use attire and invoke associated with a given culture, one whose traditions and people can only charitably be described as been historically mistreated by Canada (see also: the Sun Dance ban, the Sixties Scoop, residential schools, voting rights and the changes made to status Indian/Metis qualifications, poor conditions on reserves that contribute to a higher rate of suicide among Aboriginals, etc.). You might be fine with that, but that doesn't make it any less appalling.
I am now disapointed moreso that Bernier lost the leadership:


his anti-farmer stanec would cost them dearly in the general elecion.

His riding was split during this leadership race, because... farmers

Quebecers and the “extremely strong” lobby of the province’s professional farmers’ union are to blame for Maxime Bernier’s defeat in the Conservative leadership race, according to an ex-mayor in Bernier’s hometown in Quebec’s Beauce region.


many like me who know nothing about Scheer


this is an interesting introdction educating us who this unknown man is:

so basically he is a younger Stephen Harper with a smile. Harper II

Harper with a smile seems odd as people have been saying he has even less charisma than Harper

BTW, if he really doesn't want to open up the abortion or same sex marriage debate, I could see a few middle of the road people hop over if the libs don't take someone like him serious. His less outlandish views could make some go "well he doesn't want to fight those things so the cons might be OK, plus I like tax cuts"
Id only be tempted in 2019 if he brought the Family Tax Cut back and even then I don't think I'd actually do it not wanting anything resembling Harper 2.0


Id only be tempted in 2019 if he brought the Family Tax Cut back and even then I don't think I'd actually do it not wanting anything resembling Harper 2.0

Problem is voter apathy and just general short attention span of the general masses as a whole. They will forget what the cons and Harper did to the country over 10 years given enough time (or misattributed shit to the wrong pm)
Problem is voter apathy and just general short attention span of the general masses as a whole. They will forget what the cons and Harper did to the country over 10 years given enough time (or misattributed shit to the wrong pm)

I hope not.

Liberals also had no one remotely likeable during that time. As long as JT doesn't fuck things up i think he will get re-elected.

Don't think I'd trust the PC to stand up to Trump either.


The only opinion I had on Scheer before this week was that his ever present crooked smile is annoying and kinda creepy. So for me, "Harper with a smile" is not really an improvement.


I think it's pretty telling when Andrew Scheer says there was nothing wrong with their platform last election, it was just the optics. Sorry, you can't polish shit like bigotry, anti-science, etc.
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