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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Aucune chanson en français dans une compilation de 6 CD pour le 150e du Canada

Pour marquer le 150e anniversaire de la Confédération, la compagnie a sorti Canada 150: A Celebration of Music, une compilation de six CD, qui regroupe plus d'une centaine de chansons canadiennes des années 1960 à nos jours. Dans le communiqué, Universal souligne qu'elle veut « offrir ce cadeau pour que tous les amateurs de musique canadienne puissent célébrer ».

Ce qui est remarqué, c'est qu'aucune chanson en français n'est incluse dans cette compilation. Les deux seuls artistes francophones sont Daniel Lanois et Céline Dion. La chanson choisie pour la diva québécoise est la populaire My Heart Will Go On. Plusieurs Anglo-Québécois en font également partie, entre autres Leonard Cohen, Men Without Hats, Gino Vannelli et Corey Hart.
Isn't Universal a private company? They probably intended it for an English audience.

I'm sure that's what they intended, but that's precisely the issue. We are talking about the celebration of the 150th anniversary of our country. French and English cultures are intertwined. Decisions such as this one, business or not, only reenforce the Two Solitudes, which very much does not reflect well on Canada.




So the Alberta PC party finally decided to disclose how much each candidate spent during their leadership race.
Kenney spent 5 times more then all of the other PC leadership candidates combined.Starke spent around 200K while Nelson and Khan spent under 60K.

This is not the most a provincial politician in alberta spent on a leadership campaign which is surprising.

I don't see why that's surprising. When the leadership vote is effectively the vote for premiere for 40+ years spending on it is gonna be like election spending.

But that's not true anymore. Kenney isn't guaranteed to win.
Conservative MPs, former MPs and former Prime Ministers going on American media and bashing the Canadian Government are being disloyal and are undermine our democratic institutions. They should be ashamed of themselves

I knew that Omar Khadar case would blow up into a big albatross and give Conservatives ammunition.

I don't care about Omar Khadr's well being at all. All I care about is not see Conservatives back in power.

Now Conservatives are embracing Trumpisms, Alt-Facts, calling the media "Fake News".
This shit is dangerous.

CPC members going on American media to air their dirty laundry are disloyal to Canada.

the timing couldn't be worse, Canada is about the renegotiate NAFTA.

Brian Mulroney would be ashamed of present day Conservatives who undermine Canada. He at least has worked along side Trudeau in Palm Beach Florida trying to convince the Trump administration about the benefits of NAFTA. Working for Canada first.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

Not remotely surprised. Two weekends ago I went to Toronto, and I saw a little girl wearing a cute pink/purple "Canada" shirt, which showed the names of all the provinces and territories meshed together (vertically and horizontally) to form a maple leaf.

Québec wasn't on it. I looked and looked and couldn't see it. I saw Nova Scotia, Nunavut, literally everything else and even Labrador, but not Québec.

Teaching RoC kids to ignore Québec one cute kid's shirt at the time, eh?
So the Alberta PC party finally decided to disclose how much each candidate spent during their leadership race.
Kenney spent 5 times more then all of the other PC leadership candidates combined.Starke spent around 200K while Nelson and Khan spent under 60K.

This is not the most a provincial politician in alberta spent on a leadership campaign which is surprising.

I mean, spending $1.5 million to win the leadership of the third-place provincial party is kind of crazy. It's about $500k more than his party raised in all of 2016. It's twice what Kathleen Wynne spent to win the Liberal leadership in 2013, and that was to become premier, and she was up against actual competition (whereas Kenney's win was fairly predictable). It's more than what Trudeau spent to win the federal Liberal leadership in 2013 (though Trudeau raised $700k more), which is analogous in the sense that both were trying to win the leaderships of formerly dominant political parties relegated to third place.

So in that sense, Kenney's spending is pretty surprising. But like maharg said, given that previous leadership contests were de facto elections for the premier's chair, it's not shocking that the spending this time around would be less than it was in the past.


I don't see why that's surprising. When the leadership vote is effectively the vote for premiere for 40+ years spending on it is gonna be like election spending.

But that's not true anymore. Kenney isn't guaranteed to win.

I was actually surprised prentice spent more then that. We only have financial disclosures for the 2014 PC leadership race and the 2017 PC leadership race out of the many PC leadership races since 1971. And like you said money does not win provincial elections all of the time in Alberta as we saw through the last provincial election. Kenney also partially disclosed the amount being raised or spent by his PAC Unite Alberta.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Spotted in Calgary :D




Subete no aware
So that mosque where 6 people were killed was mailed a defaced Quran with pig images and whatnot because of a proposed Muslim cemetery in Quebec City... and I'm just wondering if this is a racist thing or an anti-religion thing.

Also I guess I either missed that Payette killed someone in a traffic accident, or just totally forgot about it since she was just an astronaut at the time.
So that mosque where 6 people were killed was mailed a defaced Quran with pig images and whatnot because of a proposed Muslim cemetery in Quebec City... and I'm just wondering if this is a racist thing or an anti-religion thing.

Normal people don't advocate secularism by doing something hateful like this.
I'm sure that's what they intended, but that's precisely the issue. We are talking about the celebration of the 150th anniversary of our country. French and English cultures are intertwined. Decisions such as this one, business or not, only reenforce the Two Solitudes, which very much does not reflect well on Canada.

Oh, I thought since it was posted here it might have been a political gaffe. I agree, I wish people would give more recognition to French.

Spotted in Calgary :D




the Dairy cartel is too poweful, especially in Quebec.

so powerful that they tanked Maxime Bernier in his own riding for an Ontarian Andrew Sheer

fuck the Dairy Mafia Cartel.

bring on EU dairy and US dairy

the Dairy Cartel is so evil that even block local producers who do not abide by their Cartel rules..

Saputo dairy has been continuosuly snubbed in man Super Market chains in Quebec, only some Loblaw owned business carry them.

Are you fucking crazy?

Are you not aware of the cancer causing shit that is in American milk?!


Not remotely surprised. Two weekends ago I went to Toronto, and I saw a little girl wearing a cute pink/purple "Canada" shirt, which showed the names of all the provinces and territories meshed together (vertically and horizontally) to form a maple leaf.

Québec wasn't on it. I looked and looked and couldn't see it. I saw Nova Scotia, Nunavut, literally everything else and even Labrador, but not Québec.

Teaching RoC kids to ignore Québec one cute kid's shirt at the time, eh?

Or it's a shirt that is respectful to separatists, or, as Gabamafou calls himself, "independentists"


So that mosque where 6 people were killed was mailed a defaced Quran with pig images and whatnot because of a proposed Muslim cemetery in Quebec City... and I'm just wondering if this is a racist thing or an anti-religion thing.

Also I guess I either missed that Payette killed someone in a traffic accident, or just totally forgot about it since she was just an astronaut at the time.

Pretty sure it was a combination of racism and Islamophobia from a radicalized bigot (he was a fan of Le Pen, if I recall) as opposed to hatred of organized religion.


Is CAQ sovereignist? I'd love to see someone competing for the federalist vote, if only so the Quebec Liberals have to stop being such corrupt pieces of shit


Is CAQ sovereignist? I'd love to see someone competing for the federalist vote, if only so the Quebec Liberals have to stop being such corrupt pieces of shit

CAQ is basically whatever you want

You like chocolate? boy do they love chocolate

You prefer vanilla? boy do they love vanilla


Has CAQ ever done anything as part of the opposition other than just complaining for the sake of complaining?
I honestly can't think of anything.

What does CAQ even stand for in terms of policy?

They're right wing on economic issues, to the right of the Liberals (who are centre-right themselves). On social issues, they're very much about "Québec values", and Québec values are very progressive compared to the rest of North America, but the hardcore (and sometimes opportunistic) secularism can appear right-wing to outsiders (but this is not a left-right issue in Québec). On Québec sovereignty, they don't have any strong opinion, they want to keep quiet on the issue and "concentrate on more important issues", and Legault said he would vote "no" if there's a referendum and thinks Canada is good for the Québec economy. They also have an anti-establishment streak: they want proportional representation, and other democratic reforms that improve transparency and reduce corruption.

I don't live in Québec, but that's the general impression I got from them from them the past few years.

Personally, I'm happy PLQ is still spanking everyone else. :p

What does CAQ even stand for in terms of policy?

identity politics,
Pro Rural, Anti City,
Anti-Multicultarism, Anti-Interculturalism.
cutting services to pay down the debt.
wants to cut subsidies to the gaming industry.
wedge issues.


So is there no left wing economic federalist party in Quebec? Federalists just have to choose between centre-right and more right?
So is there no left wing economic federalist party in Quebec? Federalists just have to choose between centre-right and more right?

Correct. There is only one true federalist party in Québec, and it's the LPQ. Though I'd argue that CAQ are sovereignists in name only. They pander to sovereignists, but it's just that: pandering. They don't care. They are just a bunch of opportunists. They will say whatever they need to say to get people to vote for them. But they are the most fiscally conservative party in Québec, that much is true.

CAQ is garbage.

edit: to add to their hypocrisy, consider the following. Legault was member of the PQ, a party that is center-left economically. He leaves that party when it starts losing popularity, and forms a new party that is more to the right of the PLQ economically, which itself is center-right. I'm supposed to believe that at 50 years old or so, that guy had an epiphany about how economics work to justify his complete 180 in ideology?

No. Fuck that guy.


CAQ are not even really fiscally conservatives. They offer both low-taxes and amazing public services, something that only works when you're in the opposition.
CAQ is basically just the old ADQ under a new name, right? They seem to occupy the same vaguely right-wing, sorta-sovereigntist space.

Speaking of Quebec, Andrew Scheer announced his new House leadership team, and decided that his best option for balancing his terrible French was...picking a deputy leader whose French is even worse (Lisa Raitt).

And speaking of Scheer, he's already at -2 approval:

(That's compared to Trudeau at +19.)

Bizarrely, though, he's siphoning off support from the NDP:


Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
wants to cut subsidies to the gaming industry.

That would be horrible for Square Enix. They have two studios in Montreal, Eidos Montreal and a small mobile studio called Square Enix Montreal. That'd be Ubisoft and Square Enix both out of Quebec most likely, and Ubisoft Montreal employs ~3,000 people for example according to Wikipedia.

Doesn't seem like a party that knows what they're doing.
That would be horrible for Square Enix. They have two studios in Montreal, Eidos Montreal and a small mobile studio called Square Enix Montreal. That'd be Ubisoft and Square Enix both out of Quebec most likely, and Ubisoft Montreal employs ~3,000 people for example according to Wikipedia.

Doesn't seem like a party that knows what they're doing.
the gaming industry is Super Montreal.

the CAQ hates Montreal is a Suburban/ Rural party full of resentment towards Montreal.

they can't figure out why they never elected an MNA on the Island for some reason. LOL


on Sheer, the more he speaks and talks, the more people will get turned off by his vile Harper-ism

Bizarrely, though, he's siphoning off support from the NDP:
There used to be a surprising amount of overlap between NDPers and the far-right. They were both generally anti-establishment, and they had a similar blue collar base.

But then 1993 came along, and those people pretty much all went Reform (recall that the NDP was nearly wiped out in that election too, partly because they lost all their support in rural BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, etc). That was followed by the Reformers taking over the PC Party, and Layton making the NDP much more focused on urban voters, making them diverge even further.

If I remember polls from the last election correctly, there are virtually no more voters who describe themselves as NDPers with CPC as their second choice or CPCers with NDP as second choice. There are a couple of those people left, but I'm shocked that they'd show up in any measurable way in a poll.

Of course, the alternative explanation for this specific Abacus poll is that whatever voters the Liberals lost on their right flank to the CPC, they picked up from soft NDPers who dislike Scheer. I just have a hard time imagining that would be such a 1:1 thing.


Does someone wants to explain to me the horseshoe thing like I am 14 years old? I am staring but I can't figure out what it's trying to say. I get the part about tactics far left and far right employee are similar, but who are normalizers? What are they normalizing?
CAQ is basically just the old ADQ under a new name, right? They seem to occupy the same vaguely right-wing, sorta-sovereigntist space.

Correct. There are some members of CAQ that were in ADQ from ten years ago. I'm not sure of the percentage of the party that comes from ADQ, but yeah, they share the same economics ideology as well as the vague nationalist part.


What is the horseshoe theory?


Does someone wants to explain to me the horseshoe thing like I am 14 years old? I am staring but I can't figure out what it's trying to say. I get the part about tactics far left and far right employee are similar, but who are normalizers? What are they normalizing?

It's a theory that states how centrists and moderates are innately cooperative than those further in the wings. It explains purity tests and extremism.



It's going to be real interesting to see how the Khadr situation affects the Liberals and Trudeau's approval rating as well as Harper Jr.'s going forward.

Bizarrely, though, he's siphoning off support from the NDP:

Honestly, the most surprising part of these stats is that more Gen Y voters (i'm not using the term millennial) would support the CPC over the NDP in an election if held today. That's...concerning given young voters gave them the least amount of support of the three main parties in the 2015 election.

What is the horseshoe theory?


The real answer is that it's the belief that the far left/right eventually lead to anarchy...usually it's brought up by centrists who've displayed apathy to more fascist, authoritarian governments while never supporting more socialist governments or policies.
It's going to be real interesting to see how the Khadr situation affects the Liberals and Trudeau's approval rating as well as Harper Jr.'s going forward.

Honestly, the most surprising part of these stats is that more Gen Y voters (i'm not using the term millennial) would support the CPC over the NDP in an election if held today. That's...concerning given young voters gave them the least amount of support of the three main parties in the 2015 election.


The real answer is that it's the belief that the far left/right eventually lead to anarchy...usually it's brought up by centrists who've displayed apathy to more fascist, authoritarian governments while never supporting more socialist governments or policies.
three is no so such thing as a Centrist Dictator.

Far-Left Dictators? Yes, history has many examples
Far-Right Dictators? Yes, history has many examples


three is no so such thing as a Centrist Dictator.

Far-Left Dictators? Yes, history has many examples
Far-Right Dictators? Yes, history has many examples

But why bring this up in the context of Canadian politics? Neither the CPC or the NDP are far left or right.


Honestly, the most surprising part of these stats is that more Gen Y voters (i'm not using the term millennial) would support the CPC over the NDP in an election if held today. That's...concerning given young voters gave them the least amount of support of the three main parties in the 2015 election.

I expect this has a lot more to do with the collapse of the ndp vote to the liberals than any actual growth in the cpc among those demographics.

But really midterm polls are weird. Summer polls are weird.

Both together? Meh. Drawing conclusions from them is silly.

Also I'd argue that most dictators are pretty much centrists, though their rhetoric is usually not.


I doubt anyone in here would qualify as far-left or far-right so I don't see why you're getting defensive about the horseshoe theory.

But why bring this up in the context of Canadian politics? Neither the CPC or the NDP are far left or right.

Also this.
So is there no left wing economic federalist party in Quebec? Federalists just have to choose between centre-right and more right?
Seriosuly? you consider the Quebec Liberals as Center-Right? LOL, they are Big Government, interventionist and are too afriad to touch senior public sector lifers.

only the Far-Left labels them as "Right Wing", and that is laughable.

the Quebec Liberals would be considered as Communistst in Albertan terms
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