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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Seriosuly? you consider the Quebec Liberals as Center-Right? LOL, they are Big Government, interventionist and are too afriad to touch senior public sector lifers.

only the Far-Left labels them as "Right Wing", and that is laughable.

the Quebec Liberals would be considered as Communistst in Albertan terms

If that is the case, could you do us a solid and fix their Wikipedia article? Thanks.



If that is the case, could you do us a solid and fix their Wikipedia article? Thanks.


The sources are an essay from 2004 and Le Petit Futé travel guide.

They kinda suck at being a right-wing party though:
-Haven't lowered taxes (expect for about 150 $ for everyone)
-Haven't privatized anything
-Subsidize industries
-Enthusiastically support protectionist measures like supply management

Sure, they made cuts to balance the budget, some deep ones. And they set the amount you have to pay for some services depending on your earnings, like daycare. That's about it.

And on individual rights and freedoms, they're to the left of the PQ. They're also fairly on the left on environment.

All in all, they're like the Democratic Party in the US. A big tent party pretty much in the center of the spectrum, and mostly leaning left on social issues.
The sources are an essay from 2004 and Le Petit Futé travel guide.

They kinda suck at being a right-wing party though:
-Haven't lowered taxes (expect for about 150 $ for everyone)
-Haven't privatized anything
-Subsidize industries
-Enthusiastically support protectionist measures like supply management

Sure, they made cuts to balance the budget, some deep ones. And they set the amount you have to pay for some services depending on your earnings, like daycare. That's about it.

And on individual rights and freedoms, they're to the left of the PQ. They're also fairly on the left on environment.

All in all, they're like the Democratic Party in the US. A big tent party pretty much in the center of the spectrum, and mostly leaning left on social issues.

and they started a campaigned aimed at minorities to openly voice their experiences of descrimination which the PQ and CAQ are opposed.
Quebec's upcoming public consultation on systemic discrimination and racism will seek concrete and permanent solutions, says Kathleen Weil, the province's minister of immigration, diversity and inclusion.

and earlier they aired Anti-Racism PSA ads whic the CAQ objected as partisan just because they claim "that minority voters vote Liberal"

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Quebecois politics is depressing sad and tired

Well at least it's not coloured by religion so much, is it? That always gets messy.

Quebec seems more secular than much of English-speaking Canada to an observer such as myself, and that's saying something.

Seriously, Canadian politics today in most parts of Canada is incredibly laid back and less divisive than much of the world, it's something we don't appreciate enough. Quebec's provincial politics might be a bit different but it could always be worse.
Well at least it's not coloured by religion so much, is it? That always gets messy.

Quebec seems more secular than much of English-speaking Canada to an observer such as myself.

Quebec politics is paralyzed due to Nationalism.

the Seperatist debate has forced voters not to vote between Left or Right but on YES or NO

Quebec politics will only start moving forward when the PQ dies off

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Quebec politics is paralyzed due to Nationalism.

the Seperatist debate has forced voters not to vote between Left or Right but on YES or NO

Quebec politics will only start moving forward when the PQ dies off

To an observer it seems like a similar situation to Northern Ireland. Some political scientists could probably draw parallels.
That's a terrible rationalization for withholding criticism.

Far-Right MPs exist in the CPC, Far-Left MPs exist in the NDP.

But the Canadian Far-Right CPC MPs and members are more melevolant, nefarious, malicious with ill intentions. They are vindictive, adversarial, spiteful and are more driven to do harm than good. Which makes the likes like Pierre Poilievre genuinely Evil.

Far-Left NDPers are more well intentionned into wanting to help others; it's just that their mehtods of attaining those goals are not realistic without having consequences economically, corporately and employmently. Their hearts are at the right place


Relevance? They also have no chance of getting elected in their respective parties to lead, let alone their party in the general.

You say that, but remember how freaked out a lot of us were that Leitch even had a tiny chance at the CPC leadership?


We really don't have the same definition of what's far-right (or far-left).

For me, Scheer is just your generic christian conservative.
The far-right usually have no problem expressing hatred toward other groups or imposing their views through threats and violence. They have no qualms in being racists or bigots.
The batshit insane commenters on Breitbart and The_D are far-right. The CPC MPs are not (at least no publicly). I wouldn't even call Leith far-right.
So the Alberta Wildrose Party approved the merger between themselves and the PC's. I'm inclined to think there will be a united right wing party in Alberta before the year is done.

What I don't get is why the first thing Conservatives seem to do is merge their parties the moment they begin to lose elections. Especially since there is such an easy solution in doing what a majority of other developed democracies have done which is switch to a form of Proportional Representation. Like seriously, merging parties together and reducing the amount of choices people have to choose from is a terrible idea that harms democracy. If your system is currently First Past the Post and the problem you are facing is a split vote and having more than two parties, the solution is Proportional Representation, not reducing choice and trying to fit wildly differing sides of the same half of the political spectrum in the same party.


What I don't get is why the first thing Conservatives seem to do is merge their parties the moment they begin to lose elections.

Short version: Under FPTP, they benefit the most from a united right-wing party since they'll be getting a not insignificant (for now) population of the country's voters whereas centrist and left-wing voters, despite voting more for candidates other than a given right-wing party's representative, end up splitting their vote various ways, at least on the federal level. Under proportional representation/ranked ballot, they would suffer the most/be the last ranked party, if at all on a ballot since those same centrist/left-wing voters would likely prefer the other centrist/left-wing parties over the right-wing parties.


Subete no aware
What I don't get is why the first thing Conservatives seem to do is merge their parties the moment they begin to lose elections. Especially since there is such an easy solution in doing what a majority of other developed democracies have done which is switch to a form of Proportional Representation. Like seriously, merging parties together and reducing the amount of choices people have to choose from is a terrible idea that harms democracy. If your system is currently First Past the Post and the problem you are facing is a split vote and having more than two parties, the solution is Proportional Representation, not reducing choice and trying to fit wildly differing sides of the same half of the political spectrum in the same party.

I wish we all had puppies and rainbows, but alas, this is Canada we're talking about. lol


WOW. Those turnout numbers are not good.

Turnout seems okay on the wildrose side. Turnout on the PC side is definitely terrible.I bet you 90% of the people that voted for the merger on both sides have dual memberships to the wildrose and PC's. Turnout was not as good as I expected for either party. The UCP has a long road to 2019. They definitely have minor engagement issues right now. They failed to get people interested in the merger vote and a lot of people reluctantly voted to merge


Subete no aware

My initial response was "Charter says no." :p

First time seeing anti-abortion mailings in Toronto. Open the flaps and you basically see dead fetuses that are meant to shock you and gross you out.

I'm not sure who this is supposed to convince though. For me, it just makes me hate anti-abortionists even more and makes me wish we could have a grown up conversation about the issue.



My initial response was "Charter says no." :p

First time seeing anti-abortion mailings in Toronto. Open the flaps and you basically see dead fetuses that are meant to shock you and gross you out.

I'm not sure who this is supposed to convince though. For me, it just makes me hate anti-abortionists even more and makes me wish we could have a grown up conversation about the issue.

I could have sworn I saw an ad on public transit a few months ago that used these same images. No idea how those images made it past anyone without raising a red flag.


Subete no aware
I could have sworn I saw an ad on public transit a few months ago that used these same images. No idea how those images made it past anyone without raising a red flag.

The one inside the flap is hideous -
it's basically a fetus ripped into pieces
. I almost want to complain, but I'm not sure who I should complain to. Canada Post?



My initial response was "Charter says no." :p

First time seeing anti-abortion mailings in Toronto. Open the flaps and you basically see dead fetuses that are meant to shock you and gross you out.

I'm not sure who this is supposed to convince though. For me, it just makes me hate anti-abortionists even more and makes me wish we could have a grown up conversation about the issue.

Return to sender with the constitution attached?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Return to sender with the constitution attached?

Bit disingenuous. The Charter was created with no removal of the restrictions on abortion (at that time) in mind. It was not Trudeau Sr.'s government policy to remove the restrictions, and it wasn't read into the Charter by judges until a bit later, R v Morgentaler in 1988.

Ultimately the Charter is all about interpretation and it depends if you have liberal or conservative judges doing so. It was not considered a constitutional problem in 1982 but it became one a few years later.

The Charter means whatever the judges want it to mean. So that means no restrictions on abortion...but questioning suspects without counsel present in interrogation even if counsel during said interrogation was requested? Absolutely okay in Canada despite it being completely banned in the EU. Personally, I think it's weird how the Charter doesn't hold investigators to similar standards as are expected in the UK for example, but again, it's all in the interpretation. Judges in Canada tend to be very liberal with it on social issues, less so on stuff like what I just mentioned.
The one inside the flap is hideous -
it's basically a fetus ripped into pieces
. I almost want to complain, but I'm not sure who I should complain to. Canada Post?

Voila: the Advertising Standards Council. You have to say which sections of the Advertising Code of Standards it violates; reading through it, I'd guess definitely 14 (Unacceptable Depictions and Portrayals) and arguably 11 (Superstition and Fears).


We really don't have the same definition of what's far-right (or far-left).

For me, Scheer is just your generic christian conservative.
The far-right usually have no problem expressing hatred toward other groups or imposing their views through threats and violence. They have no qualms in being racists or bigots.
The batshit insane commenters on Breitbart and The_D are far-right. The CPC MPs are not (at least no publicly). I wouldn't even call Leith far-right.

Just because CPC politicians don't go around yapping about Rebel Media -- though Michelle Rempel actually did do that, just last week on Fox News, and during the CPC leadership race both Leitch and Chris Alexander spoke at a Rebel Media rally -- doesn't mean they're not making not-so-subtle nods in that direction. Case in point: this guy was just charged with hate speech for his anti-Muslim diatribes.He interviewed 7 CPC leadership candidates, including Maxime Bernier and Erin O'Toole.

It's important to remember that the Republicans didn't suddenly become insanely racist during the Obama years. It was a decades-long process that started with them being implicitly racist in underground media, and then becoming more and more overt about it as people slowly became more accepting. It's important to call them out now, rather than saying that they're not far-right just because they're not yet openly advocating for race wars or something.

As for the NDP...I'm not even sure what the far-left equivalent would be. Advocating for full-on communism? Thanks to my Master's program, I do know a few NDPers who'd proudly describe themselves as communists, but I'm pretty certain the same couldn't be said for any NDP MPs. I'm sure there are some conservatives who'd say that Niki Ashton is far-left because of her constant talk about intersectionality, but as misguided (for lack of a better word) as BLM's Canada's chapters can sometimes be (i.e. the whole Beyonce/To The Left thing), I wouldn't classify them as being even remotely similar to the elements of the far-right fringe that the CPC cozies up with.


Subete no aware
Voila: the Advertising Standards Council. You have to say which sections of the Advertising Code of Standards it violates; reading through it, I'd guess definitely 14 (Unacceptable Depictions and Portrayals) and arguably 11 (Superstition and Fears).
Welp, filed a complaint through them.


Oh, there was a ruling on that Mormon Bountiful case it looks like freedom of religion doesn't mean you can practice polygamy in Canada. Of course someone on the news made the argument that this would ban certain Muslims from coming to Canada or something. lol

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Talk of CAQ in here made me remember this bit from three years ago, when Legault told his wife in front of reporters the equivalent of "shut up, woman". Notice the quick glance she gives him, lol.

People tried to pass it off as his joking, but I don't believe that for one second.
Eh... I hate Legault, but this is really nothing. Your translation makes it sound far worse than it is (he just says "nah you're not the one talking [to the camera]"). :p


https://www.thebeaverton.com/2017/07/alberta-wildrose-pc-parties-merge-single-oil-company/ lawl


My initial response was "Charter says no." :p

First time seeing anti-abortion mailings in Toronto. Open the flaps and you basically see dead fetuses that are meant to shock you and gross you out.

I'm not sure who this is supposed to convince though. For me, it just makes me hate anti-abortionists even more and makes me wish we could have a grown up conversation about the issue.

In cases like this shit I would send them a video link to George Carlin's classic bit on abortion and conservative values. "When you're pre-born you're fine, if you're pre-school you're fucked!" "Pro-Life is Anti-Woman!"

Why is it so hard for these people to hold their personal beliefs on abortion, yet avoid enforcing them on others by respecting their right to choose? I already know the unfortunate answer to that, just venting.


Subete no aware
In cases like this shit I would send them a video link to George Carlin's classic bit on abortion and conservative values. "When you're pre-born you're fine, if you're pre-school you're fucked!" "Pro-Life is Anti-Woman!"

Why is it so hard for these people to hold their personal beliefs on abortion, yet avoid enforcing them on others by respecting their right to choose? I already know the unfortunate answer to that, just venting.
Religion is a stupid thing.


I guess we live in an age where world leaders just do interviews with random podcasts because Trudeau showed up on the West Wing podcast (which is the episode where Donna accidentally becomes Canadian for a day and Aaron Sorkin forgets which states borders Canada): http://thewestwingweekly.com/episodes/315
Just because CPC politicians don't go around yapping about Rebel Media -- though Michelle Rempel actually did do that, just last week on Fox News, and during the CPC leadership race both Leitch and Chris Alexander spoke at a Rebel Media rally -- doesn't mean they're not making not-so-subtle nods in that direction. Case in point: this guy was just charged with hate speech for his anti-Muslim diatribes.He interviewed 7 CPC leadership candidates, including Maxime Bernier and Erin O'Toole.

It's important to remember that the Republicans didn't suddenly become insanely racist during the Obama years. It was a decades-long process that started with them being implicitly racist in underground media, and then becoming more and more overt about it as people slowly became more accepting. It's important to call them out now, rather than saying that they're not far-right just because they're not yet openly advocating for race wars or something.

That's an excellent point. You can see the seeds of asshole right wing conservatism forming here in Canada. They're mostly hiding it now.

We are nowhere near as far along as the US and I'm not sure if it's even possible here but some in the CPC are certainly trying.

Scheer is Harper 2.0, hiding it just like he was.


That's an excellent point. You can see the seeds of asshole right wing conservatism forming here in Canada. They're mostly hiding it now.

We are nowhere near as far along as the US and I'm not sure if it's even possible here but some in the CPC are certainly trying.

Scheer is Harper 2.0, hiding it just like he was.

If Scheer has been hiding his social conservative bent up to this point, I'd hate to see what he'd be like openly expressing such garbage
I think the CPC needs to lose at least two elections in a row to a majority Liberal government for them to start doing some serious introspection. If they lose the next one in such a manner, and they still elect a new leader who is just like the previous one, then we'll be able to say they haven't learned shit. And we shall laugh at them heartily.


So a third poll is out showing that Trudeau’s Liberals aren't being hurt by the Khadr issue.


"Hammering away" at that issue could backfire for the conservatives. Which would be delicious. Having them bring up the Khadr file when the government is busy re-negotiating NAFTA is not going to be a good look and a reminder to Canadians why Harper and his cronies were voted out in the last election with their negative attitudes.


It's grating that people are still complaining about the Khadr settlement, especially members of the CPC. If they're trying to prove they weren't preying on people's Islamophobia in the 2015 election, they're doing a terrible job of it, to say nothing of reminding people that it's their fault the settlement is being paid out.
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