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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Apologies if this is the wrong thread to post this in, but this image just cropped up on my Facebook news feed.

Between the attacks on Muslims in Toronto and other parts of Canada, as well as seeing gross imagery like this, I'm both disappointed and disgusted by my country. I don't know what the government can do to curb this reaction from the public, but I fear for the Syrian refugees coming into the country next month. I hope things go smoothly, and that the combination of Harper's anti-Muslim rhetoric and recent events won't stymie their entrance into Canada; but I am worried about more people being attacked and harassed.

What's news to me is racists are trying to repurpose the Maple Leaf as a racist symbol. Last time I heard them talk about it, they wanted to go back to the ugly 1957 flag because it defines their "heritage" and "what real Canada is".


Great leadership from Alberta here. Carbon pricing is the way to go.

Here's the summary

Coal and renewable energy

  • Alberta will phase out all pollution created by burning coal and transition to more renewable energy and natural gas generation by 2030.
  • Three principles will shape the coal phase-out: maintaining reliability; providing reasonable stability in prices to consumers and business; and ensuring that capital is not unnecessarily stranded.
  • Two-thirds of coal-generated electricity will be replaced by renewables — primarily wind power — while natural gas generation will continue to provide firm base-load reliability.
  • Renewable energy sources will comprise up to 30 per cent of Alberta's electricity production by 2030.

Carbon pricing

  • A price will be put on carbon to provide an incentive for everyone to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.
  • The price will be introduced in two steps: $20 per tonne in January 2017 and $30 per tonne in January 2018
  • An overall oilsands emission limit of 100 megatonnes will be set, with provisions for new upgrading and co-generation.
Methane reduction

In collaboration with industry, environmental organizations and affected First Nations, Alberta will implement a methane reduction strategy to reduce emissions by 45 per cent from 2014 levels by 2025.

Revenue neutral

  • All proceeds from carbon pricing will be reinvested in Alberta.
  • A portion of revenues will be invested into measures to reduce pollution, including clean-energy research and technology; green infrastructure, such as public transit; and programs to help Albertans reduce their energy use.
  • Other revenues will be invested in an adjustment fund that will help individuals and families make ends meet and provide transition support to small businesses, First Nations and people working in affected coal facilities.


I would hardly call the new carbon taxes as revenue neutral when there is no offsetting tax cuts elsewhere. Nevertheless, I think a carbon tax is the best solution. Far better than the grandstanding on pipelines.


listen to the mad man
revenue neutral normally means that you rejigger the tax code so you're intaking the same amount of tax from a different source, not "we'll spend the extra money we make". no shit you'll spend the extra money you make :p


I was going to post the same thing. I don't see how this is revenue neutral when the money is going to public transit and energy research and other things. Revenue neutral would mean that all the money is going back to taxpayers.

The only thing that sounds like the sort of revenue neutral tax cuts that the BC government did is the bolded line below.

A portion of revenues will be invested into measures to reduce pollution, including clean-energy research and technology; green infrastructure, such as public transit; and programs to help Albertans reduce their energy use.

Other revenues will be invested in an adjustment fund that will help individuals and families make ends meet and provide transition support to small businesses, First Nations and people working in affected coal facilities.

The BC Carbon tax doesn't include anything like the first paragraph. All income goes to tax cuts.

B.C.’s revenue-neutral carbon tax has allowed British Columbia to reduce taxes for individuals, families and business.

Every dollar generated by the revenue-neutral carbon tax is returned to British Columbians through tax reductions. For the 2012/13 fiscal year, the tax reductions are expected to return $260 million more to taxpayers than the amount of carbon tax paid. In addition to the low-income climate action tax credit, other measures to mitigate the carbon tax for families include the up-to-$200 Northern and Rural Homeowner benefit.

As a result, B.C. now has the lowest income tax rates in Canada for individuals earning up to $122,000. The general corporate income tax rate in B.C. is among the lowest in North America and the G7 nations, and since 2001, B.C.’s small business income tax rate has been reduced by 44 percent.


The tax reductions for individuals and families for the years 2009/10 to 2012/13 fiscal years consist of:

  • The first two personal income tax bracket rates were reduced by 5 per cent effective January 1, 2008;
  • Low Income Climate Action tax credit paid quarterly along with the federal GST credit and BC HST Credit;
  • A Northern and Rural Homeowner benefit of up to $200 as of the 2011 taxation year.
Apologies if this is the wrong thread to post this in, but this image just cropped up on my Facebook news feed.

Between the attacks on Muslims in Toronto and other parts of Canada, as well as seeing gross imagery like this, I'm both disappointed and disgusted by my country. I don't know what the government can do to curb this reaction from the public, but I fear for the Syrian refugees coming into the country next month. I hope things go smoothly, and that the combination of Harper's anti-Muslim rhetoric and recent events won't stymie their entrance into Canada; but I am worried about more people being attacked and harassed.

Wow. Even your bigots are polite.




There is a thread about this, but I think it should also be here. ( I do sort of see this thread as a sort of chronicle of Canadian political discussion that happened on NeoGaf during this government, so I think it would be a shame if there was political discussion that happened on GAF but wasn't at least linked here. )

I think "security" is a pretty lame reason to be doing this. Although I do think that taking only families might be a good idea as it would make integrating easier (maybe?), especially for the first wave. Once the community is a bit more established then there'd be more of a support system for single people coming over as refugees.
Can Trudeau cancel those appointments?

From the story:

Many of the future appointments could be hard to undo without risking litigation. Of the 49 early renewals and future appointments, 24 are conditional on “good behaviour,” meaning appointees can only be stripped of their positions for bad conduct.
Another 20 appointments, however, were made “during pleasure” meaning the government can terminate the appointment for little or no reason.
One reappointment, of honourary consul Ricardo Guimaraes, which takes effect in December, can be cancelled by either side on 60 days notice. Four appointments do not spell out the terms of the appointment.

The most contentious ones would probably be the National Energy Board appointments, and those are all good behaviour ones.


listen to the mad man
Personally, given no legal mechanism to undo the appointments, I'd prefer the government pay what amounts to bribes to those appointed to have them voluntarily decline the positions.


Subete no aware
So apparently there's a budget deficit? Who would have guessed. lol
I feel like this is a shell game every time the government changes hands, where you get one free chance to blame the previous government for anything you want.
Personally, given no legal mechanism to undo the appointments, I'd prefer the government pay what amounts to bribes to those appointed to have them voluntarily decline the positions.

Brian Mulroney whooped John Turner in the 1984 debate on the outgoing patronage apointments from outgoing Pierre Trudeau. Pinning Turner saying that he had a choice

Stephen Harper spent the early years of political life loathing Pierre Trudeau.

what does Harper do before leaving his Prime Ministership? He pulls of a Pierre Trudeau maneuver, he appoints a bunch of patronage appointments

you can't make this shit up


Brian Mulroney whooped John Turner in the 1984 debate on the outgoing patronage apointments from outgoing Pierre Trudeau. Pinning Turner saying that he had a choice

Stephen Harper spent the early years of political life loathing Pierre Trudeau.

what does Harper do before leaving his Prime Ministership? He pulls of a Pierre Trudeau maneuver, he appoints a bunch of patronage appointments

you can't make this shit up

Wait. If PET did it, does that mean you approve? Or does Harper doing it mean you don't approve? I'm so confused.


Holy shit, this is historic. Not just feel-good pledges, but money to put where their mouth is. And just the other day I was putting-down Alberta for their smog addiction. I feel bad now lol.
Yes it's a very popular change, not only do we have a lot of unemployment now but changes like this costing your average household another 400+ per year.
I will be very surprised if NDP get voted in again next term
Wait. If PET did it, does that mean you approve? Or does Harper doing it mean you don't approve? I'm so confused.

anything that Pierre Trudeau did was a good decision.

I am merely pointing out Harper because Harper is hypocrite. He spent a career bashing Trudeau, but then ended up imitating him when it came to increasing powers to the PMO.


Wait. If PET did it, does that mean you approve? Or does Harper doing it mean you don't approve? I'm so confused.

He's essentially saying that the CPC, especially the Harper CPC, are being hypocritical when they're resorting to the same tactics as their greatly-loathed Trudeau.

Edit: At least, of how I interpreted his statement


listen to the mad man
I think the simpler explanation is that those in power are prone to abuse it, and those out of power both notice that and have incentive to call it out.
Yes it's a very popular change, not only do we have a lot of unemployment now but changes like this costing your average household another 400+ per year.
I will be very surprised if NDP get voted in again next term

It was either that or a sales tax, unless Wildrose knows how to move heaven and earth and control oil prices. There's rebates for low and middle income families.

I wish Ontario had carbon tax instead of HST.


He's essentially saying that the CPC, especially the Harper CPC, are being hypocritical when they're resorting to the same tactics as their greatly-loathed Trudeau.

Edit: At least, of how I interpreted his statement

I got it. I'm just amused by gutter_trash saying something nice about Harper in a roundabout way.


It was either that or a sales tax, unless Wildrose knows how to move heaven and earth and control oil prices. There's rebates for low and middle income families.

I wish Ontario had carbon tax instead of HST.
I don't understand. A sales tax to pay for carbon generation? Huh?


So it turns out that the 25,000 refugees by year's end no longer became feasible. Canada will now only admit 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year. The total 25,000 will arrive by the end of February.


That's not a bad compromise to take. 10,000 is still a significant number.

And it's great that they clarified that LGBT men are included. "Single men" was too general when it was revealed a few days ago.
I got it. I'm just amused by gutter_trash saying something nice about Harper in a roundabout way.

I get irked when the biggest hater of Pierre Trudeau (Harper) ends up imitating him after spending two decades writing angry letters about Trudeau piror becoming Prime Minister.

prior 2007, Harper campaigned against the Liberals about the increase of powers to the PMO, but then he ended up increasing even more powers to the PMO himself when he became PM


That's not a bad compromise to take. 10,000 is still a significant number.

And it's great that they clarified that LGBT men are included. "Single men" was too general when it was revealed a few days ago.

It should also be noted that the 'exclusion' criteria only applies to government-sponsored refugees. Single men will be accepted if privately sponsored.


I think he just means he'd rather the government raise revenues through a carbon tax rather than a sales tax.
How about neither, especially for something that will offer almost no benefit to the environment other than a bullet point on a document somewhere
the government's handling of the refugee dossier is reasonable, prudent, responsible and I am happy they are finally talking to journos today to shut the mouths of the alarmists.
It was either that or a sales tax, unless Wildrose knows how to move heaven and earth and control oil prices. There's rebates for low and middle income families.

I wish Ontario had carbon tax instead of HST.

Personally I'd be fine with both. I'd certainly prefer a carbon tax to cap & trade. I'm probably missing something, but cap & trade feels like an elaborate shell game.

So it turns out that the 25,000 refugees by year's end no longer became feasible. Canada will now only admit 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year. The total 25,000 will arrive by the end of February.


Not too surprising. I don't think we would've had the capacity to physically get people from there to here in under a month, even if Air Canada was lending a hand, so better to revise projections than to keep pretending we were going to meet an unattainable goal.
so they stretched it out and took out single adult males

I wonder what else alarmist will jump on now.... it would be lol worthy if they start caring for the single males now

or maybe they'll try and say that these families will live off welfare for eternity




Wow, they sure didn't waste any time, did they?

edit: Also, the comment sections of nearly Liberal-related news article are now flooded with CPC supporters. Even moreso than before the election.

Maybe they hired the same people who do it for the russian government.
That or angry people just love spending their days writing/upvoting/downvoting comments on the web.



Wow, just the other day she was on Power & Politics basically saying it was because the global economy has been slowing down, and the Liberals need to be responsible with deficit spending going forward.

That's quite a change in tone after 3 days.



I seriously can't believe they actually have the gall to try and spin this in any way that doesn't point blame at themselves... Even more-so, I can't believe that there will actually be people who believe them



Justin has had 22 days in power. He's been getting off easy.
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