What is this nonsense? Bigots absolutely have less right to representation than others. Climate change deniers, anti-vaccers, flat earthers, too. In no way is our society lessened by not giving uninformed idiots equal representation. That whole "Be tolerant of my intolerance" thing some conservatives have going is complete and utter garbage. Don't like equal rights for all people, or think that we should ignore reality so some people don't have their toxic world views challenged? Suck it up. It was wrong of the Conservatives to try and play on racist fears to win a few votes, and the fact they didn't lose all that many votes from 2011 is appalling.
Haha, nonsense? I think your conflating what I said with my moral beliefs. I personally believe that we should absolutely use the government as a tool to improve society even at the cost of several civil liberties, including silencing people who are a large enough detriment to it's overall progress. The perceived goals of society vary from person to person. In this case however we are not talking about society nor humanity, but a political system called "democracy". To categorize people entirely by tags such as "bigot" and "climate change denier" as if it somehow makes them not a human or as though it completely describes their existence is ridiculous. The idea behind democracy (ideally) is that the public filters out the less popular and harmful parts of their ideals but lets them contribute what is more publicly supported. Thus removing representation from anyone under democracy goes a long way to undermining it purpose, (not that it isn't largely already.)
Though really, if you look up the definition of "bigot" it's "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions"(thanks google). So yes, being anti-racist etc. is bigoted. It can be good to be bigoted in certain cases, but I just found it funny for him to claim he wanted to ban bigots while being one himself.
well, he is technically correct though, the wrong party should not have life easier through proportional representation, that is why I support Preferential so that the Conservatives will never ever return to power.
This post however rubs me the wrong way.
The conservatives are the "wrong" party? You might want to add some qualifiers there because the way you have it now makes it sound like you have some knowledge of universal truths that no-one else holds.