Woohoo, my career as a political pundit begins in the new issue of Maclean's, with my trenchant insight into an article suggesting what Jeremy Corbyn could learn from Justin Trudeau!
I'm alright with signing. Not okay with ratifying.
What benefits actually come from signing? I really hope it's not ratified, at least not as is.
From the article linked. It's seem like it's a bit of a formality but also there are some concessions for 'original signatories' of the TPP which Canada would miss out on if it didn't sign at this point.
I'm alright with signing. Not okay with ratifying.
Signing does not equal ratifying. Only a majority vote in our Parliament can allow the Agreement to take force. Signing is simply a technical step in the process, allowing the TPP text to be tabled in Parliament for consideration and debate before any final decision is made. All other countries will follow the same process, and each has up to two years to consider ratification before making a final determination. In addition, it is important to note that signing next week preserves Canadas status as a potential full partner in the Agreement, with all of the rights and powers that go with it.
Did Harper actually do anything useful during his decade as PM?
He eliminated the penny.
Ha, way to go Sean. I had a letter published in my local paper one time and it felt great but being in Macleans is awesome!
I was about to ask what the difference was, but then I saw she actually explains in the link:
Speaking of trade agreements...I'm wondering what's going to happen with the Canada-EU trade pact. Harper liked touting it as one of his big accomplishments, even though it hadn't even been signed or ratified by most of the EU member states. Now it's coming out that Trudeau and Freeland are having to do quite a bit of legwork to keep the deal alive. Did Harper actually do anything useful during his decade as PM?
And lowered the GST I guess. Too bad here in QC they just raised the QST.He eliminated the penny.
Well it's about that price, or maybe $7, where I live. Why "idiots"?Stupid media keeps repeating that cauliflower is $8. Just heard it on Bloomberg in a report on the low loonie. Idiots.
And lowered the GST I guess. Too bad here in QC they just raised the QST.![]()
Well it's about that price, or maybe $7, where I live. Why "idiots"?
And lowered the GST I guess. Too bad here in QC they just raised the QST.![]()
Lowered the GST, didn't bother replacing that income, cut costs by offloading it all to other levels of government leaving huge budget holes in almost every province and many cities... some legacy.
I'd rather the GST had just stayed high. In retrospect I'm kinda OK with NS raising the HST right back up to 15%.
And lowered the GST I guess. Too bad here in QC they just raised the QST.![]()
He eliminated the penny.
I feel like Harper eliminating the penny was sort of like his promise to introduce a gender-neutral O Canada: a pointless little move that didn't really impact the country one way or another, but that he pursued because it meant he wouldn't have to do anything substantive. I know that he was allegedly a big believer in a small government, but now that we can look back on the last decade, it feels like his ideas about the meaning of "small government" aren't all that different from "lazy". Like, he was able to muster up outrage towards Russia, on behalf of Israel/pipelines, or against the Liberals, but when it came to actually doing anything, he seemed pretty content to only take half-measures that didn't achieve much.
It must be nice being a rich who doesn't give a shit on tax increase.
It must be nice being a rich who doesn't give a shit on tax increase.
Mayor Coderre is full of shit, (like 8 billion gallons of human waste full of shit)
Coderre pumps his chest with his all talk green-Eco-friendly bullshit being against plastic bags, against wood stove burners and against Albertan oil
but but but but but
he authorized a dump of 8 billion gallons of raw sewage into the St-Laurence River
Coderre is nicknamed Kid-Kodak for a reason.
I'm a centrist Liberal and I approve of Energy East.
Coderre, 80+ mayors and the majority of the population.
I'm surprised you're not gloating about PKP. I'm almost starting to feel sorry for the poor guy. Sinking popularity, a tax avoidance "scandal" and a divorce after less than 6 months of marriage. Ouch!
Seriously, for the extra cents it would cost me, I'd rather have the HST at 15% just because it's easier for me to do the math in my head.
I wasn't even aware PKP was divorcing. It hasn't even been 6 months lol. Wonder what happened between August and now.
Whatever it was... imadeahugemistake.gif
I doubt Trudeau's gonna do that. At least, not for a few years.
Raising the HST would sink the Ontario Liberals. They've already got enough piled against them, and that would be the last straw. So Wynne's not gonna try it either.
I wasn't even aware PKP was divorcing. It hasn't even been 6 months lol. Wonder what happened between August and now.
Whatever it was... imadeahugemistake.gif
And lowered the GST I guess. Too bad here in QC they just raised the QST.![]()
This was the point of that move, to give provincial governments more space to raise revenue. It was an acknowledgement that the areas of government spending that provinces oversee, such as healthcare and education, were growing rapidly. Provincial governments should raise taxes, so by lowering the GST the provinces could raise taxes without citizens paying more than they were before.
PKP now wishes he never entered politics, he is really bad at it. Threatening to sue Radio-Canada and La Presse for reporting on Quebecor tax havens abroad LOL
I don't hate PKP anymore because he is guaranteeing the PQ to lose in 2018 awarding Couillard a 2nd term. PKP is doing worse than Marois, LOL
the probability of him quitting is starting the seem more likely with each hiccupI'd be really surprised if he makes it to the election.
Yup, it sucks about Quebec provincial politics that we are forced to vote for a shitty Qc Liberal Party that is incompetent because the other parties are way too nationalistic or just plain separatist.It's a shame that Quebec is pretty much stuck with PQ vs PLQ. CAQ is barely worth mentioning.
And as long as PQ is stuck with their separatism ideals, a lot of people(like me) will never vote for them. So... yeah... I just wish PQ would give up on seperation just I could look at the rest of their program more seriously. Will that happen one day? Not with PKP I think.
Major unions say the Liberal government has indicated it will repeal legislation introduced by their Tory predecessors that imposes changes on the civil service's disability and sick leave system.
Yup, it sucks about Quebec provincial politics that we are forced to vote for a shitty Qc Liberal Party that is incompetent because the other parties are way too nationalistic or just plain separatist.
the ubber-Nationalism identity crisis Quebec has keeps it from progressing or evolving politically past their boring ass debates about who has the bigger Nationalistic dick Contest.
Quebec provincial politics suck ass balls.
Even if the NDP ever decides to open up a Provincial Party here, they will be forced to play the stupid game like the other parties of ''I am more Nationalistic then You Are!!'' game
Thank God we have Trudeau in Ottawa
Politics in general just sucks at any level other than Federal. It's a shame that all the Heavyweights tend to leave the Provincial levels to fend for themselves while they are off vying for role of Prime Minister.
The Liberals ran on eliminating the GST then went back on their word when elected. Harper promised something more reasonable and actually delivered. I actually think that was a real success.the GST cut was the stupidest move Harper has ever done. Consumers barely see any difference while Ottawa feels the bigger impact with less revenue.
The Liberals ran on eliminating the GST then went back on their word when elected. Harper promised something more reasonable and actually delivered. I actually think that was a real success.
It made a noticeable difference in Alberta, where the GST was the only consumer tax on most goods. It made prices easier to calculate, too.
I know lots of NDP voters who were satisfied with Justin's first months.
Swinging the party back to Laurier and Pearson Center-Left was a stroke of genius by the Justin Liberals.
He's got a majority of NDP supporters happy with him
A cooked turnip could please NDP supporters for the first few months after a decade of Harper. Don't expect this to last to this degree.