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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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My favorite is when they accused Trudeau of not caring about science.

they claim Trudeau does a bunch of things

recently they were shouting that the international committee at Davos thought Trudeau was a joke only to have the World Economic forum twitter place Trudeau's speech as one of the great highlights of the event.

The dude isn't perfect we all agree but this idoitic statements by the CPC is filled with high end irony

I mean look at this

you can't make this stuff up
Video CBC: New coast guard ships subject to numerous complaints

These ships are apparently a complete headache with issues.... lol and we wasted how much money on them

It boggles the mind that this country can't get a proper military procurement process in place. We've needed new ships (and planes, and helicopters, and everything else) for decades, and we've reached a point where we're literally bumming rides off other countries. I remember reading a few months ago that the Liberals were looking at bringing someone in from outside the country to move the process along, since there wasn't anyone in Canada qualified for or capable of doing the work. I know there's an extremely long list of stuff the Liberals have to fix after a decade of Conservative inaction, but it'd be nice if they made this one of the top priorities.
It boggles the mind that this country can't get a proper military procurement process in place. We've needed new ships (and planes, and helicopters, and everything else) for decades, and we've reached a point where we're literally bumming rides off other countries. I remember reading a few months ago that the Liberals were looking at bringing someone in from outside the country to move the process along, since there wasn't anyone in Canada qualified for or capable of doing the work. I know there's an extremely long list of stuff the Liberals have to fix after a decade of Conservative inaction, but it'd be nice if they made this one of the top priorities.

since the time we scrapped the Avro program all main Canadian military innovators who were layed off ran off to the US


The PMO replied to me! Can I just reply back to the same email? The aide was confused on my email that wasn't very clear as it was just joyous rambling. I'm also making a mini-Canada Museum/Embassy with the materials I got from the Canadian Embassy at my school too. I guess I can include that in my reply?


Canadian dollar still rising even though oil prices going down again. I told everyone it was actually more an issue with US dollar and fed interest rates then oil prices that dropped our dollar so much.


Canadian dollar still rising even though oil prices going down again. I told everyone it was actually more an issue with US dollar and fed interest rates then oil prices that dropped our dollar so much.

That's certainly a factor, of course, but it's the compounded effect of both oil prices and the USDCAD exchange rate that caused such a drastic slide. In fact, the slumping of the Canadian dollar predates the fed interest rate hikes.

You can pull up graphs for DXY and USDCAD and can see that there's some correlation between them, but not 1:1.


The pattern of statement "I'm not going to point out the thing I'm pointing out by saying this" is passive aggressive whether you fix the thing or not (think about it in terms of an office, saying within earshot of the boss that you aren't going to tell the boss that "Bob did Dumb Thing I'm Now Fixing"), but honestly in the grand scheme of things passive aggression from politicians is pretty meh.
lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?

Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.


lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?

Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.

Right now it's completely up in the air what the heck the CPC will do. Rona Ambrose in the interim seems to have decided to go all in on unconstructive criticism.


lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?

Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.

The CPC's official policy is still that marriage is between a man and a woman, which they last ratified in 2013. But, hey, they're considering changing it!


lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?

Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.

This is a party that was held in line through a leash held by Harper, with a whip to back him up. They have been cut loose, and have no idea where to go, and the current PM is the son of the man Harper got into politics to fight against.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.


Right now it's completely up in the air what the heck the CPC will do. Rona Ambrose in the interim seems to have decided to go all in on unconstructive criticism.

I'm just gonna point out that Conservatives said the same of the Liberal and NDP oppositions (as have all parliamentary governments, especially majority ones).

Remember that it is literally their job to oppose, a task that is generally abandoned by government backbenchers and so left to the people most likely to be seen as hypocrites for doing so. I don't think this kind of response to opposition criticism is ever productive, even when it's somewhat true. Largely because it almost always is.


I'm just gonna point out that Conservatives said the same of the Liberal and NDP oppositions (as have all parliamentary governments, especially majority ones).

Remember that it is literally their job to oppose, a task that is generally abandoned by government backbenchers and so left to the people most likely to be seen as hypocrites for doing so. I don't think this kind of response to opposition criticism is ever productive, even when it's somewhat true. Largely because it almost always is.

Like was pointed out earlier, the NDP MPs make far better use of Question Period than the Conservatives do. Right now the Conservatives don't have an identity at all and are just knee jerk opposing everything.


Like was pointed out earlier, the NDP MPs make far better use of Question Period than the Conservatives do. Right now the Conservatives don't have an identity at all and are just knee jerk opposing everything.

I'm not saying that there aren't better ways to go about it, but it should be pretty obvious why it's easier for the NDP to be 'constructive' in their criticism to a Liberal government than for the Conservatives to do the same. Their ideological distance will make anything they consider constructive to be seen as obstructive by the government almost by default.

And again, since majority government back benchers don't do the job of (publicly) opposing their own government, and since our parliament is not actually reflective of all Canadians to begin with, it's actually crucial that some opposition be knee-jerk because inevitably that opposition will probably reflect someone's issues with what the government is doing and that needs to be heard. What the Conservatives did yesterday is irrelevant to the fact that some of their criticism (even the knee jerk sort) will be entirely valid.

It's just important to recognize that when you hold the reigns of power it gets very difficult to recognize your own knee-jerk reactions, because they have a way of shaping reality that opposition can't match. Dismissing the opposition as unconstructive (when that is basically not their job when they don't hold any position in government) is one of the insidious ways that governments (and the people who support them) lose touch with the people they don't directly represent.


Is she like the lunatic fringe..?

Ambrose is actually pretty decent. It just seems to me that she can't define the party's future vision as she's just an interim leader. The CPC is, by design, rudderless until they get a new permanent leader which seems to be a fair ways off.

maharg: The problem with just knee jerk opposition is a lack of logical consistency and coherency. Opposition is important but you can be good at it or bad at it. I'm just saying that right now the CPC is bad at it.


And I'm saying that opposition itself is actually more important than the logical coherency of that opposition. I would rather the opposition oppose on a basis that they do not truly believe in than not oppose at all.

Opposition is inherently democratic.
Mr. Wonderful Kevin O'Leary.
Journos asked him question about his French and he dug his hole deeper and deeper with his answers.

So that's that for his chances as Con leader


Trump's quasi-flagging campaign down south doesn't really bode well for Trump Lite North's chances, really. If Americans can't even get that sort of thing done what hope have we.


If you need sarcasm tags, please put that statement in bold and italic ones. If you think it's something I actually hope for then you may need to pay a little more attention to the things I say, even if I have recently been pointing out that being sore winners is a shitty thing.


lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?

Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.

We can only hope they do to alienate more of the moderates to ensure they won't ever get back in power in this country.


CanadaPoliGAF, my school thing is snowballing now, looks like I might end up meeting the likes of Bill Morneau and other finance ministers or Trudeau and Obama and Abe later this year. :S

I should just keep running with this ball and not look back for my dear life right?
CanadaPoliGAF, my school thing is snowballing now, looks like I might end up meeting the likes of Bill Morneau and other finance ministers or Trudeau and Obama and Abe later this year. :S

I should just keep running with this ball and not look back for my dear life right?

Post pics of a selfie with Trudeau/Obama plz.


If you need sarcasm tags, please put that statement in bold and italic ones. If you think it's something I actually hope for then you may need to pay a little more attention to the things I say, even if I have recently been pointing out that being sore winners is a shitty thing.

Usually I'm good, that one got me.


Video CBC: New coast guard ships subject to numerous complaints

These ships are apparently a complete headache with issues.... lol and we wasted how much money on them
Wtf is with all this faulty government shit? I work in government and the place is only a couple years old and it has some pretty alarming flaws. I don't remember this happening in the 90's or 80's but I may have been too young to recall.

Same thing with that F35 fighter plane, a whole mess of issues and costs keep climbing. I don't remember ever reading about design issues with other craft, all those which were designed in the 60's and 70's. What's happening in these recent years to cause this??
lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?

Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.

It could happen. Just look at the Ontario PCs, who are following the GOP into the same kind of ever-rightward death spiral. I hope they don't, because I want a government-in-waiting that's sane and non-terrifying, but those other examples would suggest the CPC are going to decide that they only lost because of a higher-than-normal turnout, and that the key to victory is to double down on "conservative" principles.

I think it'l be interesting to see what, if anything, comes out of the the Manning Centre's Recharging the Right Conference later this month. On the one hand, the panel of speakers looks pretty much like you'd expect -- extremely white, with its diversity coming in the form of Michael Chong, an aboriginal elder being slotted into a session on aboriginal issues, and someone of Arabic descent from the Fraser Institute.

That said, the main session after Manning's talk seems to feature some a couple of journalists (Chantal Hebert, Paul Wells) who seem like they'd be unafraid to be blunt with conservatives, so maybe there's some hope. Of course, that same panel also features a Sun Media columnist and a former Reform spokesperson, and I imagine that people like Kevin O'Leary and Patrick Brown are going to be getting a lot more attention with red meat speeches for the Conservative base, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

CanadaPoliGAF, my school thing is snowballing now, looks like I might end up meeting the likes of Bill Morneau and other finance ministers or Trudeau and Obama and Abe later this year. :S

I should just keep running with this ball and not look back for my dear life right?

That's awesome news. Like others said, we want to see your photos when it happens!


Wtf is with all this faulty government shit? I work in government and the place is only a couple years old and it has some pretty alarming flaws. I don't remember this happening in the 90's or 80's but I may have been too young to recall.

Same thing with that F35 fighter plane, a whole mess of issues and costs keep climbing. I don't remember ever reading about design issues with other craft, all those which were designed in the 60's and 70's. What's happening in these recent years to cause this??

I have some family in government and the problem from my perspective really is that there is no incentive to perform well as a bureaucrat. The incentive for high ranking civil servants is to

1. Cover their ass
2. Justify their department budget to keep it from being cut.

1. Means there's an aversion to making decisions. 2. Means that busy work and idle employees aren't a bad thing.

Depends on the level of government though too. Municipal governments tend to run incredibly lean.
Canada is a very regional country with regions within regions and a Federal leader has to find support East to West to be viable.

O'Leary born in Quebec never bothered to learn French and condescends that it doesn't matter because everyone understands English anyway.

Cons had losses in all Provinces last October except for Quebec, the only province where they made net gains. (because of identity politics)

The Cons are pretty mindful of keeping those gains, O'Leary won't be their man


This is going to be another BestBuy/FutureShop situation right? There's a Rona pretty close to a Lowes near me, I bet they just shut down the Rona...

Funnily enough, Quebec will probably the least affected as there's no Lowe's here, so there's no real need to close stores.

PKP is still up in arms, asking the government to block the transaction. He hasn't explained how and on what ground, but whatever...

I went to Rona two weeks ago, asked three people who worked their for help, no body bothered servicing me correctly.
Walked out empty handed.

not one tear will be shed from me

For one second, I thought I was on RFD.
of course PKP is up at arms, the government intervened and blocked Rogers (a Canadian company) from buying Videotron; then used the Caisse de Depot's money (public money) to award Videotron to Quebecor (PKP)

PKP won big with the acquisition of Videotron with the help of goverment intervention and subsidies.

PKP is a big beneficiary of Corporate Welfare
a) Videotron acquisition
b) the new Amphiteatre financed with Public Money awarded to PKP (without an NHL team, lol)

the worst Capitalists are those who thrive on Corporate Welfare.


I've been looking into getting a firearms license to go to a range and just shoot and have fun.

Due to work I won't be able to do it for a few months, but someone said I should act quick since it's gonna get harder to get a license. But I have also heard. It's getting easier.

Any of you have any correct source on this matter?
NDP being the official opposition would've been 100X better then the current CPC

like stated before the CPC are all over the place with hollow shouting criticism instead of actual real use in the house of commons
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