lol is the CPC still a joke even after Harper?
Dont tell me they're gonna follow the GOP playbook and head more towards the right after a shitty leader.
It could happen. Just look at the Ontario PCs, who are following the GOP into the same kind of ever-rightward death spiral. I hope they don't, because I want a government-in-waiting that's sane and non-terrifying, but those other examples would suggest the CPC are going to decide that they only lost because of a higher-than-normal turnout, and that the key to victory is to double down on "conservative" principles.
I think it'l be interesting to see what, if anything, comes out of the
the Manning Centre's Recharging the Right Conference later this month. On the one hand, the panel of speakers looks pretty much like you'd expect -- extremely white, with its diversity coming in the form of Michael Chong, an aboriginal elder being slotted into a session on aboriginal issues, and someone of Arabic descent from the Fraser Institute.
That said, the main session after Manning's talk seems to feature some a couple of journalists (Chantal Hebert, Paul Wells) who seem like they'd be unafraid to be blunt with conservatives, so maybe there's some hope. Of course, that same panel also features a Sun Media columnist and a former Reform spokesperson, and I imagine that people like Kevin O'Leary and Patrick Brown are going to be getting a lot more attention with red meat speeches for the Conservative base, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
CanadaPoliGAF, my school thing is snowballing now, looks like I might end up meeting the likes of Bill Morneau and other finance ministers or Trudeau and Obama and Abe later this year. :S
I should just keep running with this ball and not look back for my dear life right?
That's awesome news. Like others said, we want to see your photos when it happens!