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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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I also feel like our nationalism is a sort of anti-nationalism that could only be formed through our association with the US ("the leader of the free world"). Canada's minute position in global politics and an ambiguous national identity seems like it means we'll usually play a role of counterpart to whatever the US is doing. At least when things like this happen I sure hope so.


I wonder how much of Trudeau's win was just "fuck the guy in power now! WE NEED CHANGE" without actually even caring what the change was. I mean Trudeau obviously ran on a 180 platform from Trump but he's more celebrity than politician to a huge number of people.

When Mulcair was 'anti-establishment' with C51 he was ahead early on. When Trudeau became 'anti-establishment' on the issue of deficit spending he jumped out in front.


He's at least been a sitting politician, and the son of the country's most well known/[loved?] PM. Anyone who sees him only as a celeb should be happy it's not Mulroney's kid running for office.

Iono man, Ben could hook us up with the hottest B list celebs who wanna appear on E!


3 years is an eternity and enough time for Trump to get impeached, indicted or implode

None of these things make anything better. Pence is arguably worse.

The only hopeful outcome is the midterm elections swing the senate Democrat. But it won't, because there are only 8 republican seats going up for vote and a bunch of the democrats are vulnerable.
Kinda worried about the alt-right spill over and its possible effects on the next election. Could start seeing attack ads about the Trudeau government's early expenses already. Just hope Trudeau won't eff up too much in the next 3 years and/or the economy doesn't get any worse...
None of these things make anything better. Pence is arguably worse.

The only hopeful outcome is the midterm elections swing the senate Democrat. But it won't, because there are only 8 republican seats going up for vote and a bunch of the democrats are vulnerable.

what I meant was the Brexit followed by the Trump chain events

3 years is a long ways to go to water down that trend by having him exposed


Kinda worried about the alt-right spill over and its possible effects on the next election. Could start seeing attack ads about the Trudeau government's early expenses already. Just hope Trudeau won't eff up too much in the next 3 years and/or the economy doesn't get any worse...

Its already happened. Already know Trump supporters, even one who was a Trudeau voter. God.
Its already happened. Already know Trump supporters, even one who was a Trudeau voter. God.

I know one Italian-Canadian who unfriended me because I was pro-Hillary (he was a Harper supporter).

One other Italian-Canadian friend who voted for Trudeau got brainwashed by the former and also is now pro-Trump

Pro-Trump support in Canada seems to connect with simpleton minded, low informed, quick to react people. Spill over affect crosses over borders due to the internet.


I know one Italian-Canadian who unfriended me because I was pro-Hillary (he was a Harper supporter).

One other Italian-Canadian friend who voted for Trudeau got brainwashed by the former and also is now pro-Trump

Pro-Trump support in Canada seems to connect with simpleton minded, low informed, quick to react people. Spill over affect crosses over borders due to the internet.

I get the whole "I just don't trust Hillary" at work... But this is from one guy and I set him straight. The rest of us are dumbfounded. At least I work with some level headed people.
hey Proportional Representation people, I got something to tell you.
I am one of you now.

I support Proportional Representation. 1 Human = 1 vote


hey Proportional Representation people, I got something to tell you.
I am one of you now.

I support Proportional Representation. 1 Human = 1 vote
Thank you. Contact your MP. Let them know. Winner take all systems are fucked up. They drive towards two party systems and when people get fatigued by a sane government they'll vote for the only alternative no matter how crazy it might be at the time. That's how we got Harper and God help us if someone like Leitch takes advantage.

PR isn't a panacea but it helps greatly.


Kinda worried about the alt-right spill over and its possible effects on the next election. Could start seeing attack ads about the Trudeau government's early expenses already. Just hope Trudeau won't eff up too much in the next 3 years and/or the economy doesn't get any worse...

I've been warning people about this all day: Harper's islamophobic and intolerant platform could be adopted by Bernier, O'Leary, Leitch or, if hell freezes over, Don Cherry and brought to an even more volatile level given the success of Trump should they win the Conservative leadership before the (presumably) 2020 election. Do not think for a second that Canada couldn't see its own Brexit/Trump-style shakeup that takes the country very far over to the right, FPTP or Proportional representation be damned. I know people here who legitimately believe that Rob Ford was a great mayor who fought for the people and that Obama is a Muslim, and that refugees should be treated like criminals rather than people fleeing persecution. These people do exist in this country and shouldn't have their dangerous views given political backing, given any sort of reassurance or normalizing in the form of a major political party embracing them.

That said, PR would make it more difficult to get a majority for Cons in the off-chance that they did win...which I doubt they will but most of us thought we'd be congratulating America on electing the first female president and not their last one. Please don't screw up electoral reform, Trudeau.
How much will the current free trade agreement with Europe help mitigate damage done if US exits NAFTA?

Well, in terms of GDP USA is ranked #1 with 18,561,930 Millions and the EU is ranked #2 with 16,518,723 Millions.

So basically, if we can get CETA ratified, and the USA pulls out of NAFTA... we are swapping one Major World Economy for another Major World Economy which are separated by only a couple percentage points. Short term it would be painful because we would need to give our businesses time to swap all of our business deals for the EU equivalent ones, but in the long term it would end up like the situation we are in now
I've been warning people about this all day: Harper's islamophobic and intolerant platform could be adopted by Bernier, O'Leary, Leitch or, if hell freezes over, Don Cherry and brought to an even more volatile level given the success of Trump should they win the Conservative leadership before the (presumably) 2020 election. Do not think for a second that Canada couldn't see its own Brexit/Trump-style shakeup that takes the country very far over to the right, FPTP or Proportional representation be damned. I know people here who legitimately believe that Rob Ford was a great mayor who fought for the people and that Obama is a Muslim, and that refugees should be treated like criminals rather than people fleeing persecution. These people do exist in this country and shouldn't have their dangerous views given political backing, given any sort of reassurance or normalizing in the form of a major political party embracing them.

Just go to /r/canada if you want to see our darkest future.


Well, in terms of GDP USA is ranked #1 with 18,561,930 Millions and the EU is ranked #2 with 16,518,723 Millions.

So basically, if we can get CETA ratified, and the USA pulls out of NAFTA... we are swapping one Major World Economy for another Major World Economy which are separated by only a couple percentage points. Short term it would be painful because we would need to give our businesses time to swap all of our business deals for the EU equivalent ones, but in the long term it would end up like the situation we are in now

I agree. the only stumbling block is that it was just easier to do business with americans just on a geographic standpoint. But i'm sure all the provinces have already picked out what pens they are going to use just to ratify the agreement in their assemblies. That agreement couldn't have come at a better time.
This got posted in the Trump thread:


During her tenure Gabbard strongly supported legislation to promote clean energy. She supported legislation to expand tax credits for solar and wind, improve the net energy metering program, establish renewable energy portfolio standards, reduce taxes on the sale of ethanol and biofuels, provide funding for a seawater air conditioning project and make it easier for condo/townhouse owners to get solar.[21]

Regarding the environment, Gabbard supported legislation to better protect air quality, the water supply, endangered species and avian/marine life, fight invasive species, reduce greenhouse gases, promote recycling of food waste & packaging, improve the Deposit Beverage Container Program (bottle law), and reduce illegal dumping.[21]

Gabbard, a vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee, was critical of the decision by DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to hold only six debates during the 2016 Democratic Party primary season, compared with 26 in 2008 and 15 in 2004.[50][51] Some have argued that the number of debates was intentionally limited in order to bolster Secretary Hillary Clinton's position as the Democratic front-runner, citing Wasserman Schultz's previous position as co-chair of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign as a conflict of interest and a newly created penalty barring further participation in sanctioned debates for any candidate who participates in an unsanctioned debate as an effort to limit public exposure to other candidates.[51][52] Gabbard appeared on multiple news outlets to express her dissatisfaction with the number of debates. Following her public criticisms, she claimed she was uninvited from attending the Democratic debate in Las Vegas as a result. In a telephone interview with the New York Times, Gabbard stated, "It's very dangerous when we have people in positions of leadership who use their power to try to quiet those who disagree with them. When I signed up to be vice-chair of the DNC, no one told me I would be relinquishing my freedom of speech and checking it at the door."[53]

Gabbard resigned as DNC vice-chair on February 28, 2016, in order to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination.[54] She was the first female U.S. Representative to endorse Sanders.[55] At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Gabbard gave the nominating speech putting his name forward.[56]

Furthermore, in July 2016, Gabbard launched a petition to end the Democratic Party's process of appointing superdelegates in the nomination process,[57] and ran ads for the petition on Facebook.

In April 2003, while serving in office, Gabbard enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard.[61] She received several distinguished honor graduate titles and awards at Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training.[citation needed]

In July 2004, Gabbard asked to deploy with her Hawaii Army National Guard unit, volunteering for a 12-month tour in Iraq, where she served in a field medical unit as a specialist with a 29th Support Battalion medical company.[62] She learned that she would not be able to serve with her unit and perform her duties as a legislator, and thus chose not to campaign for a second term in office.[18][63] Gabbard served at Logistical Support Area Anaconda in Iraq.[64] While on a rest-and-relaxation tour in August 2005, she presented Hawaii's condolences to the government of London regarding the 7/7 terrorist attacks.[62] She was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal at the end of this tour.[citation needed]

Upon her return from Iraq in 2006, Gabbard began serving as a legislative aide for U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka in Washington, DC.[65] She was responsible for issues involving veteran affairs, energy and natural resources, judiciary, and homeland security. She served as a surrogate speaker for Akaka on many occasions, and built a grassroots network with the veteran community in Hawaii.[citation needed]

In March 2007, while working for Akaka, Gabbard graduated from the Accelerated Officer Candidate School at the Alabama Military Academy.[66] She was the first woman to finish as the distinguished honor graduate in the Academy's 50-year history.[6][65] She was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and assigned again to the 29th Brigade Special Troops Battalion of the Hawaii Army National Guard, this time to serve as the Military Police Platoon Leader.[67]

Gabbard continued to work for Akaka until 2009, when she again voluntarily deployed with her unit to the Middle East. During this deployment, in addition to leading her platoon on a wide variety of security missions, she also conducted non-military host-nation visits and served as a primary trainer for the Kuwait National Guard.[citation needed] She was one of the first women to set foot inside a Kuwait military facility,[citation needed] and became the first woman to ever to be awarded and honored by the Kuwait National Guard[68] for her work in their training and readiness program.[citation needed]

In her campaign materials and editorials, Gabbard calls for a restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act,[83] a ban on naked credit defaults (possibly referring to naked credit default swaps), and forced breakup of the "big banks".[84] She also condemned banks that foreclosed on the homes of deployed troops.[85] She is a co-sponsor of HR381: Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2015, which would revive the separation between commercial banking and the securities business, in the manner provided in the Glass-Steagall Act.

Gabbard strongly opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership and has led protests against it.[87] A member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, she has been highly critical of both the deal itself and the secrecy surrounding its exact text, arguing that it will largely benefit multinational corporations at the expense of American workers while actively contributing to existing threats to the environment, such as global warming and pollution. Gabbard has said, "The TPP agreement will benefit Wall Street banks and multinational corporations on the backs of hard-working Americans, and it will increase existing threats to our environment...If it contains the same noxious provisions we suspected it would, I will do all I can to defeat the TPP when it comes before Congress for a final up-or-down vote."

This part will please Gutter:

In 2016, she was cited as a major so-called "Saudi Skeptic." She was a notable opposer of a $1.15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, and was quoted in The Hill as saying, "Saudi Arabia continues to spend billions of dollars funding the spread of the Wahhabi Salafist ideology that fuels groups like ISIS, al Qaeda and other jihadist groups around the world. The U.S. must stop arming Saudi Arabia, stop fueling this fire and hold Saudi Arabia accountable for their actions."[106] Furthermore, when on CNN she stated to Wolf Blitzer, "I think we should ask the reverse question, [which] is what is the United States doing to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for being the number one promoter of radical Islamic extremism, not only in their own country, but around the world, spending hundreds of billions of dollars in funding madrassas and schools and books and media outreach trying to influence people towards this ideology that fuels ISIS, fueling al Qaeda, what to speak of the direct and indirect support that Saudi Arabia and some of these other Gulf states gives directly to the enemy that we are supposed to be fighting and defeating. So, I think it is an important time and question for us, in the United States, to ask: Is Saudi Arabia willing to be our ally? And if they are, then they need to stop this funding, stop this support of Islamic extremists, stop promoting that ideology, and stand with us and focus on defeating our enemy: ISIS."[107]

In October 2016, she criticized Pakistan, saying, "People within the Pakistani government continue to provide tacit and overt support for terrorism. This is not new; this pattern of attacks has been occurring now for the past 15 years, and it must end. That's why I've continued working in Congress to cut back US assistance for Pakistan and increase pressure on Pakistan to stop this violence. In the past, the US government took steps to increase pressure on Pakistan, and it's time to revisit that approach." She expressed "solidarity with India in the face of these attacks" (referring to the 2016 Uri attack).[108]

Tusli Gabbard 2020. I love her already.
Won't happen in our lifetime. Contrary to popular belief, at least on this forum, oil is used by a LOT of industry outside of vehicles.
We are tied to oil for the foreseeable future.

I agree.

Unless we no longer use any sort of plastic, there's no getting around oil, ever. It's unrealistic. Oil is a resource, we should use it responsibly but use it nevertheless.


Trudeau and Hilary could have accomplished so much.

Proof now more than ever that we as Canadians need to take steps to prevent bigotry from winning. We like to say we're a progressive country - and I know we are - but when one of the people in running for CPC leadership says that we should integrate Trump's beliefs into our own it shows that even we can be susceptible to this. We didn't let fear and hate win in 2016, but we shouldn't be complacent either.

God I still can't believe this is happening.


Just go to /r/canada if you want to see our darkest future.

I don't go to Reddit. Also, i'm still having trouble reconciling with the fact that we're in the darkest timeline. What's the gist of it?

This got posted in the Drumpf thread:


This part will please Gutter:

Tusli Gabbard 2020. I love her already.

She seems like a good potential candidate, but i'd bet more on Elizabeth Warren running. Only problem is her becoming president would result in a Democratic seat lost and possibly replaced with a Republican one.


Trudeau and Hilary could have accomplished so much.

Proof now more than ever that we as Canadians need to take steps to prevent bigotry from winning. We like to say we're a progressive country - and I know we are - but when one of the people in running for CPC leadership says that we should integrate Trump's beliefs into our own it shows that even we can be susceptible to this. We didn't let fear and hate win in 2016, but we shouldn't be complacent either.

God I still can't believe this is happening.

100% on everything right here.
I don't go to Reddit. Also, i'm still having trouble reconciling with the fact that we're in the darkest timeline. What's the gist of it?

She seems like a good potential candidate, but i'd bet more on Elizabeth Warren running. Only problem is her becoming president would result in a Democratic seat lost and possibly replaced with a Republican one.

What if Elizabeth Warren is her running mate? Power combo.

The Iron Weasel

Neo Member

I read about this yesterday. It really made me sick to my stomach. I think that if and when this sort of populism comes to Canada we have been fortunate enough to see it happen in the UK and US and hopefully will be better prepared to combat it. I saw some form of celebration of this idea from someone I'm facebook friends.

Also, Hi, I'm sort of new around NeoGAF. Lurked for a while mostly but have an account now and should probably start using it more often.


It will all comes down to Trudeau. I hope he know that the honey moon is over and it's time to work. He has 3 years to make sure that the right won't come back to power.


Oh god.

It's starting.

Trudeau better ram through some sort of electoral reform before the next election, in order to prevent these crazies from making federal inroads.

Ranked ballots or bust :v
The AV form of ranked ballots are probably even worse than FPTP. It's a winner take all system that even more drives towards a two party system.

In any such system when voters are fatigued by the governing party they will vote for the only other alternative no matter how crazy it may be at the time.
Kellie Leitch makes Michael Chong look like a Liberal.
Oh god.

It's starting.

Trudeau better ram through some sort of electoral reform before the next election, in order to prevent these crazies from making federal inroads.

Ranked ballots or bust :v

it's happening in Quebec now with François Legault of the CAQ on the Right railing against the elites and drumming up nationalism, and happening on the Left with J-F Lisée with the PQ's brand of separatist identity nationalism .

Quebec Liberals have a terrible image now of being insider and corrupt. They need to clean up their act or else the crazies will take over.


hey Proportional Representation people, I got something to tell you.
I am one of you now.

I support Proportional Representation. 1 Human = 1 vote

You're just the same opportunist you always were, not "one of us". Happy to have your vote, but we all know it'll evaporate like the wind the moment your favourite wins an unreasonable victory again.


You know, we've been talking a lot about the potential Conservative Party leadership (and rightfully so given how concerning it is that they seem to be pulling the CPC further to the right), as have a number of pundits, but not about the NDP leadership. Why not? Is the prospect of, say, Olivia Chow not as interesting as Maxime Bernier? Or is the fear of the right returning to power so soon more frightening given the current conservative climate of candidates?


Hopefully the grits can push through mandatory voting- or at least force all employers to allow people to vote on election day. Kill any excuses for people to not vote- though there's always going to be infantile special snowflakes that'll refuse to do it because they need to be fellated by their party and candidates of choice.


So...what is the best way that I, as someone who lives out in BC, do to make sure our next election doesn't go this way?

Tell me what to do :(


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Hopefully the grits can push through mandatory voting- or at least force all employers to allow people to vote on election day. Kill any excuses for people to not vote- though there's always going to be infantile special snowflakes that'll refuse to do it because they need to be fellated by their party and candidates of choice.


i do believe employers are required to give you 2 hours or something like that to go vote


Hopefully the grits can push through mandatory voting- or at least force all employers to allow people to vote on election day. Kill any excuses for people to not vote- though there's always going to be infantile special snowflakes that'll refuse to do it because they need to be fellated by their party and candidates of choice.

By law your employer must give 2 (or 3) hours to you to vote.


I would still like to enhance it and make election day a national (or provincial) holiday.


So...what is the best way that I, as someone who lives out in BC, do to make sure our next election doesn't go this way?

Tell me what to do :(

Buy a membership to the Conservative Party of Canada, donate and support whomever is the alternative to Leitch with the most support.


i do believe employers are required to give you 2 hours or something like that to go vote

I'm talking full-day.



i do believe employers are required to give you 2 hours or something like that to go vote

By law your employer must give 2 (or 3) hours to you to vote.


I would still like to enhance it and make election day a national (or provincial) holiday.

They're required to make sure that you have 2 hours available during voting hours as far as they're concerned to allow you to vote. That doesn't mean they are required to give you an arbitrary 2 hours off whenever works best for you. If your employer doesn't have you working a shift covering all voting hours, they have no special obligation.

Also, if you work more than one job navigating this can be really really difficult. If both your employers are unwilling to give you time off, but neither are breaking this rule, there are effectively zero consequences.

You know, we've been talking a lot about the potential Conservative Party leadership (and rightfully so given how concerning it is that they seem to be pulling the CPC further to the right), as have a number of pundits, but not about the NDP leadership. Why not? Is the prospect of, say, Olivia Chow not as interesting as Maxime Bernier? Or is the fear of the right returning to power so soon more frightening given the current conservative climate of candidates?

We're not talking about it because even though it's officially begun, there's basically no candidates yet. From my understanding this is somewhat normal for the NDP in general. There's a general aversion to running long campaigns among the NDP, because many of their activist members and leadership are not exclusively politicians. Though that may have changed with moving into the opposition, I suppose.
so who does Canada GAF think it he most ''normal'' Conservative candidate?

so far, Michael Chong seems to be the most level headed.

But I still find Max to be the funniest for all the wrong reasons

Leitch is the worst


so who does Canada GAF think it he most ''normal'' Conservative candidate?

so far, Michael Chong seems to be the most level headed.

But I still find Max to be the funniest for all the wrong reasons

Leitch is the worst
Chong, Scheer, Raitt, Oberi are all alright. Bernier is generally fine on social policy AFAIK, but his economics is pants-on-head nuts.
So...what is the best way that I, as someone who lives out in BC, do to make sure our next election doesn't go this way?

Tell me what to do :(

Call, Email, Write a Letter, Visit your MP, whatever and tell your MP we NEED Electoral Reform to prevent our country from turning into the hellhole that is the America under FPTP

Aside from this, there is absolutely nothing else you can do except volunteering and becoming a paying member for your party of choice


so who does Canada GAF think it he most ''normal'' Conservative candidate?

so far, Michael Chong seems to be the most level headed.

But I still find Max to be the funniest for all the wrong reasons

Leitch is the worst

It's Lisa Raitt by a loooong shot. She won't win though, unfortunately.
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