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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?




This thread is for UNTAGGED spoiler discussion of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. If you wish to be untainted, leave now and wash thy virgin eyes on The Official Thread.


AMUSIK for suggesting continuous sub-headings for OT and SPOILER thread:


AMUSIK said:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier |OT| "Before we get started...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier |SPOILER| ...does anyone want to get out?"
Really? I was afraid he'll be a boring character. Glad to hear that's not the case.

It's entirely because of him, the character is kind of.. Well, boring is right.

Posting my thoughts from the screening thread here. Post credit stuff is in here too so if you're avoiding that GTFO.. Also just GTFO if you haven't seen it yet :p

I like Fury, but his deal here was very predictable. Kind of eh. Same with Widow; not really a lot of development for either of them. They're both still uber spies and untrustable, etc.

Bucky is awesome here. You do feel the difference between him and Steve; Steve is finesse, Bucky is a goddamn wrecking ball.

Zola from nowhere! and the Shield/Hydra happening is...intriguing. I wonder how the other properties will handle this.

The thing that stuck with me the most; Cap's sitting with Peggy at her bedside. That scene really got to me.

Also, they never actually mention Sharon's last name...very odd

Post credit scene;
Another secret organization (Baron Von Strucker? I am unsure) talk about how Hydra and Shield can play off each other, and they'll stay in the shadows by sending various organizations for the Avengers to deal with.

They talk about the twins, and then show their captives...
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.
And holy hot damn does Quicksilver look awesome. Can't waaaait

Second post credit;
This one has a bit more to it than others, but it's still short.
There's an art exhibit at the Smithsonian going on,
showcasing Captain America and The Howling
Commandos. Rogers went there earlier in the movie.
The scene is simply Bucky, after the events of the film,
going through the exhibit, and eventually seeing his name
and records.


Redford was awesome, the visual execution of Zola was tremendous when you think about what the source material is, and goddamn was that ending great.

I just wonder what this means for Agents of Shield S2. Guess they could do some sort of rogue agents sort of thing, but considering how the show was billed, "Shield agents going on adventures with random name dropping", it'll be interesting to see how the show adapts.


Thought the first Cap movie was the worst out of the marvel bunch, so I don't have to much hope for this one, though the Quicksilver scene is probably worth the visit
Saw this at a premiere screening yesterday and thought it was great, much better than the first and it left me even more hyped for Avengers 2!

If you hang around after the credits, you'll be be treated to 2 extra scenes, one which introduces Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch! ;D


I was lucky enough to attend an early screening of Captain America: The Winter Soldier here in Kansas City last night. Without getting into any spoiler territory it was one of the best Marvel movies yet. The fights in this movie are some of the most intense in the Marvel series.

There is a lot going on that ties into the overall Marvel cinematic universe as well as the TV universe.

It is a great looking movie. These things just keep getting bigger and bigger.

The Winter Soldier is a great addition to this universe. I hope to see more of him and after watching this movie I can really see a Black Widow movie doing well. They really hinted at some interesting parts of her back-story.

It was cool seeing Robert Redford chewing up some scenery and Sam Jackson showed more of Nick Fury than we've ever seen (you'll see).

All in all the audience I saw the movie with loved it, cheering when certain things happened on screen or when favorite characters appeared.

I have no problem with recommending this movie to anyone who has a connection to Marvel or anyone who likes a big action movie.

Oh, and don't leave before the mid-credit sequence. It's full of info from a few fronts,
as well as introducing 2 very important people.
Dat Stephen Strange name drop

I popped. Sitwell just spouting off names like he's a leaky faucet
It's hilarious to see that he was in a lot of Marvel stuff including Agents of Shield... And then Winter Soldier happens. Same with Sterns!

But man do they do such a good job with Falcon here. Grounded character, incredible skill, etc. Love the flying. I'm fucking waiting for him to say On Your Left to Cap at some point in Cap 3

My favorite bit of the post credit scene:

Quicksilver is fucking WILDING OUT in there. He's gonna go ham in Age of Ultron.


Redford was awesome, the visual execution of Zola was tremendous when you think about what the source material is, and goddamn was that ending great.

I just wonder what this means for Agents of Shield S2. Guess they could do some sort of rogue agents sort of thing, but considering how the show was billed, "Shield agents going on adventures with random name dropping", it'll be interesting to see how the show adapts.

I'm curious as well. But I think the whole uprising thing plays into the events of this movie.


I popped. Sitwell just spouting off names like he's a leaky faucet
It's hilarious to see that he was in a lot of Marvel stuff including Agents of Shield... And then Winter Soldier happens. Same with Sterns!

For sure, makes me wonder if they would have made Coulson a part of HYRDA if they hadn't already killed him and given him his own TV show.

Did they actually put the crossbones on crossbones vest?

Nope, but he does have a pair of straps that cross over his chest. It might have been a gun holster, can't remember. Maybe he'll have them in the next film
For sure, makes me wonder if they would have made Coulson a part of HYRDA if they hadn't already killed him and given him his own TV show.

Oooh.. I kind of like the audacity of such an idea. That would've been incredible. Him and Redford cackling like motherfuckers


It's cool re-watching the trailer knowing that Pierce's line "your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time" is directed to the Winter Soldier, not Cap.
It's cool re-watching the trailer knowing that Pierce's line "your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time" is directed to the Winter Soldier, not Cap.

I wish Pearce could've not been a one and done villain. Redford was freaking baller. I liked that they gave him and Jackson the "as (character name)" honor casting at the end.

Also never trust a Marvel trailer guys! It's all a trap! Those sneaky bastards!
So what character does Redford play?

I thought Red Skull might pop back up again.

Alexander Pearce, Secretary of State (I think?) and a World Security Council Member. He's the one who made Fury the head of SHIELD.

OK if you wandered in here by accident here's your last chance.



He's also the Big Bad of the whole movie, and the true leader of HYRDA (which had infiltrated every goddamn thing ever... Including SHIELD)


To be honest it would be have been pretty dumb if at the end of the film Pierce went "oh btw I'm also Red Skull". His character worked great as a villain and making him Red Skull as well would have felt shoehorned in.


To be honest it would be have been pretty dumb if at the end of the film Pierce went "oh btw I'm also Red Skull". His character worked great as a villain and making him Red Skull as well would have felt shoehorned in.

Indeed. At this point it'll be interesting to see what happens to the Red Skull within the film universe given what happened at the end of Cap 1, and because Hugo Weaving isn't coming back.

The second element may be easy to overcome through recasting, though I have a feeling if we do see Red Skull return the easiest way to ease him back in, or tease his return, would be through the next Thor movie, or even Guardians of the Galaxy, since he was sucked into the Nine Realms/space.
Whats the deal with Crossbones?

Does he have any super strength or anything special?

Otherwise I cant see how he can stand up to Cap or Falcon.


Whats the deal with Crossbones?

Does he have any super strength or anything special?

Otherwise I cant see how he can stand up to Cap or Falcon.

No super abilities in this flick at least. I will say that the film, and how Frank Grillo portrays him, does a good job at making him seem like a top-tier Shield agent similar to Black Widow rather than just being a normal soldier type.


No super abilities in this flick at least. I will say that the film, and how Frank Grillo portrays him, does a good job at making him seem like a top-tier Shield agent similar to Black Widow rather than just being a normal soldier type.

Yep, he also noticeably outmatches Falcon (without his wings) when they fight. Interested to see where they take the character next.


Alexander Pearce, Secretary of State (I think?) and a World Security Council Member. He's the one who made Fury the head of SHIELD.

OK if you wandered in here by accident here's your last chance.



He's also the Big Bad of the whole movie, and the true leader of HYRDA (which had infiltrated every goddamn thing ever... Including SHIELD)


Loved the mix of Shield and Hydra logo they had behind him in this "poster"
The film was so good! What happened to SHIELD was crazy, guess they're gonna have to build everything back up? Just too buzzed from this film right now.

Oh yeah, Cap lost his shield. Why.
holy shit SHIELD being torn down was a bold step, was hoping for a big development in these Phase 2 movies instead of just keeping it status quo throughout.

also loved the second level bad guys and the way they set them up as survivors for either Avengers or Cap 3.

Sorry kids, unlike Loki, The Winter Soldier is... Thorough :p

So much bold all over the place. I can't wait to see if/how they die Project Insight into Ultron.

So good. I'll have to see this again day one. The SHIELD teardown will have huge ramifications for a long time, I think.. Phase 2 is setting up a lot of crazy


Might as well post this here too, with some extra:

One of my favourite MCU movies. Way better than the first one, which I felt fell apart after (and during) the montage. One thing kinda bothered me though: Cap's shield lost its ability to absorb all kinetic energies or whatever. Not a big deal, and I totally understand why they did it. Pretty straightforward action, since the twists were pretty easy to see coming (or straight up know). But there were people gasping with one of the "twists". Even though it didn't really offer anything unique, it felt like the movie was doing more of its own thing than being just a Marvel flick. Good post credit scenes too.

This almost makes me want to watch Agents of SHIELD, since I want to see how they handle Sitwell and, you know, the whole taking down SHIELD thing.

Did I hear a Strange reference? That is a marvel character, right?

Yeah, Sitwell names Stephen Strange (aka Doctor Strange) as an example of a person HYDRA will be taking out. He is a sorcerer. Often the sorcerer in the comics.
Sitwell isn't really a thing in Agents though.. More of a guest star. I think it'll be mentioned and Coulson will be confused, but then the shit hits the fan and it'll be forgotten

Judging from Cap, AoS probably ends it's first season with the team cut off, and we wonder who could possibly be a HYDRA mole..
Sitwell isn't really a thing in Agents though.. More of a guest star. I think it'll be mentioned and Coulson will be confused, but then the shit hits the fan and it'll be forgotten

Judging from Cap, AoS probably ends it's first season with the team cut off, and we wonder who could possibly be a HYDRA mole..

What if it's Simmons? Rafa will cry.


Saw it last night. Only Marvel film I've actually gone to the cinema for.

Chris Evans just nails it as Cap, him and Hulk were the best things about Avengers. Great to see a superhero film where there's no brooding, self-pity or bravado from the hero. Yet he's never corny either. Weird, the character I thought sounded awful ("Captain America"...really?) ends up being one of my favs.

Of all the amazing action scenes in the film, the best has to be the early one of Cap effortlessly destroying the fighter jet, with that great over-head static shot of him and his shield. I think that's the only time you see a shield throw, two hits and a return in a single, non-panning shot.

Only saw the first after-credits scene (we were hungry) - Quick Silver looked great. But not gonna lie, I was hoping to see Rocket Raccoon.
Of all the amazing action scenes in the film, the best has to be the early one of Cap effortlessly destroying the fighter jet, with that great over-head static shot of him and his shield. I think that's the only time you see a shield throw, two hits and a return in a single, non-panning shot.

Only saw the first after-credits scene (we were hungry) - Quick Silver looked great. But not gonna lie, I was hoping to see Rocket Raccoon.

most of the action scenes were very well coreographed and filmed. some had too many jumpcuts for my taste but other than that solid fight scenes. Noticed it right away at the MGS2 Tanker Mission in the beginning :D

The first credits scene was the only worthwhile, the second one just shows Bucky at the Smithsonian museum reading up on his own history.


The first end credits scene was a real "oh shit" moment for me. Quicksilver looks great.

But does this mean that they're going to start off as villains?
Can someone explain to me how the SHIELD dissolving thing is handled onscreen? I've found it odd that a lot of the "complete" plot synopses people have posted, including the one currently on Wikipedia, don't mention it. Is it only mentioned in a single line of dialogue that some people missed, or what?
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