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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


How awesome was Falcon? How much did they play up/down their bro-mance?

It's cool re-watching the trailer knowing that Pierce's line "your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time" is directed to the Winter Soldier, not Cap.

I always thought that to be the case. Sort of surprised that some thought otherwise.


Can someone explain to me how the SHIELD dissolving thing is handled onscreen? I've found it odd that a lot of the "complete" plot synopses people have posted, including the one currently on Wikipedia, don't mention it. Is it only mentioned in a single line of dialogue that some people missed, or what?

When they decide to go after HYDRA Cap says that they have to take SHIELD down as well, Fury disagrees at first but agrees to it in the end. They also show how they do it. And then there is a scene where the government questions Black Widow, in which they say that their intelligence apparatus (ie SHIELD) is destroyed. And they show how some of the SHIELD characters handle the new situation.


here are my highlights

maria hill (more of her please)
nick got a few big scenes
falcon was awesome
captain america & bucky story was awesome
the winter solider was genuine scary
where was hawkeye ?
where was coulson ?
was that loki staff at the end ?
how many blue cubes are there who has them how many are there
poor peggy has cant member anything
stan lee is so fired


was that loki staff at the end ?
how many blue cubes are there who has them how many are there

Yes, and probably six if they follow the comics. The one from cap 1 an Avengers is in Asgard the one "blue cube" from Thor 2 is with the Collector (who will be in GOTG later this year). Not sure if the stone in the staff is one or not.
How awesome was Falcon? How much did they play up/down their bro-mance?

I thought Falcon was the most tacked on character. And the most out-of-place with the cyberwing suit. All other characters are "somewhat" realistic in this agent thriller of a movie.

He had some good dialogue and the actor pulled it off well though.


i think they implied that the twins got their powers from lokis cepter. looks like the twins where experimented on by hydra/ von strucker since the events in avengers 1 took place. at least thats what i got out of the german dubbed version i just saw.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I don't think their powers necessarily have anything to do with the sceptre. They could, but the way I saw it was that Hydra had the sceptre and they also had the twins.


Yeah, the mid credits scene was a little vague for me; Loki's sceptre must have something to do with it I guess. Thought Kretschmann seemed cool though.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Given that they had(have?) an algorithm for dangerous people it isn't implausible that they found these weirdos with powers and experimented on them (as they did with Bucky, though he had no powers).


The way the algorithm works is well comic booky :lol

"predict your future!"

Liked it that you saw Tony as one of the ones targeted though


The way the algorithm works is well comic booky :lol

"predict your future!"

Liked it that you saw Tony as one of the ones targeted though

Yeah that was really cool. It's the only thing about the connected universe that's a bit annoying though. If all of this happened Stark would have been the one who could have took out those three flying aircraft carrier.

It's a small point though, and overall I thought the film was fantastic.


One of the things I can't stop thinking about was how dark this entire movie felt. Conspiracy twists, traitors, dark pasts, torture etc.

Sure, The Avengers was action on a global scale but after the differences between characters were set aside that's mostly what it ended up becoming - action. When Cap 2 pulled out it's big guns it felt very... visceral. Not only was Bucky an imposing character, but the fact that Shield was eating itself away from the inside in the meantime, that Hydra felt more evil than ever or hell, even the fact that Hydra is still around to begin with, ends up finally playing into some mainstay entities and just how everything is spiraling out of control.

I kind of look forward to Guardians bringing back some levity, but we're not really expecting them to play a substantial role in Avengers 2 are we? They seem to have more to do in Phase 3. I expected the end-credits scene in Cap 2 to drop some hints about Ultron, but instead it throws a curve ball and brings back Loki's Scepter somehow. So not only is Hydra alive and kicking with deadlier forces than ever, but Ultron is still unaccounted for in the midst of all this.

Avengers 2 has every chance to become a massive shitstorm at this rate and I'm looking forward to seeing it unravel.


One of the things I can't stop thinking about was how dark this entire movie felt. Conspiracy twists, traitors, dark pasts, torture etc.

I think this is one of the reasons why I enjoyed it. This was also the first time I can remember Redford being a bad guy, and I liked that he played it exactly as he should have; Believing so resolutely that what he was doing was for the greater good.

It was also an interesting link to Hydra's influence, which felt more interesting than the 1-dimensional portrayal of their goal in the first cap film.

Was fun to see all the shield gadgets too, especially Fury's SUV.


Hmm.... Just checking out the IMDB page and it says Falcon has telepathic powers? Did I miss something or has someone just edited in something from the comic not film?


I despised the first Captain America with every fibre of my being, but damn is Winter Soldier a great movie.

It's up there with my favourite MCU films. It's just a generally exciting and satisfying action thriller. Fantastic action and a pretty good story to go with it. The complete lack of a Hawkeye mention was slightly odd, but the Doctor Strange name drop mad up for it.


Hmm.... Just checking out the IMDB page and it says Falcon has telepathic powers? Did I miss something or has someone just edited in something from the comic not film?

Red Skull used a cosmic cube to give Falcon a telepathic link to his pet bird, they later expanded it to him be able to control all birds. In the comics.


Did anyone manage to catch the items on Cap's "to-do" list at the beginning? I saw "The Beetles", and "Star Wars", but spent way too long watching him write out "Trouble Man" for some reason!


Did anyone manage to catch the items on Cap's "to-do" list at the beginning? I saw "The Beetles", and "Star Wars", but spent way too long watching him write out "Trouble Man" for some reason!

These lines were on there, IIRC:

Steve Jobs (Apple)
Rocky (Rocky II?)


Red Skull used a cosmic cube to give Falcon a telepathic link to his pet bird, they later expanded it to him be able to control all birds. In the comics.
Yeah, but unless I missed something huge, there was no mention of that in the film. Falcon is just a really good former solider with a sick jetpack.

Did anyone manage to catch the items on Cap's "to-do" list at the beginning? I saw "The Beetles", and "Star Wars", but spent way too long watching him write out "Trouble Man" for some reason!
Don't forget the most important one, World Cup 1966 final! I'm guessing Cap spent some time in England and was informed of the most important moment in football history.

Or he had a chat with Jarvis during The Avengers.


Shit, I forgot about the details the movie added to meld Cap's story arc with Iron Man and how Hydra were responsible for the deaths of Tony's parents. Not just that, but the asshole senator from Iron Man 2 is a Hydra member.

Now that elaborate congress scene of him trying to force Tony to fork over the Iron Man tech makes so much more sense.

Did anyone manage to catch the items on Cap's "to-do" list at the beginning? I saw "The Beetles", and "Star Wars", but spent way too long watching him write out "Trouble Man" for some reason!

Star Trek was mentioned too I think.

Now think about that for a moment.

Chris Hemsworth was in the Star Trek reboot. Natalie Portman was in Star Wars.

Steve is going to have some questioning to do to Thor.


Don't forget the most important one, World Cup 1966 final! I'm guessing Cap spent some time in England and was informed of the most important moment in football history.

Or he had a chat with Jarvis during The Avengers.

Haha! That's awesome! Maybe that came from Peggy during one of her more lucid moments!

Speaking of which, I though they managed to include far more of her character than I expected. Maybe that's the reason for the deleted scene of Cap adjusting to modern day life from Avengers.

Jamie OD

Did anyone manage to catch the items on Cap's "to-do" list at the beginning? I saw "The Beetles", and "Star Wars", but spent way too long watching him write out "Trouble Man" for some reason!

Looked up online to find the complete list and I found out it is slightly different depending on which country you see the movie. The list on TV Tropes for what I assume is the North American version says:

I Love Lucy (television)
Moon Landing
Berlin Wall (up + down)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Thai Food
Star Wars/Trek
Nirvana (Band)
Rocky (Rocky II?)

But over in the UK & Ireland the list included Sherlock and the 1966 World Cup Final.


Haha! That's awesome! Maybe that came from Peggy during one of her more lucid moments!

Speaking of which, I though they managed to include far more of her character than I expected. Maybe that's the reason for the deleted scene of Cap adjusting to modern day life from Avengers.
According to IMDB (which isn't always accurate), the Peggy footage is cut material from The Avengers.

Joss shot a lot of stuff...


Loved it.

Notice the epitaph on Fury's Gravestone?

"...the path of the righteous man" - Ezekiel 25:17

Raised a wry chuckle :)


I just got back. THAT WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME. They fucking nailed the entire thing. I loved the flow the narrative, great beats, and amazing set pieces. The Falcon's suit was soooo good. The Hydra twist was handled really well tool. That underground scene with Zola was pretty damn great. I'm sooooooo happy right now. Lol. Best action choreography in Marvel films to date.


carters old makeup was cg, right? i thought it looked pretty good and a lot better than the usual old makeup shit. the only thing that gave the cg away was the mouth area, which looked kinda weird in a few shots.
According to IMDB (which isn't always accurate), the Peggy footage is cut material from The Avengers.

Joss shot a lot of stuff...

yeah its on the bluray deleted scenes, in a little different way but still basically the same scene. but i totally understand why they cut it from the ending of the first movie.

edit: wow wait you meant Avengers, i cant even remember if the scene was in the Captain America movie or Avengers. Anyways, that scene is in one of them blurays :D
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