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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


RDJ(?) gonna be pissed when Cap mentions Hydra being responsible for his parents' death.

Shit they could launch a whole trilogy with him going after them.


I think part makeup, part CG.


I kinda noticed something was off around the eyes.


Saw this today, absolutely amazing. Loved every minute! Cap had this great feeling of power in all his fights, especially the MGS2 section at the start. Falcon was cooler than I expected.

Was hilarious that the cute nurse was "Sharon".
Saw it tonight, shit was awesome. Everything I wanted it to be. Some unfiltered thoughts about it to follow.

Great character moments, love how they expand the characters.

The tombstone quote.

Where was Hawkeye? He's a shield agent so his exclusion felt weird.

The other heroes I get, there wasn't that big of a time gap where shit went down and the only one who might have been of any use was Iron Man and he destroyed his armors.

Will Agents of Shield change name to Agents of Nothing now?

Winter Soldier was a great character, I of course knew it was Bucky so the reveal didn't shock me.

Cap, and all the other characters were portrayed perfectly.

How are they gonna explain Stephen Strange being on Hydras watchlist? Is he Dr. Strange already or is it just based on his facebook statuses or whatever.


Question; how did you guys feel about Nick Fury's "death"?

For a moment I was literally convinced that Fury's hospital scene was it. That it was his last hurrah. I think some part of me kind of felt in my mind that it wouldn't last for one reason or the other, but I was literally saying to myself "Marvel already had enough balls to screw expectations with Iron Man 3, what if this is the end?"

I do feel that a permanent Fury death would have been a pretty huge outcry on the fanbase's part, but I kept realizing at the same time that Fury has sort of run his own course and that his death could possibly have been the first "shit just got real" moment for this Phase, proving that Marvel are not afraid to shake up the status quo. Looking up Avengers 2 info it already seems like his role is mostly only going to be for cameo purposes as opposed to his more leading role in Avengers 1. That and removing Fury from the equation would add onto the notion that compared to Avengers 1, Avengers 2 would end up becoming a lot less reliant on SHIELD. The world is already moving towards disarray with a more insidious superpower taking over and it seems at this point that our heroes are being left to their own devices.

That's not to say that I won't mind Director Nicholas "Jules" Fury to show up in future installments to be as smooth as peanut butter, and if Nick didn't stay alive we wouldn't have gotten that fucking awesome eye patch plot twist, but for a while I was almost ready to accept Nick's death.


Nah, wasn't fooled for a single second and only because of one reason: Sam Jackson is a cheap, very recognisable actor and Marvel loves cheap actors. Fiege is trying to build an interconnected saga and any actor who is willing to keep coming back, film after film, without raising their quote much, helps establish that universe for the audience.

With RDJ and Evans leaving, Marvel needs recognisable faces to hang around for future films.


I just got back from seeing it and this is easily the best movie Marvel has put out, including Avengers. Even though you knew that most of the people were going to live, the Russo's did a great job of making it feel like any of them could die at any moment. Oh and this is the most brutal comic book movie I've seen in awhile. They typically have bloodless fight/shootout scenes or cut away before something happens but they went as far as they could with a PG-13 rating. I can't wait to see it again.


Question; how did you guys feel about Nick Fury's "death"?

For a moment I was literally convinced that Fury's hospital scene was it. That it was his last hurrah. I think some part of me kind of felt in my mind that it wouldn't last for one reason or the other, but I was literally saying to myself "Marvel already had enough balls to screw expectations with Iron Man 3, what if this is the end?"
I thought it was, mainly because I had no idea where Samuel L. Jackson was in his contract and thought that this was the last movie he was signed up for. I would've been fine with it if he had died but I'm cool with him being alive, too. When he showed up in that underground hospital, everyone in the theater started applauding and cheering.


Question; how did you guys feel about Nick Fury's "death".

I kinda knew he was going to live somehow because the trailer spoiled the part where he says; "Looks like you're giving the orders now Cap".

I was however surprised at the Hydra being the villain. The scene when Zola was explaining about their motive really makes them alot scarier.


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An incredible film, and one of the most intense film experiences I've had in a long time.

Some thoughts:

I gotta give Marvel credit for completely destroying SHIELD at the end. Showing all the former SHIELD agents moving on really hit home. Gotta wonder what'll happen now with Agents of SHIELD and Avengers 2.

Loved the addition of Arnim Zola in the film. Along with all the other intelligent OSes depicted in the film, I'm convinced that Ultron will be a HYDRA creation, and not a Stark creation, like everyone else seems to think.

Was kinda disappointed that we didn't see more of Sharon Carter. It was essentially a cameo. Not even a mention of her relation to Peggy. Hopefully we'll see more of her in Cap 3 or even Avengers 2.

Finally, knowing Sitwell's fate in the film makes these behind the scenes photos even funnier:





So did Fury fake the Ship kidnapping or not?
That plot point confused me.

He did hire the pirates, yes. The plan was to get Black Widow on the ship to grab the data while the rest of the team carried out the rescue operation. If he did an official inspection instead, the data probably wouldn't be there because they would know to expect him.


Saw it yesterday. Fucking loved it.

I really liked the Zola twist, and wasn't expecting HYDRA to play a part in this.
Falcon was awesome. Can't wait to see more of him.

Probably going to see it again!

Jamie OD

Question; how did you guys feel about Nick Fury's "death"?

For a moment I was literally convinced that Fury's hospital scene was it. That it was his last hurrah. I think some part of me kind of felt in my mind that it wouldn't last for one reason or the other, but I was literally saying to myself "Marvel already had enough balls to screw expectations with Iron Man 3, what if this is the end?"

I do feel that a permanent Fury death would have been a pretty huge outcry on the fanbase's part, but I kept realizing at the same time that Fury has sort of run his own course and that his death could possibly have been the first "shit just got real" moment for this Phase, proving that Marvel are not afraid to shake up the status quo. Looking up Avengers 2 info it already seems like his role is mostly only going to be for cameo purposes as opposed to his more leading role in Avengers 1. That and removing Fury from the equation would add onto the notion that compared to Avengers 1, Avengers 2 would end up becoming a lot less reliant on SHIELD. The world is already moving towards disarray with a more insidious superpower taking over and it seems at this point that our heroes are being left to their own devices.

That's not to say that I won't mind Director Nicholas "Jules" Fury to show up in future installments to be as smooth as peanut butter, and if Nick didn't stay alive we wouldn't have gotten that fucking awesome eye patch plot twist, but for a while I was almost ready to accept Nick's death.

It happened too early in the film for me to think it was permanent. Then again if it happened near the end or it was Fury's last scene in the movie I would still be convinced he would return alive in The Avengers 2.


Again caught myself thinking about the insane amount of great action set pieces in this film. It's kinda mindboggling when you think about it, they kept the quantity and quality up without the film being a hot mess.

Anyway, this post was just really just an excuse to say how cool was it when Winter Soldier caught, and proceeded to clip, Falcon's wings. The shot from below with WS holding the wing while Falcon flops around was incredible.


Again caught myself thinking about the insane amount of great action set pieces in this film. It's kinda mindboggling when you think about it, they kept the quantity and quality up without the film being a hot mess.

Anyway, this post was just really just an excuse to say how cool was it when Winter Soldier caught, and proceeded to clip, Falcon's wings. The shot from below with WS holding the wing while Falcon flops around was incredible.

I was really impressed with how they got maximum bang for their buck out of the Winter Soldier's appearances. He didn't have a ton of scenes because they wanted to keep him a mysterious silent soldier type until the end, but each time he showed up, they found a different way to showcase his strengths and weaknesses really well, and without any exposition.

- In the rooftop scene he catches the shield and throws it back. Those immediately shows that his strength is on the same level of Rogers' as far as his cyborg arm is concerned.

- In the scenes where he's attacking Fury and when he's attacking Cap's gang in the car especially, the scenes were certainly designed to show that he's not a crazy brute, but instead a well trained and highly intelligent soldier. The way he operates weapons, his decisiveness (he throws the main target out of the car the first chance he gets to complete an objective immediately), the way he eliminates options (ripping off the stirring wheel for example), etc. Really well thought out.

- In the fight with Black Widow, I was really happy when she shocked him to disable his arm for a moment before escaping. That's exactly what she would try to do with a cyborg opponent, and it showed that he isn't completely unstoppable - just very powerful.

- The hand to hand fight with Rogers was an amazing display of his agility as well. Great camera work there, and really intense choreography.

- That all leads up to the climatic scene where he first takes out Falcon like a boss (showing how he combines his decisiveness, intellect, strength, and agility).

I think the attention to detail they paid to developing the combat readiness of the Winter Soldier in each scene did a fantastic job of building up the final fight between him and Rogers. It totally sold how dangerous a weapon he was. Great stuff.
During the street encounter with the Winter Soldier/Cap fist fight and Winter Soldier switched hands with his knife mid-fight during the melee barrage made me and my friends go nuts.


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Was anyone else surprised that the World Security Council was not a part of HYDRA, considering their shady behavior in previous films (wanting the Abomination in the Avengers, wanting to weaponize the Tesseract, ordering a nuke strike on New York)?
Was anyone else surprised that the World Security Council was not a part of HYDRA, considering their shady behavior in previous films (wanting the Abomination in the Avengers, wanting to weaponize the Tesseract, nuking New York)?

Nope, considering Pierce was in it and was probably steering things that way behind the scenes
Nah, wasn't fooled for a single second and only because of one reason: Sam Jackson is a cheap, very recognisable actor and Marvel loves cheap actors. Fiege is trying to build an interconnected saga and any actor who is willing to keep coming back, film after film, without raising their quote much, helps establish that universe for the audience.

With RDJ and Evans leaving, Marvel needs recognisable faces to hang around for future films.

I was very surprised and almost bought it if not for the fact that SLJ loves these roles. He did an interview a while back and spoke about how he absolutely loves playing the role of Fury or other fantastical characters.

Anyone know whether the Ten Rings and Hydra have any connection?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Another thing: reports said that Avengers Tower appears in the film, but I didn't see it. Perhaps when Maria Hill applies for a job at Stark Industries, it takes place there?


I am going to see Winter Soldier tonight.

Should I stick around for some post-credits scene?

There's two but only the first is worth staying for. Completely caught me by surprise.

Another thing: reports said that Avengers Tower appears in the film, but I didn't see it. Perhaps when Maria Hill applies for a job at Stark Industries, it takes place there?

It appears when the heli-carriers are targeting everyone. It targets someone, presumably Tony or Pepper inside the tower.


During the street encounter with the Winter Soldier/Cap fist fight and Winter Soldier switched hands with his knife mid-fight during the melee barrage made me and my friends go nuts.
When I saw that part in the first trailer, I kept rewinding it to see it again. That was cool as hell.


I was really impressed with how they got maximum bang for their buck out of the Winter Soldier's appearances. He didn't have a ton of scenes because they wanted to keep him a mysterious silent soldier type until the end, but each time he showed up, they found a different way to showcase his strengths and weaknesses really well, and without any exposition.
Yes! Every time came on screen you knew all characters involved will be very lucky if they walk away from the encounter.

As crazy as it sounds, it reminded me a lot of Inception. Whenever Marion Cotillard's character turned up in the dream, there was this massive sense of dread because you knew shit was about to go very wrong and we don't know why.

Nailing that level of vulnerability, especially in a superhero film, was perfectly illustrated during the highway scene. Over and over the trio would think they had a solution to the current problem, but WS would throw another (painful) puzzle at them.

I really hope we get another opportunity to see WS as a complete wrecking ball of deliberate destruction before he's house-trained into the role of Capt (if that's the direction they're going).

with Falcon, it would've been nice if they threw in a Black Panther reference/easter egg

*Tchalla designed the wing and the harness
I think they changed that to Stark Industries for the film universe.
with Falcon, it would've been nice if they threw in a Black Panther reference/easter egg

*Tchalla designed the wing and the harness


with Falcon, it would've been nice if they threw in a Black Panther reference/easter egg

*Tchalla designed the wing and the harness

It's funny you mention Black Panther cause at my screening, Anthony Mackie talked a little bit before the movie started and he said that when he met with the Russo's and Marvel they were really secretive and wouldn't even tell him what role he would be playing, so he guessed the only three black super heroes he could think of, one of which was Black Panther and after he said that, they just told him who he was going to be.


I am going to see Winter Soldier tonight.

Should I stick around for some post-credits scene?

If you paid for the ticket, why wouldn't you?
Is there something that imperitive that draws you to rush out of the comfort of the theater seat and skip two scenes that you pretty much paid for?


If you paid for the ticket, why wouldn't you?
Is there something that imperitive that draws you to rush out of the comfort of the theater seat and skip two scenes that you pretty much paid for?
Most people like to get out quick to use the toilet before there's a queue or get to their parked car before it's a pain in the arse to get out.

Or in my case, there's a popular restaurant next door that fills up very fast after every film. It's why I only stayed for the first extra scene


I watched it yesterday and thought it was really good. Was a more down to earth serious superhero film. Captain America hit people and it looked like it hurt, a lot of deaths, people getting shot and killed which was surprising. The attack on Nick Fury was intense alot of the scenes were.

And was it making a non to subtle commentary on US foreign drone policy.


Not reading this thread, but these need to be titled better. I feel like SPOILER should be in the front so it doesn't look so much like the OT.


Not reading this thread, but these need to be titled better. I feel like SPOILER should be in the front so it doesn't look so much like the OT.

It says spoiler right after the title, it wasn't hard for me to figure out which one was which.


By the way, as a Larry Sanders Show fan it was good to see Shandling again (and in an actually good MCU film, this time), but man does he look terrible. The antithesis of Redford when it comes to aging gracefully. :(


I removed the |SPOILER| thing because I think visually that's the only aspect which could subconsciously make a person think it's the OT. Other than that, people should definitely read more than 4 words of a thread title before clicking. :p


Just came back from a showing and wow. That was definitely the best "solo" MCU movie and maybe even the best one full-stop. It hit all the right notes for me and I'm just buzzing now thinking about all the implications. Where Thor 2 kind of did nothing to the MCU (but was fun), this has just flipped the entire table.

Pretty excited to see how Agents of SHIELD deals with this, too.


I removed the |SPOILER| thing because I think visually that's the only aspect which could subconsciously make a person think it's the OT. Other than that, people should definitely read more than 4 words of a thread title before clicking. :p

I only skim my thread titles. Usually look for the first word but thanks. It's SLIGHTLY better... slightly.

I'm outta here.


It targeted Tony. His name popped up beside the target during that scene.

That's cool can't wait till this is out on BD so we can get a screen of that scene and see what other nods to the larger Marvel Universe there is.

What did everyone think of the post credit scene? caught me by surprise. Apart from the obvious it was awesome to see Von Strucker as well. Really like where they are going with the MCU and Hydra in particular.
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