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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?


If you paid for the ticket, why wouldn't you?
Is there something that imperitive that draws you to rush out of the comfort of the theater seat and skip two scenes that you pretty much paid for?

I'm pretty sure this person was simply asking IF their were any post-credits scenes...


Does anyone know if the actors for Rumlow and Agent 13 are signed on for multiple pictures? They would have to right? Considering the film was an origin story of sorts for both of them. I had this thought at the back of my mind that the specific effort in introducing both characters in the background here seems to be suggest they might be planning on doing the Civil War assassination plot as the third Cap movie...
You know...it would be cool if the scene where Cap announcing Hydra influence to all SHIELD members cross over to AoS.

That may be too spoilerific.

Eh, they air it a couple of months after. Plenty of time :p

Does anyone know if the actors for Rumlow and Agent 13 are signed on for multiple pictures? They would have to right? Considering the film was an origin story of sorts for both of them. I had this thought at the back of my mind that the specific effort in introducing both characters in the background here seems to be suggest they might be planning on doing the Civil War assassination plot as the third Cap movie...

Ooh, that's a real good/bold/holy shit crazy idea. I wonder what they'll do?

And on another note, what Stark's role is in Avengers 2? Could he possibly just not suit up?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Does anyone know if the actors for Rumlow and Agent 13 are signed on for multiple pictures? They would have to right? Considering the film was an origin story of sorts for both of them. I had this thought at the back of my mind that the specific effort in introducing both characters in the background here seems to be suggest they might be planning on doing the Civil War assassination plot as the third Cap movie...


It appears Emily VanCamp will be back. It's too bad she had such a limited role in Winter Soldier.


So, considering the big Arnim Zola twist in the movie... do you think he's "The Clairvoyant" in Agents of SHIELD? The fact that "he" has access to SHIELD's database and the use of "his" algorithm could explain why the "Clairvoyant" seems to actually predict a lot of events (yet be absolutely oblivious to others that are outside SHIELD's control).

edit: don't know if I should've asked this here or in the AoS thread.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
And on another note, what Stark's role is in Avengers 2? Could he possibly just not suit up?

Fan favorite hypothesis seems to be Stark starts out in a support/technologist role then is forced to put together a new and more powerful type of armor to directly take on Ultron.


Hah cool i had no idea Rumlow was Crossbones real name. I first thought after the scene where he's all burnt up on a stretcher and seeing Von Strucker in the credits they might turn him into Grim Reaper for the sequel.
There's been concept art of Hulkbuster fighting against The Hulk, so he most likely will.

Fan favorite hypothesis seems to be Stark starts out in a support/technologist role then is forced to put together a new and more powerful type of armor to directly take on Ultron.

Nice and double nice. I like that they gave his trilogy legit closure, so if you wanted to stop there you could (as a fan).

Nice. I guess they're not talking about Crossbones yet because that's somewhat of a spoiler. I'll be shocked if Marvel doesn't have all the contracts tied up.

Marvel has such a hard on for continuity I'd have to assume they do. They don't wanna get Norton'd again!


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
So, considering the big Arnim Zola twist in the movie... do you think he's "The Clairvoyant" in Agents of SHIELD? The fact that "he" has access to SHIELD's database and the use of "his" algorithm could explain why the "Clairvoyant" seems to actually predict a lot of events (yet be absolutely oblivious to others that are outside SHIELD's control).

edit: don't know if I should've asked this here or in the AoS thread.

I'm guessing that Zola will serve as a template for the creation of Ultron. Who knows, perhaps James Spader was an actual human who transfers his consciousness into a machine and becomes a living computer.


Another thought with the revelation that modern Hydra is in some way involved with the development of super powered beings this could be a good way to get Jessica Drew into the picture as one of the test subjects. Would be a nice call back to her time as a Hydra agent and get her into the MCU in time for her best bud Carols appearance.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I really hope that Zola is the Clairvoyant in AOS. The show needs the shot in the arm with a tight, direct link to the movies. Plus the Clairvoyant's MO fits too well with Zola - not actually psychic (people keep insisting Shield knows of no true psychics and I think they'll save that stuff for Doctor Strange). Rather capable of calculating so many possibilities thanks to information that Zola-AI can appear capable of predicting the future.


Watched it last night. It's the GOAT. It's all i can say.

So what character does Redford play?

I thought Red Skull might pop back up again.

I though this as well. I imagined the big twist will be him coming (somehow) back from the cosmos.

here are my highlights

maria hill (more of her please)
nick got a few big scenes
falcon was awesome
captain america & bucky story was awesome
the winter solider was genuine scary
where was hawkeye ?
where was coulson ?
was that loki staff at the end ?
how many blue cubes are there who has them how many are there
poor peggy has cant member anything
stan lee is so fired

Coulson is still trying to piece out how and why Fury brought him back from the dead and is looking for him for answers. Hawukguy probably was taking pizza-dog for a walk.

YES: That was Loki's staff what Von Strucker was playing in the mid-credits.

Just one. The Tesseract which is also a
Infinity Stone

Yeah. That was hearth wrenching. How a very strong and loved woman is reduced to by old age. Sad sad... "you're my best gal"..."you owe me a dance" ;_________;

Don't know why, but I just realised that the HYDRA senator was the senator from Iron Man 2.

Yes. Now that explains why he was so concerned to Tony to handle out the Iron Man tec.

Did anyone manage to catch the items on Cap's "to-do" list at the beginning? I saw "The Beetles", and "Star Wars", but spent way too long watching him write out "Trouble Man" for some reason!

Speaking of which, I though they managed to include far more of her character than I expected. Maybe that's the reason for the deleted scene of Cap adjusting to modern day life from Avengers.[/QUOTE]

Looked up online to find the complete list and I found out it is slightly different depending on which country you see the movie. The list on TV Tropes for what I assume is the North American version says:

I Love Lucy (television)
Moon Landing
Berlin Wall (up + down)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Thai Food
Star Wars/Trek
Nirvana (Band)
Rocky (Rocky II?)

But over in the UK & Ireland the list included Sherlock and the 1966 World Cup Final.

Did they updated/changed the list for some countries?? Because here It said among others "Octavio Paz". Need to watch it a few more times ;)

Loved it.

Notice the epitaph on Fury's Gravestone?

"...the path of the righteous man" - Ezekiel 25:17

Raised a wry chuckle :)

Indeed, a "yeah right" moment.

I am going to see Winter Soldier tonight.

Should I stick around for some post-credits scene?

As with all MAHVEL Studios movie YES

So, considering the big Arnim Zola twist in the movie... do you think he's "The Clairvoyant" in Agents of SHIELD? The fact that "he" has access to SHIELD's database and the use of "his" algorithm could explain why the "Clairvoyant" seems to actually predict a lot of events (yet be absolutely oblivious to others that are outside SHIELD's control).

edit: don't know if I should've asked this here or in the AoS thread.

That's a good question and i can't why not. Also this next tuesday, je april's fools day, episode will link directly to the movie.

Also this line at the very end of the mid-credit:

"It's not a world of spies anymore, not even a world of heroes. This is the Age of Miracles, doctor. There is nothing more horrifying than a miracle!"

While you see Pietro triying to scape and bashing himself in the walls and Wanda totally absent minded levitating some cubes and BOOM!!


That list makes a lot more sense now I know each country had a different version. I was wondering why Captain America would care about the 66 World Cup final.


Ahhh so much stuff to process.

First thoughts: Absolutely loved it. Loved the cameos, the little nods (Fury's Tombstone! Stephen Strange!). Now I'm really, really anxious to see where this leaves the rest of the MCU. I wonder what they will do with the declassified files for storylines. Edit: Even Sitwell ties to the second One-Shot about Abomination. I don't know if that was intentional back then but I'm glad they tied it in as well.

Ahhh, need to watch it again to wrap my brain around so much stuff.


There's been concept art of Hulkbuster fighting against The Hulk, so he most likely will.

Seems like Jarvis or a Stark AI would become Ultron this time. Wouldn't it make sense that Ultron would just control all the suits and Tony would have to fall back to the Iron Monger or a Mark I suit that isn't networked.


Seems like Jarvis or a Stark AI would become Ultron this time. Wouldn't it make sense that Ultron would just control all the suits and Tony would have to fall back to the Iron Monger or a Mark I suit that isn't networked.

Hmm, after this movie i'm not sure anymore if Ultron is going to be related to Stark in some way or another. HYDRA is still alive and more dangerous than ever.

Damn iy, i didn't expect Zola to make a comeback, and no in the way he did.


I knew about Zola being back thanks to an article a few months ago, but he was way more than I was expecting. I expected a bit of a cameo, not a full-fledged consciousness inside a computer inside a SHIELD bunker =D



I like the original Cap a lot (more than other folks apparantly) and I would be surprised if I didn't find the Winter Soldier enjoyable, but man oh man! I never expected this. The best movie phase 2 movie yet. Several steps above Iron Man 3 which I found entertaining and a mile above Thor the Dark World. Btw the latter is a better movie than the original, but purely discussing phase 2 The Winter Soldier blows the other two out of the water. Easily.

The opening was great when introducing Sam and I laughed when I saw Cap's notebook with things he needs to look up. "So, you like it in this age?" "Well, yeah, the Internet is pretty useful actually." First action scene was pretty sweet too and I was surprised Batroc the Leaper was the first enemy he faced. I mean, Batroc! Anyway, I felt extremely sad when he saw the recording of young Peggy and in the next scene, he's sitting next to an old and frail Peggy. When she panicked and showed her Alzheimers was pretty depressing. Steve dealing with it and telling her he owes her a dance punched me right in the feels ;_;

I really liked the following scenes with Nick. The chase was well done and I loved the attitude of Fury during the whole thing. Same goes for Cap during his escape from SHIELD HQ. Pierce being the big bad in this thing was never a surprise, but that was a pretty solid acting job from Redford. The twist at the army camp was something I didn't expect. Zola's brain/personality on a computer? Huh. The fact he "rebuilt" Hydrah from within SHIELD was pretty cool. And being the one who killed Anthony Stark! :O And anything in the last hour of the movie? Awesome to the max. Falcon was pretty solid, Widow had her moments... and Cap was just awesome. Man, as much of a mancrush I have on RDJ (you know, I'd totally would have a bromance with the guy) but Evans is really charismatic as Cap. He's funny. And even though he plays a guy from the fourties, he doesn't sound corny at all. Kudos man. Together with Stark my favourite Avenger. Whoddathunkit.

Some other stuff:

- That Stephen Strange namedrop!
- I'm not that familiar with everything Cap in the comic universe, so I needed a moment or two before I realised Crossbones was in the movie. Holy crap man.
- "Oh, have Stark appear at my granddaughter's birthday. And I don't mean a fly-by, but actually mingle". Guess Tony is having a "creative" moment again ;)
- While I liked the Winter Soldier's scenes, the actual screentime for Bucky is pretty low.
- Fury deathscene didn't make me panic one bit. "Don't worry, Son of Coul to the rescue." Oh wait, other methods of faking death. Oh.
- Danny Puddy!
- Coby Smulders needs more screentime. That one scene where she shoots the two guys was amazing.
- The final scenes were awesome. What did the tombstone of Fury say? I kinda missed that part.

- But that mid credits scene! Baron von Strucker with monacle? Holy crap. Loki's staff!!!?? And oh shit, Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch! Can't wait for Age of Ultron.

- Bucky at the museum exhibit with the creepy music sounds... ominous.

Bonus; Stan Lee is sooooo fired.

"The path of the righteous man". Awesome Pulp Fiction reference.
Ha, great stuff.


Maria Hill scenes put a smile on my face too. Cobbie needs some bigger scenes. Bridge scene was fantastic, punches felt powerful, fast movements you could follow, so many cars destroyed. I was really at the edge of my seat during that one. I found myself clenching my fists a bit.

I loved the slower parts, even if much of it was recap, it was super welcome. And the attention to detail. A few small things they set up that have a consequence in the end, for instance, the little gadget BW uses to power down her chest pin. So smart.

Oh yes, one thing I thought I should mention was the whole "Alien" (i.e. the movie) sound effect they did every time they cut to TWS. That was super weird.


During the street encounter with the Winter Soldier/Cap fist fight and Winter Soldier switched hands with his knife mid-fight during the melee barrage made me and my friends go nuts.

Yeah HOLY SHIT I need a gif of that! It happened so fast and looked soooo good!


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
I really hope that Zola is the Clairvoyant in AOS. The show needs the shot in the arm with a tight, direct link to the movies. Plus the Clairvoyant's MO fits too well with Zola - not actually psychic (people keep insisting Shield knows of no true psychics and I think they'll save that stuff for Doctor Strange). Rather capable of calculating so many possibilities thanks to information that Zola-AI can appear capable of predicting the future.
That'd be really nice actually, and would fit well.

Ahhh so much stuff to process.

First thoughts: Absolutely loved it. Loved the cameos, the little nods (Fury's Tombstone! Stephen Strange!). Now I'm really, really anxious to see where this leaves the rest of the MCU. I wonder what they will do with the declassified files for storylines. Edit: Even Sitwell ties to the second One-Shot about Abomination. I don't know if that was intentional back then but I'm glad they tied it in as well.

Ahhh, need to watch it again to wrap my brain around so much stuff.
It even made IM2 retroactively a bit better, since it showed the Senator's true intentions. I'm a bit surprised they didn't tie any of the other shadier orgs (Hammer, AIM) to Hydra though.

Hmm, after this movie i'm not sure anymore if Ultron is going to be related to Stark in some way or another. HYDRA is still alive and more dangerous than ever.

Damn iy, i didn't expect Zola to make a comeback, and no in the way he did.
The AoU "teaser" showed the IM helmet then Ultron's, so it'll be tied in some way.
I'm guessing that another AI (Zola, SHIELD's or something) corrupts JARVIS in some way taking control of whatever suits Tony has at the time and using them as some sort of base model.

- Coby Smulders needs more screentime. That one scene where she shoots the two guys was amazing.
With HIMYM ending soon, I assumed she'd be a lock for AoS. But with the shot of her somewhere in Stark Industries, I'm not so sure anymore, maybe she's going to help Happy with security :p

marvel make a god damm female lead marvel movie

black widow
maria hill
agent 13

your welcome
Agent Carter should've been a movie at least, it was great and she was quite the badass.


That'd be really nice actually, and would fit well.

It even made IM2 retroactively a bit better, since it showed the Senator's true intentions. I'm a bit surprised they didn't tie any of the other shadier orgs (Hammer, AIM) to Hydra though.

The AoU "teaser" showed the IM helmet then Ultron's, so it'll be tied in some way.
I'm guessing that another AI (Zola, SHIELD's or something) corrupts JARVIS in some way taking control of whatever suits Tony has at the time and using them as some sort of base model.

With HIMYM ending soon, I assumed she'd be a lock for AoS. But with the shot of her somewhere in Stark Industries, I'm not so sure anymore, maybe she's going to help Happy with security :p

Agent Carter should've been a movie at least, it was great and she was quite the badass.

Hopefully the Agent Carter show gets made. Since atwell and Cooper have said they would both do the show. So you get Carter and Stark back in the 40s setting up shield


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Hopefully the Agent Carter show gets made. Since atwell and Cooper have said they would both do the show. So you get Carter and Stark back in the 40s setting up shield
Oh, that'd be nice.

And also wouldn't because it'd be under Loeb :(


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Hopefully the Agent Carter show gets made. Since atwell and Cooper have said they would both do the show. So you get Carter and Stark back in the 40s setting up shield

But wouldn't HYDRA infiltrating SHIELD kinda taint the whole premise of an Agent Carter series?
Godfuckingdamn. So good. Bit with Peggy was heartbreaking. Bit with Zola I actually starting chewing on my hand in excitement.

The 3rd film can't get here soon enough.


"If you attempt the leave the premises I will tase you as watch Supernanny while you drool out on the carpet."


Anyway, Now for those who already watched TWS, Iron Man 2 has a new perspective of the things that happened with Tony in his congresional stuff. Also, now that HYDRA is alive and well i wonder which are their other faces, HAMMER? AIM? The New Ten Rings fronted by Trevor?
Dat fight choreography!

Holy fucking shit!

Imagine the creativity these guys would do when making scenes with characters like Hulk and Thor?



Anyway, I felt extremely sad when he saw the recording of young Peggy and in the next scene, he's sitting next to an old and frail Peggy. When she panicked and showed her Alzheimers was pretty depressing. Steve dealing with it and telling her he owes her a dance punched me right in the feels ;_;

The Alzheimer's thing was really well done.

You get the impression he visits her every day because discovering that he's alive always makes her day. That was heart touching.

The closest I got to treating up was the "end of the line" at the end. Those moments always get me, heck, the dual Spongebob/Patrick singing the goofy goober song while dying got me in that film, also.

But wouldn't HYDRA infiltrating SHIELD kinda taint the whole premise of an Agent Carter series?

Taint? The idea that Hydra reforms and makes Captain America's girlfriend the main instrument in this reformation is so perfectly devious.
How did those bad guys in the credits come to be in possession of Loki's staff?

Last time we saw it Black Widow was holding it at the end of The Avengers.


How did those bad guys in the credits come to be in possession of Loki's staff?

Last time we saw it Black Widow was holding it at the end of The Avengers.

SHIELD recovered all artifacts and tech that they could salvage from the New York battle, including Loki's scepter. Hydra is a sleeper organization within SHIELD. Join the dots. :)


So, with SHIELD's secrets out on the street, I wonder how Stark will react to it all. The Hydra part of SHIELD being responsible for the death of his father wil sour his attitude towards them. Wonder if it will be mentioned in Age of Ultron. I suppose Banner won't care, because he doesn't trust anyone to begin with.

Hmm. Hawkeye will follow Widow I guess.


Feels like Avengers 2 will be more about the Avengers leading themselves in the absence of SHIELD, which could be a really cool way to make the tone feel different right from the start, instead of feeling like a repeat of the beats in the first Avengers film.
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