I like the original Cap a lot (more than other folks apparantly) and I would be surprised if I didn't find the Winter Soldier enjoyable, but man oh man! I never expected this. The best movie phase 2 movie yet. Several steps above Iron Man 3 which I found entertaining and a mile above Thor the Dark World. Btw the latter is a better movie than the original, but purely discussing phase 2 The Winter Soldier blows the other two out of the water. Easily.
The opening was great when introducing Sam and I laughed when I saw Cap's notebook with things he needs to look up. "So, you like it in this age?" "Well, yeah, the Internet is pretty useful actually." First action scene was pretty sweet too and I was surprised Batroc the Leaper was the first enemy he faced. I mean, Batroc! Anyway, I felt extremely sad when he saw the recording of young Peggy and in the next scene, he's sitting next to an old and frail Peggy. When she panicked and showed her Alzheimers was pretty depressing. Steve dealing with it and telling her he owes her a dance punched me right in the feels ;_;
I really liked the following scenes with Nick. The chase was well done and I loved the attitude of Fury during the whole thing. Same goes for Cap during his escape from SHIELD HQ. Pierce being the big bad in this thing was never a surprise, but that was a pretty solid acting job from Redford. The twist at the army camp was something I didn't expect. Zola's brain/personality on a computer? Huh. The fact he "rebuilt" Hydrah from within SHIELD was pretty cool. And being the one who killed Anthony Stark! :O And anything in the last hour of the movie? Awesome to the max. Falcon was pretty solid, Widow had her moments... and Cap was just awesome. Man, as much of a mancrush I have on RDJ (you know, I'd totally would have a bromance with the guy) but Evans is really charismatic as Cap. He's funny. And even though he plays a guy from the fourties, he doesn't sound corny at all. Kudos man. Together with Stark my favourite Avenger. Whoddathunkit.
Some other stuff:
- That Stephen Strange namedrop!
- I'm not that familiar with everything Cap in the comic universe, so I needed a moment or two before I realised Crossbones was in the movie. Holy crap man.
- "Oh, have Stark appear at my granddaughter's birthday. And I don't mean a fly-by, but actually mingle". Guess Tony is having a "creative" moment again

- While I liked the Winter Soldier's scenes, the actual screentime for Bucky is pretty low.
- Fury deathscene didn't make me panic one bit. "Don't worry, Son of Coul to the rescue." Oh wait, other methods of faking death. Oh.
- Danny Puddy!
- Coby Smulders needs more screentime. That one scene where she shoots the two guys was amazing.
- The final scenes were awesome. What did the tombstone of Fury say? I kinda missed that part.
- But that mid credits scene! Baron von Strucker with monacle? Holy crap. Loki's staff!!!?? And oh shit, Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch! Can't wait for Age of Ultron.
- Bucky at the museum exhibit with the creepy music sounds... ominous.
Bonus; Stan Lee is sooooo fired.
"The path of the righteous man". Awesome Pulp Fiction reference.
Ha, great stuff.