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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?

Is Singer still directing after the pedo allegations? I can't live through another X-Men film without that filthy man.

I think so. It was him who announced Apocalypse. It could change of course. Matthew Vaughn did First Class and I'd like him to come back to the franchise.

visual character? first class? magneto at the end of the film looked like a damn clown. you could tell fassbender was embarrassed.

and don't get me started on how awful beast and mystique looked.

just as bad as quicksilver on that empire cover. but in motion (in the trailers) he actually looks...decent. i think they made a mistake with that cover reveal. should have saved him for some clips. I'm aiight with him now. plus he's a product of the 70s in singerverse. looks like a kid who listened to too much david bowie.

I'm not talking about the characters but its setting. First Class still had a strong and, for the franchise, 60s look. Yes, Magneto's costume looked silly and Romjin was a way better Mystique but it's not like the franchise hasn't had its share of silly looking characters.


I wasn't a huge fan of the first film. I liked it until Steve Rogers got his powers and started doing missions. That's when I started falling asleep. However, The Winter Soldier was incredible. I don't watch a lot of action movies but this movie had the best fight scenes that I've ever seen. There was a family in front of us with kids that wouldn't shut up but after Nick Fury was attacked by those cops at the beginning, the theatre was silent for the rest of the movie. That scene was so good; I'm still hyped from it, three hours later. All of the fight scenes with Captain America and the Winter Soldier were amazing. What's even more amazing was that I could actually follow them, unlike some other popular action movies that I've seen. I also liked the thriller aspect. I really felt the suspicion that Steve had after Fury died. I didn't know who to trust.

I watched it with my little sister who's never seen a MCU film and she was able to understand the movie perfectly. Everything was explained in the movie (with a million little references). I really appreciate that Marvel doesn't hit the reset button every movie but also organically reminds/re-explains somethings (like with the museum).

The post-credit scene was kind of cool. I assumed that those two were from Asgard and were the main villains of The Avengers 2 but while in search of that OTHER post-credit scene (the secret one after the long credits), I read in the Youtube comments that
the twins are Magneto's children.

I'm really annoyed at this post-post-credit scene because I feel like the first post-credit scene was a diversion. The second one was actually part of the movie. . . This is one of the reasons why I rarely watch movies in theatres. Now I'll have to download an entire movie to watch a 30-60 second shaky cam clip that should have been the first post-credit scene. /endrant

Back to the twins: I don't know what the arrangement between Fox and Disney is. Does anyone know if they'll use the same actors for the twins? Or are the twins not very important to the X-Men movies?

The post-credit scene is indeed what they traditionally have at the end of a movie, kind of like in a horror movie when you see the bad guys hand come out of the grave or something.

In those movies it wasn't meant to be an allusion to a sequel, but rather just a sort of zinger like you can't kill the big bad.

They're sort of little post scripts or epilogue sand I guess, love it or hate it, it's the style to put them post credits, especially in Marvel movies where continuity suggests that it does play more of an allusion to future stories.

I don't mind them being post credits actually. It really doesn't have much bearing on the film itself as the idea was already portrayed in the film. It's just a bonus in this case (re: Bucky).

I like how the end credits say Captain America will return in Avengers, just like bond, and the first cap movie. Do they do this for other marvel movies?


Post-credit scene seems to imply that they're getting around the Mutant issue by having people with powers need to be externally activated somehow instead of having them activate naturally during puberty. (Hence the large number of failed test subjects.) It's a good fix.
So the twins are basically characters that are actually mutants, because they're Magneto's children, but the majority of their comic book history is tied up with them being Avengers. When Marvel was selling the rights to their characters, they basically split the difference. Both Marvel Studios and Fox can use the characters, but neither can mention the other half of their history.

So for example, Fox can use them as long as they don't mention their relationship with the Avengers, and Marvel Studios can use them as long as they don't mention that they're mutants or related to Magneto.

What basically happened is that Avengers 2 got announced, Marvel said "we're going to bring in these characters," and Fox said "well fuck you we're going to bring them in too and our movie comes out first." So the gray haired speedster you've seen in the commercials for the next X-movie is the same comic book character as the one that will show up in Avengers 2, though they are being portrayed by different actors and have absolutely no other connection.

You are not meant to assume that the twins you see in Avengers 2 had any adventures with the X-Men in Days of Future Past. In fact it is contractually forbidden for that to be the case.

When I looked up who those characters were and found out they're meant to be Magneto's kids, I got excited at just the idea that Avengers and X-Men had a connection. Reading this is a bit disappointing though... I'd heard about there being something weird going on with the portrayal of these characters; didn't know it was like this.

I would think it would be mutually beneficial for both series just to have a simple nod to one another through this connection. The best part of these movies is how they connect to one another and encourage the "gotta see 'em all" drive in audiences. Quicksilver could say "I already helped save the world a couple months ago!" or something and people would be like "oh, maybe I should check out that movie too."

oh well


quick question maybe off topic, but I felt like this had to do with MCU vs FOX Xmen universe, but the character "Viper" in The Wolverine was supposed to be "Madam Hydra" that's leader of Hydra in the comics, and I'm assuming the MCU can't use her at all now within context their "HYDRA" organization because of Fox vs Marvel studios rights?


quick question maybe off topic, but I felt like this had to do with MCU vs FOX Xmen universe, but the character "Viper" in The Wolverine was supposed to be "Madam Hydra" that's leader of Hydra in the comics, and I'm assuming the MCU can't use her at all now within context their "HYDRA" organization because of Fox vs Marvel studios rights?
She's gone by both names, but yeah, HYDRA is off-limits to them. The MCU version would likely just use "Madame Hydra" and ignore the Viper name.


I saw it a week ago, I had to let it sink in. People have an overwhelming response to it, I thought it was okay, what dragged it down was the predictability of the plot, but it sure had some cool concepts, the surrender of freedom, the evolution of evil.


Just seen this and absolutely loved it. A lot better than the first film and definitely my favourite Phase 2 film thus far


quick question maybe off topic, but I felt like this had to do with MCU vs FOX Xmen universe, but the character "Viper" in The Wolverine was supposed to be "Madam Hydra" that's leader of Hydra in the comics, and I'm assuming the MCU can't use her at all now within context their "HYDRA" organization because of Fox vs Marvel studios rights?

That would make no sense to be honest. Viper in the comics is not a mutant. Furthermore, while she has dealings with the X-men and some mutants, she's always been a Hydra/Cap character to me. She's less ambiguous in dual rights than Scarlet Witch and Pietro in that she's more Marvel's to use than Fox.

So they should be able to use her character as they see fit with no problems. And I hope they do as I like her character. Would make a decent, sexy villain for Cap. I swear they were trying to make him and Viper some sort of thing in the cartoon as well.


When I looked up who those characters were and found out they're meant to be Magneto's kids, I got excited at just the idea that Avengers and X-Men had a connection. Reading this is a bit disappointing though... I'd heard about there being something weird going on with the portrayal of these characters; didn't know it was like this.

I would think it would be mutually beneficial for both series just to have a simple nod to one another through this connection. The best part of these movies is how they connect to one another and encourage the "gotta see 'em all" drive in audiences. Quicksilver could say "I already helped save the world a couple months ago!" or something and people would be like "oh, maybe I should check out that movie too."

oh well

Marvel actually doesn't want those other movies to do well because that would prolong any chance of them getting the rights back (via purchase or lapse of time).


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Here's a new article going into detail on Cap 2's special effects.

Particularly interesting is how they turned Hayley Atwell into an old woman.






I was honestly surprised when people used that scene as an example of bad effects. Thought it was the best method of aging a young actor that I've seen. Made me wonder if they had gotten another actress to play the part.

Amazing that they did the hands digitally as well.


The Hayley scene's special effects weren't convincing to me. Better than aging people through makeup, but still not fully convincing.


I just thought it was bad make up. Like Guy Pearce in Prometheus. It would have been way cheaper to do that with actual make up if that's what the end result was going to look like. The only minor flaw in the movie, though.
Third viewing with friends, Cap's still got it. Haven't enjoyed a repeat viewing of a film so much since Skyfall.

The Nick Fury scene never gets old and feels incredibly similar to
Hank being attacked by the Salamanca twins in Season 3 of Breaking Bad.
(BrBa spoils) Music and action combined really puts the proper dread into the scene.

Actually, now that I think about it, this was incredibly similar to Skyfall.

Opening sequence related to stolen data. Unexpectedly good action sequences. Agency head being targeted personally. On the nose commentary about the internet. Inspiring monologue over shot of bad guys in office uniforms gunning down good guys. My god.

Dead Man

I thought that scene was really good, FX-wise. I seriously thought it was someone else instead of Atwell.

Same. Wasn't convinced it was the same person older, but I was convinced it wasn't the same actor with makeup. Seems like a good technique if they keep working on it.


Online Ho Champ
Edit: Htown explains it better below.

The twins are a rights anomaly Fox owns the X-Men while Marvel/Disney own the Avengers. Because they're BOTH X-Men and Avengers BOTH companies can use them. Fox can use them as mutants and Magneto's children, Marvel can use them as Avengers but without mentioning Magneto our that they're mutants. They (well, Quicksilver anyway) will be portrayed by different actors and be pretty much completely different characters.

wonder if Marvel can do an alpha flight movie just to get wolverine......


The only thing that bothered me about the old woman effect was the area around her mouth. It just looked off for some reason. Other than that, they did a great job.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
wonder if Marvel can do an alpha flight movie just to get wolverine......

I used to love Alpha Flight, still have a bunch of the issues, I think up to about issue#20 or so. They would be a good choice for a new Marvel movie, and yeah if they could get Weapon X in there that would be awesome. Guardian was my favorite character though, I just loved the power suit.



I was honestly surprised when people used that scene as an example of bad effects. Thought it was the best method of aging a young actor that I've seen. Made me wonder if they had gotten another actress to play the part.

Amazing that they did the hands digitally as well.

Uh, I was pretty sure it was special effects. She looked way too young and healthy for what it was obvious they were trying to make her look as. Basically she looked like a young person with make up to make her look old (except this time it was probably computer special effects).

Anyways, it was an excellent movie, far better than the first Captain America (which I could not stay awake during). The fight scenes between Captain America and Bucky were very well choreographed and very fluid. Actually, I just liked watching Bucky fight in general (whoever they got to be his stunt guy did a great job). They did a good job of just making him look threatening and awesome.


I have watched movie 2 times and didn't know that there were 2 post credit scenes . I saw the QS and SW one but didn't saw the other. any online videos about it ?

And whose great idea was to put 2 post credit scenes ? i think one is pushing it
I have watched movie 2 times and didn't know that there were 2 post credit scenes . I saw the QS and SW one but didn't saw the other. any online videos about it ?

And whose great idea was to put 2 post credit scenes ? i think one is pushing it

It's just Bucky at The Smithsonian checking out his past.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I used to love Alpha Flight, still have a bunch of the issues, I think up to about issue#20 or so. They would be a good choice for a new Marvel movie, and yeah if they could get Weapon X in there that would be awesome. Guardian was my favorite character though, I just loved the power suit.



I thought he was Vindicator?

edit: my bad, that's wifey


I have watched movie 2 times and didn't know that there were 2 post credit scenes . I saw the QS and SW one but didn't saw the other. any online videos about it ?

And whose great idea was to put 2 post credit scenes ? i think one is pushing it
Avengers and Thor:TDW both had two.

As it stands, the first one is the one people REALLY want to see, teasing a future movie or plotline. That's the important one and people can feel they can leave. Then the latter one puts a neat little bow on the movie itself. For Avengers, they finally got shwarma, Thor returned to Jane (while forgetting there's a giant ice monster still in London), and in Winter Soldier
Bucky confirms that he is who Cap said he is.


Avengers and Thor:TDW both had two.

As it stands, the first one is the one people REALLY want to see, teasing a future movie or plotline. That's the important one and people can feel they can leave. Then the latter one puts a neat little bow on the movie itself. For Avengers, they finally got shwarma, Thor returned to Jane (while forgetting there's a giant ice monster still in London), and in Winter Soldier
Bucky confirms that he is who Cap said he is.

Looks like i missed both shawrma and bucky scene. Sharma ill watch on you tube right now
I wasn't a huge fan of the first film. I liked it until Steve Rogers got his powers and started doing missions. That's when I started falling asleep. However, The Winter Soldier was incredible. I don't watch a lot of action movies but this movie had the best fight scenes that I've ever seen. There was a family in front of us with kids that wouldn't shut up but after Nick Fury was attacked by those cops at the beginning, the theatre was silent for the rest of the movie. That scene was so good; I'm still hyped from it, three hours later. All of the fight scenes with Captain America and the Winter Soldier were amazing. What's even more amazing was that I could actually follow them, unlike some other popular action movies that I've seen. I also liked the thriller aspect. I really felt the suspicion that Steve had after Fury died. I didn't know who to trust.

I watched it with my little sister who's never seen a MCU film and she was able to understand the movie perfectly. Everything was explained in the movie (with a million little references). I really appreciate that Marvel doesn't hit the reset button every movie but also organically reminds/re-explains somethings (like with the museum).

Finally got to see it last night and I feel your thoughts mirror my own. Glad it turned out well as I didn't have high hopes after the first film and Avengers.

Edit: Almost forgot, they actually made Falcon cool :D
through the sewers and to his hole in the ground....i guess the main thing is he evaded the kill attempt.

When Cap & co. pull the same stunt to escape from the police van, I was kinda surprised to see it a second time. SHIELD might as well weaponize it since it can cut through a chunk of asphalt in seconds. Maybe give Hawkeye some arrows that have the same effect.


When Cap & co. pull the same stunt to escape from the police van, I was kinda surprised to see it a second time. SHIELD might as well weaponize it since it can cut through a chunk of asphalt in seconds. Maybe give Hawkeye some arrows that have the same effect.
With the way he almost vaporised that alien sky-jetski with a tiny payload on an arrowhead in The Avengers, they have?


When Cap & co. pull the same stunt to escape from the police van, I was kinda surprised to see it a second time. SHIELD might as well weaponize it since it can cut through a chunk of asphalt in seconds. Maybe give Hawkeye some arrows that have the same effect.

They use it in the show too.
I used to love Alpha Flight, still have a bunch of the issues, I think up to about issue#20 or so. They would be a good choice for a new Marvel movie, and yeah if they could get Weapon X in there that would be awesome. Guardian was my favorite character though, I just loved the power suit.

Guardian <3
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