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Captain America: The Winter Soldier SPOILER THREAD | ...does anyone want to get out?

I'm well aware that scene was supposed to be a teaser for what's supposed to come. I'm wondering what relevance to the twins have to whatever Marvel/Disney has planned down the road since those two are mainly associated with the X-men series. I have issues with certain characters being elevated to important roles.

Quite the opposite. those two originated in X-men, but the vast majority of their appearances were as Avengers. Scarlet witch in particular is HUGELY important to Avengers continuity. This is why Fox and Marvel are stuck in a weird legal limbo with those two, since the rights to who own them isn't clear.
Quick question

Does Marvel Studios have the right to use Juggernaut, since he's not technically a mutant?

Nah cos he's a character almost unilaterally associated with the X-Men. Same reason why they couldn't use Col. Stryker or other non-mutant characters I assume. QS/SW are a very unique example.
The best way to understand who belongs to what is to consider what each character means to each IP. It's not simply Mutant vs. Non-Mutant but their importance to the IP in question.

QS/SW are the only characters that I'm aware of that skirt that line and as such are able to be used by both Fox and Marvel.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh, one other thing that bothered me about the movie. What happened to ScarJo? She had this weird, ugly looking tan on her the entire time.

what job is that btw? i'd rather be paid shovelling manure than watch the first captain america 20 times.

QC tech. It helps pay the bills, OKAY.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.


Saw it again, love this movie so much. Anyone else enjoy the soundtrack?

I really love the music that plays when he's being chased by SHIELD/Hydra initially and jumps out of the elevator. Think it's Taking a Stand.


Hollywood accountants are shitting in their (expensive) pants out of fear of how the hell are they going to cook those books.
Saw it again, love this movie so much. Anyone else enjoy the soundtrack?

I really love the music that plays when he's being chased by SHIELD/Hydra initially and jumps out of the elevator. Think it's Taking a Stand.

Can confirm. Paper writing music of choice for the last week or so.


So I finally saw the movie. I enjoyed it, but honestly, I preferred the first one much more. For one of my side jobs, I was required to watch it literally over 20 times and amazingly enough, I never got tired of it. But with this one, it feels like I wouldn't be able to watch it more than twice. I think part of the reason is that for one thing, it's too long, and the fights, while good, seem to drag on and on. And was I the only one that REALLY fucking hated the idea of Dr. Zola's brain somehow being compiled onto those shitty Apple computers from the 70s? I thought that was remarkably fucking stupid.

I'd say those were my biggest complaints. But I also would like to bitch about the endings. Not the last shot of the movie, but the "secret" endings after the credits. I really didn't like the idea of the scepter being found again. I dunno, I might be speaking for myself when I say that I don't really like the idea of seeing some important item that was a major plot device for a previous movie being used once again. I want to see something new. Also, what the hell do Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch have to do with ANYTHING? Seriously, I'm baffled at that.

And the secret, SECRET final credits scene with Bucky? You made me wait through the entire long ass credit sequence for THAT? Wtf? They should have shown that first and THEN the other scene with the scepter at the very end.

Anyway, some REALLY shitty plot devices aside, it was overall good movie. Probably 7.5/10 for me.

So... you're cool with a universe filled with space vikings, dudes who get turned into giant green rage monsters, rich guys being able to build super war suits, superheroes in WW2 battling super nazis with alien energy weapons.... but Zola putting his brain in a computer is where it breaks for you?

And secondly, SHIELD has the staff, and thus, Hydra had access to it. They've been testing with it, and as a result, they've given powers to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. That's what it has to do with anything.

Did you also get mad at the end-credits scene in Avengers? Because like that and Thor 2, both have put the relevant "hidden scene" in the middle of the credits, and the last little closer at the end. Because let's be honest, the one people are staying for is the mid-credits one. That's the one they'll see, assume they've seen everything and leave. So have the one that most people are guaranteed to see be the relevant one to hype your next movie.


I love this about it, it looks like the Cap movies will have the most cohesive arc from the first to third film if they keep it up and follow the rest of the Winter Soldier arc for movie 3.
I'll smile if he ends up being the most important Avenger despite having the most grounded of super powers.

Cap 3 is doing a billion.

Book that shit.
If it does make it that far, then my statement of it being the Best Sequel Since The Dark Knight will be justified.


Not just a great "superhero" film, but a great action movie in its own right!

What I like best about the whole MArvel Cinematic Universe is how each movie and character series really have their own feel.
I wasn't a huge fan of the first film. I liked it until Steve Rogers got his powers and started doing missions. That's when I started falling asleep. However, The Winter Soldier was incredible. I don't watch a lot of action movies but this movie had the best fight scenes that I've ever seen. There was a family in front of us with kids that wouldn't shut up but after Nick Fury was attacked by those cops at the beginning, the theatre was silent for the rest of the movie. That scene was so good; I'm still hyped from it, three hours later. All of the fight scenes with Captain America and the Winter Soldier were amazing. What's even more amazing was that I could actually follow them, unlike some other popular action movies that I've seen. I also liked the thriller aspect. I really felt the suspicion that Steve had after Fury died. I didn't know who to trust.

I watched it with my little sister who's never seen a MCU film and she was able to understand the movie perfectly. Everything was explained in the movie (with a million little references). I really appreciate that Marvel doesn't hit the reset button every movie but also organically reminds/re-explains somethings (like with the museum).

The post-credit scene was kind of cool. I assumed that those two were from Asgard and were the main villains of The Avengers 2 but while in search of that OTHER post-credit scene (the secret one after the long credits), I read in the Youtube comments that
the twins are Magneto's children.

I'm really annoyed at this post-post-credit scene because I feel like the first post-credit scene was a diversion. The second one was actually part of the movie. . . This is one of the reasons why I rarely watch movies in theatres. Now I'll have to download an entire movie to watch a 30-60 second shaky cam clip that should have been the first post-credit scene. /endrant

Back to the twins: I don't know what the arrangement between Fox and Disney is. Does anyone know if they'll use the same actors for the twins? Or are the twins not very important to the X-Men movies?
I wasn't a huge fan of the first film. I liked it until Steve Rogers got his powers and started doing missions. That's when I started falling asleep. However, The Winter Soldier was incredible. I don't watch a lot of action movies but this movie had the best fight scenes that I've ever seen. There was a family in front of us with kids that wouldn't shut up but after Nick Fury was attacked by those cops at the beginning, the theatre was silent for the rest of the movie. That scene was so good; I'm still hyped from it, three hours later. All of the fight scenes with Captain America and the Winter Soldier were amazing. What's even more amazing was that I could actually follow them, unlike some other popular action movies that I've seen. I also liked the thriller aspect. I really felt the suspicion that Steve had after Fury died. I didn't know who to trust.

I watched it with my little sister who's never seen a MCU film and she was able to understand the movie perfectly. Everything was explained in the movie (with a million little references). I really appreciate that Marvel doesn't hit the reset button every movie but also organically reminds/re-explains somethings (like with the museum).

The post-credit scene was kind of cool. I assumed that those two were from Asgard and were the main villains of The Avengers 2 but while in search of that OTHER post-credit scene (the secret one after the long credits), I read in the Youtube comments that
the twins are Magneto's children.

I'm really annoyed at this post-post-credit scene because I feel like the first post-credit scene was a diversion. The second one was actually part of the movie. . . This is one of the reasons why I rarely watch movies in theatres. Now I'll have to download an entire movie to watch a 30-60 second shaky cam clip that should have been the first post-credit scene. /endrant

Back to the twins: I don't know what the arrangement between Fox and Disney is. Does anyone know if they'll use the same actors for the twins? Or are the twins not very important to the X-Men movies?

Edit: Htown explains it better below.

The twins are a rights anomaly Fox owns the X-Men while Marvel/Disney own the Avengers. Because they're BOTH X-Men and Avengers BOTH companies can use them. Fox can use them as mutants and Magneto's children, Marvel can use them as Avengers but without mentioning Magneto our that they're mutants. They (well, Quicksilver anyway) will be portrayed by different actors and be pretty much completely different characters.


Back to the twins: I don't know what the arrangement between Fox and Disney is. Does anyone know if they'll use the same actors for the twins? Or are the twins not very important to the X-Men movies?
So the twins are basically characters that are actually mutants, because they're Magneto's children, but the majority of their comic book history is tied up with them being Avengers. When Marvel was selling the rights to their characters, they basically split the difference. Both Marvel Studios and Fox can use the characters, but neither can mention the other half of their history.

So for example, Fox can use them as long as they don't mention their relationship with the Avengers, and Marvel Studios can use them as long as they don't mention that they're mutants or related to Magneto.

What basically happened is that Avengers 2 got announced, Marvel said "we're going to bring in these characters," and Fox said "well fuck you we're going to bring them in too and our movie comes out first." So the gray haired speedster you've seen in the commercials for the next X-movie is the same comic book character as the one that will show up in Avengers 2, though they are being portrayed by different actors and have absolutely no other connection.

You are not meant to assume that the twins you see in Avengers 2 had any adventures with the X-Men in Days of Future Past. In fact it is contractually forbidden for that to be the case.
The twins are a rights anomaly Fox owns the X-Men while Marvel/Disney own the Avengers. Because they're BOTH X-Men and Avengers BOTH companies can use them. Fox can use them as mutants and Magneto's children, Marvel can use them as Avengers but without mentioning Magneto our that they're mutants. They (well, Quicksilver anyway) will be portrayed by different actors and be pretty much completely different characters.

That's so lame. I really like what Fox has done with the X-Men (The Last Stand never happened) but I wish they could integrate it with the MCU. I guess it's too late since the X-Men movies are a bit more grounded in reality then something like The Avengers and they've already created their own universe. I wonder how it worked in the comics.
That's so lame. I really like what Fox has done with the X-Men (The Last Stand never happened) but I wish they could integrate it with the MCU. I guess it's too late since the X-Men movies are a bit more grounded in reality then something like The Avengers and they've already created their own universe. I wonder how it worked in the comics.

Actually, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, one of the long standing criticisms of Marvel was that the X-Men universe felt pretty disconnected from the rest of the Marvel Universe for the most part, even though they were supposed to take place all at the same time/in the same area. So in that sense, it actually makes perfect sense that the X-Men have their own film universe apart from the MCU.
It certainly would've been nice if they could have agreed on the same actor for at least a LITTLE consistency, but as I understand Fox has been very standoffish about making any sort of compromises with the rights. But hey they had the same movie in mind when choosing the actors.

It certainly would've been nice if they could have agreed on the same actor for at least a LITTLE consistency, but as I understand Fox has been very standoffish about making any sort of compromises with the rights. But hey they had the same movie in mind when choosing the actors.

100% disagree. Why should there be consistency between things that are entirely unrelated? Especially when one of those things is this shit:

100% disagree. Why should there be consistency between things that are entirely unrelated? Especially when one of those things is this shit:


Not disagreeing with that, I'm just saying wouldn't it have been nice if Fox weren't complete dicks and instead of saying "Fuck You we're going to have Quicksilver in our movie too. Neener neener!" as Htown put it, they could've worked something out.

I remember an interview with Mark Millar after Fox hired him saying he really wanted to try and make a loose, but believable continuity between the different studios' Marvel films. This was long before the whole Quicksilver mess. I'm just saying it would've been nice if things could have worked like that.


I assume quicksilver in dofp is not related with magneto at all?

I doubt it, especially since his sister isn't even his twin. They just decided to use him to say 'fuck you' to Marvel. They didn't need the character, the character type, the character's story, the character's history, or any of the character's relations. They just needed SOME character with SOME power that would help them break Magneto out of prison. They could have gone with anything, and they choose to go with a speedster, and they decided to go with Quicksilver...even thought they could have used Northstar, Surge, Cannonball, or so many other speedsters.

So, yeah, Quicksilver showing up is a direct fuck you to Marvel, especially with this shit:


As a comic and x-men fan, I SO want DOFP to be good. Really enjoyed Xmen 1, 2, and First Class...even think 3 could have had a chance with a few key changes. But so far, nothing I've seen inspires confidence.


tagged by Blackace
As a comic and x-men fan, I SO want DOFP to be good. Really enjoyed Xmen 1, 2, and First Class...even think 3 could have had a chance with a few key changes. But so far, nothing I've seen inspires confidence.
I'm completely in the same boat with you.

I mean, going off of what is in the trailers, I should like what they're going for, but it's not doing it for me at all. Beyond just the casting and the sheer amount of characters in the film, something feels off to me that I can't verbalize.
Brought to you by 20th Century Fox because fuck you.

no... Fox you.

i know it will take years and years, but i need this comic book movie business to die just long enough for sony and fox to let these properties revert back.

i mean it's cool that WB owns all the rights to the DC characters (when i think about it, DC is really void of quality characters compared to marvel)

i wish DC could get their head out of their asses and make some movies. i feel like they are ruining b vs s by already having the whole justice league crew join the film...
I'm completely in the same boat with you.

I mean, going off of what is in the trailers, I should like what they're going for, but it's not doing it for me at all. Beyond just the casting and the sheer amount of characters in the film, something feels off to me that I can't verbalize.

It looks cheap and lacks the visual character First Class had. Luckily, Apocalypse will be a sequel to FC set in the 80s.
It looks cheap and lacks the visual character First Class had. Luckily, Apocalypse will be a sequel to FC set in the 80s.

visual character? first class? magneto at the end of the film looked like a damn clown. you could tell fassbender was embarrassed.

and don't get me started on how awful beast and mystique looked.

just as bad as quicksilver on that empire cover. but in motion (in the trailers) he actually looks...decent. i think they made a mistake with that cover reveal. should have saved him for some clips. I'm aiight with him now. plus he's a product of the 70s in singerverse. looks like a kid who listened to too much david bowie.


Saw this a couple days ago and I thought it was good, much better then the 1st movie. My gf loved cap2 though, she couldn't stop talking about it on the way home.
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