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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion

So.. this Ep really threw me for a loop. I kind of understand why they went the way they did.. but.. it just kind of feels off. Definitely doesn't match the tone of the previous episode. It was still good just.. yeah not what I was expecting.


Again, this episode proves that if you develop your characters you can pull off things that other dramas/comedies cannot. We've been told for YEARS now how important Alexis is to Castle, and for months now how much he means to Beckett, so everything there seemed right in line. We knew why everyone was acting the way they were.

Some of the plot still had holes, but the characters keep you happy enough to let it slide.
holy shit, what did I just watch?!

Was busy last week so I didnt get a chance to see last week's episode of Castle live. I just heard in the office (spoiler free) that it was good, but I figured 'as usual good' since I enjoy every episode.

So even though I missed out on the "to be continued: torture" of having to wait a week for the next episode I was totally engrossed in the 2 hours of Castle tonight.

I've been waiting for Captain Mal to return to TV, but not like this....not like this.
Definitely Emmy episode!

2nd part lost some of it's edge, but it was still entertaining to see where it all would lead. Unfortunately, on my way home tonight, just as I turned on the gaw damn radio the commercial spoiled the episode reveal for me.

Still it was fun watching everything go down.

8 times out of 10 the writers have found a nice way of spicing up the procedural format of the show.

Keep up the good work!


Just finished watching, so good. I adore this show.
It's scary how much Brolin looks like Alexis. I'd believe they were really related.
The previous episode was definitely the emotional, Emmy, heartwrenching episode. This episode was completely different in tone, way more action focused. Seems like they packed entirely too much into this episode. I think it would have turned out better if they hadn't mashed Alexis' kidnapping AND Castle's dad reveal into the same episode.

That being said, it was still a good episode, but not as satisfying as the previous episode. Beckett's moment in the interrogation room was pretty badass, though.


I've talked about it with a friend and one thing is bugging us: why is Beckett still calling him 'Castle', even in this two episodes? She rarely uses 'Rick'. Damn, his girl was just kidnapped and you are with him, just call him by his name!


just found this thread... found castle last october then blasted through all the episodes in about a week when i found the show one sunday night and went, is that the guy from firefly?

chair kicking was boss, but go back and look at the scene,

long shot- chair feet on ground,girl leaning back legs crossed high.

beckett kick: chair now on two legs...made it more...physical, explosive and it works.

then beckett being a complete badass. the look she gives the girl said it all

my partner's daughter is missing. your dead boyfriend took her. honey, right now i am not a cop, and you are in my way.

becketts look right when she said this was awesome. the look said, tell me the answer to my question or i am going to beat the everliving shit out of you right here, right now be damned the consequences until you tell me.

then the next scene of beckett demolishing the door and walking in.

and i loved the my partner remark because it's true on both levels of their relationship.

overall i STILL like TICK TICK TICK/Boom better but this one is #2.


short hair beckett= cute & sassy

long hair beckett = sexy and seductive.

don't matter to me which way they go.

btw 3 weeks til next episode.
Great episode, but I couldn't help notice the complete absence of Alexis's mother. It's made even more jarring, considering that her mom showed up just a little earlier this season, and they made a point to say that she was going to be in Paris.

It's sort of a shame they decided to use Alexis's mom as a shallow comedic figure, which I guess is why they couldn't put her in this episode. Still seemed like a glaring omission anyway.


Castle has become Chuck now

Lead character's long lost dad was a spy

Saw the twist, double-cross a million miles away

Good tension and acting but there was hardly a twist.

Oh wells.

Beckett was barely in this except we watch her go over the top and kick an interrogatee over... for some reason I was finding it comical than tense moment cuz of similar moments in other eps for comic timing.


Someone needs to GIF that. What an awesome episode. I could have sworn someone called Castle's dad being a spy at some point.

Well it was all but spelled out in last season's 2 parter. When the lady mentioned his dad and how Castle was able to get access to the CIA so easily.


ya Sophia in the episode linchpin, says- essentially- how do you think you got access to a cia agent? your father.

the only question people had was...was she telling the truth or not. now we know that she was.

so having Hunt, Jackson Hunt be a spy was called way back then.

one thing this DOES partially resolve is Meredith's comment to beckett at the end of Significant others about her not learning anything about him.

"whenever i asked him about his father, castle would smile that smile, make a quip and change the subject"

3 weeks cannot pass fast enough.


I'm actually quite a slow person to catch on to twists in these procedurals... but this last ep was not that surprising...save for the whole Paris thing.

I half expected Castle to get the Intersect 2.0 put into him as well


Neo Member
Castle has become Chuck now

Lead character's long lost dad was a spy

Saw the twist, double-cross a million miles away

Good tension and acting but there was hardly a twist.

Yeh it felt very Chuck to me once we knew who the father was. Good episode, but as usual with these episode arcs they love to wrap it so quickly and completely bomb the ending (what if the guy didn't walk into the other room when the bomb went off?) -- the whole plot was basically to introduce Castle's father. I guess for me, Person of Interest is the only show I've seen modern day tradecraft done right.


haha loved the liam neeson reference. i've really grown to love story arcs and episodes like this. earlier things like disarming nukes would piss me off but 5 seasons in i'm all about the far fetched fun episodes.


Pizza Dog
If you thought it was bad in Castle, you obviously do not watch Once Upon a Time.
I try to justify how bad that looks by telling myself it's in a fairytale world, so things looks less real anyway. It's still bad though.

This two parter was fantastic. Love coming back to this show each week.


Castle is generally #1 or #2 for the night, they should get a decent budget increase next year. also this year so far is shaping up to be the "highest rated/most watched" season of castle so far.

THINGS i would like to see in an episode:

Heat Wave Movie/Deadly Heat Premiere Party. Have Castle attend with Beckett on his arm, as his DATE.

bring back Natalie Rhodes and the guys that played Ochoa & Raley in the movie for the episode, awesome scene would be Espo and Ryan and them meeting. Raley goes to Ryan, just like the scene with castle in the California episode and says, what is your motivation, Ryan goes, I'm a cop, it's my job.
Gates Confronting Caskett about their relationship- with a I'm not stupid, you two have been together ever since that incident with Maddox, she looks at beckett "you screaming castle's name while hanging off the ledge gave it away."
jordan shaw coming back for an episode - and her going to Beckett, Told you so.

the romantic in me.

Castle Proposing.

2 more episodes until #19...Episode 100- RUMORS are it is going to be based on Rear Window W/Castle being the one with a leg in a cast. air date April 1...which is also Richard Castle's Birthday, so it is going to be a birthday episode as well.


Was about a month behind and just got caught up.

Holy shit! Usually I'm not crazy about the "moody" episodes (I really hate all the 3XK episodes or whateverthefuck), but that was killer. The reveal at the end of part 1 was amazing enough, and then they went all spy fiction. Awesome.

This is probably the most formulaic show I watch, but they do a really good job of building up the characters, and every once in a while we got a payoff like this. I love this show.
This season has proven to be really good. This is something that has happened a couple seasons back I believe, but I'm a little disappointed in ABC for toning down the violence in the opening sequence. In the first two or three seasons, the show would actually show the cadaver of the person murdered, with music running on top of the images, without showing how they got killed. Those shots were usually pretty graphic, such as the woman stuffed in the safe. But in subsequent seasons, they switched that to showing the people getting murdered, but without the killshots. The show cuts to Castle the moment before the victime dies.

I guess it's not really a big deal, but it's one of the little things that grabbed me when I started watching the show. This and the opening with Castle narrating that got rid of. I hope they bring them back for the next season, or at least the usual prologue.


My guess, after mulling over what's happened in the past couple of episodes: Alexis decides to train to join the CIA, and become a spy.

Would be amusing if it turned into a spinoff, even though that would be an utterly terrible idea.


My guess, after mulling over what's happened in the past couple of episodes: Alexis decides to train to join the CIA, and become a spy.

Would be amusing if it turned into a spinoff, even though that would be an utterly terrible idea.

Female spies wear catsuits on television. I'm not seeing how this would be utterly terrible.


Someone needs to GIF that. What an awesome episode. I could have sworn someone called Castle's dad being a spy at some point.

My first ever gif. No idea what I'm doing. Doesn't seem to loop. Meh.



New Castle tonight in 30 minutes!

Scared to Death –
When a young woman appears to have literally been scared to death three days after watching a “haunted” DVD, Castle and Beckett delve into one of their creepiest cases yet. To make matters worse, Castle becomes convinced that he too is marked for death when he accidentally watches the cursed video. Master of horror Wes Craven makes a special quest appearance.


Yeah these are the kinds of episodes I like from this show. It looks like next week is another serious episode though.
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