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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion


Are they showing the episodes out of order or something? They didn't finish the France story, or did I just miss an episode?


Episodes like this are what castle is all about, don't get me wrong the serious episodes are great but I really enjoy the over the top cheesy mystery episodes. The set the show apart from everything else in a similar genre.


Pizza Dog
Watching this with my girlfriend she called out "they did it" the moment that character appeared on screen. And yeah, they did. Episodes like this are far less about whodunit and more about enjoying the banter and the characters until they get round to confirming that, yes, it was exactly who you assumed it'd be. I like the interactions between the cast and the chemistry between everyone is great, but the story itself was a little weaker than most.
Yeah these are the kinds of episodes I like from this show. It looks like next week is another serious episode though.

Pretty much. One of my favorite episodes was the zombie one.

If only for the high five.

Watching this with my girlfriend she called out "they did it" the moment that character appeared on screen. And yeah, they did. Episodes like this are far less about whodunit and more about enjoying the banter and the characters until they get round to confirming that, yes, it was exactly who you assumed it'd be. I like the interactions between the cast and the chemistry between everyone is great, but the story itself was a little weaker than most.

Try not to think too hard about it, otherwise you will start to wonder "Wait, why are the NYPD busting a door down in New Jersey?"


my favorite parts of undead again are

the high five call with our killer is a zombie..


the morgue from the minute the scene opens to the phone call for help.

loved this past episode, was hilarious yet classic castle

Loved Castle's #1 on the bucket list --i'm a big romantic softie.

oh heads up

next episodes are #99 and 100, in the trailer for next week's...the cake says #99...

the last 4 episodes are being shown sort of out of order 24 21 22 23 due to the late order of the 24th episode, they already had the last 3 episodes of the season planned...
Mild spoilers from EW about the next two episodes:
Yesterday, I shared with you an exclusive sneak peek of Castle’s Rear Window-esque 100th episode, which finds Castle laid up (and very antsy) after a skiing accident leaves him nursing a broken leg. But while Nathan Fillion sang praises for the episode (“The fact that it’s our 100th episode makes it great”), he said fans should also be looking forward to an episode I previously told you about that deals with Det. Ryan’s shady days in narcotics.

“I know the fans are going to be very happy with it,” he says. “ We figure, ‘Oh, we know this guy; we love this guy,’ and then we — as a cast of characters — find out something about him that we don’t know and he has to go back into this world that he was in for this one episode. We really get to see him in a very different light.”

Fillion said the “rewarding” episode was a great chance to shine a light on Det. Ryan. “I love it when — and this happens in life — you figure you know somebody super well and they tell you something like, ‘Oh, I went to prison once.’ ‘WHAT!?!” he jokes. “It may not change your opinion of somebody but you certainly see them in a different light.”
That was a really good episode. Goddamn, Kate is just ridiculously sexy.

The serial killer's body actually disappearing is strange. Wonder if that was a one-off joke or if that plot point will ever come back.

Mild spoilers from EW about the next two episodes:
Yesterday, I shared with you an exclusive sneak peek of Castle’s Rear Window-esque 100th episode, which finds Castle laid up (and very antsy) after a skiing accident leaves him nursing a broken leg. But while Nathan Fillion sang praises for the episode (“The fact that it’s our 100th episode makes it great”), he said fans should also be looking forward to an episode I previously told you about that deals with Det. Ryan’s shady days in narcotics.

“I know the fans are going to be very happy with it,” he says. “ We figure, ‘Oh, we know this guy; we love this guy,’ and then we — as a cast of characters — find out something about him that we don’t know and he has to go back into this world that he was in for this one episode. We really get to see him in a very different light.”

Fillion said the “rewarding” episode was a great chance to shine a light on Det. Ryan. “I love it when — and this happens in life — you figure you know somebody super well and they tell you something like, ‘Oh, I went to prison once.’ ‘WHAT!?!” he jokes. “It may not change your opinion of somebody but you certainly see them in a different light.”

That sounds awesome.
I thought the last episode was probably the weakest of the season, if not one of the weakests in the series. It was incredibly mediocre.


i'm thinking that they just setup a new serial killer episode potential

never found the body, it went missing from the morgue, AND

we have had an episode where a jail break was staged via a "dead" woman (the person in jail) taking meds to make her appear dead.

weak episode? in a way yes, the case itself was weak, the side stuff was awesome

the weapon used should have left electrical burn marks, which perlmutter should have found.


Mild spoilers from EW about the next two episodes:
Yesterday, I shared with you an exclusive sneak peek of Castle’s Rear Window-esque 100th episode, which finds Castle laid up (and very antsy) after a skiing accident leaves him nursing a broken leg. But while Nathan Fillion sang praises for the episode (“The fact that it’s our 100th episode makes it great”), he said fans should also be looking forward to an episode I previously told you about that deals with Det. Ryan’s shady days in narcotics.

“I know the fans are going to be very happy with it,” he says. “ We figure, ‘Oh, we know this guy; we love this guy,’ and then we — as a cast of characters — find out something about him that we don’t know and he has to go back into this world that he was in for this one episode. We really get to see him in a very different light.”

Fillion said the “rewarding” episode was a great chance to shine a light on Det. Ryan. “I love it when — and this happens in life — you figure you know somebody super well and they tell you something like, ‘Oh, I went to prison once.’ ‘WHAT!?!” he jokes. “It may not change your opinion of somebody but you certainly see them in a different light.”

oh wow FINALLY... I was just complaining to my friends about how that person lacks character development on the show.


oh i know, but until she SAYS something or they do something in front of her that she acknowledges, officially she does not know.

hell she was on the roof at the end of season 4 with beckett screaming his name for help.
then there is...Target where she saw them hugging and holding hands.

but until she says something. officially she is SGT shultz.. i know nothing Nothing!!!
That was an awesome episode.
I'm glad they didn't make Ryan doing anything questionable that would make us possibly like him less.


Good episode, honestly could have ditched the Castle/Beckett secondary plot though. Or they could have had him make up that story and it was just him dreaming about some girl, a call back to season 1 when he lied about why he went into writing.
Good episode, honestly could have ditched the Castle/Beckett secondary plot though. Or they could have had him make up that story and it was just him dreaming about some girl, a call back to season 1 when he lied about why he went into writing.

I liked it. It served it's purpose to show them getting closer without being hamfisted.
Didn't like the last episode. Serious Castle is worse Castle. I don't care about the procedural stuff or tragic character backstories. I just want funny and witty banter between the main characters.


No Scrubs
Ok, looking back I should have seen that coming. That was just plain good, they really went the extra mile there.
Saw the twist coming, but it was a helluva lot of fun.

Only issue: how did they know when Castle would be looking? When Alexis started spying would be easy, they just text the guy to start doing whatever. But the whole lead up? They had to have someone else watching Castle to know when he was looking in the apartment.


first off
Loved LOVED the episode

Beckett said LOVE to Castle- though it was not I love you, the word WAS love.
it was it is one of the things i Love about you- i called THAT as her first Love utterance.

the fake murder:

the second i learned about the rear window homage, i said it was going to be Fake right down to the people being martha's students- though i said it was going to be a student's apartment.

as to how they knew, easy

the Windows shades in the Bedroom Were CLosed.

Martha was IN the bedroom-with helpers to relieve her from binoc duty watching Castle's Apartment, so she could Direct the murder when he was watching.

all in all a great episode.

Only 1 thing could have made it better...

Castle witnessing a Real Murder on the floor UNDER the staged Murder, and having the whole, no you are looking at the wrong Floor aspect. Beckett knows where the fake one is, but underneath a real murder takes place unbeknownst to them all...except Castle.

i thought for a minute at the surprise part that castle was not going to be elated.


Man, that fake murder prank was just messed up. I would fly in a murderous rage if someone pulled that on me. Hilarious (if you're not the prankee) but messed up.
Loved the episode. Can someone remind me if Beckett and Castle's relationship is known to the bitch captain ? I forget.

Man, that fake murder prank was just messed up. I would fly in a murderous rage if someone pulled that on me. Hilarious (if you're not the prankee) but messed up.

yeah. If my girlfriend made me believe she was murdered, I would not find it funny. Not at all.
Ok, I did not see the ending to the Rear Window thing coming.

Man, that fake murder prank was just messed up. I would fly in a murderous rage if someone pulled that on me. Hilarious (if you're not the prankee) but messed up.

I'd be pissed like all hell broke loose too, hahaha.
I thought the ending was incredibly lame, and I didn't even see it coming.

Probably the biggest problem is that the ENTIRE plan hinged on Castle watching the guy pull a soda out of the cabinet at the exact moment he did it, then somehow putting together the refrigerator thing, and then refusing to let it go despite Beckett begging him to just go to dinner with her.

So many things had to go exactly right in that one specific scene that it's just ridiculous. If any one of those things hadn't happened, then everyone else is just sitting in the other apartment like "welp." while Castle and Beckett go to dinner.

Then there was the scene earlier on in the police station when Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito are acting concerned about Castle's obsession with the "murder", and not even a single hint that it was all supposed to be a joke that might be getting out of hand.

Yeah I know, suspension of disbelief and all that, but this was just very poorly thought out from a script-writing perspective, IMO. It's either not normally this inconsistent, or they just usually do a better job of hiding it.
I thought the ending was incredibly lame, and I didn't even see it coming.

Probably the biggest problem is that the ENTIRE plan hinged on Castle watching the guy pull a soda out of the cabinet at the exact moment he did it, then somehow putting together the refrigerator thing, and then refusing to let it go despite Beckett begging him to just go to dinner with her.

So many things had to go exactly right in that one specific scene that it's just ridiculous. If any one of those things hadn't happened, then everyone else is just sitting in the other apartment like "welp." while Castle and Beckett go to dinner.

Then there was the scene earlier on in the police station when Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito are acting concerned about Castle's obsession with the "murder", and not even a single hint that it was all supposed to be a joke that might be getting out of hand.

Yeah I know, suspension of disbelief and all that, but this was just very poorly thought out from a script-writing perspective, IMO. It's either not normally this inconsistent, or they just usually do a better job of hiding it.

If Castle hadn't noticed the soda from the cabinet, they just would've moved on to a more blatant action that pointed out the killer's avoidance of the fridge. They had a limited timeline to execute so they most assuredly had contingency plans.

Also the scene of concern in the police station plays out differently to the viewer if the viewer already knows the ending. Instead of looking like Beckett and Co are concerned about Castle losing it... it now plays out that Beckett and Co are concerned that Castle's getting so into it that he may do something drastic that will spoil the surprise.


Didn't realize there was a thread for this. Started watching last week after watching Firefly, watched every episode in a week.

Depressed I have to wait like everyone else now. :(


Tonight is a repeat ? That's a bummer. How did you know ?

Wiki lists the next new episode as the 15th.

We will probably get a new episode each week starting the 15th, because every season has ended early May.

I guess it's safe to assume a season 6 will be made? Ratings are good.


next 5 episodes are in a row to end the season

fast and the furriest- murder apparently done by bigfoot

Still- while investigating a murder beckett steps on a pressure sensitive plate attached to a bomb and has to stand still or blow up-castle stays to...reassure (test the patience of) beckett and they discuss who fell for whom first (rumor for this last bit)

the squab and the quail- not sure about this supposedly a millionaire- not castle- becomes interested in beckett..

the human factor

then finale to end the season

things needing to resolve

beckett telling castle i love you
gates affirming/realizing that beckett and castle are a couple now

that is about it..

oh and welcome to the castle fan club declarious i just joined 6 months ago myself and did the whole watch every episode in ~week


I only figured out Castle's little mystery at the very end when Kate went over to the other building. Haha, that was such an awesome twist.

things needing to resolve

Wasn't there some weird bit that implied Kate had some doubts about Castle at the end of that episode where his ex showed up? I thought there was something unresolved there and was surprised they didn't follow up on it, but it's possible I just misread the scene or am misremembering.


No Scrubs
I only figured out Castle's little mystery at the very end when Kate went over to the other building. Haha, that was such an awesome twist.

Wasn't there some weird bit that implied Kate had some doubts about Castle at the end of that episode where his ex showed up? I thought there was something unresolved there and was surprised they didn't follow up on it, but it's possible I just misread the scene or am misremembering.

No there was but I think it's fair to say it's been resolved since then. The issue was that she was afraid that she wouldn't really know him as well as he knows her, but what with the sharing of deep dark secrets (the buying of that paper) and stuff like the 2-parter with his Dad, it's really all but fixing itself. Not everything needs a huge follow up, I dare say this has been solved in a more subtle way which is nice for once.


merideth said that one of the reasons she left was that castle "didn't let her in"

he knew all about her, she nothing about him

well that and the affair she had but :p

since then castle has been telling kate, pretty much anything she asks about-even if she ahs to drag it outta him

the jordan thing
the insecurity he has etc

as to the twist last episode

i called it the sec they said Rear window....was well done


oh and welcome to the castle fan club declarious i just joined 6 months ago myself and did the whole watch every episode in ~week

Hey thanks.

Speaking about his ex, the thing she said Castle held from her was talking about his father, I don't think Castle ever told Beckette about who his father really was on camera. Does she know?
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