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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion

Good episode and I thoroughly enjoyed Castle's reaction after the bomb defusion, but I thought the mid-season finale type episodes where much better. Also, if I remember correctly wasn't this season's final scene more or less last season's final scene except with the roles between Castle and Beckett reversed?
KCHusker33 said:
Also, if I remember correctly wasn't this season's final scene more or less last season's final scene except with the roles between Castle and Beckett reversed?
Yeah, but that wasn't the final scene of the season, there's still 7 more episodes.
Spoilers from EW about the next episode, which sounds hilarious from this description:

ew said:
The last time we saw Castle and Beckett they were disarming a bomb to save New York City from massive destruction. When we meet up with them again in the March 21 episode, “One Life to Lose,” life is considerably less intense and — dare I say – funny. Not that murder is funny, but their quest to solve a show writer’s murder on the set of fictional soap Temptation Lane certainly is — especially when we find out Beckett is a fan. And not just a casual one. She’s an educated member of the fandom (‘shippers and all!). And while the slew of soap and non-soap guest stars does wonders for the episode — David Eigenberg (Sex and the City), Rebecca Budig (All My Children), Corbin Bernsen (The Young and the Restless), Cameron Mathison (All My Children), and Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) all appear — the highlight remains the banter between Castle and Beckett. Trust me when I say, you’ll want to see the little moment that leaves Castle saying, “Katherine Beckett, I never…”
Fillion is on the cover to EW this weekend:


EW said:
There’s only one guy we know of who could get mobbed by the hordes at Comic-Con and the moms at Costco: Nathan Fillion. A card-carrying member of the Whedonverse since Firefly debuted (and was canceled) in 2002, his rugged handsomeness and quick wit have been favorite topics of conversation among geeks for nearly a decade. But now, we’re having chats with our 63-year-old mothers about his smile, usually around 11 p.m. on Mondays. How did that happen?

To find out, we stopped by the set of ABC’s Castle this week, woke Fillion from a sound sleep in his trailer (he’d worked all last weekend), and asked the actor starring as crime novelist Richard Castle — who’s partnered with NYPD homicide detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) for “book research” — to recount his whereabouts from 1994 to today. What we discovered is, during his rise from soap star to one of primetime’s most popular leading men, Nathan Fillion has never taken a job just for the paycheck. “Everything I’ve done I’ve done with an excitement of ‘I can’t wait to do this!’” he says. It’s because he’s stayed true to who he is — a geek whose advantage is he looks mainstream, as his mother would say — that he’s gone from playing Joss Whedon’s personal Harrison Ford to embodying the TV character EW.com readers have crowned the man they would most like to date. It’s easy for him to have that infectious enthusiasm for characters when there’s so much of him in them. We talked to Castle creator Andrew Marlowe and costar Stana Katic to learn what Fillion and Castle share besides their boyish charm. “He’s a guy who I thought had the many facets to show the many different kinds of faces of what it meant to be a man,” Marlowe says of casting the nearly 40-year-old actor. “To play the beleaguered son, the loving father, a potential love interest who’s charming but someone who is also really annoying yet can get away with it — Nathan had that in spades.”

One thing Fillion has no short supply of now: Admirers who’d like to see more of him. He also shares his thoughts on the latest fan campaigns to resurrect Firefly (now rerunning on the Science Channel) and to get him cast as treasure hunter Nathan Drake in the upcoming adaptation of the Uncharted videogame to be directed by David O. Russell (The Fighter). One die-hard fan even confronted Russell (who envisions regular collaborator Mark Wahlberg as Drake) in person about casting Fillion, and posted it on YouTube. Fillion’s message to anyone else thinking of trying the same: “Let’s not burn any bridges,” he laughs. “If somebody came to me and said, ‘How come you get to be in another Joss Whedon production? Shouldn’t it be this other guy?’ I’d say, ‘Hey, man, me and Joss are buddies. This is what we like to do with our time. Why you gotta come down on me?’ So you know what? If you see David O. Russell, maybe say, ‘Hey, Nathan would love to work with you one day.’ Maybe say that.”

Issue should hit stands Friday.
Spoiler about another upcoming episode:

ew said:
Dealing with bloody crime scenes, you’d think Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) were used to seeing red, but that’s far from the case when the mystery writer notices his writing mentor catching his partner’s eye in an upcoming episode titled “The Dead Pool.” “Beckett thinks [Castle's friend] is funny, and Castle suffers a bit of muse jealousy,” teases executive producer Laurie Zaks. “[Castle] sets out to set him straight.”


Pretty good episode last night. Loved the way they set up the murderer. Also thought the part where Castle said they should sleep on it and walked out saying her full name lol
From ew.com

ew said:
I would love some news on Castle! — Jenna
I know what’s going to happen in the Castle finale! Well, the back of my head does, but the jerk ain’t talking. It’s a long story that I’ll tell you soon. Meanwhile, EW coverman Nathan Fillion has his own ideas, which he shared with us at the Los Angeles premiere of Super. “Hot air balloons and blow darts! … I actually have no idea what the finale is going to be. We haven’t seen it yet. But I am pitching blow darts and hot air balloons; I think those two things are golden. People will hear that and they will want to tune in. They’ll be like, ‘I need to see this.’ We’ll see if the writers take my notes into consideration.”
I bet you want real info, right? Okay, how’s this: You know how this season has been filled with great moments? My gut tells me something even more awesome this way comes…


Post Count: 9999
lol somehow I missed a Firefly reference in one of the relatively recent eps.

Beckett and Castle run into some Chinese factory workers, and as a viewer we assume both are at a loss on how to communicate. Castle suddenly starts speaking Chinese telling them to leave the room. Wondering how he learned to speak Chinese, Beckett asks, “Semester abroad?” Mal, err Castle replies, “No, a TV show I used to love.”
Really good episode tonight. I liked the end with Castle playing Beckett into taking him to a movie. I was waiting for a credits scene of the usher at the theater recognizing Castle.


PhoncipleBone said:
Really good episode tonight. I liked the end with Castle playing Beckett into taking him to a movie. I was waiting for a credits scene of the usher at the theater recognizing Castle.
Great ending to a really good episode. Loved how he tricked her into an invite lol


Great episode all around. The Heat Wave versions of Ryan and Esposito were awesome as well, it's just a shame they couldn't figure out how to cram Natalie Rhodes (?) into the movie set visit as well, the rehab story was a bit hamfisted. And a nice little cameo from Billy Riggins (FNL) as the security guard.
Kryten said:
Great episode all around. The Heat Wave versions of Ryan and Esposito were awesome as well, it's just a shame they couldn't figure out how to cram Natalie Rhodes (?) into the movie set visit as well, the rehab story was a bit hamfisted. And a nice little cameo from Billy Riggins (FNL) as the security guard.
It wasn't because they couldn't figure out how to cram her in, it's because the actress wasn't available.


Oh, for sure. And on reflection it would probably have made an already busy episode a bit too busy, if that makes sense.

WTF was with that hotel room, is Hollywood like that or was that just an OTT parody?


Neo Member
I seriously have a love/hate relationship with this show.
The writing can be great, the little inside jokes definitely are and I love Esposito and Ryan.
Beckett, while super beautiful (especially now that they've learned to do her hair), can have the most ham-fisted delivery and I hate the way they've written her as an "I'm an untameable wild chick who's done everything you can think, what you haven't? innocent smirk, wink, wink."
Also, Fillion is great but seriously, he's nowhere near hot enough to pull off half the "too sexy for my shirt" lines he has to say.


I still like it for now.
-Babyteks- said:
I seriously have a love/hate relationship with this show.
The writing can be great, the little inside jokes definitely are and I love Esposito and Ryan.
Beckett, while super beautiful (especially now that they've learned to do her hair), can have the most ham-fisted delivery and I hate the way they've written her as an "I'm an untameable wild chick who's done everything you can think, what you haven't? innocent smirk, wink, wink."
Also, Fillion is great but seriously, he's nowhere near hot enough to pull off half the "too sexy for my shirt" lines he has to say.


I still like it for now.

That is the joke.

And as for the Beckett criticisms, Stana Katic still does nothing for me. And her acting is the most stilted and worst on the show. Fillion is awesome, as is the rest of the cast, but Katic is the weakest link for me.
PhoncipleBone said:
That is the joke.

And as for the Beckett criticisms, Stana Katic still does nothing for me. And her acting is the most stilted and worst on the show. Fillion is awesome, as is the rest of the cast, but Katic is the weakest link for me.

I think its because she is too damn skinny.


Neo Member
PhoncipleBone said:
That is the joke.

And as for the Beckett criticisms, Stana Katic still does nothing for me. And her acting is the most stilted and worst on the show. Fillion is awesome, as is the rest of the cast, but Katic is the weakest link for me.

Ah well...then well done, lads.
And yeah she's def the weakest link.
As far as her beauty is concerned, most of the time I think she's beautiful and she has a great smile. Again it's the 'tude that irks me.

Another thing, and I know that I'm being a bitch, but the pool scene would have been way better with a simple suit or bikini, and without the exagerated hip movement. But apparently you guys liked it so maybe I should throw my hip out more.

Say.. like this?
-Babyteks- said:
Ah well...then well done, lads.
And yeah she's def the weakest link.
As far as her beauty is concerned, most of the time I think she's beautiful and she has a great smile. Again it's the 'tude that irks me.

Another thing, and I know that I'm being a bitch, but the pool scene would have been way better with a simple suit or bikini, and without the exagerated hip movement. But apparently you guys liked it so maybe I should throw my hip out more.

Say.. like this?

Pool scene didn't do anything for me. Honestly, her in the jeans and white tshirt did a lot more for me.
I'm speechless that anyone can say that Stana Katic is anything less than smoking hot. She is probably in my top 5 actresses I'd want to sex.

Also, great episode, but frustrating. If they don't become a couple by the end of the season, I'll be disappointed.


ThLunarian said:
I'm speechless that anyone can say that Stana Katic is anything less than smoking hot. She is probably in my top 5 actresses I'd want to sex.

Also, great episode, but frustrating. If they don't become a couple by the end of the season, I'll be disappointed.
You have not watched many procedural shows with a a will they/wont they hook to them have you? I would be shocked if they are a couple by S5.
-Babyteks- said:
I dunno - manface (which I don't think she had) doesn't automatically mean unattractive.

Not automatically, no.

But every man has different tastes. (shrugs)

It is funny we have had more discussion over this than we have about the show mostly.


Neo Member
PhoncipleBone said:
Not automatically, no.

But every man has different tastes. (shrugs)

It is funny we have had more discussion over this than we have about the show mostly.

You're right. For a minute I forgot people could disagree w/ me :D
Ceebs said:
You have not watched many procedural shows with a a will they/wont they hook to them have you? I would be shocked if they are a couple by S5.

Ross and Rachel were a couple by mid-season 2 of Friends.

JD and Elliott became a couple in season 1 of Scrubs.

Other shows have drawn it out longer (Niles and Daphne; Jack and Kate), but it's not unprecedented for it to happen early on.
ThLunarian said:
Ross and Rachel were a couple by mid-season 2 of Friends.

JD and Elliott became a couple in season 1 of Scrubs.

Other shows have drawn it out longer (Niles and Daphne; Jack and Kate), but it's not unprecedented for it to happen early on.

Bones and Booth still haven't done it, and its on season 6.

However, my favorite is NewsRadio, they did it on the second episode because the network told them to drag it out.


ConfusingJazz said:
Bones and Booth still haven't done it, and its on season 6.

However, my favorite is NewsRadio, they did it on the second episode because the network told them to drag it out.
Really? I have not watched that show in a while but I thought they would have moved along a bit.
Ceebs said:
Really? I have not watched that show in a while but I thought they would have moved along a bit.

I only watched a couple episodes last season, they hadn't done it then, and a precursory check up on it in wikipedia says they still haven't.

They really need to learn about season arcs on that show, but they are kicking ass in the ratings, who am I to argue.


but ever so delicious
Good episode and Stana was smoking hot, The jeans and white tshirt and while the bikini did suck, good lord!

I don't believe they will be getting together this season, They seem to be hinting towards them both having strong feelings for each other but i've never felt any real "will they won't they" that other shows do. I'm not entirely sure why, So i don't mind the fact that they haven't gotten it on just yet.

As for booth and bones, It has certainly gone on too long. They have even told each other that they wanted to give it a shot but bones was too afraid and now it's back to the dance.

Only two more episodes left for the season, Boourns.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
ConfusingJazz said:
I only watched a couple episodes last season, they hadn't done it then, and a precursory check up on it in wikipedia says they still haven't.

They really need to learn about season arcs on that show, but they are kicking ass in the ratings, who am I to argue.

They've done stuff on Bones though (just caught up on that show btw, love it) to throw the audience a bone (hur hur) like the xmas kiss and the dream thing where they were married.

Nothing like that on Castle.

It's weird... I kind of hope they don't hook up on Castle. Makes more sense for that show, I think. While I'd be pretty annoyed if the Bones writers drag it out much longer.

evlcookie said:
Good episode and Stana was smoking hot, The jeans and white tshirt and while the bikini did suck, good lord!

I don't believe they will be getting together this season, They seem to be hinting towards them both having strong feelings for each other but i've never felt any real "will they won't they" that other shows do. I'm not entirely sure why, So i don't mind the fact that they haven't gotten it on just yet.

As for booth and bones, It has certainly gone on too long. They have even told each other that they wanted to give it a shot but bones was too afraid and now it's back to the dance.

Only two more episodes left for the season, Boourns.

Omg your username, tag, avatar are too hilarious. Can't believe I never noticed them before... it's cracking me up.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I've never been a shipper on a show before, but FUUUUUUU @ the hotel door opening/closing scene. That's some pro-level audience trolling, right there.

Also the swimsuit scene seems like it was specifically shot & cut to not be sexy or revealing. First off the suit itself. Second, they shot her from above the boobs and up for the majority of it, which literally defeats the purpose. Finally, they quickly wraps herself up, at which point the camera shows her body again.

I wonder if Katic has a clause in her contact that makes her not do sexy scenes like that. Or if it was a stylistic choice, to keep her classy.


but ever so delicious
Poor castle, that's a lot of whats.

I think it's also clear who will get --> actual spoilers
who will get killed in the finale
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