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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion

celebi23 said:
I guess there's no season 4 topic? Anyhoo, it just started.
Probably best to just make this the ongoing discussion since we only got to 300 replies in one year. Some other shows get to that before the season premiere even airs.

On topic, good episode so far.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
celebi23 said:

I just found out this show is being cancelled. What the hell SyFy. Why must they always cancel what few shows of theirs that I actually like.

Anyway, as for Castle, I didn't really dig this episode too much. I think they moved way too fast, and due to the subject matter weren't able to have any of the usual Castle hijinks that makes most episodes so great. On the other hand, the preview for next week looks absolutely fantastic.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Anyway, as for Castle, I didn't really dig this episode too much. I think they moved way too fast, and due to the subject matter weren't able to have any of the usual Castle hijinks that makes most episodes so great.
Yeah, that's a general problem a lot of shows have with their season premieres. They either:

A) Have to set up a new scenario for the new season


B) Have to wrap up a cliff hanger to return everything back to the status quo

This was very much B


While I liked it, the pace was....well...it felt as if they were rushing through.

Oh and seeing Castle serious was saddening :C

Jay Shadow said:
Yeah, that's a general problem a lot of shows have with their season premieres. They either:

A) Have to set up a new scenario for the new season


B) Have to wrap up a cliff hanger to return everything back to the status quo

This was very much B

It was half and half.


listen to the mad man
yo new thread please

edit: asked to rename this thread to make it a general Castle OT so I did. PhoncipleBone can update the OP to make it more general if/when he feels like it.


Premiere is up 22% from last season, good to see Nathan holding down a job for once. (lol)

It also bothersarouses me that Kate looks so stunning in hospital bed, and my new Castle book/comic just shipped~
Only issue I am going to have this season is separating the new Captain from Sherry Palmer. That is all I can see whenever Penney Johnson Gerald is in anything.


PhoncipleBone said:
Only issue I am going to have this season is separating the new Captain from Sherry Palmer. That is all I can see whenever Penney Johnson Gerald is in anything.
I can't decide between Kasidy Yates or Beverly, Larry's assistant.


Count me in the did not like the premier camp. Way too serious in tone for this show yet lacking any sense of suspense since you know things will return to the status quo by the end of the episode.


That is one aspect I dislike about Castle even though I love it overall. I wouldn't mind if they put in a few minutes say every other episode for the ongoing arc ala Burn Notice/White Collar. Castle seems to only have them every so often and mostly in the finale/premiere. It helps with that whole sudden jumping between "here's our fun murder of the week" and "oh wait, everyone could die serious time!"

I get that they like to "nod" to the hiatus but they do pick up instantly as if they really hadn't spent any time apart, and this wasn't the first time they've done that to start a season.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
It was alright, be glad when things go back to normal next week. The show is so much better when it's just them solving cases and messing around.
Seeing his Iron Man #1 (late 90s edition) on the board reminded me of a convention I went to with that issue. I went to get it signed by the artist, Sean Chen, and I made him uncomfortable by pulling out his first professional work, which was Rai and the Future Force and asked him to sign it. He seemed like a really nice guy until he got mad that I had that issue and I said how much I liked his work.


I'm watching Castle right now, I've never really watched this show from beginning to end or even a whole episode for this

I keep on telling myself I should get into this show but I never find time

Watching tonight's ep, looks interesting enough

Is it me or is the Detective woman got a bit of Mischa Barton thing going on?
Medalion said:
I'm watching Castle right now, I've never really watched this show from beginning to end or even a whole episode for this

I keep on telling myself I should get into this show but I never find time

Watching tonight's ep, looks interesting enough

Is it me or is the Detective woman got a bit of Mischa Barton thing going on?

You mean the stick thin figure and the sunken in cheeks that many men go crazy for, but many (including me) find completely unattractive? Yup.

And as for the show, I never saw any of the first season, and only the last few of season 2 before starting into season 3. It is a show that you are fine with jumping in at any time, but it is still damn fun.


Passing metallic gas
benjipwns said:
That is one aspect I dislike about Castle even though I love it overall. I wouldn't mind if they put in a few minutes say every other episode for the ongoing arc ala Burn Notice/White Collar. Castle seems to only have them every so often and mostly in the finale/premiere. It helps with that whole sudden jumping between "here's our fun murder of the week" and "oh wait, everyone could die serious time!"

I get that they like to "nod" to the hiatus but they do pick up instantly as if they really hadn't spent any time apart, and this wasn't the first time they've done that to start a season.

Yea the start of season 3 was kinda the same with castle getting the cold shoulder from everyone.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
I watched it for the first time.

My buddy did all the Lone Vengeance artwork.


As much as I like Fillion, I really don't like the character Castle right now. They need to resolve his feelings for Beckett. It's past the point of flirtacious fun. Him pining for her is just annoying and sickening. I know shows like this thrive on the angst between the two main leads, but they decided to make it serious towards the end of last season, so either get them together or not. Anything else is just lazy writing.


But can't you see, him and Beckett are just like THIS couple! And that event that other time just proves who really cares for her! Look how her boyfriend is a dick! And!

I was wondering when they were going to get to the obvious "the comic is about the actual events!" hook these kinds of stories always get.

If I didn't love the path they take to get back there I'd probably have bigger issues with how it's usually the first suspect who eventually winds up as the real killer.


Little is the new Big
That's my main gripe with the show right now, they really need to resolve that problem and stop this nonsense, it has gone for far too long ;(


alba said:
That's my main gripe with the show right now, they really need to resolve that problem and stop this nonsense, it has gone for far too long ;(
They won't.

Also true about the plot lines. Just about every episode (I guess CSI is often guilty of this too), the first person they talk to, suspect or not, is often the killer. :p


Aliens ate my babysitter
And you just know that when finally they get together, probably this season, Castle witholding facts about her mom's murder is going to wreck things until probably next season. :/

Oh, and good episode! I kinda groaned at the beginning when the guy was sliced in half, but it kinda fit in with the comicyness of the rest of the episode.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Much better this week than last, it is pretty easy to spot the killer but that's not really what makes the show.


Aliens ate my babysitter
ChiTownBuffalo said:
I watched it for the first time.

My buddy did all the Lone Vengeance artwork.

Nice! The art looked pretty damn good!

A friend from college was the killer in an episode last season.


PhoncipleBone said:
It has Walter Peck and April O'Neil in it. And it is nice to see William Atherton not playing a smarmy douchebag
I was JUST about to ask, the woman in the purple dress, she looked like April from the first TMNT movie, sweet


I notice this is one of the few TV threads that doesn't post while the eps are on but more after the fact...therefore making this thread the most mature one I have seen in awhile lol

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
evlcookie said:
Agreed on Alexis, Adorable is pretty much the perfect word to sum up the actress and character she plays.

Nauseating is a much better word. Her character makes me want to puke. Way too wholesome and perfect.


Pizza Dog
Just finished reading the third "Richard Castle" book. Was pretty good. Love this show though, so that probably adds to my enjoyment of it. If these books are supposed to be the books that the character's writing in the show (and therefore the books that Beckett has read) then I'm surprised she's not raised more eyebrows at the crazy amount of sex they have. Still, they're fun and she digs Castle so I can understand it. The books are supposedly written by one of the show's exec producers and writers, so they definitely fit the mood pretty well. Anyway, this post is just about me liking the show and the books a lot. Carry on.


Regarding the initial question. I'll take your Nathan and raise you a Jensen.

I heart Dean!

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