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Castle |OT| It is okay to have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion


when is my burrito
I missed the last 5 minutes from the end
before the funeral. What happened at the airport after Castle dragged Beckett away
Not sure how I feel about Montgomery being part of the conspiracy, but they handled it very well in the end. They gave him a proper send off. Totally knew he was toast last week when he announced his retirement. That only spells death in cop shows and movies.

And we know that Beckett isn't dead. They wouldn't kill the second billed star of the show and then replace her. It would throw off the whole dynamic.

Very well done finale though. That is what is nice about this show, it can be VERY serious and gripping when it wants to be, but also have plenty of hilarious episodes.


PhoncipleBone said:
Not sure how I feel about Montgomery being part of the conspiracy, but they handled it very well in the end. They gave him a proper send off. Totally knew he was toast last week when he announced his retirement. That only spells death in cop shows and movies.

And we know that Beckett isn't dead. They wouldn't kill the second billed star of the show and then replace her. It would throw off the whole dynamic.

Very well done finale though. That is what is nice about this show, it can be VERY serious and gripping when it wants to be, but also have plenty of hilarious episodes.
Yeah, it's obvious Beckett isn't dead.
But it was still a bold way to end the season.

Castle has its fair share of corny one liners, and I think the presentation isn't the greatest 100% of the time, but for all the cop shows on TV, it's got the best writers IMO. Coincidence?

Spoilered for the sensitive.
Crunched said:
Yeah, it's obvious Beckett isn't dead.
But it was still a bold way to end the season.

Castle has its fair share of corny one liners, and I think the presentation isn't the greatest 100% of the time, but for all the cop shows on TV, it's got the best writers IMO. Coincidence?

Spoilered for the sensitive.

It aired on the east coast, so it is fair game.
Good episode, but they tipped off the third cop way too hard with the lingering camera shots when they were gathered around the board early in the episode.


but ever so delicious
God dammit i just totally spoiled myself on the last 2 minutes by reading this thread. I was all like, Ooh twist with montgomery, Let's check this thread while we are at the funeral. Wait, beckett is dead? 30 seconds later, oh shit! Double twist.

The captain dying was rather obvious from last week and i did have a strange suspicion that he would be involved somehow in her mothers killing.

Fuuucck, What an episode!
Pays to have Dancing with the Stars as a lead in. Castle was the highest rated scripted show of the night, and their second highest ratings ever.
Last night's episode was great. In the beginning I came for Fillion, and now I'm here to see both Fillion and a decent procedural cop show.
It's like every season/series finale I've watched in the last year is trying to outdo the one before it.


And I was 2 feet away from being right about Castle taking a bullet for Beckett. I was totally ready to say I called it.


Fantastic season finale. This show just keeps getting better and better every season. Argh I wish we had a new season next week.


That was really fucking good but really fucking sad. Great finale though.

Police procedurals aren't typically my thing, but ever since I started watching this last season it's quickly become one of my most anticipated shows week to week. The cast has such great chemistry, even if the cases aren't the most inspired things ever, but the interplay between Castle and Beckett alone makes it a joy to watch. I'll miss Montgomery. :(

Can't wait for next season.


To be honest, they sorta should've dialed back the 'serious' episodes this year, I sorta felt there were way too many. I feel like the show is at is best when they aren't all straight-faced and brooding about a case because, let's face it, the show is good because of the cast's chemistry. Sure, I don't mind some incidental character development now and again but few too many times this season I went to sit down to try to enjoy the rest of my evening with a fun episode of Castle and got some serious almost melodrama episodes instead.


Yeah, some of the ultra-serious episodes this season were kind of off-putting. The first one that comes to mind was that terrible "3XK" episode from early in the season. It just felt like a completely different show, and the level of broodiness just felt so out of place. I honestly felt like it could have been any other generic cop show but with the Castle cast squeezed in. Did not like at all, and wasn't surprised to find that the person responsible for it was a first-time writer for the series.

Also wasn't crazy about Setup and Countdown (the former was once again written by the 3XK dude), but they had their moments, and I felt the Kate's mother-centric episodes (including the finale) were all really well-done. But I agree that the show's strengths lie in its lighter moments.
brucewaynegretzky said:
Jumped. The. Shark.


Of the main cast, he was the best one to go with. I am not sure how I feel about them making him part of the conspiracy, but it worked best by using him. If it were either Ryan or Esposito it would feel more forced, as well as ruin the dynamic of the show. Not having Montgomery does change the dynamic some, but not as radically as it could have.

The big question now is who is going to be the new captain?


but ever so delicious
There is a little spoiler up at tvline regarding what will probably happen in the first episode. It's safe to say that the i love you at the end might be forgotten about, For a while anyway, which i don't think would surprise anyone.

Curse you tv show with your back and forth will they won't they!
PhoncipleBone said:
Of the main cast, he was the best one to go with. I am not sure how I feel about them making him part of the conspiracy, but it worked best by using him. If it were either Ryan or Esposito it would feel more forced, as well as ruin the dynamic of the show. Not having Montgomery does change the dynamic some, but not as radically as it could have.

The big question now is who is going to be the new captain?

It was a complete revision of his character. They tried to make up some crazy ass backstory for why he was a good guy, when occam's razor that he was just a good guy was so much better. This show is actually pretty good about not doing the standard cliche of "this guy isn't who you expect he is." Most of their twists are simply unexpected, and that's refreshing. This was stupid.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Excellent finale. Ballsy to kill off Montgomery and I actually don't mind it as I have thought for years he was the weakest actor of the main cast. He hams it up big time.

It's nice that there's still a little bit farther for the Beckett mom storyline to go - revealing who the big bad at the top is. It sounded like Montgomery set things up for him to fall, or something. Probably when he mailed off the records he had in his safe.

Also - I hope we'll still be seeing the same amount of Alexis next season. I don't want her to be reduced to part-time status jus because she's attending college out of state :(


Junior Member
Just finished catching up with this (started back in february, slowly working my way through the show). That finale was incredible; they've really outdone themselves.

Even though I expected the third cop to be Montgomery (not sure why, but I've had that feeling since the previous episode; and I'm notoriously bad at guessing plot twists), but seeing it all develop was still extremely touching and entertaining.


Currently watching the entire show, about a third of the way through season 3. I'm on an episode where they ask to get a photo enhanced and enlarged. I sighed, but the show redeemed itself with showing that shit doesn't work. I love this show.


PhoncipleBone said:
The big question now is who is going to be the new captain?

And on that note:

New boss is apparently Penny Johnson Jerald; best known (to me at least) as Sherry Palmer from 24


I think it's fairly safe to say that Molly Quinn embraced the spirit of Comic-Con:



make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I can't remember if I'm caught up on this show... last episode I can recall Castle and Kate were in an LA hotel.
Evolved1 said:
I can't remember if I'm caught up on this show... last episode I can recall Castle and Kate were in an LA hotel.

Yeah, you missed a couple. Maybe 2-4 if I remember right.

Edit - just 2 according to the imdb list


but ever so delicious
I was wondering if there was going to be a new thread. I don't have the skills :(

Calling castle season 4 thread maker, asap!
I am out of town for the week and not near a computer to make a thread this season. Unless I try to make a shitty one from my phone.

Of course, this show did not get tons of discussion, so perhaps a mod can just change this thread into an all encompassing Castle thread.


They'll go down the usual route of Beckett having amnesia.

But since its Castle she'll actually be faking it and remember exactly what she said.

Hijinks will ensue for half a season and then Beckett will acknowledge Castles declaration.


Wait, it's back tonight? Damn, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Rizolli & Isle & Castle are all on tonight. How can I watch all of them :(
celebi23 said:
Wait, it's back tonight? Damn, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Rizolli & Isle & Castle are all on tonight. How can I watch all of them :(
Isn't How I Met Your Mother back as well?

And Friday is Fringe and Supernatural.
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