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Sony with no competition isn't a good thing.
Is this AI generated satire???Wrong.
Seems pointless like consoles vs mobiles, who cares.War never changes. The new battlefield is all Consoles Vs PC.
This guy is so emotionally attached to this.Sony demolished Xbox
US media: Its the end of "consoles"
Cope harder bitches
What the fuck is that thing on the right?The true console war is still on, and has been since 1994…
…Microsoft was just a sideshow that never won a single generation.
What the fuck is that thing on the right?
What the fuck is that thing on the right?
Microsoft paying for all these articles to downplay their failure and save them from embarrassment. And also to downplay the success of Sony.
To think that Phil said that Sony isn't Xbox's competitor anymore. The truth is playstation lives rent free in Phil's head.
Also, saying that Playstation has no games means that exclusives DO matter. It's contradicting to what the marching orders are over at MS that exclusives are bad for the industry isn't it?
To be fair Xbox fans wouldn't know since they haven't won GOTY and god knows how long.You mean Game of the Year 2024?
PC players enjoying first party console exclusives on PC while watching console war
They're realizing that a lot of their clicks depend on console warring being a reality.I remember when Xbox was at its peak, the outlets were going so hard on them compared to nowadays.
That's so weird, perhaps they wanted Xbox to be dead all along so they're encouraging them when they take decisions that are going in that direction. I'm trying to understand.
They're realizing that a lot of their clicks depend on console warring being a reality.
If the console wars die then people stop caring about daily gaming news and only tune in when something big happens or when they're trying to look up something.
Haters gonna hateWhat the fuck is that thing on the right?
To be fair Xbox fans wouldn't know since they haven't won GOTY and god knows how long.![]()
Haters gonna hate
What does this even mean?
PS5 sold more than Switch the FY.
ohh it sold more than a 7 year old console sunsetting for the next iteration? really!!??![]()
People saying Xbox is dead are sounding the like same people on X calling a game dead because they don't play it anymore haha
It's very clear that Microsoft can afford to continue making consoles & the Xbox teams are already in the next stages of doing so. Nothing points to Xbox being dead just because older titles are being sold on other platforms. So many people like you are reaching with this decision that it can only mean its dying because games are being sold elsewhere, but really it's just more money to invest into growing Xboxs portfolios which has been recently confirmed by Phil.Nope. It's not because we don't play Microsoft games anymore that we think Xbox is dying, it's because we are now playing them on PlayStation consoles.
Sega might not be dead either, but their consoles are.
Second use of this in 2 Xbox related threads.Cope harder bitches
(Eurogamer)Where will PlayStation be in another 30 years? The end of consoles has long been prophesised, but at a time of spiralling AAA game budgets, £700 premium upgrades and an audience leaving for TikTok, the thought of us sitting here in 2054 celebrating PS9 seems increasingly unlikely.
(Shawn Layden)"We have to start interrogating what the purpose is of a proprietary console, and whether that can continue to be true."
(SL)But we're not growing the next generation. We're losing the next generation to TikTok. The competition for gaming isn't Xbox and Nintendo. It's everything else in the freaking zeitgeist that can take your time away from your gaming activity.
(EG)It almost sounds like you're calling a truce to the console wars.
If you lived a while and played videogames over several decades by now, its pretty clear we have come to a point where the business is changing because of new technology and market economy. Youre not going to sell plastic discs in plastic covers to kids standing in a line outside a shop anymore. People are getting used to apps and stores and being able to play on the device they find most convenient.(SL on Betamax)one of the first jobs I had when I joined Sony in 1987 was in the PR department in Tokyo, and one of the first things I had to write was a corporate statement about why Sony was going to start building VHS recorders and how we weren't abandoning Betamax. We were just 'expanding our offerings to our consumers to fit their lifestyle needs'. But that's what happened. And my whole life has now gone full circle, because when you have competing formats, competing platforms, competing technologies, there comes a time when we all declare the war is over.
Shawn Layden on the future of videogame consoles (december 2024):
"There comes a time when we all declare the war is over": Former PlayStation Studios boss Shawn Layden on the future of video game consoles
Eurogamer's week-long coverage of PlayStation's 30th anniversary continues today with the concluding half of our specia…
If you lived a while and played videogames over several decades by now, its pretty clear we have come to a point where the business is changing because of new technology and market economy. Youre not going to sell plastic discs in plastic covers to kids standing in a line outside a shop anymore. People are getting used to apps and stores and being able to play on the device they find most convenient.
At this point the media's desire to hitch the wildly successful PlayStation to the sinking man of Xbox is so retarded that it has to be paid shilling or a psyop.
Have to say this is certainly true. The dynamic and climate will change. We're not longer in that era where console players line up outside the shops to buy physical games anymore.
100%! It HAS to be.
So why can't gamers just buy their games from an online digital store going forward?
That era was already dying last gen, and was accelerated heavily into a 6 ft grave by Covid.Have to say this is certainly true. The dynamic and climate will change. We're not longer in that era where console players line up outside the shops to buy physical games anymore.
That era was already dying last gen, and was accelerated heavily into a 6 ft grave by Covid.
Only older crowds and hipsters cared about physical, and it doesn’t even have staying power because gaming never had a format as cool as Vinyl.
That era was already dying last gen, and was accelerated heavily into a 6 ft grave by Covid.
Only older crowds and hipsters cared about physical, and it doesn’t even have staying power because gaming never had a format as cool as Vinyl.
Eventually yes, because an aging market can’t fight time.So should 30% of people be ignored?
Eventually yes, because an aging market can’t fight time.
Stores are tired of wasting shelf space carrying discs that are barely purchased, almost all of gen z and younger are already all digital and are playing other types of games (including the massive elephant in the room, mobile games), rental services are bleeding money, barely anyone goes to gamestop anymore, and most modern disc games require day 1 patches anyway.
Two further counterpoints:
1) The same happened with VHS, CDs, DVDs, etc. regardless of their percentage.
2) The PC gaming crowd was the first to move on, and they have been steadily growing in size each year, especially now that Xbox gamers are feeling betrayed. Steam was the first big hammer strike to the giant nail that is physical games.
Literally Nintendo is probably the last company left where I’d recommend physical to anyone, and that’s mainly because they cheap out on internal storage and also because their games rarely, if ever, go on sale digitally.
Contrary to what PC gamers believe, Playstation has been having digital sales and deep discounts, weekly. I’m assuming this is Steam’s doing as a competitor, and a thank you goes out to them if so. It’s been a good runmckmas8808 , 30+ years, but I’m not going to have a shocked pikachu face like others here when Playstation finally drops the disc slot next gen or the gen after. I will have expected it.
Eh I agree with Layden. Gaming isn't something the new generation is doing. Cell phone, tik tok, social media addiction is replacing it. Kids can look at their phone all day every day.
I think even mobile gaming will lose to it.
No way man LOL!!! Raise your kids right. My 5 year old daughter loves playing with her Switch. And even some simple tablet mobile games.
Microsoft basically took over for Sega while they sat it out.The true console war is still on, and has been since 1994…
…Microsoft was just a sideshow that never won a single generation.
Nonsense.Eh I agree with Layden. Gaming isn't something the new generation is doing. Cell phone, tik tok, social media addiction is replacing it. Kids can look at their phone all day every day.
I think even mobile gaming will lose to it.
That is really sad to hear. When I was a kid in the 80s everyone was talking about Super mario bros and Legend of Zelda. How to get to the minus world. Secret warp zones. Zelda's second quest (new game plus before it was a thing) , that i stumbled on ,when you put in Zelda as the character name only to find the map didn't match what came in the box.Lol I hear you. I know it sucks to see a cherished part of my life going away, and I wish it wasn't true, but I feel it is.
I built my daughter a PC and she played the hell out of Sims for years but that was the only game. Her friends all had switch so she got one only to never play it.
She gets into PSVR2 a bit still with Vaca simulator and Beat Saber but that's about it.
I asked her what games the boys at school play and of course football and fortnight were the andwer.
Microsoft basically took over for Sega while they sat it out.
Now Sega should come back, and buy Xbox on Wednesday, lol...
In all seriousness, this is good and bad. Its bad as if no future xbox means lots of old xboxs games end on the series x. How will you play backwards compatible og xbox and 360 games with no new console after the x. I doubt they will port any of them to playstation. And pc versions don't exist. PC gamepass doesn't have a lot of those original releases, or they no longer work on modern 64bit pcs.
Different as those consoles were built better. Most og xbox's have capacitor problems and 360s rrod. You can still play nes games from the cart, the hardware holds up, not so for xbox. PS1 and ps2 holds up as well. The main reason for me even owning the x was to play bc games upscaled.How do you play backwards compatible MasterSystem, MegaDrive, Saturn and Dreamcast games?
The numbers almost always tell a different story than what is often portrayed on the forums/twitter.
This thread seems to be saying something different.