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Central Texas Community Thread of Heat, BBQ, Heat, Hail, Heat, and Heat

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Previous meet up:

Feel free to suggest meet ups and gatherings. Send me a PM if you need the this post updated for something planned.


I may be down if I can break out of my anti-social bubble a bit. Not too into bars and such, unless it's far from the typical dudebro kind. There's always Pinballz, but maybe not the best "hangout" place for groups? Not sure :)
We could keep it simple and do a Madam Mams dinner and an after hours Spider House coffee chit chat.

Im from Houston, but I wouldn't mind an excuse to visit that little pocket of Austin.

Or a 6th Street crawl :p
It's alive!

I don't know if my old ass is down for a jaunt down 6th. Kung Fu Saloon has been recommended to me on occasion.

I know there was a bar on Red River that was setting up retro nights for awhile. No idea if it's still going on though.

If you guys want to set up consoles and play games before moving on to chosen bar or coffee house, I can talk to David @ Game Over. Their new location on South Lamar is in a good spot.

Definitely need an age poll so we don't leave anyone out.

Any upcoming gaming related events coming up here in town?


I may be interested in this, not much of a drinker anymore, but I do love a dance with Mary, good eats, and a strong cup of joe. Would have to be on a weekend, I'm about an hour north and would prefer not to stay out late on a work night (stay off my grass, and turn down that devil music!!!). Been a long time since I've had any social gaming (save XBL), might be fun :)

Mobius 1

Kung-Fu Saloon has gone to complete shit, not setting foot there again. Last time I was there the place was full of dudebros and smelled of piss.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I'm down for anytime after March 20th.

Live way out in El Paso but a friend and I wanna do a week-long road trip for Spring Break. If y'all decide to do it sooner don't wait up on our account, though.


Ugh, I'm in the worst part of Texas, away from the North Texas Meet Up and the Central Texas Meet Up... The panhandle is lonely.
Kung-Fu Saloon has gone to complete shit, not setting foot there again. Last time I was there the place was full of dudebros and smelled of piss.
Haha damn. Thanks for the tip. I will stay away then.

I may be interested in this, not much of a drinker anymore, but I do love a dance with Mary, good eats, and a strong cup of joe. Would have to be on a weekend, I'm about an hour north and would prefer not to stay out late on a work night (stay off my grass, and turn down that devil music!!!). Been a long time since I've had any social gaming (save XBL), might be fun :)
I'm kind of in the same situation. Sundays work best for me, but I can pull strings to make a Saturday work. Like I said in my original post, this was spawned from the desire to have a local shmup meet, so social gaming would definitely be a +.

I'd be down. I just need a few weeks notice. I'm in SA, but I don't mind heading to Austin for a bar crawl.
Yeah, that drive shouldn't be too bad. Would be glad to have you.

I'm down for anytime after March 20th.

Live way out in El Paso but a friend and I wanna do a week-long road trip for Spring Break. If y'all decide to do it sooner don't wait up on our account, though.
That might work for me. I will have a small window of time between the 20th and April. April is going to be totally booked for me. Wife's birthday, anniversary, and all kinds of other shit going on.

Ugh, I'm in the worst part of Texas, away from the North Texas Meet Up and the Central Texas Meet Up... The panhandle is lonely.
Move here. We have hills and shit.
My friends went to Kun Fu Saloon a few weeks ago and they said it as packed. It wasn't a holiday or anything. It was just packed
I have some friends that are going to be at Pinballz next month.
The texas state Pinball festival is going to be in Dallas on the 15th of March and I'm going to be there.


Not anti-social, just busy.

People could meet-up at Nerd Nite or Jeugos Rancheros or something. Grab a pint after over at Easy Tiger.
I've been busy with school and work. I have my main job here in San Antonio, and then on weekends I work at Game Over Videogames.... March 22nd we are doing a vertical shmup night, so come on by if you guys are in the area!


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I've been busy with school and work. I have my main job here in San Antonio, and then on weekends I work at Game Over Videogames.... March 22nd we are doing a vertical shmup night, so come on by if you guys are in the area!

That sounds cool. Start of spring break too.


There's a free gaming expo next weekend for SXSW, BTW. Wish I could go to the Tearaway presentation on Friday, but I still gotta work :mad:
Does anyone know if Pinballz is still BYOB? I'm half tempted to come up with a date and throw an ice chest in the trunk and meet you guys there.

There's a free gaming expo next weekend for SXSW, BTW. Wish I could go to the Tearaway presentation on Friday, but I still gotta work :mad:

Sounds great. Who's down with this? Transportation/carpool options? Driving in that area and hunting for parking doesn't sound like a good time.

This is never happening is it?



I'm in for sure! I tried to get one going last year and failed -- lots of us here in Austin so it's a perfect fit.

I posted in Pachter's thread that we should have a meetup during SXSW and he said he'd buy some drinks. Lets do it, GAF!
I'm in for sure! I tried to get one going last year and failed -- lots of us here in Austin so it's a perfect fit.

I posted in Pachter's thread that we should have a meetup during SXSW and he said he'd buy some drinks. Lets do it, GAF!
Yeah, I hope at least a few of us can meet up. These things are usually hit or miss. I've had 20 yes's and only 5 show. But I've also had meets where I get 5 yes's and 20 show.

Pachter? LOL, if he's buying, overpriced convention beer FTW.

It is byob. Was just there a few days back. Can only bring so many drinks at same time so expect to make repeated trips to cooler in trunk
As long as I can walk, this is not a problem.

Bro Space

Anti-social or most of the people that would meet up are in school?

Offering some insight

As a frequent flyer of NYC GAF Meetups since the first one back in feb 2012 (nearly one every month)

it is my experience that only the well rounded people usually show up

and that usually weeds out the assholes and bronies I guess (no offense Bron con)

but so far every one of these meetups at least in NYC everyones been super chill and fun to hang out with.

truely the Brosiest of Bros.


I remember Austin.. ahhhhhhhhh.... I used to LAN it up at Tek Republik.
If you need any sweet spots to get underage drinking, I know like, two whole places. Three if you're okay with sneaking into apartment complex pools.
I'm in for sure! I tried to get one going last year and failed -- lots of us here in Austin so it's a perfect fit.

I posted in Pachter's thread that we should have a meetup during SXSW and he said he'd buy some drinks. Lets do it, GAF!
Oh, snap, Pach attack


I'm doing SXSW film stuff Friday Saturday and Sunday (March 8 - 10) all day and 11th - 16th at different times throughout the day. Don't know if any of you are interested in that. The film topic has a few Austinites that I'm sure are gonna check it out. Just a heads up to those interested!
My wife and I are a go for the SXSW Gaming Expo. We'll be there at noon on Saturday the 9th if all goes well.

Anyone else? I'm thinking about changing the info in the OP to make it official if we get enough yay's.


Anybody know if there's an easy way to get from the convention center to the Palmer Events Center?
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