You need them for the weapons they will reward after doing their level 40 quest. Afterwards,I think they can be replaced.Since we're getting the SR versions of the starters, any reason to keep the 1* version?
You need them for the weapons they will reward after doing their level 40 quest. Afterwards,I think they can be replaced.Since we're getting the SR versions of the starters, any reason to keep the 1* version?
This is why we can't have nice things. >_<Server down, probably fixing the ac rate.
Congrats! Yandere housewife = best housewife.bleh
at least i got yandere housewife
A lot of the supposed best new units comes from the second tavern, so if you can wait, it might be best to. Welcome back, BTW!All this new stuff! Man I'm hyped to play this game again.
I tried out my first 2k AC pull and got this lovely lady in blue.
I guess this is a good sign that I should work on building up my Knights.
Anyone try pulling at the event/featured recruit pull? Or is the Tavern you get to in the story more worthy of those pulls? Game's currently feeding me gems like crazy, don't even feel like buying some with my google play money now, haha.
A lot of the supposed best new units comes from the second tavern, so if you can wait, it might be best to. Welcome back, BTW!
Yeah, if you have AC to burn [and no Deed, Nina, Mefulnash], now is definitely the time. The rate for the current Ring Gatcha characters is pretty decent right now, so take advantage of it if you're interested in them. I'd recommend at least trying for a single copy of Nina, since her kizuna [when we get them] is quite helpful.
Good luck! Something clearly broke when Gumi introduced the 2k AC gatcha, so I'm guessing they'll fix it eventually. I can't see them being this generous, but it could be possible? In either case, if you have AC stock-piled, spend spend spend!You're not kidding, after pulling a single 3* enhancer - the next 3 pulls were ring characters. Damn! Aiming to MLB Deed now~ <3
Dang the rewards just keep coming in. V2 really kicked this game up a lil. I remember there being a list of 3* Arcana worth keeping, does that include units that would be good for the future kizuna system? (If I'm understanding how that works right.)
Here you go:Dang the rewards just keep coming in. V2 really kicked this game up a lil. I remember there being a list of 3* Arcana worth keeping, does that include units that would be good for the future kizuna system? (If I'm understanding how that works right.)
Congrats, Musica is an amazing arcana. I wish I had her.Well, I went ahead and did my Lake of Sand pulls.
32 premium tickets and a pair of 10+1s for a total of 54 pulls.
14 SRs.
2 URs.
Jafarr and finally Musica. Guess my tavern luck still sucks even with the new rates, but at least I got her.
That's weird, I got duplicate rewards. I noticed it when my in-game mail read as 20 items. I checked and, despite only spinning one Premium Ticket, I received two of them. Not only that, but my 70x Prysma was listed twice [so I received 140 of them]. Actually, all of my items [including the stamina fruit, revial fruit, etc.] were doubled.
I got:
Premium Ticket x2
Prysma x140
Stamina Fruit x6
Revival Fruit x20
Robby x2
Kai x2
Tornado x2
Ryubia x4
Arcana Coin x800
Gold x20000
I'm not complaining! I checked the values in-game and they were properly applied. I LB'd Ryubia, Robby, and Kai [since their kizuna is useful], but Tornado was sold for more rings.
Thank you, Gumi mistakes!
Haha, nice!Yeah, I got duplicates of all my pre-registration rewards as well. My haul ended up being:
160 Prysma
8 Stamina Fruits
14 Revival Fruits
4 Premium Tickets
10000 Gold
1600 AC
Roy x2
Clauss x2
Ursula x2
Goryu x2
So, thank you Gumi for screwing up in my favor for once.
Why do alts always get the nice stuff?Main got single rewards. Alt got double (6 prem tix and 120 prysma and 4 stam fruits).
As for Kizuna roles, check dakkumaujis post
Main got single rewards. Alt got double (6 prem tix and 120 prysma and 4 stam fruits).
Yup be fast, grab them from inbox.
Colosseum doesnt work. It was my 3rd day in the row I get place 489 rewards. Today I made 4 fights and was actually at 179 place. Iam ok since its prysma range for me. But sucks still.
Yesterday i was ranked 17 on colo but got 162. Today i ranked 387 but still got 162.
PSA check you email:
Envy increases old by 10%, as her kizuna ability. As such, it probably won't see a whole lot of use in actual battle, but it's definitely worth keeping around for farming purposes.Yay, I also got double rewards o/
Is Envy any good for Kizuna or something? I still have an LB1 Envy that I didn't sell yet and got her twice now.
Colo pause time has been nerfed extremely. Guess no more pause abuse lol.
time limit appears to be less than 2 minutes now. I'm glad that it happened.
With 80 ap this only gives about 6500 ac per 10 rings,I guess you will pull ahead but only marginally.If they didn't fix it, then it's actually possible to loop with the challenge recruit. Spend 10 rings, buy 2 Stamina fruit, use stamina to run Monster Extermination in Winged Heights (about 41.25 AC per AP), use AC in challenge recruit and get more rings out of it than you put in at the start.
Only problem is that running the quest that many times is a bit time consuming, but it's a pretty significant profit given the ~15% UR rate number being thrown around for the gacha. Plus you get XP out of it as well.
Oh ho!!
Look who just joined my party. Thank you based V2.
What the heck is this "Kizuna" everyone keeps talking about?