That doesn't make sense either. Gamescom is always in August, federal elections always in September, so it's not the first time in 8 years that this happens. It always happens.
I'm...not really sure what your argument is here. There were 2 federal elections about a month after gamescom so far - in 2009 and 2013. She didn't attend these previous 2, so that means there is no way she is using this one as part of her re-election campaign, either? Because she didn't do that previously?
The german government made little to no advances in supporting the gaming industry the last several years, in fact you could argue their support for the german Computerspielpreis was reduced over time. There is literally nothing to support the notion of Merkel or her party or her government supporting this industry, while there is a lot to support the notion that they care even less - in their election program video games were mentioned a lot less than in 2013, in which they mentioned the Computerspielpreis, them wanting to explicitely foster and promote the german video game industry and talked about video games being part of our cultural life. None of that was included in the 2017 election program. There are two whole sentences dedicated to video games, one of which being "This is true for video games, too", after talking about movies.
I don't even see how this is controversial o0 She is trying to get reelected, she is on the campaign trail, trying to win votes. That's fine.