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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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I can't laugh about it, he did that to set the scene for the propaganda he will put on Youtube and twitter with "That guy hit me! He got triggered!". And it'll work as his cronies will use that footage heavily edited to claim it to be the truth.

They are masters of this shit these days, and really props to that older man who stood for his believes far more than those that ganged up on him.
Okay, so the terrorist actually was arrested. I assumed he ditched the car and got away but thankfully not.


Now we await to see if justice is actually served.
Tell us your made up circumstance.

I'll save that for another time and summarize and rest my case.

In summary: I still don't think we're at a stage where retaliatory violence is appropriate. Against anyone. It's the wrong path to go down, and we're not past the point of no return.

Do I have a set of criteria for determining when violence will become appropriate? No. My gut instinct, however, is telling me that a rally of a hundred white supremacists and the violent actions of a subset of very extreme people warrants them facing the justice system rather than a bunch of violent counter protesters.

We'll talk about the corruption of the justice system when the driver-murderer-terrorist doesn't get sent to jail, but I really doubt he won't serve a considerable sentence. We don't know that outcome yet. I think Charlottesville is way too blue to not send a fucker like that to jail easily.

Seems a lot of us here are more interested in calling me a Nazi sympathizer and making me out to be a racist moron for disagreeing with them than actually debating my points. Yes, I want to see white supremacism suffer, and I've faced lots of outward and subtle racism because of things I can't change about myself. But boo hoo, right?
Ohio? Fucking lol.

And idk it looks a bit fake, like the lettering is crooked on the plate.

It looks like the whole car is leaning as he swerves for the larger group on the right. Which would actually make a lot of sense seeing as the impact with the car was made on the right side of the road.

Or in short it looks like he swerves for people on the left then people on the right before the impact.


proud of his butz
Fuck you Nazi fucking scum, die in a ditch.

I hope they grind your asinine bullshit confederate fuck-ass bullshit idols into dust and mix it with rat piss.


I'm black, maybe people on this site should learn to stop assuming the identities of people based on what you view to be acceptable opinions, I knew that one of you would pop out and try to accuse me of being white.

And the bolded is wrong but ok.

Please show me where I assumed you were white or any other race.


It's not a solution to lower yourself to the other side's standard.

Keep telling yourself that.... they will band together, this is their hit squad to make people scared.. so scared that they won't vote or dare to go outside of their houses.

It is not an even discussion, no matter what the ACLU says, they will gang up while you'll stand there alone. They will then edit the footage so you look like the aggressor and they look like the saints, they've been doing it for decades now...and you still haven't learned.

The ones on top won't attack them either, at most they'll put a few in jail that were "too violent before the time was right.". But most will be allowed to do whatever they want. They know that jail is the consequence sometimes, and they accept it. But most of the time they don't even get that. While they will SHOOT your side. If you don't see that by now, then all I can tell you is: Keep telling yourself that.

For this is only getting worse unless you stop it... HARSHLY. Remember, only 6 months into the presidency.....


ABC News FB feed:

One death...

This is what happens when you let these Nazis rally and flourish with you free speech crap. This! Shut them down now and never let this happen again. This stupid shit is going to kill more people.

Also, fuck the ACLU for defending them. I hope they get sued to the bloody ground. They can pick who they defend, and Nazis should cross the fucking line.


Just because they aren't German doesn't mean we can't tell them that they aren't welcome here. Nazism is NOT welcome in America, no matter how many moderates say we should give them a platform and not fight back.

I agree with you. They shouldn't be welcome anywhere. They also shouldn't get a platform to spread their hatespeech. However, since America is different from Europe since they can't ban hatespeech because of the 1st amendment makes this whole thing complicated.
I am also not an advocate for violence for political reasons. I also can't suggest another solution, because I don't have any.

ABC News FB feed:

Absolutly awfull


They really need to drill in that this was a terrorist act by a terrorist organizations and build that association with these assholes "bigly" in the media.
Get outta here with this grade school history class appeal to MLK. These people who are threatening black people every day don't care about optics or PR.

Yes, I'm aware the whitewashed version of MLK is vastly different from the real thing. I'm aware that MLK was prone to tear into the fecklessness of white allies, to advocate something different than the color blindism that a few out of context "I Have a Dream" speeches would indicate, and that he was a just as much about economic justice that anyone to the right of Hillary Clinton would disagree with. I'm aware of all of that.

But the one thing the whitewashed version of MLK gets right is nonviolence. By all means, go prove me wrong - show me where the marchers in Selma started firing at the police, or the dogs, or did anything other than create photos of peaceful protesters being hosed by police departments that shocked the nation, ultimately creating inadequate but lasting positive change.

But that's not actually what I want to say.

What I actually want to say is that anyone who sincerely believed the consensus of this thread would already be on the news. But there are tens of thousands of counter-protesters in Charlottesville right now, and not a single one of them has opened fire on alt-right protesters. If you want there to be violence, you're perfectly capable of creating it yourself. Gun laws in America are permissive, and if you can't make it to this one, it will probably not be the last alt-right rally.

But if opening fire on a bunch of protesters seems excessive, or just brutal, then maybe stop stanning for the people who don't have your scruples.
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