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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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Are they collectively too fucking dumb to see the irony of them harping about white heritage while using torchlights as a visual motif that has ethnic origins? Seriously?


The next time some alt-righter trolls with "So much for the tolerant left," our reply should be "I agree."

Zero tolerance for these terrorist Nazi scum any more.


Nazism is not about politics or a point of view. Please stop trying to stay in the middle. There is no middle.
Yes, I'm aware the whitewashed version of MLK is vastly different from the real thing. I'm aware that MLK was prone to tear into the fecklessness of white allies, to advocate something different than the color blindism that a few out of context "I Have a Dream" speeches would indicate, and that he was a just as much about economic justice that anyone to the right of Hillary Clinton would disagree with. I'm aware of all of that.

But the one thing the whitewashed version of MLK gets right is nonviolence. By all means, go prove me wrong - show me where the marchers in Selma started firing at the police, or the dogs, or did anything other than create photos of peaceful protesters being hosed by police departments that shocked the nation, ultimately creating inadequate but lasting positive change.

But that's not actually what I want to say.

What I actually want to say is that anyone who sincerely believed the consensus of this thread would already be on the news. But there are tens of thousands of counter-protesters in Charlottesville right now, and not a single one of them has opened fire on alt-right protesters. If you want there to be violence, you're perfectly capable of creating it yourself. Gun laws in America are permissive, and if you can't make it to this one, it will probably not be the last alt-right rally.

But if opening fire on a bunch of protesters seems excessive, or just brutal, then maybe stop stanning for the people who don't have your scruples.

Ok, then we agree somewhat. But what you said was somewhat misleading before. I don't want leftists to look bad either. But I think there is a false equivalence between these far right wingers and the group of people you are talking about - inherently, one's PR goal is to spread hate, fear, and normalize literally murdering or deporting people who are not white. The other's PR goal is to make people, well, act civilized. The right can only advance that PR goal with more hate and fear, and that makes them much more dangerous. There is a point where they must be stopped by any means necessary. Has it came? Probably not. Will it come? We'll see.
Nazism is not about politics or a point of view. Please stop trying to stay in the middle. There is no middle.

This. I don't even wanna hear a discussion about room for "opposing views." The mere act of even trying to move the conversation to a "tolerance/belief/ point of view" narrative needs to get shut the fuck down stat.


Again, the bolded part is why we have law enforcement. No disagreement there.
American police are themselves compromised. Nobody trusts them to protect minorities, and neither would I.

I can't call for full on vigilante counter-attacks, but it's a shit situation all around.


Hatred and violence on many sides lol

barak obama lol

no citizen should be afraid lol

the hate and the division must stop right now come together with


Cops are cool with this. Middle man moderate is cool with this.

But block some traffic to protest unarmed Americans being killed and people lose their minds.
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