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'Chemical attack' in Syria kills at least 58 people

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I remember that Syria's chemical arsenal was supposed to be destroyed a couple of years ago. Or was it about a specific chemical weapon?
All of their powerful chemical weapons were destroyed.

There have been multiple chlorine gas attacks, chlorine is a common dual purpose chemical and isn't as effective as mustard gas, VX, or whatever it was that Syria had stockpiled.

At this point I think it's pretty clear the regime military themselves are doing this but it's not clear why to me. It seems like the international community doesn't care enough about chlorine to do anything, even though Syria is now a signatory to the chemical weapons treaty after Obama and Putin made the deal to destroy the chemical weapons Syria had stockpiled.


At this point I think it's pretty clear the regime military themselves are doing this but it's not clear why to me. It seems like the international community doesn't care enough about chlorine to do anything, even though Syria is now a signatory to the chemical weapons treaty after Obama and Putin made the deal to destroy the chemical weapons Syria had stockpiled.

This attack we're talking about here shows signs of sarin not chlorine.


Yeah, it's one lone dude in the UK who sells clothes or something like that. I don't trust the source at all either.

Broadsheets have done their diligence and verified him enough to use him.

The United Nations, newspapers, and nongovernmental organisations say that SOHR is an accurate source. "Generally, the information on the killings of civilians is very good, definitely one of the best, including the details on the conditions in which people were supposedly killed," said Neil Sammonds, a researcher for Amnesty International.[10]

And you can't fake those videos.


Legit question: why use something so horrible to kill "just" 58 people?
Isnt this kind of weapon is used in order to kill by the thausands?

Could be several reasons:

1- they are testing a batch of toxic gas they just made

2- cause terror and weaken resolve of people and towns still holding out against the regime, as media leaks out of this attack site

3- there may have been many more chemical attacks over many weeks, we just happen to find out about this one

4- assad/Russians are testing trump




I accidently saw the pictures while scrolling through my twitter feed early this morning.

Fuck man those kids. I am equally heartbroken, angry, and scared all of a sudden for my two kids. We, I, live in this bubble feeling safe, sound, and generally happy and just an ocean away kids are getting gassed to death.
Tulsi Gabbard to the rescue

You can't predict how many you are going to kill exactly with chemical weapons, the wind blowing in a certain direction can change the whole outcome of an attack. That's why they are illegal.

Not really. They're illegal because people really goddamn hated them after WW1.

You can't predict how many you are going to kill exactly with any kind of remotely deployed explosive, and yet bombs are fine. Unguided bombs are also affected by wind, and yet they're fine. Nukes create radioactive winds, and yet they're allowed under specific circumstances.


Nobody seems to care anymore. US Drone Bombing 200 civilians, whoever did this... nothing really gets coverage. Its like people are annoying with news from that area, dont generate enough clicks because of that so news media covers whatever crap that gets them clicks.

No one being held accountable is a shame, thats Assad, Russia, US and EU.
As an American, our cable news (opinions) no longer covers international news at length. I would say maybe 5-10 minutes out of 24 hrs it gets covered.

Our cable news (opinions) is primarily national issues. I think that's why it seems no one cares. That's why I'm so critical of them and no longer consider them news. They're supposed to be informing the public but they're not.

It never use to be like that and is such a shame.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
If it wasnt for gaf I would never know this happened. Its sad the media never covers stuff like this. RIP


He's not entirely wrong. Obama's "red line" and his clear reluctance to do anything once it was crossed is one of his biggest foreign policy fuck ups.
Yes, the red line announcement wasn't smart but unless we were willing to put troops on the ground I don't think there was much we could do.

Also, there was no way Russia wouldn't be in involved such a skirmish.


A 'chemical attack' by the Syrian government in Al-Qaeda territory, documemted by White Helmet propagandists, coming just after the Syrian army has decisively defeated the largest Al-Qaeda offensive of the Syrian civil war?

Yeah fucking right.

Probably just a bomb hitting one of Al-Qaeda's chemical weapons stockpiles. Devastating for the civilians. Hopefully the area will be liberated soon.


He's not entirely wrong. Obama's "red line" and his clear reluctance to do anything once it was crossed is one of his biggest foreign policy fuck ups.

I doubt Obama's red line had much to do with it. More like Trump officially announcing he's gonna leave the Syrians to it not even a week ago.


I can't get my head around how a pilot can go from deliberately targeting civilians one minute, to hanging up his flying gear and going home afterwards, sound in the knowledge that it was just another day at work. It's bad enough when innocents are killed accidentally, but what kind of person could actively push a button on women and children in hospitals?


Neo Member
If this tragic attack is done by the rebels, ISIS, Qaeda, or whatever organization that oppose the Assad regime then why we never witness a similar attack on the territories controlled by Assad?
also before this attack there are hundreds of thousands either died, injured or kidnapped by Assad and his allies, let alone the millions of refugees and the destroyed cities and towns, there... in Syria we witness on daily terms with a live coverage broadcasted around the globe the manufacturing of the terrorism that threatening the whole world, and your governments only sitting and watching how the maker is working and some of them supporting him, and crying when some terrorist kills a bunch of innocent people in the west and blaming Muslim immigrants for it, and it's like a never ending cycle of horror, tragedy and hypocrisy.

you can't live safe while this happening, and if you are related to one of those poor kids who dies a painful death by the hands of these maniacs controlled by the most horrible dictator of this century and the world with all of his powers gives you the middle finger or participating with the criminal then maybe you will be an extremist too.

the beginning of peace is by getting rid of the Assad and his gangs, and the world can do it but they are just hypocrites and always supporting the dictators in that part of the world like they are not humans and deserve to live like this.
Not really. They're illegal because people really goddamn hated them after WW1.

You can't predict how many you are going to kill exactly with any kind of remotely deployed explosive, and yet bombs are fine. Unguided bombs are also affected by wind, and yet they're fine. Nukes create radioactive winds, and yet they're allowed under specific circumstances.

Why did they hate them ?

You don't go around using nukes in a skirmish, unguided bombs are affected by wind when they fall down yes but not afterwards too.

The "indiscriminate" and uncontrolled aspect of chemical weapons was one of the major reasons for the support to ban it.


A 'chemical attack' by the Syrian government in Al-Qaeda territory, documemted by White Helmet propagandists, coming just after the Syrian army has decisively defeated the largest Al-Qaeda offensive of the Syrian civil war?

Yeah fucking right.

Probably just a bomb hitting one of Al-Qaeda's chemical weapons stockpiles. Devastating for the civilians. Hopefully the area will be liberated soon.

IC concurs Assad was behind it.


Not surprising you're pushing yet another false-flag conspiracy to support the Russian line.


That's not wrong. However, they have done jack shit to improve things.

How is it right? The red line thing was 3 years ago. I feel like most people have missed Tillerson's latest comments. Literally a hand full of days after the US announces its going to let Syria solve its own crisis this happens. Is this just another coincidence to you all?
I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this, but I think Trump is right on this issue. Assad is reprehensible, but he doesn't represent an existential threat to civilization like ISIS does. We should not interfere with Assad's war on his enemies. After Assad wins, then we'll be in a better position to hold him accountable for his actions. That's the quickest way to end these kinds of atrocities by both sides. The "fight Assad and ISIS while they fight each other" strategy has proven ineffective.


I'm generally in favor of not intervening in foreign conflicts, but at what point is it morally necessary? Stuff like this feels like we're getting there.
and like always the same routine will occur

1. Not Buying it (Images are fake)
2. What about... blah
3. NO it was the rebels because.... because I say so
5. Assad is the only alternative
6. Nothing will happen and people will get more annoyed at more refugees coming to their countries

Rinse and Repeat


Neo Member
I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this, but I think Trump is right on this issue. Assad is reprehensible, but he doesn't represent an existential threat to civilization like ISIS does. We should not interfere with Assad's war on his enemies. After Assad wins, then we'll be in a better position to hold him accountable for his actions. That's the quickest way to end these kinds of atrocities by both sides. The "fight Assad and ISIS while they fight each other" strategy has proven ineffective.

civilization?! what civilization? you mean the same one that goes blind while there are a killers of the children?

Assad has not yet proven that he's capable of re-control all of Syria, also he did not prove that he fights terrorism, on the contrary... he feed it with more hate, and he's dealing with ISIS which a multiple sources revealed, he's using this "war on terror" propaganda and as long as his state is in danger he will always use this banner to his benefit, open your eyes people and see who is feeding terrorism and using it.
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