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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter

is there a gif from a cartoon, where the idiot villian kicks a small animal into the woods (comey). and when he looks at the darkened treeline, eyes start to open, so many until the idiot viliian is frozen in fear before he is consumed?


the source from CNN says Comey will probably not testify. wtf is going on??!


Comey knows his testimony isn't required, and might hinder the investigation because they could spin it to say comey is spiteful and fabricating facts.




Haha! Blackmail fail.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The president of the most powerful country in the world, spending his time embarrassing himself in twitter battles and being reminded of his core duties by the ethics department.
the source from CNN says Comey will probably not testify. wtf is going on??!


Comey testifying would be fun to watch, but:

  • He couldn't comment on classified information.
  • Republicans will only ask him questions to try and trip him up. They won't ask about Russia; only regurgitate Trump talking points about how he bungled the Hillary stuff. If he even mildly misstates anything, it would undermine the very strong upper hand he has now.
It's better for Comey to let his team handle it for now.


Am I the only one who interpreted the tape tweets as Trump saying that he suspects Comey might have taped the conversation and he better not leak them because if so because Trump would seek legal repercussions?
is there a gif from a cartoon, where the idiot villian kicks a small animal into the woods (comey). and when he looks at the darkened treeline, eyes start to open, so many until the idiot viliian is frozen in fear before he is consumed?


Comey knows his testimony isn't required, and might hinder the investigation because they could spin it to say comey is spiteful and fabricating facts.

The longer Comey doesn't speak, the deeper the hole Trump digs for himself.


Looking for meaning in GAF
is there a gif from a cartoon, where the idiot villian kicks a small animal into the woods (comey). and when he looks at the darkened treeline, eyes start to open, so many until the idiot viliian is frozen in fear before he is consumed?
Not that I know of, but that's pretty much what happens when you fuck with a chicken in a Zelda game.


Unconfirmed Member
It's best for Comey to say nothing for now. Except through his close friends as he is already doing.


"The source said Comey is likely not going to testify next week to Senate intelligence. As of Friday morning, Comey had not responded to the request."



The broken image is apt.
the source from CNN says Comey will probably not testify. wtf is going on??!


Makes sense. Comey has nothing to gain from testifying. He probably has already told Senators in confidential meetings what he already had on Trump.

Comey is the kind of guy who would rather have his many allies come to back him up, as we are already seeing.

Am I the only one who interpreted the tape tweets as Trump saying that he suspects Comey might have taped the conversation and he better not leak them because if so because Trump would seek legal repercussions?

I saw it as that too. But even so we know how Trump likes to project.
Comey testifying would be fun to watch, but:

  • He couldn't comment on classified information.
  • Republicans will only ask him questions to try and trip him up. They won't ask about Russia; only regurgitate Trump talking points about how he bungled the Hillary stuff. If he even mildly misstates anything, it would undermine the very strong upper hand he has now.
It's better for Comey to let his team handle it for now.
Am I the only one who interpreted the tape tweets as Trump saying that he suspects Comey might have taped the conversation and he better not leak them because if so because Trump would seek legal repercussions?

Yeah, that's how I interpreted it at first glance.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I was looking forward to watching GOP members demand to know why Comey so brazenly indicated Hillary's simple server lapse was a big deal. Like, that would actually have happened.

"Don't you think that inferring her emails were compromising was an outrageous slander?!?"


Yeah, that's how I interpreted it at first glance.
Yeah I'm kinda confused by how people interpreted this as Trump saying there were tapes made on his side. It really sounds more like he is threatening Comey on the idea of saying "You better not have taped this illegally and better not leak it!"


In all honesty, getting rid of Trump it's the last of your problems my gringo friends. At this point it's going to be only a momentary solution.

It is The republican party you need to take down. They are the scorn of the American society as it is. The source of so many social issues that are now left in the open for the whole world to see, public enemy No. 1.

Until you get rid of the GOP. Until this party is labeled as what it is, a criminal organization. Then true change can't happen.
Am I the only one who interpreted the tape tweets as Trump saying that he suspects Comey might have taped the conversation and he better not leak them because if so because Trump would seek legal repercussions?

I initially thought that too but read it again. Trump is threaten to release "tapes" if Comey leaks anything to the press.

Which means :
1: Trump is black mailing a witness in a federal investigation.
2: Trump is suggesting he illegally wiretapped someone
3: Trump is suggesting he is hiding evidence directly related to a Federal investigation.

How is he not in hand cuffs yet?


Comey furious at lack of respect White House showed, sources say

Associates say he is simmering at some of the comments directed at him by White House staffers, who have used words like "atrocities" to describe his actions as director.

One person close to the former director said that President Trump calling Comey a "showboat" and suggesting he is not "competent" has required Comey to show considerable restraint.


A source said they expect that at some point Comey will respond to Trump -- but it is uncertain when that would be. For now, Comey has taken a few days to gather himself, particularly given how caught off guard he was by the timing of the firing.


Sources say that inside the FBI, many agents feel Comey has been treated shabbily. While there are those who disagreed with some of his tactics, he was nonetheless broadly popular in the bureau and respected.

While the sources added that this has been a tumultuous week, with many employees of the bureau thrown off balance, there is also a degree of resolve settling in.

In the meantime, some individuals associated with the bureau have publicly rallied to protect Comey's name.



I initially thought that too but read it again. Trump is threaten to release "tapes" if Comey leaks anything to the press.

Which means :
1: Trump is black mailing a witness in a federal investigation.
2: Trump is suggesting he illegally wiretapped someone
3: Trump is suggesting he is hiding evidence directly related to a Federal investigation.

How is he not in hand cuffs yet?

Ah, but surely it can't be illegal if the president does it?


Oh, Comey is furious is he?

Is he furious enough to do the right thing and expose this motherfucker for the fraud that he is?

Comey always has this 'holier-than-thou' respect for the institutions of this country, but his silence is allowing someone to erode them. I'm sure it's a tough line for him to straddle, but he needs to do it.


Seriously hope Comey has the guts and evidence to shut Trump down. And if he can't, I hope his FBI team will.

But it all feels like pipe dreams anyway
Seriously hope Comey has the guts and evidence to shut Trump down. And if he can't, I hope his FBI team will.

But it all feels like pipe dreams anyway

Trump seems to be doing fine shutting himself down. He is in complete self destruction mode. Maybe the FBI doesn't have enough solid evidence yet.
Or if they do, maybe they are trying to get evidence to target more than just Trump.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Oh, Comey is furious is he?

Is he furious enough to do the right thing and expose this motherfucker for the fraud that he is?

Comey always has this 'holier-than-thou' respect for the institutions of this country, but his silence is allowing someone to erode them. I'm sure it's a tough line for him to straddle, but he needs to do it.

I get the feeling that Comey's strategy is to remain above the fray and let the investigation run its course. He can be subpoenaed, but appearing in front of an ostensibly complicit GOP interrogation about unrelated and 100% partisan matters won't help in the current climate. He can't discuss the Russia stuff at all and Trump's own actions post and during firing should be considered directly related to the investigation and therefore classified anyway.

All Comey would be able to comment on is horseshit questions about "Doesn't the president have the lega authority to fire him" and "Why would you say you felt nauseous" and "How dare you try to infer Clinton's mails were an issue during a sensitive election!"

The Sally Yates/Clapper farce this week demonstrated that perfectly.

This is trump's biggest single error so far, IMO, but it's going to take a while to play out.

And when Nixon did the Saturday Night Massacre (eerily similar to this) it was a democratic congress and a near 100% cross-aisle impeachment call because back then the GOP was wretched but not a treasonous power mad cabal. The republicans at that time, once the Supreme Court ordered the whitehouse tapes released, saw the writing on the wall and did the rational thing.

McConnell is plainly up to his neck in this and will go down with the ship. None of these clowns (Freedom Caucus aside) actually care about philsophy or policy. They care about control and the ability to almost directly respond to their corporate masters.

They're throwing their base under a bus on healthcare, jobs, the environment, the economy and drug policy and hoping that dog whistles racism will distract them from the fact that they'are being slowly boiled like frogs. They're behaving like corporations who erode their long term business chasing quarterly profits. In this case the profits are jamming through as much legislation as possible before it all combusts.


At this point I'm pretty sure that Trump only half-listens to conversations and his brain fills in the rest according to how he thinks it should go. Time and time again he'll meet someone then say something that didn't happen.

So I think he legimately believes his version is what happened and that's why it makes him so angry when someone brings up what really happened.
Thought the thread title was about Garry Kasparov, who's very anti-Trump, but glad that it wasn't, because Kasparov has been a brilliant critic of this administration and I didn't want him to say something stupid and be discredited.

Luckily, it's just the President of the United States saying something stupid and threatening.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh, Comey is furious is he?

Is he furious enough to do the right thing and expose this motherfucker for the fraud that he is?

Comey always has this 'holier-than-thou' respect for the institutions of this country, but his silence is allowing someone to erode them. I'm sure it's a tough line for him to straddle, but he needs to do it.

Dude would need to operate outside of the system in order to save it.

You're basically asking him to be Batman.
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