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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter

He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.


As aside note the Whole Captain Hydra shit is because of this political climate right? i mean basically Hydra are in power right?


May I have a cookie?
Here's what I think the spin will be:

There are no tapes. Trump doesn't have tapes. Comey doesn't have tapes. Trump was simply making the point that he is confident in what Comey told him about not being investigated insuring those conversations, and that such statements would appear if their conversations were recorded, hypothetically. Trump's point is that anything reported that states otherwise would be contradicted if someone had recorded the conversation, because the truth is Comey assured him three times that Trump is not the subject of any investigation. The idea of the conversation being taped, in quotations, is just a hypothetical the president used to make that point.

I'm sorry, what??
If the republicans don't then it is the job of the electorate to throw them out of power when come the midterms. This brings us closer to that endgame.

I wish this was the case, but Republicans voters basically blindly vote republican every election, that's why republican politicians feel untouchable


The whole thing that anything Comey did or didn't say matters is really laughable to me. It's like page 1 of the textbook of how to get the target of investigation to incriminate themselves. Trump has proved time and time again that all you have to do is buddy up a little stroke his ego and say don't worry and he will dig a hole for himself.


Clapper really spelling his statement out on NBC atm.

For anyone paying attention it has been clear for some time now that Trump is twisting Clapper's words from earlier this week, but good on Clapper reaaally clearing it up what he said.

When asked about "choking like dogs" comment by Trump he was more polite than I expected. Just rolling his eyes, basically.


Why would it matter if Comey told him? It's not like he was under oath. This seems like a very stupid talking point for Trump friendly media.


Here's what I think the spin will be:

There are no tapes. Trump doesn't have tapes. Comey doesn't have tapes. Trump was simply making the point that he is confident in what Comey told him about not being investigated during those conversations, and that such statements would appear if their conversations were recorded, hypothetically. Trump's point is that anything reported that states otherwise would be contradicted if someone had recorded the conversation, because the truth is Comey assured him three times that Trump is not the subject of any investigation. The idea of the conversation being taped, in quotations, is just a hypothetical the president used to make that point.

I agree that this will be the spin on it.
Here's what I think the spin will be:

There are no tapes. Trump doesn't have tapes. Comey doesn't have tapes. Trump was simply making the point that he is confident in what Comey told him about not being investigated during those conversations, and that such statements would appear if their conversations were recorded, hypothetically. Trump's point is that anything reported that states otherwise would be contradicted if someone had recorded the conversation, because the truth is Comey assured him three times that Trump is not the subject of any investigation. The idea of the conversation being taped, in quotations, is just a hypothetical the president used to make that point.

Yep, this is basically exactly what you can expect. It is funny that people have gotten to the point that they can fully explain the spin before it happens.


Said it a hundred times, and I'll say it again. .....Goddamn idiot. Playing Connect 4, while all of the other students have already graduated to Chess.

I'm sure that every other world leader is delighting in the fact that they are unequivocally more intelligent than the Nectarine Nightmare that we have in the Oval Office right now.


Said it a hundred times, and I'll say it again. .....Goddamn idiot. Playing Connect 4, while all of the other students have already graduated to Chess.

I'm sure that every other world leader is delighting in the fact that they are unequivocally more intelligent than the Nectarine Nightmare that we have in the Oval Office right now.

Nectarine Nightmare is pretty good. If I were trump I would adopt that name.
Said it a hundred times, and I'll say it again. .....Goddamn idiot. Playing Connect 4, while all of the other students have already graduated to Chess.

I'm sure that every other world leader is delighting in the fact that they are unequivocally more intelligent than the Nectarine Nightmare that we have in the Oval Office right now.

I will have to add Nectarine Nightmare to my list of orange insults regarding the Yam-in-Chief. I like that one.


I wish this was the case, but Republicans voters basically blindly vote republican every election, that's why republican politicians feel untouchable
Whether this is true or not (look no further than the midterms of 2006) there is two ways to win an election. Getting your side to vote, or getting the other side not to vote. (or voting for your side) Democrats can, and will tap into that.


Sucks at poetry
LMAO if Clinton was doing any of this shit right now the Republicans would be lighting the White House on fire. They would declare a state of emergency or something.


Unconfirmed Member
LMAO if Clinton was doing any of this shit right now the Republicans would be lighting the White House on fire. They would declare a state of emergency or something.

Yup. The hypocrisy is insane. And I know damn well people are going to say that Hillary supporters would let it fly if it was her, but speaking for myself and presumably like-minded individuals: No, we wouldn't. Everything this administration has done would have been equally bad under Hillary and I would not have given her any exceptions.


So, okay, Comey gets fired, and then he releases a very respectful letter stating he respects Trump's decision and doesn't want to make a big scene out of it - so he'll leave at that and move on. Then, in an utterly baffling move,Trump just decides to threaten Comey publicly with zero provocation - making the situation 10x worse and suspicious than it already was. Especially in the wake of the story about the whole "loyalty pledge" thing.

It's so obvious what he's doing - trying to smear Comey's name to destroy his credibility with the public if/when shit really starts to hit the fan. Only Trump's doing a very bad job of it and making himself look worse in the process.


LMAO if Clinton was doing any of this shit right now the Republicans would be lighting the White House on fire. They would declare a state of emergency or something.

I honestly feel like the dems aren't doing enough. Not that they have any real power, but they still come off as pathetic for basically whimpering and ocassionally barking, but where's the bite? Can they even bite?

I'm talking literally. I want them to bite somebody.


Unconfirmed Member
Are you kidding? The GOP has discredited itself and we're looking at a huge shift in favor of democrats. That wouldn't happen if Trump wasn't an idiot. He's taking Ls left and right.

Someone should edit that He-Man gif where it appears he's ejaculating on several kids and replace every kid's face with Trump's and label each blast an 'L'.

So, okay, Comey gets fired, and then he releases a very respectful letter stating he respects Trump's decision and doesn't want to make a big scene out of it - so he'll leave at that and move on. Then, in an utterly baffling move,Trump just decides to threaten Comey publicly with zero provocation - making the situation 10x worse and suspicious than it already was. Especially in the wake of the story about the whole "loyalty pledge" thing.

It's so obvious what he's doing - trying to smear Comey's name to destroy his credibility with the public if/when shit really starts to hit the fan. Only he's doing a very bad job of it and making himself look worse in the process.

I think Trump expected the FBI investigation to be immediately squashed and for its employees to not support Comey during this time, but because that didn't happen, it seems like he personally blames Comey - who no longer helms the agency - for not controlling its people and doing what he no longer has the powers to do.


provides useful feedback
All I can think of is that, should Trump have somehow recorded tapes of discussions between him and Comey like he is threatening him with, they would still involve him letting slip something even more incriminating and being too stupid to realise they make him look even worse than anyone could have predicted.

Also that Adam Schiff tweet is followed by a combination of "But her emails" and "Trump lost, get over it" without any self awareness, still. Trump supporters are scum.
Whether this is true or not (look no further than the midterms of 2006) there is two ways to win an election. Getting your side to vote, or getting the other side not to vote. (or voting for your side) Democrats can, and will tap into that.

Republicans know how to do this all too well with their voter suppression laws, also with the gerrymandering in place they will be in power for years to come


Sucks at poetry
Yup. The hypocrisy is insane. And I know damn well people are going to say that Hillary supporters would let it fly if it was her, but speaking for myself and presumably like-minded individuals: No, we wouldn't. Everything this administration has done would have been equally bad under Hillary and I would not have given her any exceptions.

Yep. I would have no problem supporting a Democrat's impeachment were they involved in this much shit. Even if I voted for them. Fuck Republicans though. The party of party over country.


Trump exists by intimidation. He screws you over and then threatens to sue you until you capitulate because you're afraid you'll go broke fighting him.

High level politics doesn't run on the same principals. The government has infinite resources and time. So it's all about what you can provide in favors. Trump doesn't help anyone but himself, he'll eventually burn one to many bridges.

I think he was able to screw people pretty indiscriminately because he wasn't under much scrutiny. Now, as President, everything he says is analyzed, recorded, and remembered. So he has a history of screwing and double dealing with his business partners, but you can only do that when the contents of your communications remain secret. Now he's just clearly untrustworthy because both sides of his communications are clear to everyone.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I honestly feel like the dems aren't doing enough. Not that they have any real power, but they still come off as pathetic for basically whimpering and ocassionally barking, but where's the bite? Can they even bite?

I'm talking literally. I want them to bite somebody.

The strategy seems to be to let Trump hang himself while minimizing appearances of "partisanship" by just being quiet


might work

If we didn't live in an era where at minimum 35% of the electorate is so far down a misinformation hole that its literally impossible to change their minds


Unconfirmed Member
Republicans know how to do this all too well with their voter suppression laws, also with the gerrymandering in place they will be in power for years to come

You know, while I welcome skepticism, I really am tired of your constant pessimism. We get it, us liberals are in a very precarious position, but the more you keep drilling into our heads that things are hopeless, the more you manage to perturb some of us into simply not bothering to try come 2018 and 2020. You're instilling dread and constant hopelessness when you don't need to. We KNOW what we have to contend with but we don't need to be constantly reminded of it. Instead, how about we better focus our comments and energy on the ways in which we can help to take back congress rather than always tell ourselves that everything is futile?

Be angry at this administration. Express your rage. But please stop taking every opportunity to respond with truly deflating comments to people who are trying to maintain some glimmer of hope.

And before you suggest that I am preaching an "out of sight, out of mind" attitude, think again, because that would imply that we are forgetting how difficult the road ahead is, but we haven't. We are simply human beings who can be our own worst enemies. Defeatist attitudes sink us and they especially sink democrats.

Thank you.


No matter how this whole saga concludes, Putin has won.

We're at each other's throats, no one trusts anything, and people are so dug in that they refuse to even entertain that they may have voted for someone who was actively colluding with a foreign power to undermine the election.

It's hard to be excited over all of this (though I'm not above it, I admit I am to a degree) when it's all so fucking sad.


He's clearly afraid of what Comey is going to say in his testimony. He fired Comey two days before he was scheduled to appear and testify in front of the Senate. Now that the Senate has asked him to testify after his firing, Trump's trying to warn him off. Trump clearly doesn't want Comey in front of the Senate.
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