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Child Abuse Scandal in UK grows to implicate MPs, celebs - Update Posts #900/#1100

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The Amiga Brotherhood
Anonymous are very good at these things, someone should fire it their way.

I believe what we have is what's called a 'smoking gun'.


The Amiga Brotherhood
DECK'ARD, I've made my own bitlink to the OP - http://bit.ly/U5kGCl. Is it OK to use this one instead of the one you provided, since it has all the info in it?

Yep, good idea actually.

The one I'm spreading being the short one to get people to start asking questions, and then a second with everything to confirm it.

Cheers mate, you're exactly the sort of person the game was made for.
Anonymous are very good at these things, someone should fire it their way.
Only problem with Anonymous is that they've got a terrible image. The press would just use it as an excuse to smokescreen a lot of the info as the ravings of crazed hackers... and the public would buy it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Only problem with Anonymous is that they've got a terrible image. The press would just use it as an excuse to smokescreen a lot of the info as the ravings of crazed hackers... and the public would buy it.

Good point actually.

I'd like to think we can just rely on a butterfly-effect of concerned citizens, but Facebook testing suggests people are struggling with the enormity of this. One person even wanting to wait for proof of the whistleblower's car being sabotaged. Could be a long wait for that one!

I'm picking sources to send it to with a good track-record in this area already, some independent journalists in particular look promising. But it would still require the wider platform of a publication or television channel to get it out there.

Online is by far the most promising to force an issue, but it needs the loudest voices.

Or Tom Watson, or any MP, taking advantage of Parliamentary Privilege in the House Of Commons. That would blow the whole thing sky high.


The Amiga Brotherhood


This is an automatic response to confirm that your email has been received.

Each day I receive hundreds of emails, letters and telephone calls. I also meet local residents at my advice surgeries and on the doorstep.

Parliamentary protocol dictates that a Member of Parliament can only deal with issues on behalf of their constituents. Therefore please include in your correspondence your name and full postal address including post code. If this is not included in your email, please re-send it with your full postal address and full name included. Please ensure these details are included in ALL correspondence.

Anyone on here from Rochdale?


Otherwise I hope his curiosity gets the better of him with the email subject.


Obsidian fan
If I lived about 15 minutes from where I am right now I could help you out but alas :lol

AFAIK there aren't any Rochdale gaffers.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Which part you want me to link?

Up to you, depending on who you are aiming at.

They have 2 different effects, some people can't seem to comprehend #1138 but others get overwhelmed by all of #923 and #1138 in the OP.

You need both to work, but #1138 is the smoking gun that should make people wake up and start asking questions.

Edit: Once they can comprehend it, the 2 articles on this page are then the independent confirmation of what they are thinking.


The Amiga Brotherhood
People should also note that information has been suppressed for decades, and that when people came forward with more information all manner of strange things started happening. Such strange things having a habit of getting in the way of finding the truth and getting justice for the victims of child abuse.

I repeat my call, and the opposition's, and the whistleblowers from the previous scandals, for a full overarching public inquiry that can collect all the information together to assist with getting to the truth, identifying the perpetrators, and encouraging as many of their victims to come forward as possible knowing their safety is assured with it being conducted in public.

If that call is not heeded then let that overarching public inquiry continue here, on the Internet.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Team17 deleted my post from the Worms Facebook wall. How sad, I wouldn't want to go into the backstory of me and them as it would distract from what we are doing here.

My post has also been deleted from the Independent's Facebook wall despite them running an article about a 50 year old "establishment cover-up" of child abuse.

I have yet to receive one reply to the emails I have sent to people or organisations with the summaries since I started doing them.

It's up to you GAF to ensure justice is seen to be done, and the rest of the Internet.
So as John Major sued them for libel about the affair which he was having but with the wrong person, and Lord McAlpine didn't sue them doesn't that say they were printing things as facts that were true?

Because Lord McAlpine now has a precedent for suing over such things.

You're coming across a bit obsessive here, so maybe take a step back for awhile. Everyone understands how tragic and serious the whole saga is, we don't need you and your hyperbole and nitpicking dominating the discussion.

It's depressing enough as it is.


The Amiga Brotherhood
You're coming across a bit obsessive here, so maybe take a step back for awhile. Everyone understands how tragic and serious the whole saga is, we don't need you and your hyperbole and nitpicking dominating the discussion.

It's depressing enough as it is.

I'm not concerned with how I'm coming across, I'm quite happy with what I've achieved in my life.

And I can't think of much better a cause to get obsessive about anyway, this is ONLY information. Information that is ALREADY out there. Not really much to fear from that, unless you happen to be implicated or complicit. So let's spread the information far and wide because none of the people who should seem to be doing so.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Any person, organisation or institution who doesn't assist with getting this information out there and tries to hide it, I will shame on here.

Hmm, I missed two whole pages of posts before posting that. I can see why you'd be frustrated but parts of my outlook stand.

I don't really think he's going about it in an effective way, his approach is very militant and I think that stifles discussion and discourages people to get involved, hence my suggestion to step back a little.

I did not intend to derail, I apologise if you think I am.


The Amiga Brotherhood
To the Independent, via their Facebook wall again:

Why was this post deleted following your story about a 50 year "establishment cover-up"?

Don't the public have a right to know and it's only information that is already out there cross-referenced and supported?


I urge everyone to read it while it remains here, or seek it out on the Internet where the flow of information cannot be controlled.


Team17 deleted my post from the Worms Facebook wall. How sad, I wouldn't want to go into the backstory of me and them as it would distract from what we are doing here.

My post has also been deleted from the Independent's Facebook wall despite them running an article about a 50 year old "establishment cover-up" of child abuse.

I have yet to receive one reply to the emails I have sent to people or organisations with the summaries since I started doing them.

It's up to you GAF to ensure justice is seen to be done, and the rest of the Internet.

Do bear in mind that the more public places will have to be cautious about avoiding anything that could be seen as libellous in the light of what happened to the BBC - to some extent, it's a chilling effect in action.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Do bear in mind that the more public places will have to be cautious about avoiding anything that could be seen as libellous in the light of what happened to the BBC - to some extent, it's a chilling effect in action.

No problem with that as long as the pressure is kept up until it finally blows.


The Amiga Brotherhood
12 minutes and it's still there, an interesting dilemma for the "world's most free-thinking newspaper".


Edit: 30 minutes, we are doing well. I hope it's because it's provoking intense discussion.


Obsessive, and a bit grandiose. You are doing great work in this thread, but you're starting to come off as Alex Jones at his craziest. I feel like you're going to work yourself into a breakdown because news outlets aren't taking posts from a random person on a video game message board seriously enough to run on their shows or in their publications. Seriously. There are some pretty well researched and documented posts on Above Top Secret, but no news organization is going to run it as a story. Or any news organization running a story researched by an amateur sleuth on a message board.

I think you need to take a step back and get some perspective of YOU and how you relate to this case. Which is that you don't. At least, in any kind of official capacity. In fact, I'm sure it is probably against policy of pretty much every news outlet in the world to take information from strangers unconnected to a case in any way, no matter how accurate their research is. You're just a random guy on the internet. I think you are skirting dangerously close to thinking you are a part of the case, and that isn't healthy.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Obsessive, and a bit grandiose. You are doing great work in this thread, but you're starting to come off as Alex Jones at his craziest. I feel like you're going to work yourself into a breakdown because news outlets aren't taking posts from a random person on a video game message board seriously enough to run on their shows or in their publications. Seriously. There are some pretty well researched and documented posts on Above Top Secret, but no news organization is going to run it as a story. Or any news organization running a story researched by an amateur sleuth on a message board.

I think you need to take a step back and get some perspective of YOU and how you relate to this case. Which is that you don't. At least, in any kind of official capacity. In fact, I'm sure it is probably against policy of pretty much every news outlet in the world to take information from strangers unconnected to a case in any way, no matter how accurate their research is. You're just a random guy on the internet. I think you are skirting dangerously close to thinking you are a part of the case, and that isn't healthy.

Sorry but disagree.

Alex Jones deals in speculation, I'm dealing in facts and linking them together because I coded videogames. Don't get it? Not surprising really considering the scale and implications of it. No need to have a pop at me though, there's a lot better targets.

Have you found the holes yet? Because I keep asking everytime someone says I'm mad.


Once And Future Member
Sorry but disagree.

Alex Jones deals in speculation, I'm dealing in facts and linking them together because I coded videogames. Don't get it? Not surprising really considering the scale and implications of it. No need to have a pop at me though, there's a lot better targets.
Are you okay? Genuinely. Claiming to be the only one who sees the truth because you've coded video games: these aren't the words of someone who is okay. You might want to take a step back from this whole thing.


Sorry but disagree.

Alex Jones deals in speculation, I'm dealing in facts and linking them together because I coded videogames. Don't get it? Not surprising really considering the scale and implications of it. No need to have a pop at me though, there's a lot better targets.

Have you found the holes yet? Because I keep asking everytime someone says I'm mad.

I'm not even saying what you are posting isn't true or factual or good work. In fact, I said you were doing a great job. It just seems like you are getting overly invested in your role in the case. Which is that you don't have one in the official capacity. It isn't about the work, it is about how you view your work and role in the grander scale of this whole mess. That's not taking a pop at you. It's genuinely worrying how invested and manic you seem to be getting with it all. I don't know you, I've never played Worms, I've never followed your posts. It's still weird to see someone appear to be slipping into obsession and mania. Maybe you aren't at all, but that is how it is appearing to multiple people in this thread. That's what they are trying to tell you. Not that you are doing terrible work (although I think someone did). People are concerned that it seems like you are getting dangerously obsessed in such a short time.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I had to be 'dangerously obsessed' to make Worms as well ;)

That took 4 years day and night from 17-21 before I showed Team 17. When I commit to something I get the job done. Don't worry about me, we should be worrying about the victims.


I don't really understand that, but just try not to take things as a personal attack when someone says "maybe you should take a breather".
Don't like the message smear the messenger. I commend the job thats been done here and am happy someone is in here doing it. Everyone I've shown this thread has appreciated it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Don't worry, got a flat inspection at 2 and off to BK for King Of The Day.

I will have my breather :)

Don't like the message smear the messenger. I commend the job thats been done here and am happy someone is in here doing it. Everyone I've shown this thread has appreciated it.

Thanks, appreciate that.

It hasn't been easy, on multiple levels.




It's feels kind of paradoxical in that the more this... 'situation' grew the easier it seems to have been to cover up. Usually letting more people in on a scheme leaves more avenue's for it coming undone and exposed, but if this really has panned out to the degree that Deckard's home-brew investigation suggests, then the complete opposite has happened here.
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