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Child Of Eden |OT| of Amazing Visuals, Fantastic Music and Multi-Platform Bliss


mik is unbeatable
Spaulding said:
What about the Move? Is it well implemented?
I think so. Although I really wish there were an option to use two Move controllers--one for the lock-on and one for the tracers. As it is, I like the control option where you hold the move button to mark targets, then release it to fire, and use the trigger for tracers. Feels very accurate and precise, as you'd expect from the Move vs. Kinect.

Although, I do have to say there's something really fun and unique about using your hands on Kinect like a Jedi. Regardless, I now own this goddamn game twice.


KataChan said:
Would have bought this full price for ps3 if it included RezHD.

What's up with RezHD not being on PSN anyway? I want it.

People are achieving higher scores with controller. Time to switch over from Move and give it a go.


Junior Member
Look what came.


Wasn't expecting it till Monday or Tuesday. Suprising too since the t-shirt is L instead of the XXL we were all expecting.

Anyway, i'll probably start this tommorow night.
I finished this game this week. I really enjoyed the experience, but I felt like the main theme was repeated a bit too often. I was also really hoping for a level 5 type stage from REZ. I wasn't a big fan of repeating stages to unlock the others. I could have done with out that part of the game. It breaks the flow. I suppose I could play it again from start to finish, but I already lent the game to a friend.


Junior Member
This game will probably be my GOTY, so amazing. I don't know how but it looks like Q? have did it again. A work of art and I see this game being remembered for years to come.

QUOTE=JoeTheBlow]I've seen video about this, read previews, heard people compare it to Rez, but i really wasn't prepared for just how identical to Rez it is.

Everything, the beats, the sequence that precedes the next level section, the sounds, the lock-on, lots of the graphics (those square blocks), so so much. Took me unawares just how much of a not-new game it is. Move works really well though, once you disable that stupid "flick to fire" function.

It actually pisses me off that its not called Rez 2, or Rez Reloaded, or something. I wouldn't have minded then, and it'd have sold a lot more i bet too. Half-done in 15 minutes, thank feck i only paid £15 for it (and free t-shirt).[/QUOTE]


I purposely avoided every single media for this game and although I heard a lot of people say it's the spiritual successor to Rez, I didn't think it would actually be Rez 2. Especially when you consider it's been around decade since Rez. I paid £15 too but tbh, with it being this good, i'd have paid full price.


This is probably the most replayable game I've come across this generation. Anyone who says "it's over in 3 hours" is a nincompoop.


It takes more work than it should to get Move to work properly in the game. First, the calibration is really strange, and when I did what they said I actually couldn't move to the left pretty much at all. It took some playing around to get that dialed in. The kinect-based menu controls are annoying as hell, since it's easy to leave the cursor on the wrong part of the screen and the selection happens so quick. Let me push a button please. Also the default Move controls are terrible. The game is way too fast for them to work at all.

When I made all my adjustments it was an incredible experience, but I'm sure these pitfalls are going to alienate plenty of people that would have enjoyed the game otherwise. My dad enjoys the Move, but I couldn't recommend this game to him mainly due to these issues.


Picked this up today (along with Ico/SotC collection) and my God, this game <3

I'm developing a RSI but I can't stop playing!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I just played this for the first time yesterday, with Move.


This game is just too goddamn amazing.


MrDenny said:
Is this game not selling?
Its rank 1214 on amazon for ps3.
It doesn't help when its 360 predecessor has been priced substantially lower than the PS3 version's launch price for months now. And the general gaming public still hasn't heard of the game, despite it being out on the 360 for a good long while. Should have been marketed and packaged as a downloadable title from the get-go. It just doesn't make sense as a retail release.

Hell, I'm a fan of Miz's games (especially Rez), but I still haven't bought this for either system. Rented it, enjoyed it, felt no need to keep playing. And if I'm the target market, that's a pretty serious problem.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Anyone knows how to open the purple spheres in Hope when using Kinect?
I'm referring to this: http://youtu.be/KRm7zGkUyz0?t=2m12s

With a traditional controller you simply hammer the laser button
With Move, you simply flick forward
With Kinect... nothing works, apparently. Tried laser flicks, tracer, even euphoria. What gives?

Any idea?


For Lumi's gardens, how many levels until the creatures etc. in the garden are fully upgraded? Do they go to level 5?

So you'd have to play the level 20 times (4 creatures/elements per garden x 5 levels each) to fully upgrade each garden?

For the PS3 version if that makes a difference.
Aaron said:
It takes more work than it should to get Move to work properly in the game. First, the calibration is really strange, and when I did what they said I actually couldn't move to the left pretty much at all. It took some playing around to get that dialed in. The kinect-based menu controls are annoying as hell, since it's easy to leave the cursor on the wrong part of the screen and the selection happens so quick. Let me push a button please. Also the default Move controls are terrible. The game is way too fast for them to work at all.

When I made all my adjustments it was an incredible experience, but I'm sure these pitfalls are going to alienate plenty of people that would have enjoyed the game otherwise. My dad enjoys the Move, but I couldn't recommend this game to him mainly due to these issues.

Exactly my problem. Upon having to mess around for 10 minutes and getting frustrated, I turned Move off and went back to the controller. I don't know what adjustments you made but I can't see myself going back to using Move for this game now. The whole going out of your way to try and avoid selecting something in the menu is ridiculous and just bad decision making on the part of the dev team.

So playing it with the pad is still a really great experience and the visuals are great. 3D particularly adds a lot to the experience. Audio wise it's not as strong as Rez which is a bit of a let down.


Junior Member
This game keeps getting better and better. I'm doing 1 stage a night (or untill I unlock the next) and I find myself thinking of the game most of the day. Currently on stage 5 which i'm assuming is the final stage? unless the game pulls a Rez. The game's also got me addicted to Genki Rockets.

Regarding the story, what's it about? I remember there was text in the intro but I wasn't really concentrating considering how late I was playing it.


Wolfgunblood Garopa said:
The only way to play this is with Kinect. It's amazing. I can't see the appeal of it with any other control method.

I'm going to play this with the PS Move while wearing a Sony HMZ-T1.

Complete blissful immersion.
Wolfgunblood Garopa said:
The only way to play this is with Kinect. It's amazing. I can't see the appeal of it with any other control method.

Works fine with the pad. But in 3D... well it's on another level.

I'm finding level 2 the most visual pleasing so far, though the challenge level is really nice too.

Not really finding it as addictive or as appealing though as Rez sadly.
Zaptruder said:
I'm going to play this with the PS Move while wearing a Sony HMZ-T1.

Complete blissful immersion.

Katana_Strikes said:
Works fine with the pad. But in 3D... well it's on another level.

I'm finding level 2 the most visual pleasing so far, though the challenge level is really nice too.

Not really finding it as addictive or as appealing though as Rez sadly.

It's a great party game with Kinect. That's pretty much what it's all about. It's fun watching new players initially getting the feel for the 'push' to fire lock ons.


Finally got this in the mail today (PS3 version). Just played the first two stages in 3D and the visuals are completely mesmerizing, as was to be expected. I'm not quite sure that the gameplay has clicked with me. So far the best I've been able to do is get 2 stars on the first stage (90 purification and 100% items). Getting more than 800.000 points seems virtually impossible to me, as does purifying all enemies. At times I can hardly make out enemies from the background. Do any of you guys have any pointers on how to get better scores?


Katana_Strikes said:
Works fine with the pad. But in 3D... well it's on another level.

I'm finding level 2 the most visual pleasing so far, though the challenge level is really nice too.

Not really finding it as addictive or as appealing though as Rez sadly.

Archive 2 and 4 are the best in my opinion, visually speaking.
I completely agree with you about rez. I'm still replaying it today with the same enthusiasm of the first time. It's not only a better-accomplished shooter, it's a more fulfilled project, more focused and with more variety.
Music plays a big part in both the experiences and sadly the Genki Rockets music used for COE is more amateurish than Rez's dj-enhanced OST


My sister was meant to buy me the PS3 version for my birthday, but either she fucked up, or Amazon did, but regardless, it gave the happy opportunity to buy the over priced PSN version today.

I'd played the first two levels on 360, and liked them, I've played the first three on PS3, and it's great, it's beautiful, the music is great, everything about I like more than Rez in isolation, but for whatever reason, as a complete product it really doesn't connect with me as well, having said that, I've yet to see Area 5, so maybe it'll all change when I'm done.


Spaulding said:
What about the Move? Is it well implemented?
Just bought the PS3 version. Really well Move implementation
conman said:
It doesn't help when its 360 predecessor has been priced substantially lower than the PS3 version's launch price for months now. And the general gaming public still hasn't heard of the game, despite it being out on the 360 for a good long while.
Just bought it for 23€ (PS3).


Playing this on PS3 and 3d this weekend. Mind utterly blown. Best piece of digital interactive art ever made. Hands down. It just feels so sublime :) Best enjoyed with friends.


nods at old men
Got my cheap UK copy in over the weekend for PS3.
Love it with Move! I'm glad I didn't sell those controllers off.

Leaderboards are depressing though.
~2500 on stage 1 with move
~6500 on stage 1 with pad


Received mine last Friday with the T-shirt.

Only played one level but so far I like what I saw.
But damn, this is one acid trip. I didn't expect it to be this much of a visual orgasm.

Now I'm going to play this with the Move.

I do find it a shame that they didn't include the full clip for Heavenly Star. but perhaps I have to unlock it.


Finished, such a wonderful game, it's a shame the game peaked at Archive 4 though, the legend of Area 5 is a lot to live up to, but I don't feel like they even really tried. The ending was beautiful though.

Is there any break down of all the unlocks? I take it there are four visual styles (including default), and there's a menu option I still don't have, and one video, what's all that?


StuBurns said:
Finished, such a wonderful game, it's a shame the game peaked at Archive 4 though, the legend of Area 5 is a lot to live up to, but I don't feel like they even really tried. The ending was beautiful though.

It's better if you think of Archive 4 as the cousin of the first half of Area 5.

Cause, like, let's be real here. Area 5 Part 2 wasn't that great either.


Mechazawa said:
It's better if you think of Archive 4 as the cousin of the first half of Area 5.

Cause, like, let's be real here. Area 5 Part 2 wasn't that great either.
That's certainly true, but I didn't know that going in, or I might have thought that.

EDIT: It seems like the four filters are Normal/Inverted Colours/Low Res/B&W. But anyone know what the fifth menu option is in the Extras sub-menu?


Once I figured how I should calibrate the Move to fit how I play, it feels so amazing. Feels exactly how I would like to play Rez with control type B. But boy does it feel a bit harder than Rez because enemies are all over the place and I'm stuck on the 3rd stage because of how large the play space becomes. Became a bit disorienting to keep track of where everything is or sometimes even where i should be focusing my attention at.


Just played the first level on PS3 with move. Absolutely gorgeous! Stupid question, but since you are only using your hands with Kinect, can this game be played while sitting?
luffeN said:
Just played the first level on PS3 with move. Absolutely gorgeous! Stupid question, but since you are only using your hands with Kinect, can this game be played while sitting?
Not really, or at least not very well. I tried to sit on a couch and play it and it kept bugging out. But I was able to sit on a box fan and position it so that Kinect couldn't see it and it worked fine.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
luffeN said:
Just played the first level on PS3 with move. Absolutely gorgeous! Stupid question, but since you are only using your hands with Kinect, can this game be played while sitting?

Already answered, but the video above your post has footage about how it plays with Kinect when seated :p


Loves Robotech S1
Just picked this up today as well. I would have felt kind of bad if I waited and got it at bomba price. >_>

Here we go..


I've had a lot of trouble calibrating the Move for this. For Dead Space Extraction it wasn't even an issue.

When it says to hold it to the side and press the move button, should you hold it closer or further away to get more precise control without having to move your arm so much?
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