It's to let people think space is real.Serious question, what is the point landing on the moon? Is it just for accomplishment or are they hoping to find something?
can't tell if it is a joke or not.
So if space isn't real then what is up there?
Back it up, or shut it up. And i mean actual scientific evidence and not what a religious deity may or may not have said. People know your history.
There is like zero room for acceptance of theories that may disagree with the Holy Book, even when its been proven time and time again since the old ages.
can't tell if it is a joke or not.
So if space isn't real then what is up there?
He probably flat earthAll the aliens who run this simulation.
Dude you can literally buy a decent scope and watch other planets- space yourself..... also what is the point all countries lying about the existance of space?? They want to divide us from god?F outta here with that mess. Don’t think you can talk trash because you think I’m afraid of being banned because I’m not. You yourself have no scientific evidence. You go by what you’re told. Like I said in my illusion of education thread, garbage in, garbage out. I’ve explained why I think they’re bogus. You don’t have to accept that. You’re your own person.
You know what I’ve come to realize? People use garbage knowledge as some sort of tool of dominance. It’s like accept our way of thinking or shut up. Nah. I’m good. I don’t have to think like you and you’re no better than me because you have certain beliefs. Wanna know what’s so great about the God I serve? He loves both of us exactly the same. He sent his Son for everyone. Especially the non believers.
According to scripture, a dome of water. Think of it as a barrier between humankind and various levels of heaven.
If their goal to divide us from god then them self don't worship god? What are they gaining out of distracting us from god and going to hell? So many wrong things about your theory my dude.EXACTLY. and yes you can buy a scope and look for yourself. I own one.
For Red, dude. Tell me this pic doesn’t look like a rock quarry. If that’s the horizon, again, the size of the rocks as well as distance to the horizon including all of those rocks would make absolutely no sense. That odd shadow in the middle of the large rocks makes absolutely no sense.
Serious question, what is the point landing on the moon? Is it just for accomplishment or are they hoping to find something?
If their goal to divide us from god then them self don't worship god? What are they gaining out of distracting us from god and going to hell? So many wrong things about your theory my dude.
That is not very Christian!F outta here with that mess
Don’t think you can talk trash because you think I’m afraid of being banned because I’m not. You yourself have no scientific evidence.
I got by accepted things that everyone with a little bit of time can verify and come to the same conclusion. Heck, there are people out there who can reach that conclusion yet still believe in God.You go by what you’re told. Like I said in my illusion of education thread, garbage in, garbage out. I’ve explained why I think they’re bogus. You don’t have to accept that. You’re your own person.
Its not dominance. I just know from previous encounters not to provide the legwork for you since you will discard anyways, and your own evidence being very debunkable.You know what I’ve come to realize? People use garbage knowledge as some sort of tool of dominance. It’s like accept our way of thinking or shut up. Nah. I’m good.
That's right, you don't have to. I am no stranger to beliefs, my aunt works as a Missionary of Charity among the poor serving God in the truest sense of the word. I write her twice a year, tell her how things are here, since she can only come home every 10 years.I don’t have to think like you and you’re no better than me because you have certain beliefs. Wanna know what’s so great about the God I serve? He loves both of us exactly the same. He sent his Son for everyone. Especially the non believers.
If there is a dome of water, how do we see the moon then so clear if a dome of water is surrounding us, then naturally the moon would appear distorted as clear water is reflective. So a moon wouldn't look round, but heavily distorted. But our moon looks round.According to scripture, a dome of water. Think of it as a barrier between humankind and various levels of heaven. When you study the scriptures long enough you should find that the moon and stars have a pretty specific place and some have specific duties. It’s literally impossible to land on the moon because the moon isn’t a place. Someone like Red telling me to shut up would be no different than telling someone not to believe in God. Not gonna happen.
I first thought it was a 3D rendering.For Red, dude. Tell me this pic doesn’t look like a rock quarry.
The angles of the rocks generate the shadows, this is apparent due to the shape and forms of said rocks, each facing different directions.If that’s the horizon, again, the size of the rocks as well as distance to the horizon including all of those rocks would make absolutely no sense. That odd shadow in the middle of the large rocks makes absolutely no sense.
Serious question, what is the point landing on the moon? Is it just for accomplishment or are they hoping to find something?
- Besides that, you don't believe scientific evidence anyway, so even if i had it, would you accept it?
Have you ever looked at the moon through a telescope and watched it move? There are indeed waves or ripples surrounding it as it moves. It still appears clear because it’s not far into the firmament but very close to the surface of it. Another strange thing about the moons movement is that although it appears to set toward the west, it’s constantly moving the opposite direction night after night. That’s why Michael Jackson named his gliding footwork the moon walk. He was moving backward while appearing to move forward at the same time.
Cgi is getting better and better.Wut? apollo looks like a fake green screen set while China photo looks believable
Except air is nowhere near as thick as water. Stars exhibit the same fluid patterns when looked at through a good scope. The motion of the ripples aren’t consistent with the motion of air at all. It looks as if you’re looking at magnified ripples on a pond where as the moons ripples are far finer.
zomg this airport is underwater confirmedHave you ever looked at the moon through a telescope and watched it move? There are indeed waves or ripples surrounding it as it moves.
That’s heat. It’s cold high in the air and at NIGHT.![]()
So by your reasoning, waves high in the sky = must be water, and waves on the ground = must be heat?
the only people who believe in this are libtards. only the US can make it to the moon and that is because the moon and space is not real. this is libtard propoganda
JESUS has risen. SCIENCE is SATAN. Scripture says so. If you do not read it than FUCK YOU
The point being, is that there's a well documented scientific explanation for the distortion in air due to heat, just as there is a well documented explanation for the distortion in air that you observe when you look at the moon and the starts through the atmosphere.Dude. WHAT IS THE VIDEO TITLED? wow. Atleast you gave a decent example of air acting like fluid. Probably also because it’s more than likely humid. Unfortunately that’s not going to happen at high alt.
You should probably read up on why telescopes placed high up on mountains have a better time imaging space than telescopes at sea level.![]()
So odd that the distortion isnt very visible down here where there’s all kinds of stuff in the air outside of certain situations yet in the upper atmosphere where there’s nothing and the air is thinner, there’s all this distortion all of a sudden. So strange. You might wanna check out that wiki link. You might learn something. I did.![]()
Dude. WHAT IS THE VIDEO TITLED? wow. Atleast you gave a decent example of air acting like fluid. Probably also because it’s more than likely humid. Unfortunately that’s not going to happen at high alt.
It’s actually quite different
I wouldn’t go that far. Geez. I seriously think China should be watched over the next few years. To have the US babbling about how we can’t go back then china just does it is weird. Although I don’t believe we’ve gone AT ALL, I do believe there are reasons behind the show.
I’ll add this. If truth is within us and life itself is within us and we don’t even fully understand man, what is the reason to spend billions on going to the edges of “the void of space”? Makes no sense.
The United States was founded by Jesus Christ, so what you are saying makes sense. Like you, I don't believe foreigners. Next time I see a "foreigner" in public, I will give them a piece of my mind!
Indeed. Those who refuse to follow Christ deserve every punishment. Either way, this is why I’m voting for Trump again. We need a wall to keep all undesirables out.America actually means land of the plumed serpent.
The “natives” will tell you that this was already here when they got here.
Serpent mound in “Ohio”
No it wasn't and how is that even a response to what I wrote lol.Did you know that Hubble was originally designed to be pointed at earth and not space?don’t you find it odd that a Nikon p900 can zoom in on the moon perfectly fine yet they can’t do it the other direction from the moon with all that pristine non atmosphere?
I feel like you didn't even read the broken link you posted.
Well, thanks for confirming that all your replies to me have been irrelevant and nonsensical, I guess.Telescopes and spyglasses are pretty much the same thing is all I’m saying. Always have been.
Please avoid speaking generally and focus in on your assertions.
Why would they fake this? How could they fool so many independent agencies given the level of sophistication we have in spotting fakes? Has there been any interesting economic moves since the announcement? Have any large contracts been signed internationally with Chinese manufacturers on the back of this? More importantly stay on topic, otherwise we're going to end up talking about ley lines and crystal skulls.
Shit, that got me shook. And you do know that various layers of air, haze and atmosphere density contribute to this, right?Have you ever looked at the moon through a telescope and watched it move? There are indeed waves or ripples surrounding it as it moves. It still appears clear because it’s not far into the firmament but very close to the surface of it. Another strange thing about the moons movement is that although it appears to set toward the west, it’s constantly moving the opposite direction night after night. That’s why Michael Jackson named his gliding footwork the moon walk. He was moving backward while appearing to move forward at the same time.
But whenIf I can actually test it for myself, why not? As far as the moon goes, not a single one of us here will ever step foot on it so there is no way for any person outside of a select few to test or disprove it.
Obvious troll = Obvious.Indeed. Those who refuse to follow Christ deserve every punishment. Either way, this is why I’m voting for Trump again. We need a wall to keep all undesirables out.
Its basically ''America is the centre of the universe because God said so, therefore America is superior and i believe in 4D pancakes. Prove me wrong.''Well, thanks for confirming that all your replies to me have been irrelevant and nonsensical, I guess.
I wouldn’t call you a liar. I’d ask you when else do you ever see air behave like water does. Yes you’re going by what you’ve learned of the sky and applying that to what you’re seeing but what you’re told in this case doesn’t match what the eye sees at all unless air is able to behave like liquid. Nice pic by the way. That would just confirm to me that the moon indeed is either closer to the surface of the water or can even fully come in and out of it and perhaps that’s where the phases come from. I mean can you tell me why we’re never able to observe the transition of the phases?
Its basically ''America is the centre of the universe because God said so, therefore America is superior and i believe in 4D pancakes. Prove me wrong.''
Alright i am just taking the piss a little bit here, but considering how @AngularSaxophone didn't address my view regarding his complete belief in his book nor my story about The Missionaries of Charity tells me he isn't really that interested in the first place.
For all your sayings of a flat earth and a non-existent moon as a place, you have yet to showcase a picture of either this supposed dome of water or what the Moon is supposed to be, because clearly, when in the evening i look outside the window i see something that isn't from here
Serious question, what is the point landing on the moon? Is it just for accomplishment or are they hoping to find something?
You might want to understand that i was talking lightly here.This isn’t correct though. America isn’t even in the Bible. Did God not send Christ to redeem everyone? Israel is the center of the universe but it’s not the “Israel” over in the Middle East. Believers in Christ are the children of Israel. You can be anywhere in the world and be a part of Israel.
You don't know anything about my aunt other than what i have told you, so you have zero reason to assume things here.Ask your aunt where Israel is and I bet she’d tell you it’s that place in the desert.
Except she does not do that and the fact you throw in such a generalization on a matter i am rather devoted for is just insultive. She works with the poorest of the poor and lives among them, helping them out whenever and wherever.Most missionaries are out there preaching love and rainbows so no I didn’t reply.
So what are you then?If you’ve been following all of my post I’m just as harsh on most forms of “Christianity” as I am with science. Check out the Christianity OT in the community forum. I really don’t like churches at all. They don’t mirror any kind of church in scripture. This past month probably 99% of churches had a damn Christmas tree in the lobby which has nothing to do with Christ at all. Churches are about money with a little sprinkling of Jesus on the side. They don’t actually teach you much. Christ sent the Holy Spirit for that.
What is Mons Huygens then? Or better, what is Olympus Mons then?I never said the moon wasn’t here. I said it wasn’t a place. There is no “dark side” of something that holds much light.