Are you aware how much you are moving the goalposts? In the rules of proper debate and discourse, you do realize what this means, yes?
Doesn’t mean anything. You’re comparing apples and oranges. 3 cars on a freeway isn’t remotely close to a shuttle, a space station and a satellite maybe hurling around in the vastness of space. No less nonsensical than that Rosetta Stone probe/comet landing a few years back. These guys are literally threading needles in the dark with 100% accuracy at this point.
They are not the govering body of all the space agencies in the world though which was i was referring to. If you don't want to believe NASA, then you ought to believe third parties
You do realize they pretty much birthed modern day space exploration with backing people like capernicus and galleleo right?
If you don't want to believe that either, then you might want to question if doubting literally everything is going to help you out. Because by that stage, you have to doubt everything.
It’s not a matter of doubting everything. It’s a matter of doubting that which can’t be witnessed or proven by myself. I’d call myself a doubting Thomas but Thomas walked with Christ. Not a single person here is ever traveling to space to witness or verify anything.
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