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Chinese company plans to build world's tallest building in 90 days

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project is moving ahead:

"Foundation work for the Sky City project is expected to go ahead by the end of the month, while the planned three month construction period runs from the end of the year to the end of March 2013."


"As for Sky City, Broad plans to start laying the foundation at the end of November, with the three-month race against the clock starting at the end of the year and running through March. Ladies and gentlemen, get out your stopwatches — this one could be a nail-biter.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/11/20/china-plans-to-build-the-worlds-largest-skyscraper-in-just-90-days/#ixzz2CtaftKk4"


this is going to be freaky to watch o_O

edit: Sorry for the bump. did a search did not notice the thread was months old but hope this is okay.


It's a giant box, it probably requires less structural planning than the Burj Dubai with it's weird shape.

I'm just trying to imagine the constant stream of semis required just to get the raw materials to the site in time to build it that fast. That's going to be ridiculous.


What's the point? How long is the building supposed to be there? If several years most likely, then what's the hurry?


Guys its not happening. China's tallest building will only be built in the first tier cities, that neans Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Realistically only BJ and SH.

You can take my words.
Psshhh, I could build it in 89 days. Get me 10,000 dudes a shit ton of bricks. And some duct tape or whatever it is that goes between bricks. We'll knock that motherfucker out in a minute.


They're thinking that real estate values can't go down. lawl

I think the logic is going something along the lines of - more people moving into cities as GDP grows.

Need to build buildings ahead of time to allow people to get into cities.

This is what has happened in China in the past - buildings precede people; people move in, area prices rise dramatically.

Whether or not it's sustainable is quite another issue.
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