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Chittagong’s 12 Days of Christmas - giving away one classic PAL game a day 12/12 - 23

That's really solid set! Good luck to whoever want to grab it. I happen to own Zelda: Wind Waker Special Edition, and despite me not really playing this particular version that much because of WWHD and OoT3D (and I don't have a GBA-GCN cable yet to try out Tingle Tuner), I have to say it looks really awesome alongside other discs in the collection. And I find OoT+Master Quest superior to Virtual Console version - not only because of Master Quest, but because of slightly modified UI which makes perfect sense with GameCube controls.

By the way, Chittagong, can I ask you a question regarding Wind Waker Bonus Disc and Zelda Promo Disc? I always wondered whether OoT save file is interchangeable between these two games. Do you know something about it?
Would love to add those games to my Zelda collection. Someone stole my Collector's edition when I was younger and I never managed to finish the first two games, it would be great to beat them once and for all. I still remember filling out the Club Nintendo form to claim for the game. Seemed like the best gaming freebie ever at the time (and probably still is).

Venom Fox

Today's prize is no less than SIX different Zelda games for GameCube! Who knew there were so many, and that's not even all of them?

Today and tomorrow are GameCube giveaways, so Nintendo fans stay tuned!
Wow, if I may granted to take this opportunity to be cheeky, I will enter this giveaway.

As I stated on a previous page, my only experience with a zelda game is when I played at my old best friends house in primary school. Every weekend I'd go over to his house itching to play LoZ:OoT. I used to have to go home at 5 PM so I only had a couple of hours of play a on Saturday and Sunday for about 3 weeks until sadly he moved away.

After that I never had the means to play a Zelda game (nobody ever bought me a zelda game for my gamecube) all my consoles and games being bought for me by my Nan and my mum. That is until recently when I bought my self a N64, and a 3ds planning to play the Zelda games and any other great games I'd missed out on over the years.

Wining zelda would bring back so many memories and of course I'd play and experience 5 other Zelda games I've never played.

Once again, good luck to anyone who enters and don't forget to let others know of Chittagong's extreme generosity!

Good luck and goodnight!
I've been gazing at this thread for a while but I don't feel right commenting as I already have a pretty big collection of games. However I got Goosebumps seeing Zelda Collector’s Edition. When I was 10 years old my family house was broken into and the burglars stole every single game and console I had. The insurance did their best to replace what was lost but Zelda was not one of them. I've since acquired every Zelda game in the series besides the limited edition version of Wind Waker (though I do have the regular disc) and the Collector’s Edition. I've been trying to find a good price for them for quite a while now but I’m studying in University so I can't splurge much out on games. It would really make my Christmas to get this. This is an extremely generous thread.
By the way, Chittagong, can I ask you a question regarding Wind Waker Bonus Disc and Zelda Promo Disc? I always wondered whether OoT save file is interchangeable between these two games. Do you know something about it?

If I remember right, I think both discs created separate save files for both OOT on Collector's Edition and OOT on the WW bonus disc. I'd have to connect the Wii up to check my memory card to be sure, but pretty sure they were separate data.

Awesome giveaways so far, btw! Been keeping my eye on it in case anything I don't own or of interest to me pops up. Guess I've been lucky enough to have many of these great games given away to this point!


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Havent seen this thread before, but great initiative here Chittagong! I already own the two Zelda-stuff for today, but maybe I will have to try my best tomorrow :) Hope the people getting this will enjoy them, as they are really great games!

Red Hood

Don't mind if I do! I'd like to enter for the Zelda CE. I've been meaning to replay the N64 version of OOT and MM for a while now. I already own both 3DS remakes, but I haven't played the N64 OOT in over 7 years when I still had it on the Wii VC. I sold it off a while ago since I already owned the 3DS version and thus didn't need it, but now the itch is coming back. I've been looking at some second-hand N64s with OOT earlier today, and coincidentally I see this thread tonight. I won't say no to potentially saving around €60. :)


Today's prize is no less than SIX different Zelda games for GameCube! Who knew there were so many, and that's not even all of them?

Today and tomorrow are GameCube giveaways, so Nintendo fans stay tuned!

Very generous giveaway mate, thank you for the opportunity. GAF is awesome.

Anyways, I'd like to enter for the TLoZ CE. I was a kid/young teenager during the Gamecube era and really was an idiot when it came to The Legend of Zelda in the era before it - my Dad offered to buy me both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask when they launched and I refused both for some cringe-worthy alternatives (Mortal Kombat: Super Zero Mythologies or whatever and Duke Nukem: Zero Hour) and the decision haunted my dreams ever since. The same thing happened when TLoZ: Wind Waker came out in my country with the bonus discs for OOT and MM - for some reason I skipped Wind Waker CE again when my Dad offered for my birthday, despite wanting to play those two N64 classics so much. I actually remember thinking "wtf, why did I turn down a free game?" just because Wind Waker looked "kiddy" (I was a negative 2000s kids).

Kids are stupid, man.

Anyways fast-forward 14 or so years and the Gamecube still my most treasured console ever, and I've been playing it heaps and just enjoying the pure fun I have from my memories and new experiences still fresh on the GC. Getting to play both those classics on my favourite preferred console platform, finally, would be a great opportunity.


I'd like to be considered for the Zelda bundle, thanks for being awesome giving away so much cool stuff!

So my only proper experience with Zelda games was the gameboy version which I adored as a kid, and as kids do I lost the cart and bought it again. As an adult guess what? That cart went missing too! So I picked up the DX version lately all is well.

So I'm engaged to a lovely lady who played nearly all Zelda titles with her dad over the years I'd love to play through these with my fiancée and fill that Zelda shaped void in my life!


Neo Member
I'd like to enter for the Zelda bundle, if that's allowed? (I also entered for the Silent Hill bundle)

I've never actually played a Zelda game before despite so truth be told I really just want to be able to experience this series for the first time which so many people love and adore.

Once again, thanks for your generosity. =)
Not gonna enter because other people should experience it. But I'm gonna quote what I put for OoT3D because that's basically about these two games aha.
I never got a 3DS at launch. I got my 3DS around the time Animal Crossing New Leaf launched. My introduction to the Zelda series was actually when I got a GameCube one year for my Birthday when I was a littler me (knowing me it was probably because of Pokemon Coloseum) and it came with Mario Kart and the Zelda Collection. I loved OoT and MM, but I haven't got around to getting the port/remakes on the 3DS, it has always been a case of I could never find it for a reasonable enough price. Plus I didn't get my 3DS at launch, if I did I'd probably already own those two games.
Now I think about it I also had Ocarina of Time and Master Quest. I was a dumb kid who bought Wind Waker second hand at one point from Gamestation and I just got that for free with it. I don't think I have any of my copies of Ocarina of Time anymore. They're probably in the hands of old school friends, or lost during the move between houses.

Pilotwings I don't really have any strong feelings towards. I never tried it.


Gold Member
Wow this might have been the most popular entry yet, another tough choice. It seems like Jonneh3003 could really use the CE - congrats!

I've been gazing at this thread for a while but I don't feel right commenting as I already have a pretty big collection of games. However I got Goosebumps seeing Zelda Collector’s Edition. When I was 10 years old my family house was broken into and the burglars stole every single game and console I had. The insurance did their best to replace what was lost but Zelda was not one of them. I've since acquired every Zelda game in the series besides the limited edition version of Wind Waker (though I do have the regular disc) and the Collector’s Edition. I've been trying to find a good price for them for quite a while now but I’m studying in University so I can't splurge much out on games. It would really make my Christmas to get this. This is an extremely generous thread.


Gold Member
As promised, some more GameCube goodness. This one comes with the Freeloader import game enabler, too!

Chittagong said:
DAY 10 - 21/12
GameCube Third Party Exclusives
Ikaruga - (GCN PAL) - GR 85.54%
Resident Evil (GCN PAL) - GR 89.75%
Freeloader (import game enabler)


Ikaruga is another game introduced to me by GAF. A hard-as-nails shooter from Treasure, its GameCube debut was highly anticipated after Dreamcast was discontinued. Resident Evil was a superb remake of the original game, part of Capcom’s enormous (and commercially ill advised) commitment to Nintendo.


Day 11 and 12 will be both posted on Tuesday 22/12 and awarded 23/12 to make it in time to the post on 23/12. So stay tuned tomorrow afternoon UK time!


Resident Evil! As others have been saying, I've been following this but I didn't fee right commenting, until now. I've never played Resident Evil, and to me it represents a genre of games I haven't really had the chance to try. The whole horror genre (Silent Hill too, which was also here the other day) is a straight mystery to me.

Not to mention, I don't think I've added a single Gamecube title to my lineup for a good ten years..

And thanks for doing this, mate! They may not be the most valuable games, but the act of winning adds a little excitement and something personal to Christmas.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I think I want to enter this one. I wasnt really into shooters when Ikaruga came out, even though I had played quite a few of them on the Snes and Mega Drive. Although I did LOVE games like Gunstar Heroes and Guardian Heroes. Only later did I realize that it was Treasure behind all these games, and also Ikaruga, meaning I have had a burning desire to play it ever since. I do own REmake (the Wii-version) though, so I guess I might not be the perfect candidate for this, but that Ikaruga would be so welcome that I want to try anyways. Maybe you could split the prize between a guy that really wants REmake and myself?

Anyways, no matter how it goes, I just want to once again say that this is such a great initiative and I am happy just to be able to watch such generosity!
Ho-lee shit. I started lurking this thread daily when you said there's some cool Gamecube stuff coming and boy did you deliver.
Bought a Gamecube like five years ago with the intent of buying all the games that looked cool. I've been lazy with it though. So far I have Metroid Prime 1 and 2 and somehow two copies of Wind Waker. The things missing from my perfect cool Gamecube collection are Path of Radiance, F-Zero, Resident Evil, Ikaruga and of course the Freeloader which if I'm correct would let me play the 60 FPS NTSC version of F-Zero.

Anyway, Ikaruga is my favorite shmup ever because of the designs, music and naturally the gameplay and I've never played the first Resident Evil though always wanted to try the remake. These would be awesome.

Wow this might have been the most popular entry yet, another tough choice. It seems like Jonneh3003 could really use the CE - congrats!

Wow this is amazing. I can't thank you enough and I swear I will repay you in some way. This is seriously the most generous thing I have ever seen on NeoGAF. Thank you so very much.


Ikaruga has been on my to buy list for my Gamecube collection for many years. Unfortunately the lack of an Australian release (perhaps I'm wrong, but I never saw it back in the day and all the copies are see located in Australia are PAL) together with the expense of importing has meant that it has to date eluded me. I am a devout shoot 'em up fan who bought a Sega Saturn two years ago simply to play through some of the absolute classics of the genre.

In the recent Steam sale I did however pick up Ikaruga and have played it briefly. I have discovered that it is as good as most have suggested. The polarity shifting mechanic is brilliant, and really adds a much needed intricate layer to elevate the game from being merely another vertical scrolling shooter. Another aspect I love is the backbreaking difficulty of Ikaruga. I have yet to proceed past the first boss. The one element of shoot 'em ups I love is the learning curve. Amongst all genres, it is the one which I feel the most of amount of achievement from when finally conquering various levels and bosses. It is one of my favourite shoot 'em ups, and I would love to experience it on the Gamecube.

Resident Evil remake has always been a game I have had an interest in, yet part of me has always hesitated. You see, I am one who has never really enjoyed horror games or films, yet I have always been intrigued to experience them at the same time. My only hands on experience with the series has been with the 3DS demo for Resident Evil Revelations, which I did enjoy surprisingly, yet I have yet to play through my Wii U copy of that game.
Man this generosity must have shocked a few people out of replying! How there's only 3 pages i have no idea!

I'd like to go in the running for Ikaruga please. I'm moving to Japan next year and as part of that, been culling my collection. My PAL GCN from launch day is something i couldn't part with, and thankfully will work over there too, with a JP power adapter.

But i decided I didn't want to take my bulky Xbox 360. Instead of selling it though, i figured i'd give it to my 8yr old nephew. It's not worth much i thought, and i know he'd get some enjoyment out of it at least, even though most of the games i gave with it are too 'mature' for him right now. But my sister knew he wanted to play Minecraft so when i told her i'd give him the console, she was really pleased and got him the game for christmas. She wanted me to give the console to him earlier though, since he still believes in Santa :) So i gave it to him the other day and was absolutely taken aback with his response. At first he was shocked then gave me a hug, then went back to sitting down, before we knew it though he was in tears and couldnt speak. My sister took him aside to make sure he was ok and eventually he just said "i can't believe it....!"

I actually felt a little bad. I hadn't felt much like i was doing something special, rather that he was doing me a favour not having to take the thing with me to Japan! So while it was good he was pleased, i didnt want to make him cry and didn't feel like i really deserved such a reaction. I should have known it'd be awesome for him and maybe not given it in front of the others so he wouldn't be embarrassed or something. I didnt realise at all i was doing so great a deed... More like i was only thinking of myself! But after it all settled i felt good for doing it, i only wish i truly had no other reason for doing it than to make his christmas now. Chittagong, you're probably making a lot of people happier than you know with this thread, so good on ya!

I bet there's an N64 kid-level reaction in the making for when he unwraps his Minecraft in a few days! And they're gonna trade in some of my violent games too, for something a bit more family friendly!

They can't do anything with the digital copy of Ikaruga on the machine though, so hopefully he can get some enjoyment out of that one day.

I have many of my old 360 games on PS3, but I don't have another copy of Ikaruga, so that's why i'd like it on Gamecube please! :)


Ikagura is one of those "always got away" games for me from the Gamecube era. Every opportunity to grab it has always ended in sheer bad luck. Resident Evil remake I just want to experience because it's the last 'true" RE experience offered and I was too young to get it when it first launched in 2002.


What does the GR (after the games name) mean? Drives me crazy that i simply don't get it and seem to be the only one.

Ban Puncher

Ikaruga is one of the few glaring omissions from my GC collection and not from a lack of trying. I played a bunch of it and Radiant Silvergun in the past and would love to finally shoot black & white ships en masse on an PAL OG GC. REmake just sweetens an already solid deal.

REALTALK - I will help you hide a body in exchange for Ikaruga, Chittagong.
I cannot believe this thread hasn't made more traction. Its free games, and fantastic ones at that. I wasn't going to enter for another day to give others the chance. But if people want to miss out on this great and generous give away, their loss. This thread should be in the 10s of pages by now.

Gamecube was one of my favourite consoles, loved that gen. PS2, Dreamcast and GC were all fantastic in my opinion. Those titles you're giving away there are some of the best examples. Ikaruga is such an infuriatingly fun shooter, never played RE0 and Zelda, well its Zelda, enough said surely.

Really people, your missing out!



I assume the score average on GameRankings.

And thanks for your generosity, OP. :)

Thanks, i feel so much better now. Could die happy for today haha..

Also nice thread, will enter if there's really something i need, which wasn't the point until now. Congrats to the previous winners!


Gold Member
Nice to have an entry from down under, definitely need some Ikaruga love on that side of the planet - congrats!

Ikaruga has been on my to buy list for my Gamecube collection for many years. Unfortunately the lack of an Australian release (perhaps I'm wrong, but I never saw it back in the day and all the copies are see located in Australia are PAL) together with the expense of importing has meant that it has to date eluded me. I am a devout shoot 'em up fan who bought a Sega Saturn two years ago simply to play through some of the absolute classics of the genre.

In the recent Steam sale I did however pick up Ikaruga and have played it briefly. I have discovered that it is as good as most have suggested. The polarity shifting mechanic is brilliant, and really adds a much needed intricate layer to elevate the game from being merely another vertical scrolling shooter. Another aspect I love is the backbreaking difficulty of Ikaruga. I have yet to proceed past the first boss. The one element of shoot 'em ups I love is the learning curve. Amongst all genres, it is the one which I feel the most of amount of achievement from when finally conquering various levels and bosses. It is one of my favourite shoot 'em ups, and I would love to experience it on the Gamecube.

Resident Evil remake has always been a game I have had an interest in, yet part of me has always hesitated. You see, I am one who has never really enjoyed horror games or films, yet I have always been intrigued to experience them at the same time. My only hands on experience with the series has been with the 3DS demo for Resident Evil Revelations, which I did enjoy surprisingly, yet I have yet to play through my Wii U copy of that game.


Gold Member
It's time for the final two - today's and tomorrow's prize. Both will be posted today, so that I have time to announce winners and post them tomorrow at 5PM UK.

IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE - Final winners will be announced 23/12 at 2PM UK. I would need to have the winner's address for ZOE2 tomorrow at 4PM latest, so in case you participate, please check back then!

In preparation for SFV and Tekken 7, surprise hardware!

Chittagong said:
DAY 11 - 22/12
Street Fighter IV TE Edition Stick for Xbox 360
PLEASE NOTE - this is only available for London pickup


A phenomenal arcade stick I bought for Street Fighter IV, this stick saw a lot of use with the game, as well as with Street Fighter x Tekken. Thanks to the Sanwa parts, it’s still as good as new, and can be repurposed to spare parts, too.

And the ultimate finale, to celebrate the newly founded Kojima Productions:

Chittagong said:
FINAL PRIZE - DAY 12 - 23/12
Hideo Kojima’s
Zone of the Enders: Second Runner SE (PS2 PAL)
- GR 83.45%


The ultimate game in my giveaway is a shrink wrapped sequel Hideo Kojima’s Zone of Enders. This is a game that few people played, but that has a passionate following among fans. The last entry ever in the series, I never got around playing it, as Half-Life 2 and Xbox 360 captured my attention in 2005. This game is made by HIDEO KOJIMA and the package says so.


I bought a PS2 last year (yes, my first PS2) and I'm slowly building a small collection. ZoE is one of the games I'd love to play, but while it was in the HD collection, my PS3 died of YLOD years ago and rebuying it is pretty low on my list (I'm mostly a PC gamer) - especially now that I have the PS2 and many gems on it weren't ported to PS3, so I expect to spend some time with it as my primary console.

The stick would be perfect for shmups, since I got into them a bit with their recent resurgence on Steam (plus Tetris and Guilty Gear), but it's pickup only and I'm in Poland. Thanks for your generosity again, though. Wouldn't expect a stick being given away.


I have very fond and strong memories of Hideo Kojima games. Back in the day I didn't have a Playstation 2 but I had a TV and my best friend who had a Playstation 2 had a very, very small TV. He used to bring his console to my place and we spent countless hours playing, taking turns, drinking hot chocolate and having fun. Many years have passed and we are still friends.

I try to keep things tidy and minimal in my space so I only have one PS2 game with me due big nostalgia feelings and I would love if the Zone of the Enders Second Runner would be my second PS2 game to keep for the same very reason. :)

Thanks for the chance Chittagong!


Awesome thread Chittagong :) I didn't enter any as I felt others would be more deserving of these particular games, but kudos for the awesome giveaway. :D


Kudos again for making this thread. I'll happily give it another bump. Unfortunately I don't have a 360 otherwise I would have entered for the arcade stick.

To all the lucky ones, enjoy your pres

Venom Fox

I'd love to win ZOE I never played any of the ZOE games and I've heard nothing but good things. This is something I'd treasure with all my heart and soul.

I've loved Kojima games since I was a really young kid, hell MGS was one of the first games I'd ever played, me and my friends used to play MGS in the playground and we used to argue over who was going to be Solid and Liquid. I've even posted on Gaf before about my love for Hideo Kojima games (I'll find and edit this post) and sadly ZOE was never available for me to experience growing up and it eventually passed under my radar and was was put on the back burner for another day.

I kept telling myself I'd buy the ZOE games for a few years now and sadly with work and having kids I've never had the time and sadly I kept forgetting with new games coming out and my game time being cut short.

Now though, I work in CEX and have the time to play ZOE, experience something which I never could.

You truly are a person who grants excitement and happiness to people who, especially at this time of year are lacking those emotions so to speak.

Once again and for the last time, good luck to whoever wins and I hope you treasure such kindness and one day return the favour.

Edit: My love for Kojima and speaking about the upset Konami caused him.


Everything does have an end, I grew up with MGS, it did become a part of me, hell me and my friends used to play a Metal Gear Solid game in the playground when we were 5 or 6 years old. Fun times, that'll live on in me and never end even when I've passed away and my children are playing Kojima's next big franchise.
It's just sad it had to end this way. I truly believe Kojima left those messages to us in GZ. 

I wish we could do something extra special for him after the launch, Kojima made this franchise, it's like his baby has been ripped out of his arms and taken away. Long live MGS, in our hearts and memories!


Gold Member
Good morning! It's the final day of the 12 Days giveaway, last winners for ZOE2 and TE Stick will be chosen today at 2PM, and everything shipped soon after.

Good luck to everyone!
Amazing thread and beyond kind of you to do this! I think it's awesome you're spreading the love and holiday cheer especially at such a wonderful time like Christmas.

I'd like to enter for ZOE 2. I've always been fascinated by Hideo Kojima as a creator ever since playing the film-like introduction sequence to MGS2 but never owned a PS2 at the time (playing MGS2 on a friend's system) which means I missed the entirety of Kojima's godlike legacy on the system. In subsequent generations I've generally been an Xbox owner and have thus missed most of his games. Seeing the excitement and energy around Kojima Productions producing an independent game for the PS4 and people mentioning ZOE and games similar to it as potentially being the inspiration for his new game makes me super curious to experience his legacy and past games.

I've heard amazing things about ZOE from enthusiastic fans of Kojima's games and I think it'd be an enlightening and revelatory experience to finally try a game in the series and experience some of Kojima's work. I'm definitely interested in experiencing his legacy and seeing why he is so revered as a legend in the games industry and I think experiencing ZOE 2 could be a perfect introduction to that. He's an amazing creator and I'd like to experience some of the legendary games he has created starting with the ZOE series and then potentially moving on to Metal Gear later on. I'll be there day one for his new game and given it's supposed to be similar to ZOE and the ZOE series I'd love to experience his next game's spiritual predecessor.


Gold Member
Amazing thread and beyond kind of you to do this! I think it's awesome you're spreading the love and holiday cheer especially at such a wonderful time like Christmas.

I'd like to enter for ZOE 2. I've always been fascinated by Hideo Kojima as a creator ever since playing the film-like introduction sequence to MGS2 but never owned a PS2 at the time (playing MGS2 on a friend's system) which means I missed the entirety of Kojima's godlike legacy on the system. In subsequent generations I've generally been an Xbox owner and have thus missed most of his games. Seeing the excitement and energy around Kojima Productions producing an independent game for the PS4 and people mentioning ZOE and games similar to it as potentially being the inspiration for his new game makes me super curious to experience his legacy and past games.

I've heard amazing things about ZOE from enthusiastic fans of Kojima's games and I think it'd be an enlightening and revelatory experience to finally try a game in the series and experience some of Kojima's work. I'm definitely interested in experiencing his legacy and seeing why he is so revered as a legend in the games industry and I think experiencing ZOE 2 could be a perfect introduction to that. He's an amazing creator and I'd like to experience some of the legendary games he has created starting with the ZOE series and then potentially moving on to Metal Gear later on. I'll be there day one for his new game and given it's supposed to be similar to ZOE and the ZOE series I'd love to experience his next game's spiritual predecessor.

Excellent timing - sounds like you'll have a lot of fun with ZOE2, congrats!

If you could PM me a shipping address (can also be friend, family, company etc), it will be in the post tonight!


Gold Member
I'm glad to confirm that all the games have been shipped to winners today, hope everyone will see them in a week or two. Shipments left all around the world:

- UK
- Poland
- Finland
- Russia
- Australia

The TE Stick is still up for grabs for London gaffers - I believe it can be converted for other consoles, or used for parts.

Fudo Myo

Chittagong, I cannot BELIEVE some of the stuff you gave away. You could have made a pretty penny on eBay. Bless you! And Merry Christmas! You are awesome!
You are awesome! Zone of the Enders: Second Runner arrived the morning after you awarded me the game in this thread so practically lightning speed and just in time for Christmas. I smiled when I received the parcel and smiled again when I saw your "Believe" sticker. That was amazing! So thank you for making me so happy right before Christmas.

This thread is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen on NeoGAF. You're amazing and Merry Christmas!


Gold Member
You are awesome! Zone of the Enders: Second Runner arrived the morning after you awarded me the game in this thread so practically lightning speed and just in time for Christmas. I smiled when I received the parcel and smiled again when I saw your "Believe" sticker. That was amazing! So thank you for making me so happy right before Christmas.

This thread is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen on NeoGAF. You're amazing and Merry Christmas!

Thanks for the heartwarming message! It's so nice to see the games travel and provide joy to people. Have fun with ZOE2 and fingers crossed for a third one!
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