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Christian fundamentalist organization publishes Michael Moore's home address

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From Focus on the Family's latest newsletter:

" Filmmaker Michael Moore, writer/director of the new
Bush-bashing documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11," has made quite
a career out of marketing himself as a man of the people,
a populist everyman who fights passionately for the little

That's why we wanted to make sure "little guys" could let
Moore know exactly what they think about his new movie.

So, if you have an opinion about the film -- in which
Moore plays fast and loose with the facts to build a case
that President Bush is an idiot and the war in Iraq is all
about oil profits -- we suggest you send it to the
following address:

[MM's Address removed]

That's his home -- a condominium this man of the people,
so critical of capitalism, spent $4.5 million on seven
years ago. And please don't worry that it's wrong to use
this address; it's public record, obtained through New
York State mortgage records and Federal Election
Commission filings."

Seriously - the implication of this is that they're encouraging readers to use intimidation tactics.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Seriously - the implication of this is that they're encouraging readers to use intimidation tactics.

Damn, you're right! People turning his own techniques against him? How interesting...
They're going to be sorry they did that.

It doesn't matter what spin they put on their justification for posting it. We know their reason for posting it.


keep your strippers out of my American football
God's Hand said:
That's really fucking sick. Your country is just terrible.

While I disagree with the group's tactics, to condemn an entire country because of a few idiots is just as ignorant.
dark10x said:
Damn, you're right! People turning his own techniques against him? How interesting...
For someone who's never seen one of Moore's films, you sure are opinionated.

I guess posting the private address of a man who's in the sights of almost every conservative group in America on the Internet is a very fair measure to take. Did you know Moore has a family who's done nothing to these people, and who may ostensibly be put into harm's way due to this?


Because they're attached to an idea. Doesn't matter if it's religion or politics or science. They get so attached to an idea that any information that doesn't jibe with it trigggers the inner asshole.

Seth C

Is this seriously his home address, where he actually lives, or just an address where he gets mail? It makes a huge difference.
"That's his home -- a condominium this man of the people,
so critical of capitalism, spent $4.5 million on seven
years ago. And please don't worry that it's wrong to use
this address; it's public record, obtained through New
York State mortgage records and Federal Election
Commission filings."

Their defense that it's public record would fly if they weren't posting it for incendiary reasons.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
it is most definitely something moore would do...

as fo rmoore's "family" well, it is their choice to stay with him. certainly they no what he does and understand the level of anger/hatred that it breeds... they stick with him and support him, it is their choice.


borghe said:
it is most definitely something moore would do...

as fo rmoore's "family" well, it is their choice to stay with him. certainly they no what he does and understand the level of anger/hatred that it breeds... they stick with him and support him, it is their choice.

Yes I'm sure his children are perfectly capable of making that decision. :megarolleyes
shoplifter said:
Yes I'm sure his children are perfectly capable of making that decision. :megarolleyes


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
lol.. I'm stupid because you morons are saying that doing something moore would do because it affects his family. You don't think it affects Bush's family to see all of this crap? Or anybody else moore attacks in his movie? You don't think those people won't start receiving threats or criticisms because of what moore does or has done? Yet it's ok for him to use such bullshit tactics but someone else does it and the best you losers can come up with is "think of the kids".

Moore makes a movie that essentially attacks Bush on a personal level but it's wrong to return the favor.. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.. funny how that rule pretty much applies to everything.
borghe said:
lol.. I'm stupid because you morons are saying that doing something moore would do because it affects his family. You don't think it affects Bush's family to see all of this crap? Or anybody else moore attacks in his movie? You don't think those people won't start receiving threats or criticisms because of what moore does or has done? Yet it's ok for him to use such bullshit tactics but someone else does it and the best you losers can come up with is "think of the kids".

Moore makes a movie that essentially attacks Bush on a personal level but it's wrong to return the favor.. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.. funny how that rule pretty much applies to everything.
You're right. It's wrong of Michael Moore to show the White House in his movie, because it puts Bush in harm's way.

Yes, you are stupid.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
let me put it in a way that is simpler for the idiots in this thread to understand.. moore should take this kind of backlash into account when going on these crusades.. it is his right to have opinions about this and it is other people's right to hate him.

funny how the right to an opinion is only ok when it fits an agenda.
borghe said:
it is most definitely something moore would do...

as fo rmoore's "family" well, it is their choice to stay with him. certainly they no what he does and understand the level of anger/hatred that it breeds... they stick with him and support him, it is their choice.

he has a wife and two daughters. they sure are dumb for sticking around, huh?
borghe said:
let me put it in a way that is simpler for the idiots in this thread to understand.. moore should take this kind of backlash into account when going on these crusades.. it is his right to have opinions about this and it is other people's right to hate him.

funny how the right to an opinion is only ok when it fits an agenda.
How does an opinion in any way involve the address of his house?

So if someone ends up attacking Moore, it's Moore's fault for having an opinion.
That's his home -- a condominium this man of the people,
so critical of capitalism, spent $4.5 million on seven
years ago.
He's mentioned his multi-million dollar condo in his books, and has been pretty unapologetic about it. I don't think he was trying to keep the price of his residence secret.

Seth C

mjq jazz bar said:
How does an opinion in any way involve the address of his house?

So if someone ends up attacking Moore, it's Moore's fault for having an opinion.

It's not Moore's fault, but I can't stand out in my lawn and scream "I hate black people and homos" and not expect to get a beating. Doesn't make either side RIGHT, but come on, use common sense. There are crazies out there.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
evil solrac v3.0 said:
he has a wife and two daughters. they sure are dumb for sticking around, huh?
no, she is dumb to stick around and not expect to be grouped in with his thinking.. any sane person would realize that his style of "filmmaking" will bring with it vast criticism and, dare I say it, hatred. It is her choice to then indirectly put up with that.

The guy breeds hate. Whether justified or not, it is what the ventual result is. Everyone (even supporters) can see this. She makes the choice to support him in it.
So essentially Moore should silence himself for fear of the fact that some people can't handle opposing viewpoints. If that's what America is about to some of you, that makes me very sad.


I don't know how to word it logically, Seth C, but there is a big difference between announcing you hate blacks on your front lawn and writing books and directing movies about your displeasure with the state of the country you live in.
borghe said:
no, she is dumb to stick around and not expect to be grouped in with his thinking.. any sane person would realize that his style of "filmmaking" will bring with it vast criticism and, dare I say it, hatred. It is her choice to then indirectly put up with that.

The guy breeds hate. Whether justified or not, it is what the ventual result is. Everyone (even supporters) can see this. She makes the choice to support him in it.
Get this: There's life outside of politics!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
mjq jazz bar said:
How does an opinion in any way involve the address of his house?

So if someone ends up attacking Moore, it's Moore's fault for having an opinion.
you twist around two completely separate points.

What moore does incites hate. Him getting attacked is not right, but him going to the depths that he does to essentially anger people is not necessarily right either. You can't sit there pissing people off and expect to keep getting away with it.. It doesn't make it right, but it is just common sense.

As for the address of his house, come on people.. this is all public records.. if someone REALLY wanted to attack moore, they could get his address without it being posted to an email. I was just referring to that it is something that he would do...


Drunky McMurder
It is scaring the shit out of me that I can't figure out whether borghe is an idiot and ignoring the truth or simply ignorant of it.

And before you reply with it "hyuck hycuk, just like moore heh heh hah"

Seth C

mjq jazz bar said:
So essentially Moore should silence himself for fear of the fact that some people can't handle opposing viewpoints. If that's what America is about to some of you, that makes me very sad.

It's not what America is about, but it's realistic. People that feel they are aligned with those he is insulting will obviously feel insulted themselves. In a country this large, any group of people is going to have a few psychos in it that take things too far. I'm not saying don't express your opinions, but realize what they might cause, and make sure you're strong enough in your convictions that you're prepared for the backlash, whatever it might be. I'm sure Moore is.


You guys sure like to overreact.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so basically all of you guys are saying it is ok for moore to hate bush but not ok for people to hate moore.. gotcha.. ok for moore to make personal attacks against politicians but not ok for others to make personal attacks against moore.

god what hypocrits.
I don't get the mentality that states if you make a movie or write a book about something factual then you must not make money from it.

Anyone here who makes anything would like to be rewarded for their effort. I don't think Moore has ever said that he hates capitalism. His message is generally has to do with companies twisting and perverting rules governing business and putting their profits infront of enitre communities who were dedicated to and supported the company in the first place.

It is like the brilliant musician who makes the record company 100 million dollars and recieves $100,000 for his effort.
borghe said:
so basically all of you guys are saying it is ok for moore to hate bush but not ok for people to hate moore.. gotcha.. ok for moore to make personal attacks against politicians but not ok for others to make personal attacks against moore.

god what hypocrits.
You're not making any sense, borghe.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Warm Machine said:
I don't get the mentality that states if you make a movie or write a book about something factual then you must not make money from it.

That isn't the point of it.. The point is that he is saying "This was done solely for money and that was done solely for money and look at all of this greed" all writing it from his $4.5m house.
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