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Christian fundamentalist organization publishes Michael Moore's home address

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From another thread:

The Promised One said:
If it is though, I hope this guy get raped in the ass multiple times, every day, by enormously hung black men, for the rest of his long life. Heck, I hope he gets double-teamed.

You speak in moral absolutes and yet you make statements like this as well. Are you saying that rape isn't always wrong? Also, maybe I'm wrong about this but wasn't one of Jesus's big things the concept of forgiving and having sympathy for your enemies?

Otherwise, I think others in this thread have done a satisfactory job refuting the things you said in response to my post so I won't waste your time with the same shit.
dark10x said:
I'm curious, where did you get that idea? From a website of some sort?

No wonder atheism is so looked down upon by your kind...

No, I just read a lot, as well as constantly think. It keeps me up at night sometimes, brain won't shut off, lol.

Anywho, Atheism is looked down upon, simply because it's not the truth, just like how Atheists look down upon "my kind" because they think we're deluded, and living in a fantasy world. Honestly, the most vehement, frequent, and tenacious preachers (preacher's meaning anyone who tries to spread their particular world view) I've seen online, have been Atheists.

Part of the point I'm trying to make with all this, is that all the staunch Secularist and Atheists, who are constantly pointing the finger at Christians and the sort for believing that they're right in what they believe, need to shut up, and point that finger at themselves, since they do the exact same thing.

We all (Secularist, Atheist, Theist) believe we are right, that of course doesnÕt mean that we all are (that would be impossible), but the fact still remains that we all think weÕre right on particular matters of origin. Even if one is Agnostic (which literally mean, ignorant), one still thinks theyÕve got reality figured out in so much as holding to the ideal that no absolute truths can be found.

WeÕre all in the same boat. Now, the issue is which one of us is correct as to how the boat came into being, why weÕre in the boat, and where the boat is heading.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
mjq jazz bar said:
It's also racist. But maybe I'm too PC.

Damn, you're right. It's making fun of non-black men... :\

Anywho, Atheism is looked down upon, simply because it's not the truth

While I respect your opinion, I think statements such as that are a major reason why many religions become targets. "Not the truth", you say? Proving that a higher being exists is certainly much more difficult than the opposite, I'm afraid. Oh, you have no REAL proof? Why, you can't QUESTION IT...you must have faith! Faith is the answer, they tell you.

I absolutely disagree, but I DO actually respect that opinion to the point that I believe everyone should be free to believe whatever they wish. I will never tell you that you are actually incorrect (and only touch on it when people suggest that "I" am wrong)...though I'd assume that ALL other religions and non-believers are simply mis-guided fools to you, yes?

Feel free to worship as you please, but you should not simply scoff at those different from you. THAT is immoral...
Either he's being redundant, or he's adding on to an already negative experience -- the fact that large penises will be penetrating the guy's asshole -- by saying the perpetrators are black.
Minotauro said:
From another thread:

You speak in moral absolutes and yet you make statements like this as well. Are you saying that rape isn't always wrong? Also, maybe I'm wrong about this but wasn't one of Jesus's big things the concept of forgiving and having sympathy for your enemies?

Otherwise, I think others in this thread have done a satisfactory job refuting the things you said in response to my post so I won't waste your time with the same shit.

Here's the thing. I'm human. I'm not perfect. I probably should be more forgiving, but part of me want justice, and wants this guy to suffer for practically ruining this little girls life. Becoming Christian doesn't automatically mean one becomes perfect. It's a process.

Do me a favor and don't try calling me out on stuff, and start judging me, while at the same time complaining that Christians are judgemental. I haven't jumped on anyone here for not being perfect, so don't jump on me.
There's so many sheep in this country its pathetic. Money talks and Bush(bullshit) runs the government. To be honest neither Bush or Kerry seem like worthy people for presidency.

Michael Moore is just doing what most people would like to say about the president and his administration. I'm registered as a Democrat and I'll be damned if I allow myself to blinded by that label. I wish most journalist would have the nerve and balls to ask the questions of the president and his administration that are important to the well being of this nation, but they choose to pussyfoot around them and sugarcoat lies and misleading information.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Either he's being redundant, or he's adding on to an already negative experience -- the fact that large penises will be penetrating the guy's asshole -- by saying the perpetrators are black.

Ha ha, jeez...so sensitive.

He complimenting the black man with that comment (regarding his "girth"), not insulting. :p

Money talks

Ha ha ha, money has a VERY loud voice that can be heard around the world. Money talks in virtually every country...


I wish most journalist would have the nerve and balls to ask the questions of the president and his administration that are important to the well being of this nation, but they choose to pussyfoot around them and sugarcoat lies and misleading information.

And this is why F9/11 is such an important film. The media, to a large extent, didn't question Bush's statements/comments/actions when they were easily shown to be wrong statements/comments/actions. Ever since 9/11, the Bush Administration had found a new scapegoat, and created more scapegoats, to do whatever they want. It's time someone called them out, using mass-media as a tool.

Millions of protesters around the World had their reasons for protesting. Many American people automatically labelled it "anti-American" without considering the reasons why people would protest against an invasion. This movie shows those Americans why. The media didn't show why...thank God for Moore.
Fight for Freeform said:
And this is why F9/11 is such an important film. The media, to a large extent, didn't question Bush's statements/comments/actions when they were easily shown to be wrong statements/comments/actions. Ever since 9/11, the Bush Administration had found a new scapegoat, and created more scapegoats, to do whatever they want. It's time someone called them out, using mass-media as a tool.

Millions of protesters around the World had their reasons for protesting. Many American people automatically labelled it "anti-American" without considering the reasons why people would protest against an invasion. This movie shows those Americans why. The media didn't show why...thank God for Moore.

If Bush doesn't personally address these issues, then that should be enough proof that he should no longer be in the whitehouse.


The Promised One said:
For morality to carry any actual weight in an absolute sense, where something can be said to be truly "evil" in the same sense that we know that certain natural laws work (Like gravity as one mentioned. That were I to jump off a cliff, it's simply not debatable that I would fall to the Earth), and not have it be anything more than opinion, even if that opinion is a majority one, our morality must come from someone higher than ourselves.

I see no reason at all to grant this. Regardless of what you mean by "higher", all you're really doing is substituting the opinion of the higher being for your own, and adding an opinion that said being has the authority to objectively decide what's good or evil. So at the end of the day, it's just your opinion that something else has steered you in the right way.

Or, you can pull a Euthyphro, and say that anything God wants is good by definition, but then there's nothing at all special about being good.

And frankly, the fact that people who supposedly follow the same god end up with wildly different views of morality doesn't speak well for this system anyway.

You have God all wrong. Anyone who ends up in hell, is there because they'd rather be there, and in God's presence. On Earth, for now, we can hide from Him, and pretty much ignore Him if we want. In Heaven though, that is not a possibility. Those who hate the idea of His authority over their lives (and if you hate the rule by which He says to live by in the Bible, then you do in fact hate that authority, kind of like how criminals hate cops), wouldnÍt enjoy Heaven in the least. Try reading -The Great Divorce-. And to quote Lewis again (paraphrasing).....

Yes, I've heard that one, too, although whether or not that's how it works depends on which believer you ask. However, it invariably gets some additional stuff tacked on about how terrible hell is - you're either burning forever, or you're going to feel nothing but despair, or whatever. Still not nice. And like many christian arguments, it shows no insight into what most atheists think in the first place - we aren't ignoring the gods, because there's simply nothing to ignore, and no point in hiding from something that apparently doesn't exist in the first place.

And I've already read one Lewis book, and that was more than enough.

Anywho, Atheism is looked down upon, simply because it's not the truth, just like how Atheists look down upon "my kind" because they think we're deluded, and living in a fantasy world. Honestly, the most vehement, frequent, and tenacious preachers (preacher's meaning anyone who tries to spread their particular world view) I've seen online, have been Atheists.

Never seen Fred Phelps' website, I take it?

Regardless, I at least don't look down on most theists at all - it's simply not significant to me in and of itself. However, if they won't stop talking to me about their gods, or try to pressure me into believing in them (or saying I do), then that's a different matter.

Were I to stick 15 Atheists in a room together, and ask them all the same questions on certain moral and political issues having nothing to do with mentioning God, I can guarantee you that they would all answer the same on almost every issue.

I can't believe I missed this doozy. There's a massive difference between, say, objectivism (who tend to be strongly libertatian) and secular humanism (who lean towards the liberal end of the spectrum), but both are primarily followed by atheists and agnostics.
JoshuaJSlone said:
It's probably something that happened in the first season of The Awful Truth. Searching a bit, this woman was Lucianne Goldberg, who evidently convinced Linda Tripp to record her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky regarding Bill Clinton. So I guess he figured that if she wanted to make others' business public, so could he.
Gotcha, thanks for the info.

...and I said, 'How would you like it if I filmed you in your living room?' And she said, 'Well if I was a threat to the country you should.'
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